82 research outputs found

    Boosting in planta production of antigens derived from the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) and subsequent evaluation of their immunogenicity

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    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a disease of swine, caused by an arterivirus, the PRRS virus (PRRSV). This virus infects pigs worldwide and causes huge economic losses. Due to genetic drift, current vaccines are losing their power. Adaptable vaccines could provide a solution to this problem. This study aims at producing in planta a set of antigens derived from the PRRSV glycoproteins (GPs) to be included in a subunit vaccine. We selected the GP3, GP4 and GP5 and optimized these for production in an Arabidopsis seed platform by removing transmembrane domains (Tm) and/or adding stabilizing protein domains, such as the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and immunoglobulin (IgG) 'Fragment crystallizable' (Fc) chains. Accumulation of the GPs with and without Tm was low, reaching no more than 0.10% of total soluble protein (TSP) in homozygous seed. However, addition of stabilizing domains boosted accumulation up to a maximum of 2.74% of TSP when GFP was used, and albeit less effectively, also the Fc chains of the porcine IgG3 and murine IgG2a increased antigen accumulation, to 0.96% and 1.81% of TSP respectively, while the murine IgG3 Fc chain did not. Antigens with Tm were less susceptible to these manipulations to increase yield. All antigens were produced in the endoplasmic reticulum and accordingly, they carried high-mannose N-glycans. The immunogenicity of several of those antigens was assessed and we show that vaccination with purified antigens did elicit the production of antibodies with virus neutralizing activity in mice but not in pigs

    pH-Degradable mannosylated nanogels for dendritic cell targeting

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    We report on the design of glycosylated nanogels via core-cross linking of amphiphilic non-water-soluble block copolymers composed of an acetylated glycosylated block and a pentafluorophenyl (PFP) activated ester block prepared by reversible addition fragmentation (RAFT) polymerization. Self-assembly, pH-sensitive core-cross-linking, and removal of remaining PFP esters and protecting groups are achieved in one pot and yield fully hydrated sub-100 nm nanogels. Using cell subsets that exhibit high and low expression of the mannose receptor (MR) under conditions that suppress active endocytosis, we show that mannosylated but not galactosylated nanogels can efficiently target the MR that is expressed on the cell surface of primary dendritic cells (DCs). These nanogels hold promise for immunological applications involving DCs and macrophage subsets

    The opposing effect of type I IFN on the T cell response by non-modified mRNA-lipoplex vaccines Is determined by the route of administration

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    mRNA-lipoplex vaccines are currently being explored in phase II clinical trials for the treatment of patients with advanced solid tumors. Mechanistically, these mRNA-lipoplex vaccines are characterized by the induction of type I interferon (IFN) centered innate responses. Earlier studies have identified type I IFNs as major regulators of the T cell response instigated by mRNA-lipoplex vaccines. However, stimulatory or, in contrast, profound inhibitory effects of type I IFNs were described depending on the study. In this mouse study, we demonstrated that the opposing roles of type I IFN signaling on the magnitude of the vaccine-evoked T cell responses is dependent on the route of mRNA-lipoplex administration and is regulated at the level of the T cells rather than indirectly through modulation of dendritic cell function. This study helps to understand the double-edged sword character of type I IFN induction upon mRNA-based vaccine treatment and may contribute to a more rational design of mRNA vaccination regimens

    MRNA Polyplexes with Post-Conjugated GALA Peptides Efficiently Target, Transfect, and Activate Antigen Presenting Cells

