166 research outputs found

    Fracturas diafisarias de hĂşmero : enclavijamiento intramedular con agujas de Hackethal por vĂ­a epicondĂ­lea lateral

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    Presentamos un estudio de 58 pacientes con fracturas diafisarias de húmero tratados mediante enclavijamiento intramedular con agujas de Hackethal por la vía epicondílea lateral. Se analizan las indicaciones quirúrgicas y la técnica empleada y se valoran los resultados finales tanto clínica como radiológicamente, obteniendo buenos resultados en el 85% de los casos y malos en el 15%. La causa principal de estos malos resultados fue la aparición de pseudoartrosis, relacionándose ésta con diástasis del foco de fractura después de la reducción y la existencia de fuerzas distractoras y rotacionales en los métodos de inmovilización postquirúrgica.This study was based on 58 patients with diaphyseal fractures of the humerus, treated by Hackethal fascicular intramedullary pinning inserted at the lateral humeral epicondyle. We analysed the indications for the operation using the modified Hackethal technique. We evaluated the final clinical and radiological results, obtaining 85% good results and 15% poor results. The main cause for these poor results was the appearance of no-union due to diastasis of the fracture focus after reduction and the presence of traction and rotational forces in the postoperative inmobilization methods

    Multicomponent signal unmixing from nanoheterostructures: overcoming the traditional challenges of nanoscale X-ray analysis via machine learning.

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    The chemical composition of core-shell nanoparticle clusters have been determined through principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) of an energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrum image (SI) acquired in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). The method blindly decomposes the SI into three components, which are found to accurately represent the isolated and unmixed X-ray signals originating from the supporting carbon film, the shell, and the bimetallic core. The composition of the latter is verified by and is in excellent agreement with the separate quantification of bare bimetallic seed nanoparticles.D.R. acknowledges support from the Royal Society’s Newton International Fellowship scheme. B.R.K. thanks the U.K. EPSRC for financial support (EP/J500380/1). F.d.l.P. and C.D. acknowledge funding from the ERC under grant no. 259619 PHOTO EM. P.A.M and P.B. acknowledges financial support from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ 2007-2013)/ERC grant agreement 291522-3DIMAGE. P.A.M. also acknowledges financial support from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission: ESTEEM2, contract number 312483.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b00449

    Productive evaluations of Aberdeen Angus and Argentina Criollo beef in two feeding systems in the northeast of The Pampa. Argentina

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    The objective of the study is to evaluate the productivity of two winter pastures under a rotational grazing system with and without energetic concentrates in the diet; in order to evaluate the productive behavior in Aberdeen Angus and Argentine Criollo beef. Sixty steer, castrated males of the breed Aberdeen Angus, of 6-7 months of age and 175 kg, and Argentine Criollo, at 8-9 months of age and 199 kg. The steer study were divided into four groups of 15 steer each. The study was conducted for 13 months in the first five months they grazed on oat farming (Avena sativa); and the following seven months on cebadilla (Bromus uniloides) and Lucerne (Medicago sativa) sown grassland, and the final month on oat. As a supplement they received ground grain sorghum (33 percent of the diet). The weight increment during the 13 months of the study went from 294,23 kg; 239,20 kg; 214,00 kg and 203,19 kg; an average weight gain of 0,754 kg/d; 0,613 kg/d; 0,549 kg/d and 0,520 kg/ d; a production per hectare of 374 kg/ha; 304 kg/ ha; 272 kg/ha and 258 kg/ha; and a stock efficiency of 77 percent, 67 percent, 59 percent, and 61 percent in the groups ACS, ASS, CCS and CSS, respectively.El objetivo del estudio es evaluar la productividad de dos invernadas pastoriles, bajo un sistema de pastoreo rotativo con y sin complemento de concentrados energéticos en la dieta; así como evaluar el comportamiento productivo de terneros Aberdeen Angus (AA) y Criollo Argentino (CA). Se cuenta con 60 terneros, machos castrados, de las razas Aberdeen Angus, con 6-7 meses de edad y 175 kg de peso, y Criollo Argentino, 8-9 meses de edad y 199 kg de peso. Se forman cuatro lotes de 15 terneros (ASS= Aberdeen sin complemento, ACS= Aberdeen con complemento, CSS= Criollo sin complemento y CCS= Criollo con complemento). El ensayo se realiza durante 13 meses: en los 5 primeros pastan en un cultivo de avena (Avena sativa) los siete meses siguientes en una pradera de alfalfa (Medicago sativa) y de cebadilla (Bromus uniloides) y en el último mes en un cultivo de avena. Como suplemento reciben grano de sorgo molido (33 p.100 de la dieta). El incremento medio de peso de los terneros, en los 13 meses de ensayo, fue 294,23 kg; 239,20 kg; 214,00 kg y 203,19 kg; la ganancia media de peso de 0,754 kg/d; 0,613 kg/d; 0,549 kg/d y 0,520 kg/d; la producción por hectárea de 374 kg/ ha, 304 kg/ha, 272kg/ha y 258 kg/ha; y la eficiencia en los lotes ACS, ASS, CCS y CSS, fue del 77, 67, 59 y 61 p.100, respectivamente

