60 research outputs found

    Chromosomal damage in air crew members of international flights: a preliminary report

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    Air crew members of international flights are exposed to ionizing radiations originated from the collision of cosmic particles with atoms of the atmosphere. The degree of exposure varies according to the altitude, latitude, and solar activity. The cytogenetical analysis showed a significant increase of dicentric chromosomes (14.5 ± 0.76 per 1,000 cells) in active air crew members as well as in retired air crew members (7.5 ± 0.59 per 1,000 cells) in relation to controls (0.5 ± 0.05 per 1,000 cells). In active members the frequency of ring chromosomes was also increased (2.0 ± 0.31 per 1,000 cells) but not found in retired crew members. These observations suggest a high degree of exposure to ionizing radiations of air crew personnel. Consequently, the cytogenetic follow-up of air crews chronically exposed to low radiation doses is an open field for further investigations.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Chromosomal damage in air crew members of international flights: a preliminary report

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    Air crew members of international flights are exposed to ionizing radiations originated from the collision of cosmic particles with atoms of the atmosphere. The degree of exposure varies according to the altitude, latitude, and solar activity. The cytogenetical analysis showed a significant increase of dicentric chromosomes (14.5 ± 0.76 per 1,000 cells) in active air crew members as well as in retired air crew members (7.5 ± 0.59 per 1,000 cells) in relation to controls (0.5 ± 0.05 per 1,000 cells). In active members the frequency of ring chromosomes was also increased (2.0 ± 0.31 per 1,000 cells) but not found in retired crew members. These observations suggest a high degree of exposure to ionizing radiations of air crew personnel. Consequently, the cytogenetic follow-up of air crews chronically exposed to low radiation doses is an open field for further investigations.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Association pattern of reciprocal translocations induced by chemicals and ionizing radiation in mouse germ cells : A comparison between single and combined treatments

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    Por medio de técnicas de análisis multivariado se determinó el grado de similitud de distintos agentes químicos y radiaciones ionizantes en la inducción de translocaciones recíprocas en células germinales de ratón. Se comparó el efecto de tres diferentes dosis de rayos gamma, cuatro dosis de rayos X y distintas dosis de adriamicina, mitomicina C, thio-tepa y bleomicina, así como también los tratamientos combinados con dos dosis de rayos gamma con adriamicina, mitomicina C y tio-tepa, y cuatro de rayos X. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron: 1) determinar el grado de similitud entre los tipos de translocaciones recíprocas inducidas por los agentes químicos y las radiaciones ionizantes; y 2) comparar estos resultados con los obtenidos previamente por otros autores al comparar los tratamientos individuales. Para la comparación de los diferentes tratamientos se elaboró una matriz de datos analizada por medio de técnicas de agrupamiento y de ordenación. Los resultados revelaron que: 1) los tratamientos simples y combinados se agruparon juntos, indicando la falta de un patrón específico de aberraciones inducido; 2) el grado de asociación entre los tratamientos simples no se vio modificado, a pesar de la incorporación de los tratamientos combinados; y 3) algunos tratamientos combinados con 9 Gy y las diferentes drogas se asociaron con otros tratamientos, en lugar de asociarse juntos como era de esperarse teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos por otros autores. Como hipótesis de trabajo, proponemos que la variabilidad observada en los diferentes tratamientos podría ser dependiente de la dosis empleada.The similarity degree of chemical, ionizing radiation, and combined treatments of chemical plus ionizing radiation in their capacity to induce reciprocal translocations was analyzed by means of multivariate analysis techniques on mice germ cells. The effect of three different doses of gamma rays, four doses of X-rays, and different doses of adriamycin, mitomycin C, thio-tepa and bleomycin, as well as the combined treatments of two doses of gamma rays with adriamycin, mitomycin c and thio-tepa, were studied. Our objectives were: 1) to determine the degree of similarity between the effects of chemicals and ionizing radiations in relation to the induction of reciprocal translocations in germ cells; and 2) to test the conclusions reached by previous authors using only single treatments. Data were arranged in a basic data matrix, analyzed by cluster analysis and ordination methods. The results showed that: 1) as single and combined treatments were grouped together, there was not a specifc pattern of chromosomal aberration induced for physical and chemical agents; 2) the association degree between single treatments was similar to that obtained by previous authors, although in this analysis combined treatments were added; and 3) some combined treatments using 9 Gy and drugs appear in different groups, although we expected that all the combined treatments of drugs with 9 Gy were grouped together. As a working hypothesis, we propose that the variability observed when the different treatments were compared could be dose dependent.Instituto de Genética VeterinariaLaboratorio de Sistemática y Biología Evolutiv

