9 research outputs found

    Burden for family carers at the end of life : a mixed-method study of the perspectives of family carers and GPs

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    Background: Since many patients spend most of the time at home at the end of life, this may affect the burden for family carers and constitute a risk factor for the patients' hospitalisation. This study aimed to explore family carers' burden in the final three months of the patient's life, from the perspective of both carers and general practitioners (GPs), and to assess whether family burden, as defined by the GP, is associated with hospitalisation. Methods: A cross-sectional nationwide survey among GPs and family carers was performed. Participants were 194 GPs and 74 family carers of patients who died non-suddenly. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 family carers. For the quantitative analyses descriptive statistics, weighted Kappa and multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed. For the qualitative part thematic analysis was conducted. Results: The proportion of family carers experiencing a fairly heavy or severe burden increased significantly from 32% (second and third months before death) to 66% (one week before death). Most carers (95%) felt an emotional burden and 29% felt a physical burden in the final week. Three-quarters of carers did not perceive their burden as a problem because caring often felt rewarding. No significant association was found between the characteristics of family caregivers or professional care and the degree of family caregiver burden. Also, there was no significant evidence that patients of family carers for whom the GP assessed a fairly heavy to severe burden, were more likely to be hospitalised. Conclusions: The different overall assessment of family carers' burden between GPs and family carers and the increasing emotional and physical burden of family carers towards the end constitute relevant information for GPs that will help them understand and anticipate carers' personal needs

    General practitioners' perspectives on the avoidability of hospitalizations at the end of life: a mixed-method study

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    Background: Many patients are hospitalized in the last months of life. Little is known about the avoidability of these hospitalizations. Aim: To explore whether and how hospitalizations could have been avoided in the last 3 months of life and barriers to avoid this, according to general practitioners in the Netherlands. Design: Sequential mixed-method design, starting with a cross-sectional nationwide questionnaire study among general practitioners, followed by in-depth interviews. Setting/participants: General practitioners were asked about their most recent patient who died non-suddenly and who was hospitalized in the last 3 months of life. Additionally, 18 of these general practitioners were interviewed in depth about the situation surrounding hospitalization. Results: According to 24% of 319 general practitioners, the last hospitalization in the final 3 months of their patient's life could have been avoided. Of all avoidable hospitalizations, 46% could have been avoided by proactive communication with the patient, 36% by more communication between professionals around hospitalization, 28% by additional care and treatment at home, and 10% by patient and family support. In the in-depth interviews, general practitioners confirmed the aforementioned strategies, but also mentioned various barriers in daily practice, such as the timing of proactive communication with the patient, incompleteness of information transfer in acute situations, and the lack of awareness among patients and family that death was near. Conclusion: A proactive approach could avoid some of the hospitalizations at the end of life, in the opinion of general practitioners. More insight is needed into communication and psychological barriers for timely discussions about end-of-life issues

    How could hospitalisations at the end of life have been avoided? A qualitative retrospective study of the perspectives of general practitioners, nurses and family carers.

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    Although many patients prefer to stay and die at home at the end of life, many are hospitalised. Little is known about how to avoid hospitalisations for patients living at home.To describe how hospitalisation at the end of life can be avoided, from the perspective of the GPs, nurses and family carers.A qualitative design with face-to-face interviews was used. Taking 30 cases of patients who died non-suddenly, 26 GPs, 15 nurses and 18 family carers were interviewed in depth. Of the 30 patients, 20 were hospitalised and 10 were not hospitalised in the last three months of life.Five key themes that could help avoid hospitalisation at the end of life emerged from the interviews. The key themes were: 1) marking the approach of death, and shifting the mindset; 2) being able to provide acute treatment and care at home; 3) anticipatory discussions and interventions to deal with expected severe problems; 4) guiding and monitoring the patient and family in a holistic way through the illness trajectory; 5) continuity of treatment and care at home. If these five key themes are adopted in an interrelated way, this could help avoid hospitalisations, according to GPs, nurses and family carers.The five key themes described in this study can be seen as strategies that could help in avoiding hospitalisation at the end of life. It is recommended that for all patients residing at home, GPs and community nurses work together as a team from the moment that it is marked that death is approaching up to the end of life

    Parental experience at the end-of-life in children with cancer: 'preservation' and 'letting go' in relation to loss

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    For children with incurable cancer death usually is anticipated and preceded by a phase of palliative care. Despite recognition that parents have difficulty adapting to a palliative perspective there is little insight into this process. This study explored, from a parental perspective, the process parents go through when cure is no longer a possibility. A multicenter study using qualitative research was undertaken during the EoL phase. One-time and repeated open interviews were conducted with 44 parents of 23 children with incurable cancer. Feelings of loss play a prominent role during the EoL phase. Dealing with loss is a process of stepwise relinquishing that becomes manifest in an internal struggle between preservation and letting go. Preservation means that parents try to maintain the child's status quo. Letting go means parents give up their resistance to loss in service of their child's well-being. Although the relative measure of each changes over time, parents have great difficulty making the transition because it implies a change in source of control. A timely completion of this transition positively influences the child's well-being as well as the evaluation of enacted parenthood. For parents the essence of the palliative process is not to accept death but to deal with the loss of their child. Although the need to avoid loss and gain control by means of preservation is fully understandable, the study indicated that parents who made the transition to letting go had an increased receptiveness of their child's real situation and needs