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    Vaccines based on mRNA have emerged as potent systems to elicit CD8+ T cell responses against various cancers and viral infectious diseases. The efficient intracellular delivery of mRNA molecules encoding antigens into the cytosol of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) is still challenging, requiring cell attachment, active uptake, and subsequent endosomal escape. Here, we report a facile approach for the formulation of peptide-functionalized mRNA polyplexes using copper-free click chemistry to promote presentation of mRNA antigen by dendritic cells (DCs). After screening different membrane active peptides, GALA modified mRNA polyplexes (PPx-GALA) with a size around 350 nm and with a slightly negative surface charge (-7 mV), exhibited the highest EGFP-mRNA transfection in RAW 246.7 macrophages (∼36%) and D1 dendritic cells (∼50%) as compared to polyplexes decorated with melittin or LEDE peptides. Interestingly, we found that PPx-GALA enters DCs through sialic acid mediated endo/phagocytosis, which was not influenced by DC maturation. The PPx-GALA formulation exhibited 18-fold higher cellular uptake compared to a lipofectamine mRNA formulation without inducing cytotoxicity. Live cell imaging showed that PPx-GALA that were taken up by endocytosis induced calcein release from endosomes into the cytosol. DCs treated with PPx-GALA containing mRNA encoding for OVA displayed enhanced T cell responses and DC maturation. Collectively, these data provide a strong rationale for further study of this PPx-GALA formulation in vivo as a promising mRNA vaccine platform

    Treatment with mRNA coding for the necroptosis mediator MLKL induces antitumor immunity directed against neo-epitopes

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    Cancer immunotherapy can induce durable antitumor responses. However, many patients poorly respond to such therapies. Here we describe a generic antitumor therapy that is based on the intratumor delivery of mRNA that codes for the necroptosis executioner mixed lineage kinase domain-like (MLKL) protein. This intervention stalls primary tumor growth and protects against distal and disseminated tumor formation in syngeneic mouse melanoma and colon carcinoma models. Moreover, MLKL-mRNA treatment combined with immune checkpoint blockade further improves the antitumor activity. MLKL-mRNA treatment rapidly induces T cell responses directed against tumor neo-antigens and requires CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells to prevent tumor growth. Type I interferon signaling and Batf3-dependent dendritic cells are essential for this mRNA treatment to elicit tumor antigen-specific T cell responses. Moreover, MLKL-mRNA treatment blunts the growth of human lymphoma in mice with a reconstituted human adaptive immune system. MLKL-based treatment can thus be exploited as an effective antitumor immunotherapy

    Inflammatory monocytes regulate Th1 oriented immunity to CpG adjuvanted protein vaccines through production of IL-12

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    Due to their capacity to skew T cell responses towards Th1 oriented immunity, oligonucleotides containing unmethylated CpG motifs (CpG) have emerged as interesting adjuvants for vaccination. Whereas the signalling pathways in response to CpG mediated TLR9 activation have been extensively documented at the level of the individual cell, little is however known on the precise identity of the innate immune cells that govern T cell priming and polarisation to CpG adjuvanted protein antigens in vivo. In this study, we demonstrate that optimal induction of Th1 oriented immunity to CpG adjuvanted protein vaccines requires the coordinated actions of conventional DCs and of monocytes. Whilst conventional DCs were required for antigen presentation and initial T cell priming, monocytes constitute the main source of the Th1 polarising cytokine IL-12

    Vaccination with Necroptotic Cancer Cells Induces Efficient Anti-tumor Immunity

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    SummarySuccessful immunogenic apoptosis in experimental cancer therapy depends on the induction of strong host anti-tumor responses. Given that tumors are often resistant to apoptosis, it is important to identify alternative molecular mechanisms that elicit immunogenic cell death. We have developed a genetic model in which direct dimerization of FADD combined with inducible expression of RIPK3 promotes necroptosis. We report that necroptotic cancer cells release damage-associated molecular patterns and promote maturation of dendritic cells, the cross-priming of cytotoxic T cells, and the production of IFN-γ in response to tumor antigen stimulation. Using both FADD-dependent and FADD-independent RIPK3 induction systems, we demonstrate the efficient vaccination potential of immunogenic necroptotic cells. Our study broadens the current concept of immunogenic cell death and opens doors for the development of new strategies in cancer therapy