    Association pattern of reciprocal translocations induced by chemicals and ionizing radiation in mouse germ cells : A comparison between single and combined treatments

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    Por medio de técnicas de análisis multivariado se determinó el grado de similitud de distintos agentes químicos y radiaciones ionizantes en la inducción de translocaciones recíprocas en células germinales de ratón. Se comparó el efecto de tres diferentes dosis de rayos gamma, cuatro dosis de rayos X y distintas dosis de adriamicina, mitomicina C, thio-tepa y bleomicina, así como también los tratamientos combinados con dos dosis de rayos gamma con adriamicina, mitomicina C y tio-tepa, y cuatro de rayos X. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron: 1) determinar el grado de similitud entre los tipos de translocaciones recíprocas inducidas por los agentes químicos y las radiaciones ionizantes; y 2) comparar estos resultados con los obtenidos previamente por otros autores al comparar los tratamientos individuales. Para la comparación de los diferentes tratamientos se elaboró una matriz de datos analizada por medio de técnicas de agrupamiento y de ordenación. Los resultados revelaron que: 1) los tratamientos simples y combinados se agruparon juntos, indicando la falta de un patrón específico de aberraciones inducido; 2) el grado de asociación entre los tratamientos simples no se vio modificado, a pesar de la incorporación de los tratamientos combinados; y 3) algunos tratamientos combinados con 9 Gy y las diferentes drogas se asociaron con otros tratamientos, en lugar de asociarse juntos como era de esperarse teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos por otros autores. Como hipótesis de trabajo, proponemos que la variabilidad observada en los diferentes tratamientos podría ser dependiente de la dosis empleada.The similarity degree of chemical, ionizing radiation, and combined treatments of chemical plus ionizing radiation in their capacity to induce reciprocal translocations was analyzed by means of multivariate analysis techniques on mice germ cells. The effect of three different doses of gamma rays, four doses of X-rays, and different doses of adriamycin, mitomycin C, thio-tepa and bleomycin, as well as the combined treatments of two doses of gamma rays with adriamycin, mitomycin c and thio-tepa, were studied. Our objectives were: 1) to determine the degree of similarity between the effects of chemicals and ionizing radiations in relation to the induction of reciprocal translocations in germ cells; and 2) to test the conclusions reached by previous authors using only single treatments. Data were arranged in a basic data matrix, analyzed by cluster analysis and ordination methods. The results showed that: 1) as single and combined treatments were grouped together, there was not a specifc pattern of chromosomal aberration induced for physical and chemical agents; 2) the association degree between single treatments was similar to that obtained by previous authors, although in this analysis combined treatments were added; and 3) some combined treatments using 9 Gy and drugs appear in different groups, although we expected that all the combined treatments of drugs with 9 Gy were grouped together. As a working hypothesis, we propose that the variability observed when the different treatments were compared could be dose dependent.Instituto de Genética VeterinariaLaboratorio de Sistemática y Biología Evolutiv

    Producción científica de la Sociedad Argentina de Genética en los últimos años; los indicadores de sus congresos

