28 research outputs found

    Practical management of hyperinsulinism in infancy

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    Hyperinsulinism in infancy is one of the most difficult problems to manage in contemporary paediatric endocrinology. Although the diagnosis can usually be achieved without difficulty, it presents the paediatrician with formidable day to day management problems. Despite recent advances in understanding the pathophysiology of hyperinsulinism, the neurological outcome remains poor, and there is often a choice of unsatisfactory treatments, with life long sequelae for the child and his or her family. This paper presents a state of the art overview on management derived from a consensus workshop held by the European network for research into hyperinsulinism (ENRHI). The consensus is presented as an educational aid for paediatricians and children's nurses. It offers a practical guide to management based on the most up to date knowledge. It presents a proposed management cascade and focuses on the clinical recognition of the disease, the immediate steps that should be taken to stabilise the infant during diagnostic investigations, and the principles of definitive treatment.

    [Hypoglycémie hyperinsulinémique persistante du nouveau-né et du nourrisson]

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    Persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycaemia of infancy (PHHI) is the most frequent cause of hypoglycaemia in infancy. Clinical presentation is heterogeneous with variable onset of hypoglycaemia and response to diazoxide, and presence of sporadic or familial forms. Underlying histopathological lesions can be focal or diffuse. Focal lesions are characterised by focal hyperplasia of pancreatic islet-like cells, whereas diffuse lesions implicate the whole pancreas. The distinction between the two forms is important because surgical treatment and genetic counselling are radically different Focal lesions correspond to somatic defects which are totally cured by limited pancreatic resection, whereas diffuse lesions require a subtotal pancreatectomy exposing to high risk of diabetes mellitus. Diffuse lesions are due to functional abnormalities involving several genes and different transmission forms. Recessively inherited PHHI have been attributed to homozygote mutations for the beta-cell sulfonylurea receptor (SUR1) or the inward-rectifying potassium-channel (Kir6.2) genes. Dominantly inherited PHHI can implicate the glucokinase gene, particularly when PHHI is associated with diabetes, the glutamate dehydrogenase gene when hyperammonaemia is associated, or another locus. (C) 1998 Elsevier, Paris

    Clinical features of 52 neonates with hyperinsulinism.

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    BACKGROUND: Neonatal hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia is often resistant to medical therapy and is often treated with near-total pancreatectomy. However, the pancreatic lesions may be focal and treatable by partial pancreatic resection. METHODS: We studied 52 neonates with hyperinsulinism who were treated surgically. The type and location of the pancreatic lesions were determined by preoperative pancreatic catheterization and intraoperative histologic studies. Partial pancreatectomy was performed in infants with focal lesions, and near-total pancreatectomy was performed in those with diffuse lesions. The postoperative outcome was determined by measurements of plasma glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin and by oral glucose-tolerance tests. RESULTS: Thirty neonates had diffuse beta-cell hyperfunction, and 22 had focal adenomatous islet-cell hyperplasia. Among the latter, the lesions were in the head of the pancreas in nine, the isthmus in three, the body in eight, and the tail in two. The clinical manifestations were similar in both groups. The infants with focal lesions had no symptoms of hypoglycemia and had normal preprandial and postprandial plasma glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin values and normal results on oral glucose-tolerance tests after partial pancreatectomy (performed in 19 of 22 neonates). By contrast, after near-total pancreatectomy, 13 of the patients with diffuse lesions had persistent hypoglycemia, type 1 diabetes mellitus developed in 8, and hyperglycemia developed in another 7; overall, only 2 patients with diffuse lesions had normal plasma glucose concentrations in the first year after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Among neonates with hyperinsulinism, about half may have focal islet-cell hyperplasia that can be treated with partial pancreatectomy. These neonates can be identified through pancreatic catheterization and intraoperative histologic studies

    Diffuse nesidioblastosis with hypoglycemia mimicking an insulinoma: a case report.

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    INTRODUCTION: We describe a case of diffuse nesidioblastosis in an adult patient who presented with exclusively fasting symptoms and a focal pancreatic 111In-pentetreotide uptake mimicking an insulinoma. CASE PRESENTATION: A 23-year-old Caucasian man had severe daily fasting hypoglycemia with glucose levels below 2mmol/L. Besides rare neuroglycopenic symptoms (confusion, sleepiness), he was largely asymptomatic. His investigations revealed low venous plasma glucose levels, high insulin and C-peptide levels and a 72-hour fast test that were all highly suggestive for an insulinoma. Abdominal computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging did not reveal any lesions. The sole imagery that was compatible with an insulinoma was a 111In-somatostatin receptor scintigraphy that showed a faint but definite focal tracer between the head and the body of the pancreas. However, this lesion could not be confirmed by endoscopic ultrasonography of the pancreas. Following duodenopancreatectomy, the histological findings were consistent with diffuse nesidioblastosis. Postoperatively, the patient continued to present with fasting hypoglycemia and was successfully treated with diazoxide. CONCLUSION: In the absence of gastrointestinal surgery, nesidioblastosis is very rare in adults. In addition, nesidioblastosis is usually characterized by post-prandial hypoglycemia, whereas this patient presented with fasting hypoglycemia. This case also illustrates the risk for a false positive result of 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphy in the case of nesidioblastosis. Selective arterial calcium stimulation and venous sampling is the most reliable procedure for the positive diagnosis of insulinoma or nesidioblastosis and should be used to confirm any suspicion based on imaging modalities