22 research outputs found

    Grain Clusters Contribution To The Multilevel Granular Behavior In Melt-textured Yba 2cu 3o 7.d

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    We report on the highly anisotropic behavior of the AC field dependence of the complex magnetic susceptibility of melt-textured grown samples of YBa 2Cu 3O 7-d. We show possible experimental evidences of the predicted grain clusters contribution to the granular behavior. We compare bulk results with those obtained from equivalent measurements performed on a-axis and c-axis YBa 2Cu 3O 7-d thin films. By applying the exponential critical state model (ECSM) we have obtained the average critical current density associated to grain clusters. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V All rights reserved.341-348PART 1537538Clem, J.R., (1988) Physica C, 153-155, p. 50Müller, K.H., (1989) Physica C, 159, p. 717Dersch, H., Blatter, G., (1988) Phys. Rev. B, 38, p. 11391Araujo-Moreira, F.M., (1994) Physica C, 235-240, p. 3205(1996) J. Appl. Phys., 80, p. 3390Araujo-Moreira, F.M., (1999) Physica C, 311, pp. 98-106Chen, D.X., (1991) J. Appl. Phys., 70, p. 5463Araujo-Moreira, F.M., (1998) Appl. Phys. Lett., 73, p. 3456(1997) Phys. Rev. Lett., 78, p. 462

    Chemical Composition And Free Radical-scavenging, Anticancer And Anti-inflammatory Activities Of The Essential Oil From Ocimum Kilimandscharicum