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    National scientific systems often require the use of techniques provided by Bibliometrics in order to measure the production in science and technology. A set of indicators built for that purpose make easier the mathematical and statistical analysis of bibliographic data included in science-and-tech publications. Free communications and lectures presented to congresses and scientific meetings may be one of the raw materials for them. SAG has annually organized in Argentina the national meeting of Genetics for more than 40 years, but for the present analysis, only data found in books of abstracts from 1984 to 2009 have been reviewed. The number of full conferences, symposia, and communications in posters were recorded and tabulated. We also provide here a classification of invited lecturers according to country of origin, and of the free communications according to sessions where they were presented, comparing the production among quinquennial periods. Sustained production along this period of time – and even important growing of several sections of the congress – are some of the results observed after the analysis. We also find remarkable the allocation of some room for the discussions on teaching in this type of meeting, because they are the very first contact of young students with their future profession. We conclude that SAG honors its commitment to promote the generation and spreading of scientific knowledge through its Genetic Congresses, the continuity and growth of which clearly indicating that there is a need for their existence.Una de las áreas de la Bibliometría que recibe más demanda del sistema científico nacional es la medición de su propia producción. Un conjunto de indicadores construidos para tal fin permite realizar análisis estadísticos y matemáticos de los datos bibliográficos incluidos en las publicaciones de ciencia y tecnología. Las comunicaciones y presentaciones en congresos y reuniones científicas constituyen uno de los insumos para llevar a cabo esta tarea. En sus 41 años de trayectoria la SAG ha organizado anualmente Congresos en distintas partes del país, pero para la realización de este trabajo sólo se consideraron publicaciones conteniendo resúmenes de los congresos de la SAG desde 1984 hasta 2009. Se obtuvieron y procesaron datos desagregados en tablas relativas a la cantidad de conferencias, simposios-mesas redondas y paneles, o comunicaciones libres, éstas últimas, agrupadas por sección. Las conferencias y los simposios-mesas redondas, se agruparon por quinquenio, y por país de origen del presentador. Algunos de los resultados que se desprenden de este estudio son: que se observa una producción sostenida en el tiempo, que incluso muchas secciones están en crecimiento, y que debe destacarse el haber dado un espacio a la docencia (aunque con escasa participación), porque ella es importante como primer contacto de los estudiantes en su camino de formación como profesionales e investigadores. Hoy debemos reconocer que la SAG es una sociedad que cumple con sus propósitos de promover, divulgar y generar conocimiento nuevo a través de sus congresos, cuya continuidad y creciente participación, muestra claramente la necesidad de su existencia.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    The effect of a hypoproteic diet and ethanol consumption on the yield of chromosomal damage detected in bone marrow cells of mice

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    The relationship between protein malnutrition and ethanol consumption as modulating factors of the genetic response to xenobiotics was studied. BALB/c mice of both sexes were fed for three weeks after weaning either with a normal diet containing 25% protein or a hypoproteic diet containing 5% protein. Half of the animals received 20% ethanol in drinking water. Cytogenetic analysis was performed in bone marrow cells. Slides were stained for C-banding in order to assure the accurate scoring of dicentric chromosomes. Results obtained showed an increased frequency of dicentric chromosomes in mice fed with the hypoproteic diet (5.45 dicentrics per 100 cells) in contrast to mice fed with the normal diet (0.61 dicentrics per 100 cells). Ethanol consumption increased the frequency of chromosomal damage, but no differences in the effect of ethanol between mice fed with the normal diet and mice fed with the hypoproteic diet (16.33 and 16.80 dicentrics per 100 cells respectively). The enhanced frequency of dicentric chromosomes in animals fed with the hypoproteic diet might have been originated from the increase or the improper repair of chromosome breaks. The similarity in the response to ethanol consumption in animals fed either with the normal or the hypoproteic diet might have been provoked by a decrease of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) level in undernourished mice. The chromosomal damage due to ethanol may be lower in undernourished mice than in mice fed with the normal diet due to the reduced amount of circulating acetaldehyde able to induce chromosomal damage. The results obtained are an evidence of the role played by the diet in the modulation of the genetic response to xenobiotics.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Producción científica de la Sociedad Argentina de Genética en los últimos años; los indicadores de sus congresos