    Association of cortisol serum levels as a prognostic factor in threat of pre-term birth

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    Background: Prematurity is one of the leading causes of death in children. In Mexico there is a frequency of 12% of preterm birth and this leads to significant maternal-fetal complications comprising 31.5% of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The patient who receives obstetric care in the gynecology service at the naval medical center requires prevention, diagnosis and treatment of threat of preterm birth to reduce perinatal and neonatal complications. Serum cortisol levels was determined as a prognostic factor for the threat of preterm birth in patients with obstetric care at the Naval Medical Center, it is a relatively easy parameter to obtain and would support a timely treatment.Methods: We used a quantitative, non-experimental, retrospective descriptive study of 30 patients with risk factors to develop preterm birth threats in gynecology service of the naval medical center from January to December 2018, which were taken 3 milliliters of peripheral blood to measure serum cortisol concentrations for later analysis. For statistical analysis of the present study, it was used Shapiro Wilk test. Likewise, Pearson's test was performed to measure the degree of association between the dependent and independent variable. Student's t-test was implemented to compare cortisol levels of pregnant women.Results: A total of 30 patients of these were analyzed, the mean age was 30.4 years (SD±5.184). The gestation weeks the average value was 30.63 weeks (SD±4.781). A student t test was performed where the cortisol values of pregnant women were compared with an average value of 2,586 (95% CI 0.45-472) and a t value=2,476 and a p=0.019 lower value of the significance value of 0.05 rejecting the null hypothesis. Which indicates that cortisol levels can be used as a predictive marker of the threat of preterm birth, considering it as an independent factor for this situation to occur in pregnant patients. The variables of the cortisol level and the weeks of gestation Pearson=-0.061 and a significance of p=0.747 were correlated (there being no strong enough relationship between the study variables). Regarding the triggers, it is observed that the highest factor was for urinary tract infection 40% n=12, abnormal uterine activity 20% n=6, followed by premature membrane rupture 16.7% n=5.Conclusions: The risk factors associated with the threat of preterm birth can be multiple, encompassing them in three important areas such as socioeconomic, psycho-emotional and clinicopathological, of the latter, nine of which are most frequent in our population are urinary infection, abnormal uterine activity and premature rupture of membranes. Regarding the association of cortisol levels as a prognostic factor for the threat of preterm birth taking it into account as an independent factor, it can be concluded that it is not statistically significant, however, according to what is reported in the literature, It should be considered as one of the multiple risk factors, considering this timely premise to boost the development of new research in the field

    Effect of population density on size of edible snail helix aspersa mĂĽller

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    An assessment was made of the effects of population density on Helix aspersa Müller snails at their nursery stage. A sample of 3420 animals was used, grouped at eighteen density levels: from 600 to 11100 snails/m2. The results demonstrate that higher population density decreased growth (p<0.001). Furthermore the optimum snail population density at the nursery stage ranged from 600 to 4300 snails/m2.Se estudia el efecto de la densidad sobre el tamaño del Helix aspersa Müller durante la primera fase de crecimiento. Se utilizan 18 niveles de densidad entre 600 a 11100 animales/m2. Los resultados indican la existencia de diferencias significativas en el crecimiento según el nivel de densidad (p<0,001), de modo que a medida que se incrementa la densidad disminuye el tamaño. La densidad óptima, en primera edad, oscila entre 600 y 4300 animales/m2

    Validity and reliability of the kiddie schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia present and lifetime version DSM-5 (K-SADS-PL-5) Spanish version

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    Background: There are various language adaptations of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Age Children Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL). In order to comply with the changes in DSM classification, the Spanish edition of the interview was in need of update and evaluation. Methods: K-SADS-PL was adapted to correspond to DSM-5 categories. All clinicians received training, and a 90% agreement was reached. Patients and their parents or guardians were interviewed and videotaped, and the videos were exchanged between raters. Factor analysis was performed and inter-rater reliability was calculated only in the case of diagnoses in which there were more than five patients. Results: A total of 74 subjects were included. The Factor Analysis yielded six factors (Depressive, Stress Hyperarousal, Disruptive Behavioral, Irritable Explosive, Obsessive Repetitive and Encopresis), representing 72% of the variance. Kappa values for inter-rater agreement were larger than 0.7 for over half of the disorders. Conclusions: The factor structure of diagnoses, made with the instrument was found to correspond to the DSM-5 disorder organization. The instrument showed good construct validity and inter-rater reliability, which makes it a useful tool for clinical research studies in children and adolescents

    Otras aplicaciones docentes del Atlas Digital de Petrología Sedimentaria a través del Campus Virtual UCM (www.ucm.es/info/petrosed)

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    La Petrología Sedimentaria se adapta a las necesidades profesionales que demanda la sociedad y entre ellas el sector de la construcción. Preparar a los futuros profesionales plantea un reto no solo en la Facultad de CC. Geológicas (UCM) sino en otras muchas, sobre todo a la hora de diseñar y desarrollar el material y las herramientas didácticas que el alumno precisa en su autoaprendizaje. La asignatura Materiales de Construcción, impartida en la Facultad de CC. Geológicas (UCM) (Grado de Ingeniería Geológica), utiliza, a través de Campus Virtual, el Atlas de Petrología Sedimentaria: http://www.ucm.es/info/petrosed, ya que recoge un material didáctico fundamental para el desarrollo de gran parte de sus clases prácticas y teóricas. Esta asignatura muestra una gran afinidad con la temática y la metodología de trabajo que se emplea en la asignatura Petrología Sedimentaria, a pesar de pertenecer a campos científico-técnicos diferentes

    Habitat selection in terrestrial snails and its applications to heliciculture

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    Snails are employed as experimental animals in different scientific fields and their growth is a good biological indicator. Growth is mainly determined at a genetic level, although many factors biotic and abiotic may alter growth rates. One of these factors is habitat selection. Nevertheless the knowledge about the cha-racteristics that determines habitat selection are not considered in the design of installations, management of farms or raising snails. In this way, the aim of this paper is synthesize the different components of habitat that influence habitat choice of terrestrial snails. On the other hand, it proposes premises that would be considered in design of installations.El crecimiento de los caracoles terrestres que, además de como animales productivos, se utilizan como animales de experimentación es considerado un buen indicador biológico. Aunque el crecimiento está genéticamente determinado, muchos factores pueden modificarlo, uno de ellos es la selección de hábitat. Sin embargo, los conocimientos sobre las condiciones que la determinan no se suelen incorporar al diseño de instalaciones, manejo de los criaderos o la producción helicícola. En este trabajo se revisan aquellas condiciones que determinan la selección de microhábitat en caracoles terrestres y se proponen medidas que deberían ser consideradas en el diseño de instalaciones

    Evidence of the Importance of Host Habitat Use in Predicting the Dilution Effect of Wild Boar for Deer Exposure to Anaplasma spp

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    Foci of tick-borne pathogens occur at fine spatial scales, and depend upon a complex arrangement of factors involving climate, host abundance and landscape composition. It has been proposed that the presence of hosts that support tick feeding but not pathogen multiplication may dilute the transmission of the pathogen. However, models need to consider the spatial component to adequately explain how hosts, ticks and pathogens are distributed into the landscape

    A high concentration of TGF-β correlates with opportunistic infection in liver and kidney transplantation

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    Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) has been associated with numerous human infections, but its role in the occurrence of opportunistic infection (OI) after solid organ transplantation remains unexplored. This study aimed to assess the utility of the TGF-β following in vitro stimulation of whole peripheral blood (WPB) as a surrogate biomarker of post-transplant OI in a cohort of liver and kidney recipients. Thirty liver and thirty-one kidney transplant recipients were recruited to be prospectively monitored for one-year post-transplantation. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to calculate IFN-γ, IL-17, IL-10 and TGF-β concentration in the supernatant from the activated WPB. Recipients showed higher TGF-β concentrations compared to IFN-γ, IL-17, IL-10 at baseline, although these differences were not significant between INF and NoINF. However, recipients who developed an OI within the first sixth months had a higher concentration of TGF-β than those without OI. A concentration of TGF-β > 363.25 pg/ml in liver and TGF-β > 808.51 pg/ml in kidney recipients were able to stratify patients at high risk of OI with a sensitivity and specificity above 70% in both types of solid organ transplantations. TGF-β could provide valuable information for the management of liver and kidney recipients at risk of post-transplant infection.Our work was possible thanks to the support and funding obtained from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)”, Spanish Ministry of Health (Grant Number PI15/01370 and P19/01194); and co-funding by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with the principle of “A manner to build Europe”
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