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    Objective The essential oil from the leaves of Ocimum kilimandscharicum (EOOK), collected in Dourados-MS, was investigated for anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity and chemical composition. Materials and methods The essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation, and the chemical composition was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The essential oil was evaluated for free radical-scavenging activity using the DPPH assay and was tested in an anticancer assay against ten human cancer cell lines. The response parameter (GI50) was calculated for the cell lines tested. The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using carrageenan-induced pleurisy in mice. Results The chemical composition showed 45 components with a predominance of monoterpenes, such as camphor (51.81%), 1,8 cineole (20.13%) and limonene (11.23%). The EOOK exhibited potent free radical-scavenging activity by the DPPH assay with a GI50 of 8.31 μg/ml. The major constituents, pure camphor (IC50 = 12.56 μg/ml) and mixture of the limonene: 1, 8 cineole (IC50 = 23.25 μg/ml) displayed a potent activity. The oral administration of EOOK (at 30 and 100 mg kg-1), as well as the pure camphor or a mixture of 1,8 cineole with limonene, significantly inhibited the carrageenan (Cg) induced pleurisy, reducing the migration of total leukocytes in mice by 82 ± 4% (30 mg kg-1 of EOOK), 95 ± 4% (100 mg kg-1 of EOOK), 83 ± 9% (camphor) and 80 ± 5% (mixture of 1,8 cineole:limonene 1:1). In vitro cytotoxicity screening against a human ovarian cancer cell line displayed high selectivity and potent anticancer activity with GI50 = 31.90 mg ml-1. This work describes the anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antioxidant effects of EOOK for the first time. Conclusions The essential oil exhibited marked anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer effects, an effect that can be attributed the presence of majorital compounds, and the response profiles from chemical composition differed from other oils collected in different locales. © 2014 Published by Elsevier GmbH.211112981302Adams, R.P., (2001) Identification of Essential Oil Components by Gas Chromatography/ Quadrupole Mass Spectroscopy, , Allured 456 pBanerjee, S., Welsch, C.W., Rao, A.R., Modulatory influence of camphor on the activities of hepatic carcinogen metabolizing enzymes and the levels of hepatic and extrahepatic reduced glutathione in mice (1995) Cancer Lett., 88, pp. 163-169Bekele, A.J., Obeng-Ofori, D., Hassanali, A., Evaluation of Ocimum kenyense (Ayobangira) as source of repellents, toxicants and protectants in storage against three major stored product insect pests (1997) Journal of Applied Entomology, 121 (3), pp. 169-173Bhattacharyya, P., Bishayee, A., Ocimum sanctum Linn. 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Food Chem., 54, pp. 1822-1828Chi, G., Wei, M., Xie, X., Soromou, L.W., Liu, F., Zhao, S., Suppression of MAPK and NF-(B pathways by limonene contributes to attenuation of lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in acute lung injury (2013) Inflammation, 36, pp. 501-511D'Alessio, P.A., Ostan, R., Bisson, J.F., Schulzke, J.D., Ursini, M.V., Béné, M.C., Oral administration of d-limonene controls inflammation in rat colitis and displays anti-inflammatory properties as diet supplementation in humans (2013) Life Sci., 92, pp. 1151-1156Deans, S.G., Waterman, P.G., Biological activity of volatile oils (1993) Volatile Oil Crops: Their Biology, Biochemistry and Production, , R.K.M. Hay, G.P. Waterman, John Willey & Sons LondresDolly, G., Nidhi, S., Sagar, B.P.S., Shweta, R., Shikha, A., Ocimum kilimandscharicum: A systematic review (2012) J. Drug Del. Therapeut., 2, pp. 45-52Ekunwe, S.I., Hall, S.M., Luo, X., Wang, H., Begonia, G.B., Fractionated Ocimum gratissimum leaf extract inhibit prostate cancer (PC3·AR) cells growth by reducing androgen receptor and survivin levels (2013) J. Health Care Poor and Underserved, 24 (4), pp. 61-69Ghant, V.K., Hiramoto, N.S., Solvason, H.B., Tyring, S.K., Spector, N.H., Hiramoto, R.N., Conditioned enhancement of natural killer cell activity, but not interferon, with camphor or saccharin-LiCl conditioned stimulus (1987) J. Neurosci. Res., 18, pp. 10-15Gobbo-Neto, L., Lopes, N.P., Plantas medicinais: Fatores de influência no conteúdo de metabólitos secundários (2007) Química Nova, 2 (30), pp. 374-381Goel, H.C., Roa, A.R., Radiosensitizing effect of camphor on transplantable mammary adenocarcinoma in mice (1988) Cancer Letters, 43 (1-2), pp. 21-27. , DOI 10.1016/0304-3835(88)90207-8Igimi, H., Nishimura, M., Kodama, R., Ide, H., Studies on the metabolism of d-limonene (p-mentha-1,8-diene) I. 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Sci., 75, pp. 457-462Juergens, U.R., Engelen, T., Racke, K., Stober, M., Gillissen, A., Vetter, H., Inhibitory activity of 1,8-cineol (eucalyptol) on cytokine production in cultured human lymphocytes and monocytes (2004) Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 17 (5), pp. 281-287. , DOI 10.1016/j.pupt.2004.06.002, PII S1094553904000562Kashyap, C.P., Ranjeet, K., Vikrant, A., Vipin, K., Therapeutic potency of Ocimum kilimandscharicum Guerke - A review (2011) Global J. Pharmacol., 5, pp. 191-200Kim, R.H., Williams, D.W., Bae, S., Lee, R.S., Oh, J.E., Mehrazarin, S., Kim, T., Kang, M.K., Camphorquinone inhibits odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp cells and triggers release of inflammatory cytokines (2013) J. Endodontics, 39, pp. 57-61Kodama, R., Yano, T., Furukawa, K., Noda, K., Ide, H., Studies on the metabolism of d-limonene (p-mentha-1,8-diene). IV. 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Traditional Med., 6, p. 5Vigushin, D.M., Poon, G.K., Boddy, A., English, J., Halbert, G.W., Pagonis, C., Jarman, M., Coombes, R.C., Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of D-limonene in patients with advanced cancer (1998) Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 42 (2), pp. 111-117. , DOI 10.1007/s002800050793Vinegar, R., Traux, J.F., Selph, J.L., Some quantitative temporal characteristic of carrageenin-induced pleurisy in the rat (1973) Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 143, pp. 711-71

    Quantification Of Antimony In Brazilian Polyethylene Terephthalate (pet) Bottles By X-ray Fluorescence And Chemometric Evaluation To Verify The Presence Of Recycled Pet Through Iron Content. [quantificação De Antimônio Em Garrafas De Politereftalato De Etileno (pet) Brasileiras Por Fluorescência De Raios-x E Avaliação Quimiométrica Para Verificar A Presença De Pet Reciclado Através Do Teor De Ferro]

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    Antimony is a common catalyst in the synthesis of polyethylene terephthalate used for food-grade bottles manufacturing. However, antimony residues in final products are transferred to juices, soft drinks or water. The literature reports mentions of toxicity associated to antimony. In this work, a green, fast and direct method to quantify antimony, sulfur, iron and copper, in PET bottles by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is presented. 2.4 to 11 mg Sb kg-1 were found in 20 samples analyzed. The coupling of the multielemental technique to chemometric treatment provided also the possibility to classify PET samples between bottle-grade PET/ recycled PET blends by Fe content.34813891393Romão, W., Spinacé, M.A.S., De Paoli, M.-A., (2009) Polim.: Ciência e Tecnol., 19, p. 121Cadore, S., Matoso, E., Santos, M.C., (2008) Quim. Nova, 31, p. 1533Pereira, R.C.C., MacHado, A.H., Silva, G.G., (2002) Química Nova Na Escola, (15), p. 3Biros, S.M., Bridgewater, B.M., Villeges-Estrada, A., Tanski, J.M., Parkin, G., (2002) Inorg. Chem., 41, p. 4051Romão, W., Franco, M.F., Bueno, M.I.M.S., Eberlin, M.N., De Paoli, M.-A., (2010) J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 117, p. 2993Aharoni, S.M., (1998) Polym. Eng. Sci., 38, p. 1039Martin, R.R., Shotyk, W.S., Naftel, S.J., Ablettc, J.M., Northrupd, P., (2010) X-Ray Spectrom., 39, p. 257Hansen, C., Tsirigotaki, A., Bak, S.A., Pergantis, S.A., Stürup, S., Gammelgaarda, B., Hansena, H.R., (2010) J. Environ. Monit., 12, p. 822Shotyk, W., Krachler, M., Chen, B., (2006) J. Environ. Monit., 8, p. 288Demicheli, C., Frézard, F., (2005) Química Nova Na Escola, (6), p. 24King, R.B., (2005) Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, , 2nd ed. Wiley: New YorkShotyk, W., Krachler, M., (2007) Environ. Sci. Technol., 41, p. 1560Westerhoff, P., Prapaipong, P., Shock, E., Hillaireau, A., (2008) Water Res., 42, p. 551Skoog, D., Holler, F.J., Nieman, T.A., (1998) Principles of Instrumental Analysis, , 5th ed. Saunders College: Philadelphi

    Supplementary Material for: Major Contribution of Genomic Copy Number Variation in Syndromic Congenital Heart Disease: The Use of MLPA as the First Genetic Test

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    <p>Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common congenital disorder among live births. When associated with extracardiac abnormalities, it is characterized as a syndromic heart disease (syndromic CHD) and corresponds to 25% of all liveborn infants with a heart defect. The etiology in about 65% of the cases still remains unknown, and in about 35% of the patients, it is associated with genetic factors. In the present study, MLPA and SNP-array techniques were used to investigate a group of 47 patients with syndromic CHD. In total, 16 defects (34%) were identified, of which 12 (25.5%) were classified as pathogenic or probably pathogenic. The most frequent abnormalities were 22q11.2 deletion (22q11.2 deletion syndrome) and 7q11.23 deletion (Williams-Beuren syndrome). We also show that rarer malformations may be associated with syndromic CHD, such as 14q32.33 deletion as well as 17q25.3, 15q11.2 (BP1-BP2), 22q13.31, and 12p13.31 (<i>SLC2A3</i>) duplications. The present study demonstrates that CNVs are important causal factors and should be studied in patients with syndromic CHD. Furthermore, the use of MLPA as a first screening test was appropriate, as this less expensive technology detected 11 of the 12 pathogenic abnormalities (91.6%).</p

    Thalidomide Plus Dexamethasone As A Maintenance Therapy After Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Improves Progression-free Survival In Multiple Myeloma

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    Despite the good response of stem cell transplant (SCT) in the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM), most patients relapse or do not achieve complete remission, suggesting that additional treatment is needed. We assessed the impact of thalidomide in maintenance after SCT in untreated patients with MM. A hundred and eight patients (<70 years old) were randomized to receive maintenance with dexamethasone (arm A; n = 52) or dexamethasone with thalidomide (arm B; n = 56; 200 mg daily) for 12 months or until disease progression. After a median follow-up of 27 months, an intention to treat analysis showed a 2-year progression-free survival (PFS) of 30% in arm A (95% CI 22-38) and 64% in arm B (95% CI 57-71; P = 0.002), with median PFS of 19 months and 36 months, respectively. In patients who did not achieve at least a very good partial response, the PFS at 2 years was significantly higher when in use of thalidomide (19 vs. 59%; P = 0.002). Overall survival at 2 years was not significantly improved (70 vs. 85% in arm A and arm B, respectively; P = 0.27). The addition of thalidomide to dexamethasone as maintenance improved the PFS mainly in patients who did not respond to treatment after SCT. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.8710948952Attal, M., Harousseau, J.L., Stoppa, A.M., A prospective, randomized trial of autologous bone marrow transplantation and chemotherapy in multiple myeloma. Intergroupe Francais du Myelome (1996) N Engl J Med, 335, pp. 91-97Child, J.A., Morgan, G.J., Davies, F.E., High-dose chemotherapy with hematopoietic stem-cell rescue for multiple myeloma (2003) N Engl J Med, 348, pp. 1875-1883Attal, M., Harousseau, J.L., Leyvraz, S., Maintenance therapy with thalidomide improves survival in patients with multiple myeloma (2006) Blood, 108, pp. 3289-3294Spencer, A., Prince, H.M., Roberts, A.W., Consolidation therapy with low-dose thalidomide and prednisolone prolongs the survival of multiple myeloma patients undergoing a single autologous stem-cell transplantation procedure (2009) J Clin Oncol, 27, pp. 1788-1793Barlogie, B., Desikan, R., Eddlemon, P., Extended survival in advanced and refractory multiple myeloma after single-agent thalidomide: Identification of prognostic factors in a phase 2 study of 169 patients (2001) Blood, 98, pp. 492-494Criteria for the classification of monoclonal gammopathies, multiple myeloma and related disorders: A report of the International Myeloma Working Group (2003) Br J Haematol, 121, pp. 749-757Blade, J., Samson, D., Reece, D., Criteria for evaluating disease response and progression in patients with multiple myeloma treated by high-dose therapy and haemopoietic stem cell transplantation. Myeloma Subcommittee of the EBMT. European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplant (1998) Br J Haematol, 102, pp. 1115-1123Attal, M., Harousseau, J.L., Facon, T., Single versus double autologous stem-cell transplantation for multiple myeloma (2003) N Engl J Med, 349, pp. 2495-2502Spencer, A., Seldon, M., Deveridge, S., Induction with oral chemotherapy (CID) followed by early autologous stem cell transplantation for de novo multiple myeloma patients (2004) Hematol J, 5, pp. 216-221Barlogie, B., Tricot, G., Anaissie, E., Thalidomide and hematopoietic-cell transplantation for multiple myeloma (2006) N Engl J Med, 354, pp. 1021-1030Lokhorst, H.M., van der Holt, B., Zweegman, S., A randomized phase 3 study on the effect of thalidomide combined with adriamycin, dexamethasone, and high-dose melphalan, followed by thalidomide maintenance in patients with multiple myeloma (2010) Blood, 115, pp. 1113-1120Morgan, G.J., Davies, F.E., Gregory, W.M., The role of maintenance thalidomide therapy in multiple myeloma: MRC Myeloma IX results and meta-analysis (2012) Blood, 119, pp. 7-15Stewart, A.K., Trudel, S., Bahlis, N.J., A randomized phase III trial of thalidomide and prednisone as maintenance therapy following autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in patients with multiple myeloma (MM): The NCIC CTG MY.10 Trial (2010) ASH Annu Meeting Abstr, 116, p. 39Singhal, S., Mehta, J., Desikan, R., Antitumor activity of thalidomide in refractory multiple myeloma (1999) N Engl J Med, 341, pp. 1565-1571Rajkumar, S.V., Hayman, S., Gertz, M.A., Combination therapy with thalidomide plus dexamethasone for newly diagnosed myeloma (2002) J Clin Oncol, 20, pp. 4319-4323Barlogie, B., Attal, M., Crowley, J., Long-term follow-up of autotransplantation trials for multiple myeloma: Update of protocols conducted by the intergroupe francophone du myelome, southwest oncology group, and university of arkansas for medical sciences (2010) J Clin Oncol, 28, pp. 1209-1214Ludwig, H., Adam, Z., Tóthová, E., Thalidomide maintenance treatment increases progression-free but not overall survival in elderly patients with myeloma (2010) Haematologica, 95, pp. 1548-1554Richardson, P., Jagannath, S., Hussein, M., Safety and efficacy of single-agent lenalidomide in patients with relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma (2009) Blood, 114, pp. 772-778Attal, M., Lauwers-Cances, V., Marit, G., Lenalidomide maintenance after stem-cell transplantation for multiple myeloma (2012), 366, pp. 1782-1791. , N Engl J MedMcCarthy, P.L., Owzar, K., Hofmeister, C.C., Hurd, D.D., Lenalidomide after stem-cell transplantation for multiple myeloma (2012) N Engl J Med, 366, pp. 1770-1781Hungria, V.T., Maiolino, A., Martinez, G., Confirmation of the utility of the International Staging System and identification of a unique pattern of disease in Brazilian patients with multiple myeloma (2008) Haematologica, 93, pp. 791-79

    Reflexões sobre o adoecer e mudanças dietéticas durante a assistência nutricional em pacientes com hepatite C Reflections about getting sick and dietetic changes during nutritional assistance with hepatitis C patients

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    Trata-se de investigar os significados atribuídos por pacientes portadores do vírus da hepatite C sobre a doença e o tratamento dietético. Para tanto, adota-se a metodologia da pesquisa qualitativa em que o sujeito interage com sua narrativa sobre o objeto de estudo e os pesquisadores analisam cuidadosamente seus enunciados. As acepções sobre o adoecer e as mudanças dos hábitos alimentares e de vida dos pacientes foram analisadas por meio da obtenção de entrevistas em profundidade. Ao trazer os sentidos expressos sobre a doença, cria-se a possibilidade de compreensão dos aspectos culturais sobre a alimentação, a nutrição e a dietética; um desafio para os profissionais de saúde e nutrição, que precisam relatar a seus pacientes a necessidade de seguir hábitos alimentares mais saudáveis, implicando alterações nem sempre simples de serem realizadas. Consideram-se hábitos e representações do ato da alimentação, como parte da identidade cultural do sujeito. Justifica-se este estudo pela necessidade de situar maior interação entre profissionais, estudantes de saúde e pacientes de modo a ampliar a compreensão dos fenômenos que cercam a experiência da doença pelos pacientes. Conclui-se que os pacientes de hepatite C atendidos no ambulatório do Hospital Universitário da cidade de Salvador e o profissional podem atingir os objetivos de aconselhamentos nutricionais, se trilharem direções dialógicas. Com isso, observou-se a adesão à orientação dietética sem rupturas bruscas e sofrimentos dos pacientes.<br>This paper investigates the meanings attributed by patients to hepatitis C on disease and dietary treatment. To this end, we adopt the methodology of qualitative research in which the individual interacts with his narrative on the subject of study and the researchers carefully examine their statements. The meanings of the illness and changes in dietary habits and life of the patients were analyzed by obtaining in-depth interviews. By bringing the senses expressed about the disease, it creates the possibility of understanding cultural factors on diet, nutrition and dietetics - a challenge for health professionals and nutrition, which need to report their patients the need to follow dietary healthier, involving changes not always simple to perform. Habits and representations of the act of feeding are considered part of the cultural identity of the subject. This study is justified by the need to place greater interaction among professionals, students, patients and health so as to broaden the understanding of the phenomena that surround the experience of illness by patients. We conclude that outpatients with hepatitis C at the University Hospital in the city of Salvador and the professional can achieve the goals of nutritional advice, if they follow dialogic lines. Thus, there was compliance with dietary counseling without sudden breaks and suffering of patients