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    National scientific systems often require the use of techniques provided by Bibliometrics in order to measure the production in science and technology. A set of indicators built for that purpose make easier the mathematical and statistical analysis of bibliographic data included in science-and-tech publications. Free communications and lectures presented to congresses and scientific meetings may be one of the raw materials for them. SAG has annually organized in Argentina the national meeting of Genetics for more than 40 years, but for the present analysis, only data found in books of abstracts from 1984 to 2009 have been reviewed. The number of full conferences, symposia, and communications in posters were recorded and tabulated. We also provide here a classification of invited lecturers according to country of origin, and of the free communications according to sessions where they were presented, comparing the production among quinquennial periods. Sustained production along this period of time – and even important growing of several sections of the congress – are some of the results observed after the analysis. We also find remarkable the allocation of some room for the discussions on teaching in this type of meeting, because they are the very first contact of young students with their future profession. We conclude that SAG honors its commitment to promote the generation and spreading of scientific knowledge through its Genetic Congresses, the continuity and growth of which clearly indicating that there is a need for their existence.Una de las áreas de la Bibliometría que recibe más demanda del sistema científico nacional es la medición de su propia producción. Un conjunto de indicadores construidos para tal fin permite realizar análisis estadísticos y matemáticos de los datos bibliográficos incluidos en las publicaciones de ciencia y tecnología. Las comunicaciones y presentaciones en congresos y reuniones científicas constituyen uno de los insumos para llevar a cabo esta tarea. En sus 41 años de trayectoria la SAG ha organizado anualmente Congresos en distintas partes del país, pero para la realización de este trabajo sólo se consideraron publicaciones conteniendo resúmenes de los congresos de la SAG desde 1984 hasta 2009. Se obtuvieron y procesaron datos desagregados en tablas relativas a la cantidad de conferencias, simposios-mesas redondas y paneles, o comunicaciones libres, éstas últimas, agrupadas por sección. Las conferencias y los simposios-mesas redondas, se agruparon por quinquenio, y por país de origen del presentador. Algunos de los resultados que se desprenden de este estudio son: que se observa una producción sostenida en el tiempo, que incluso muchas secciones están en crecimiento, y que debe destacarse el haber dado un espacio a la docencia (aunque con escasa participación), porque ella es importante como primer contacto de los estudiantes en su camino de formación como profesionales e investigadores. Hoy debemos reconocer que la SAG es una sociedad que cumple con sus propósitos de promover, divulgar y generar conocimiento nuevo a través de sus congresos, cuya continuidad y creciente participación, muestra claramente la necesidad de su existencia.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Producción científica de la Sociedad Argentina de Genética en los últimos años; los indicadores de sus congresos

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    National scientific systems often require the use of techniques provided by Bibliometrics in order to measure the production in science and technology. A set of indicators built for that purpose make easier the mathematical and statistical analysis of bibliographic data included in science-and-tech publications. Free communications and lectures presented to congresses and scientific meetings may be one of the raw materials for them. SAG has annually organized in Argentina the national meeting of Genetics for more than 40 years, but for the present analysis, only data found in books of abstracts from 1984 to 2009 have been reviewed. The number of full conferences, symposia, and communications in posters were recorded and tabulated. We also provide here a classification of invited lecturers according to country of origin, and of the free communications according to sessions where they were presented, comparing the production among quinquennial periods. Sustained production along this period of time – and even important growing of several sections of the congress – are some of the results observed after the analysis. We also find remarkable the allocation of some room for the discussions on teaching in this type of meeting, because they are the very first contact of young students with their future profession. We conclude that SAG honors its commitment to promote the generation and spreading of scientific knowledge through its Genetic Congresses, the continuity and growth of which clearly indicating that there is a need for their existence.Una de las áreas de la Bibliometría que recibe más demanda del sistema científico nacional es la medición de su propia producción. Un conjunto de indicadores construidos para tal fin permite realizar análisis estadísticos y matemáticos de los datos bibliográficos incluidos en las publicaciones de ciencia y tecnología. Las comunicaciones y presentaciones en congresos y reuniones científicas constituyen uno de los insumos para llevar a cabo esta tarea. En sus 41 años de trayectoria la SAG ha organizado anualmente Congresos en distintas partes del país, pero para la realización de este trabajo sólo se consideraron publicaciones conteniendo resúmenes de los congresos de la SAG desde 1984 hasta 2009. Se obtuvieron y procesaron datos desagregados en tablas relativas a la cantidad de conferencias, simposios-mesas redondas y paneles, o comunicaciones libres, éstas últimas, agrupadas por sección. Las conferencias y los simposios-mesas redondas, se agruparon por quinquenio, y por país de origen del presentador. Algunos de los resultados que se desprenden de este estudio son: que se observa una producción sostenida en el tiempo, que incluso muchas secciones están en crecimiento, y que debe destacarse el haber dado un espacio a la docencia (aunque con escasa participación), porque ella es importante como primer contacto de los estudiantes en su camino de formación como profesionales e investigadores. Hoy debemos reconocer que la SAG es una sociedad que cumple con sus propósitos de promover, divulgar y generar conocimiento nuevo a través de sus congresos, cuya continuidad y creciente participación, muestra claramente la necesidad de su existencia.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    The Relation between Protein Malnutrition, Ethanol Consumption and Chromosomal Damage Induced by Cyclophosphamide in Bone Marrow Cells of Mice

