78,840 research outputs found

    Globalisation and cointegration among the states and convergence across the continents: a panel data analysis

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    This paper tried to examine the level of cointegration among various nations across the continents in regard to the globalisation. Also here attempt is made to analyse the nature of inter and intra continental variation in globalisation over time. The proximity and convergence over time in terms of the growth of globalisation is also examined by using a panel data set over a period of 1970 to 2007. The outcome reveals the presence of co-integration among the selected nations despite the fact that the European nations are more co-integrated than the other continents. It is followed by the countries in Africa and Asia. The proximity matrices of overall globalisation and political globalisation provided some important indications that geographical proximity, economic necessities, cultural and political understanding play crucial role in determining the clusters of countries in terms of globalisation or choice of the countries to open with other nations for trade, cultural exchange etc.Globalisation, Proximity, Stationarity, Cointegration, Regional Convergence, Panel Data


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    Tripura is facing the problem of food insecurity for quite some long period of time and lagging behind the most other states of India with respect to the development of human capital, agriculture and industry. Food security is one of the basic criteria for the formation and improvement of human capital and also productivity of human being. The working of PDS and other government policies have not been successful in achieving food security at the desired level. However the recent offtake pattern of PDS supply shows a decelerating trend and hence raises the question of maintaining the PDS in the state. The paper tries to analyse the food security condition of the state during the last two decades and the working of PDS in Tripura with some macro measures.Food security, Public Distribution System

    Proceedings of the Conference on Human and Economic Resources

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    The objective of the paper is to explore the interlinkage among the population growth, poverty and environmental resource use with special reference to North-East India. We calculated the correlation between changes in population and incidence of poverty and the changes in forest resources across the North-Eastern states. Also we compared the over time changes in population, poverty and changes in forest resources in the region.poverty, natural resource management, India


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    Coal and limestone are the two important natural resources abundant in Meghalaya. These two minerals have been extracted substantially during last few decades and have been contributing significantly to the employment and income in the state. But the rising extraction over time has raised concern about the sustainability of the progress of the area as the extraction has been going on not for any kind of local industrial development where employment may be generated further and progress would be accelerated. These are mined only to export and earn money without much value addition. Hence an attempt is made to comparatively study the nature of extraction of these two valuable resources and their future possible consequences with respect to the development of the state.extraction of nonrenewable resources, sustainability

    Polarized non-abelian representations of slim near-polar spaces

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    In (Bull Belg Math Soc Simon Stevin 4:299-316, 1997), Shult introduced a class of parapolar spaces, the so-called near-polar spaces. We introduce here the notion of a polarized non-abelian representation of a slim near-polar space, that is, a near-polar space in which every line is incident with precisely three points. For such a polarized non-abelian representation, we study the structure of the corresponding representation group, enabling us to generalize several of the results obtained in Sahoo and Sastry (J Algebraic Comb 29:195-213, 2009) for non-abelian representations of slim dense near hexagons. We show that with every polarized non-abelian representation of a slim near-polar space, there is an associated polarized projective embedding

    Adsorption and collapse transitions of a linear polymer chain interacting with a surface adsorbed polymer chain

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    We study the problem of adsorption and collapse transition of a linear polymer chain situated in a fractal container represented by a 4-simplex lattice and interacting with a surface adsorbed linear polymer chain. The adsorbed chain monomers act as pinning sites for the polymer chain. This problem has been solved exactly using real space renormalization group transformation. The resulting phase diagram and critical exponents are given.Comment: 19 pages including 6 figures; LaTeX; to appear in Physica
