83 research outputs found

    Airborne Alt a 1 Dynamic and Its Relationship with the Airborne Dynamics of Alternaria Conidia and Pleosporales Spores

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    This research was carried out within the framework of the research projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology I + D + I of Spain CGL2012-39523-C02-01 and CTM2017-89565-C2-1-P. This research contributes to the "Maria de Maeztu" Programme for Units of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CEX2019-000940-M).Fungal spores are universal atmospheric components associated to allergic reactions. Alternaria (Ascomycota) is considered the most allergenic spore taxa. Alt a 1 is the major allergen of Alternaria and is present also in other Pleosporales. In this study, standard Hirst-based sampling and analyzing methods for measuring spore daily concentrations of Alternaria, Curvularia, Drechslera- Helminthosporium, Epicoccum, Leptosphaeria, Pithomyces, Pleospora and Stemphylium (all included in the taxon Pleosporales) have been used as well as two high-volume samplers, Burkard Cyclone (2017) and MCV CAV-A/mb (2019–2020), and ELISA kits for measuring the allergen. The detection and quantification of Alt a 1 was only possible in the samples from the MCV sampler. Although Alt a 1 was better correlated with Alternaria spores than with Pleosporales spores, the three of them showed high correlations. It is shown that there is a high and significant correlation of Alt a 1 with temperature, a negative correlation with relative humidity and no correlation with precipitation. The aerobiological monitoring of these three elements ensures the best information for understanding the affectation to allergy sufferers, but, if this is not possible, as a minimum public health service aimed at the detection, treatment and prevention of allergies, the study of the airborne Alternaria spores should be ensured.Ministry of Science and Technology I + D + I of Spain CGL2012-39523-C02-01 CTM2017-89565-C2-1-P"Maria de Maeztu" Programme for Units of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation CEX2019-000940-

    Aspergillus Conidia and Allergens in Outdoor Environment: A Health Hazard?

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    Aspergillus is a genus of saprophytic fungus widely distributed in the environment and associated with soil, decaying vegetation, or seeds. However, some species, such as A. fumigatus, are considered opportunistic pathogens in humans. Their conidia (asexual spores) and mycelia are associated with clinical diseases known as invasive aspergillosis (IA), mainly related to the respiratory tract, such as allergic asthma, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), or hypersensitivity. However, they can also disseminate to other organs, particularly the central nervous system. Due to the dispersal mechanism of the conidia through the air, airborne fungal particle measurement should be used to prevent and control this mold. This study aims to measure the outdoor airborne concentration of Aspergillus conidia and the Asp f 1 allergen concentration in Bellaterra (Barcelona, Spain) during 2021 and 2022, and to compare their dynamics to improve the understanding of the biology of this genus and contribute to a better diagnosis, prevention, and therapeutic measures in the face of possible health problems. The results show that both particles were airborne nearly all year round, but their concentrations showed no correlation. Due to Asp f 1 not being present in the conidia itself but being detectable during their germination and in hyphal fragments, we report the relevance of the aero-immunological analysis as a methodology to detect the potential pathogenic hazard of this fungus.Ministry of Science and Technology I + D + I of Spain CGL2012-39523-C02-01CTM2017-89565- C2-1-P

    Potential contribution of distant sources to airborne Betula pollen levels in Northeastern Iberian Peninsula

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    We acknowledge the financial support of the European Commission for ENV4-CT98-0755; the Spanish Government for CGL2004-21166-E, CGL2005-07543/CLI, CGL2009-11205, CGL2012-39523-C02-01/CLI, CGL2012-39523-C02-02, CGL2016-75996-R, CTM2017-89565-C2-1, CTM2017-89565-C2-2, and CSD 2007-00067; the Catalan Government for 2005SGR00519, 2009SGR1102, and 2017SGR1692; Diputacio de Tarragona; Servei Meteorologic de Catalunya; Sociedad Espanola de Alergologia e Inmunologia Clinica (SEAIC); Laboratorios LETI PHARMA; Societat Catalana d'Allergia i Immunologia Clinica (SCAIC); J Uriach y Compania; S.A. This research contributes to the Maria de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CEX2019-000940-M). The authors gratefully acknowledge the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) for their HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model and the synoptic charts used in this publication.Betula (birch) pollen is one of the most important causes of respiratory allergy in Northern and Central Europe. While birch trees are abundant in Central, Northern, and Eastern Europe, they are scarce in the Mediterranean territories, especially in the Iberian Peninsula (IP), where they grow only in the northern regions and as ornamental trees in urban areas. However, the airborne birch pollen patterns in Catalonia (Northeastern IP) show abrupt high concentrations in areas with usually low local influence. The intensity of the derived health problems can be increased by outbreaks due to long-range pollen transport. The present work evaluates the different potential contributions to Catalonia from the main source regions: Pyrenees, Cantabria, and the forests of France and Central Europe. To this end, we computed the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) back trajectories of air masses associated with the main Betula pollen peaks occurring simultaneously over different Catalan monitoring stations, and we studied their provenance over a 15-year period. The Vielha aerobiological station on the northern slopes of the Central Pyrenees was used to identify the dates of the pollen season in the Pyrenean region. In order to better understand the role of the Pyrenees, which is the nearest of the four birch forested regions, we classified the pollen peaks in the other Catalan stations into three groups based on the relationship between the peak and the pollen season in the Pyrenees. Our analysis of back-trajectory residence time, combined with the associated pollen concentration, reveals that two principal routes other than the Pyrenean forest sustain the northerly fluxes that enter Catalonia and carry significant concentrations of Betula pollen. This study has also allowed quantifying the differentiated contributions of the potential source regions. In addition, theWeather Research Forecast (WRF) mesoscale model has been used to study three specific episodes. Both models, HYSPLIT and WRF, complement each other and have allowed for better understanding of the main mechanisms governing the entry of birch pollen to the region.European Commission European Commission Joint Research Centre ENV4-CT98-0755Spanish GovernmentEuropean Commission CGL2004-21166-E CGL2005-07543/CLI CGL2009-11205 CGL2012-39523-C02-01/CLI CGL2012-39523-C02-02 CGL2016-75996-R CTM2017-89565-C2-1 CTM2017-89565-C2-2 CSD 2007-00067Diputacio de TarragonaSociedad Espanola de Alergologia e Inmunologia Clinica (SEAIC)Laboratorios LETI PHARMASocietat Catalana d'Allergia i Immunologia Clinica (SCAIC)J Uriach y CompaniaMaria de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation CEX2019-000940-MCatalan Government 2005SGR00519 2009SGR1102 2017SGR169

    Preliminary hydrogeological characterization of an evaporite karst area (province of Cordoba, South Spain)

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    The northern sector of the Subbetic Domain in the Betic Cordillera is formed by an olistostrome unit known as the Chaotic Subbetic Complex (CSC). This megabreccia is basically made of Triassic (Keuper) clays and evaporites (gypsum, anhidrite and halite) as well as blocks of other lithologies (limestones, dolostones, sandstones, etc). Despite that low permeability has been traditionally assumed for these materials, water flow and storage through them is likely derived of their aquitard behavior, but also because of the highly permeable conduits generated by dissolution/karstification processes within the evaporite rocks. The geological complexity of the CSC materials determines their hydrogeological heterogeneity, with groundwater flow systems of different length and various scales from recharge areas to discharge zones. Three springs draining the CSC outcrops have been identified around an evaporitic karst plateau located between the Anzur River (to the North) and the Genil River (to the South), in the province of Cordoba (Spain). Data logger devices have been installed in two of them, located at the Anzur River (left margin), providing an hourly record of discharge, electrical conductivity and water temperature. Water samples have been collected fortnightly for subsequent chemical analysis. After two years of record, the results obtained show that the response of the springs to rainfall events is completely different between them. One has a clearly karstic behavior, with a rapid response to recharge whereas the other one is more inertial, and variations in its waters occur in a yearly scale. This is an evidence of the aforementioned hydrogeological heterogeneity of the CSC.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Aerobiological and allergenic analysis of Cupressaceae pollen in Granada (Southern Spain)

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    Cupressaceae pollen has been cited in recent years as one of the major airborne allergens of the Mediterranean region, prompting us to conduct an exhaustive analysis on the aerobiological behaviour of this pollen in the Iberian Peninsula and the repercussion that it has had on the atopic population. The aerobiological study, performed from 1996 to 2003 in the city of Granada (S. Spain), used a volumetric Hirst collector. The results indicate that this pollen is present in the air most of the year, registering a high incidence during the winter months. This type of pollen behaved irregularly in the air, fluctuating yearly, seasonally, and within the same day. Temperature and humidity were the parameters that most directly influence the variability of this allergen, while rainfall prior to flowering increased pollen production. The predictive models used estimated a high percentage of the levels reached over the short term by this pollen in the atmosphere of Granada. The clinical study performed with atopic patients showed that some 30% of the population with pollinosis are sensitive to Cupressaceae pollen, affecting people of both genders equally. On the other hand, the most sensitive age group was 21-40 years of age, while children and the elderly registered almost negligible values. Most of the sensitive subjects resided within the city or in the metropolitan area, where environmental pollution reached high levels, while the pathology was found to be less frequent in rural zones. The most frequent symptoms were upper-respiratory ailments and an asthmatic profile.En los últimos años el polen de Cupressaceae se ha considerado uno de los principales alérgenos aéreos de la región Mediterránea, lo que motivó la realización de un análisis exhaustivo del comportamiento aerobiológico de este polen en la Península Ibérica y de la repercusión que tenía en la población atópica. En el estudio aerobiológico, llevado a cabo entre 1996 y 2003 en la ciudad de Granada (sur de España), se utilizó un captador volumétrico tipo Hirst. Los resultados indican que este polen se encuentra presente en el aire la mayor parte del año, pero registra una alta incidencia en los meses de invierno. Este tipo de polen mostró un comportamiento irregular en el aire, con fluctuaciones anuales, estacionales y en un mismo día. La temperatura y la humedad fueron los parámetros que influyeron más directamente en la variabilidad de este alérgeno, mientras que la lluvia antes de la floración incrementó la producción de polen. Los modelos predictivos utilizados estimaron un porcentaje elevado de los niveles alcanzados a corto plazo por este polen en la atmósfera de Granada. El estudio clínico realizado con pacientes atópicos mostró que un 30% de la población con polinosis es sensible al polen de Cupressaceae, afectando a ambos sexos por igual. Por otra parte, el grupo de edad más sensible fue el de 21 a 40 años, mientras que los niños y los ancianos registraron valores casi insignificantes. La mayoría de los sujetos sensibles residían en el núcleo urbano o en el área metropolitana, donde la contaminación ambiental alcanza niveles elevados, mientras que la patología fue menos frecuente en la zona rural. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron afecciones de las vías respiratorias altas y un perfil asmático.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology for financing this study with the “Análisis de la actividad alergénica de la atmósfera” project (BOS2002-03474)

    A Comparison of Models for the Forecast of Daily Concentration Thresholds of Airborne Fungal Spores

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    Altres ajuts: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología AMB97-0457-CO7-021, REN2001-10659-CO3-01, BOS2002-03474, CGL2004-21166-E, GGL2006-12648-CO3-02Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MAerobiological predictive model development is of increasing interest, despite the distribution and variability of data and the limitations of statistical methods making it highly challenging. The use of concentration thresholds and models, where a binary response allows one to establish the occurrence or non-occurrence of the threshold, have been proposed to reduce difficulties. In this paper, we use logistic regression (logit) and regression trees to predict the daily concentration thresholds (low, medium, high, and very high) of six airborne fungal spore taxa (Alternaria, Cladosporium, Agaricus, Ganoderma, Leptosphaeria, and Pleospora) in eight localities in Catalonia (NE Spain) using data from 1995 to 2014. The predictive potential of these models was analyzed through sensitivity and specificity. The models showed similar results regarding the relationship and influence of the meteorological parameters and fungal spores. Ascospores showed a strong relationship with precipitation and basidiospores with minimum temperature, while conidiospores did not indicate any preferences. Sensitivity (true-positive) and specificity (false-positive) presented highly satisfactory validation results for both models in all thresholds, with an average of 73%. However, seeing as logit offers greater precision when attempting to establish the exceedance of a concentration threshold and is easier to apply, it is proposed as the best predictive model

    Airborne Cupressaceae Pollen and Its Major Allergen, Cup a 1, in Urban Green Areas of Southern Iberian Peninsula

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    Cupressaceae pollen is responsible for winter respiratory allergies in the Mediterranean area. Pollen grains of this diverse family share the same characteristics under light microscopy. Consequently, the partial contribution of each Cupressaceae species to the airborne pollen spectrum cannot be determined with conventional aerobiological methods. Studies on major aeroallergens offer better information on the allergic sensitization and appearance of symptoms in patients sensitized to airborne pollen and spores. Our aim was to determine if airborne Cupressaceae pollen concentrations correspond to aerodynamics of the major allergen of Cupressus (Cup a 1), as well as the aeroallergen correlation with different-sized particles. The air was sampled in two cities of Southern Spain (Granada and Córdoba) using the Hirst-type volumetric sampler for airborne pollen detection during 2006 to 2008 and the Andersen Cascade Impactor for aeroallergen detection during the main pollination period of Cupressaceae in the same period. The samples were analyzed by the methodology proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA), the minimum requirements of the European Aeroallergen Society (EAS) for pollen, and by ELISA immunoassay to detect airborne Cup a 1. The distribution patterns of airborne Cupressaceae pollen and Cup a 1 were observed throughout the sampling period, although with some irregular oscillations. Cupressaceae pollen and Cup a 1 showed positive and significant correlation during the period of maximum concentrations (January to March). However, the results of this study showed that the period of exposure of aeroallergens depends on the Cupressus species and their abundance in cities. According to the allergy potential obtained, species like C. arizonica could release more allergens than other species like C. sempervirens.Ministry of Science and Technology I + D + I of Spain CGL2006-1648-CO3-02Andalusian Government RNM 011

    Modelling of pollen dispersion in the atmosphere: evaluation with a continuous 1ß+1d lidar

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    Pollen allergenicity plays an important role on human health and wellness. It is thus of large public interest to increase our knowledge of pollen grain behavior in the atmosphere (source, emission, processes involved during their transport, etc.) at fine temporal and spatial scales. First simulations with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center NMMB/BSC-CTM model of Platanus and Pinus dispersion in the atmosphere were performed during a 5-day pollination event observed in Barcelona, Spain, between 27 – 31 March, 2015. The simulations are compared to vertical profiles measured with the continuous Barcelona Micro Pulse Lidar system. First results show that the vertical distribution is well reproduced by the model in shape, but not in intensity, the model largely underestimating in the afternoon. Guidelines are proposed to improve the dispersion of airborne pollen by numerical prediction models.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Potential contribution of distant sources to airborne Betula pollen levels in Northeastern Iberian Peninsula

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    Betula (birch) pollen is one of the most important causes of respiratory allergy in Northern and Central Europe. While birch trees are abundant inCentral, Northern, and Eastern Europe,theyare scarce inthe Mediterranean territories, especially in the Iberian Peninsula (IP), where they grow only in the northern regions and as ornamental trees in urban areas. However, the airborne birch pollen patterns in Catalonia (Northeastern IP) show abrupt high concentrations in areas withusually low local influence.The intensity of the derived health problemscan beincreasedbyoutbreaksdue to long-range pollen transport. The present work evaluates the different potential contributions to Catalonia from the main source regions: Pyrenees, Cantabria, and the forests of France and Central Europe. To this end, we computed the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) back trajectories of air masses associated with the main Betula pollen peaks occurring simultaneously over different Catalan monitoring stations, and we studied their provenance over a 15-year period. The Vielha aerobiological station on the northern slopes of the Central Pyrenees was used to identify the dates of the pollen season in the Pyrenean region. In order to better understand the role of the Pyrenees, whichis thenearest of thefourbirch forested regions, weclassifiedthepollenpeaksinthe other Catalan stations into three groups based onthe relationship between the peak andthe pollenseason in thePyrenees. Our analysis of back-trajectory residence time, combined with the associated pollen concentration, reveals that two principal routes other than the Pyrenean forest sustain the northerly fluxes that enter Catalonia and carry significant concentrations of Betula pollen. This study has also allowed quantifying the differentiated contributions of the potential sourcePeer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i BenestarObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::15 - Vida d'Ecosistemes TerrestresPostprint (published version

    Estudio preliminar de la hidrodiversidad de humedales andaluces de origen kárstico-evaporítico

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    Los resultados preliminares obtenidos muestran una gran variedad de facies hidroquímicas (Fig. 3 y 4) y un amplio rango de mineralización de las aguas (Fig. 3 y Tab. 1). Los valores isotópicos de δ18O y δD de las muestras (Fig. 5) indican un enriquecimiento isotópico y presentan un claro desvío con respecto a las líneas meteóricas local y global. Ello demuestra la influencia de la evaporación sobre el agua de los humedales estudiados, más patente en el caso de lagunas estacionales con periodo de inundación prolongado que en aquellas con un hidroperiodo más efímero. Las aguas de las lagunas permanentes, pese a estar expuestas de forma continua a la evaporación, se sitúan en la figura 5 en una posición intermedia, lo que podría deberse a la mezcla de aguas evaporadas con otras de aporte subterráneo. Los humedales de génesis kárstico-evaporítica, pese a tener un origen similar, presentan una gran diversidad geomorfológica, hidrológica e hidrogeológica como consecuencia de condiciones topográficas y geológicas particulares así como de su ubicación dentro de sistemas de flujo subterráneo locales, intermedios o regionales. Dichas particularidades han de ser tomadas en consideración a la hora de gestionar estas áreas naturales y plantear medidas de conservación y restauración, por lo que es necesario profundizar en el conocimiento hidrogeológico de los CCS y de la relación de las aguas subterráneas con los humedales formados en este contexto.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Grupo Español de la Asociación Internacional de Hidrogeólogo