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    The effect of protein malnutrition and alcohol consumption on the yield of chromosomal damage induced by cycloPhosphamide (CP) was studied. Chromosomal damage induced in bone marrow cells of BALB/c mice was established by scoring the frequency of dicentric chromosomes in C-banded slides. Results obtained showed that CP induced a significant increase of chromosomal damage in comparison with untreated mice. In addition, the yield of dicentric chromosomes was higher in mice fed with the hypoproteic diet. The animals which received ethanol in drinking water before treatment with CP exhibited the highest frequency of dicentric chromosomes, with no relation with the diet. Statistical analysis of these results showed the additive effect of diet and CP and are explained taking into account the metabolic pathways of CP as well as the decrease of enzymatic levels and the physiological condition in under-nourished mice.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Ausencia de la translocación 1/29 en bovinos Aberdeen Angus

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    Las translocaciones robertsonianas son las translocaciones más frecuentes en el ganado bovino. La primera translocación robertsoniana descripta en el Ganado bovino fue la 1/29. Al igual que otras fusiones céntricas esta alteración reduce la fertilidad de los animales portadores, ya que se originan gametas genéticamente desbalanceadas, provocando un aumento de la mortalidad embrionaria temprana. Se evaluó la incidencia de la translocación 1/29 en 89 bovinos Aberdeen Angus (38 hembras y 51 machos) pertenecientes a 4 establecimientos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Se obtuvieron muestras de sangre heparinizadas, las que se cultivaron para su posterior análisis citogenético. El análisis citogenética reveló la ausencia de esta translocación en todos los animales estudiados. En el caso de los machos la morfología del cromosoma Y fue de tipo submetacéntrico. Los resultados obtenidos concuerdan con los reportados para razas carniceras británicas. Por otra parte, los animales estudiados no mostraron una disminución de la fertilidad, lo cual podría estar asociado con la ausencia de la translocación 1/29. Una ampliación de estos estudios sería necesaria para acceder a un mayor conocimiento del estado de esta alteración en esta raza.Robertsonian translocations are the most frequent chromosomal aberrations in cattle. The first robertsonian translocation described was the 1/29 translocation. Like other centric fusions, this abnormality reduces fertility as a consequence of genetic excess or deficiency in the germ cells, increasing early embryonic mortality. The incidence of 1/29 translocationin in 89 Aberdeen Angus cattle (38 dams and 51 sires) belonging to 4 farms of the Buenos Aires Province was analyzed, as well as the Y chromosome morphology. Heparinized blood samples were obtained and cultured for cytogenetic analysis. The results obtained showed the absence of the 1/29 translocation in all the animals studied. In all the bulls analyzed Y chromosome morphology was submetacentric. The results obtained in the present work are in concordance with previously results reported for the British beef breeds, like Aberdeen Angus. On the other hand the animals studied did not show fertility reduction, then this could be associated with the absence of the 1/29 translocation. Further studies are needed to assess the entire breed.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria