768 research outputs found

    The Vacuum Structure of N=2 SuperQCD with Classical Gauge Groups

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    We determine the vacuum structure of N=2 supersymmetric QCD with fundamental quarks for gauge groups SO(n) and Sp(2n), extending prior results for SU(n). The solutions are all given in terms of families of hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces of genus equal to the rank of the gauge group. In the scale invariant cases, the solutions all have exact S-dualities which act on the couplings by subgroups of PSL(2,Z) and on the masses by outer automorphisms of the flavor symmetry. They are shown to reproduce the complete pattern of symmetry breaking on the Coulomb branch and predict the correct weak--coupling monodromies. Simple breakings with squark vevs provide further consistency checks involving strong--coupling physics.Comment: 29 pages, harvmac, 1 figure included using epsf.te

    A Search for Non-Perturbative Dualities of Local N=2N=2 Yang--Mills Theories from Calabi--Yau Threefolds

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    The generalisation of the rigid special geometry of the vector multiplet quantum moduli space to the case of supergravity is discussed through the notion of a dynamical Calabi--Yau threefold. Duality symmetries of this manifold are connected with the analogous dualities associated with the dynamical Riemann surface of the rigid theory. N=2 rigid gauge theories are reviewed in a framework ready for comparison with the local case. As a byproduct we give in general the full duality group (quantum monodromy) for an arbitrary rigid SU(r+1)SU(r+1) gauge theory, extending previous explicit constructions for the r=1,2r=1,2 cases. In the coupling to gravity, R--symmetry and monodromy groups of the dynamical Riemann surface, whose structure we discuss in detail, are embedded into the symplectic duality group ΓD\Gamma_D associated with the moduli space of the dynamical Calabi--Yau threefold.Comment: Latex. Version of previous paper with enlarged and revised appendix 35 pages, plain LaTe

    Nonperturbative Relations in N=2 SUSY Yang-Mills and WDVV equation

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    We find the nonperturbative relation between ⟹trϕ2⟩\langle {\rm tr} \phi^2 \rangle, ⟹trϕ3⟩\langle {\rm tr} \phi^3\rangle the prepotential F{\cal F} and the vevs ⟚ϕi⟩\langle \phi_i\rangle in N=2N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with gauge group SU(3)SU(3). Nonlinear differential equations for F{\cal F} including the Witten -- Dijkgraaf -- Verlinde -- Verlinde equation are obtained. This indicates that N=2N=2 SYM theories are essentially topological field theories and that should be seen as low-energy limit of some topological string theory. Furthermore, we construct relevant modular invariant quantities, derive canonical relations between the periods and investigate the structure of the beta function by giving its explicit form in the moduli coordinates. In doing this we discuss the uniformization problem for the quantum moduli space. The method we propose can be generalized to N=2N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with higher rank gauge groups.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex. Expanded version. New results, corrections, references and acknowledgements adde

    The Moduli Space of N=2 SUSY QCD and Duality in N=1 SUSY QCD

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    We analyze in detail the moduli space of vacua of N=2 SUSY QCD with n_c colors and n_f flavors. The Coulomb branch has submanifolds with non-Abelian gauge symmetry. The massless quarks and gluons at these vacua are smoothly connected to the underlying elementary quarks and gluons. Upon breaking N=2 by an N=1 preserving mass term for the adjoint field the theory flows to N=1 SUSY QCD. Some of the massless quarks and gluons on the moduli space of the N=2 theory become the magnetic quarks and gluons of the N=1 theory. In this way we derive the duality in N=1 SUSY QCD by identifying its crucial building blocks---the magnetic degrees of freedom---using only semiclassical physics and the non-renormalization theorem.Comment: 46 pages harvmac, 3 figures included using epsf.te

    Stable de Sitter vacua in N=2, D=5 supergravity

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    We find 5D gauged supergravity theories exhibiting stable de Sitter vacua. These are the first examples of stable de Sitter vacua in higher-dimensional (D>4) supergravity. Non-compact gaugings with tensor multiplets and R-symmetry gauging seem to be the essential ingredients in these models. They are however not sufficient to guarantee stable de Sitter vacua, as we show by investigating several other models. The qualitative behaviour of the potential also seems to depend crucially on the geometry of the scalar manifold.Comment: 26 pages, v2:typos corrected, published versio

    Geometric Transition as a Change of Polarization

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    Taking the results of hep-th/0702110 we study the Dijkgraaf-Vafa open/closed topological string duality by considering the wavefunction behavior of the partition function. We find that the geometric transition associated with the duality can be seen as a change of polarization.Comment: 20 page

    Plasma Resonance in Layered Normal Metals and Superconductors

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    A microscopic theory of the plasma resonance in layered metals is presented. It is shown that electron-impurity scattering can suppress the plasma resonance in the normal state and sharpen it in the superconducting state. Analytic properties of the conductivity for the electronic transport perpendicular to the layers are investigated. The dissipative part of the electromagnetic response in c-direction has been found to depend on frequency in a highly non-trivial manner. This sort of behavior cannot be incorporated in the widely used phenomenological Gorter-Kazimir model.Comment: 34 pages including 12 figures in uuencoded.file. A revised version. Several formulas and a number of misprints are corrected. A problem with printing of figures is fixe

    Phase-change meta-photonics

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    We combine phase-change materials and metamaterial arrays (metasurfaces) to create new forms of dynamic, tuneable and reconfigurable photonic devices including ‘perfect’ absorbers, infra-red light modulators, optical beam steerers and enhanced phase-change optoelectronic displays

    The M5-Brane Elliptic Genus: Modularity and BPS States

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    The modified elliptic genus for an M5-brane wrapped on a four-cycle of a Calabi-Yau threefold encodes the degeneracies of an infinite set of BPS states in four dimensions. By holomorphy and modular invariance, it can be determined completely from the knowledge of a finite set of such BPS states. We show the feasibility of such a computation and determine the exact modified elliptic genus for an M5-brane wrapping a hyperplane section of the quintic threefold.Comment: 21 page

    w_{\infty} Algebras, Conformal Mechanics, and Black Holes

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    We discuss BPS solitons in gauged N=2{\cal N}=2, D=4 supergravity. The solitons represent extremal black holes interpolating between different vacua of anti-de Sitter spaces. The isometry superalgebras are determined and the motion of a superparticle in the extremal black hole background is studied and confronted with superconformal mechanics. We show that the Virasoro symmetry of conformal mechanics, which describes the dynamics of the superparticle near the horizon of the extremal black hole under consideration, extends to a symmetry under the w∞w_{\infty} algebra of area-preserving diffeomorphisms. We find that a Virasoro subalgebra of w∞w_{\infty} can be associated to the Virasoro algebra of the asymptotic symmetries of AdS2AdS_2. In this way spacetime diffeomorphisms of AdS2AdS_2 translate into diffeomorphisms in phase space: our system offers an explicit realization of the AdS2/CFT1AdS_2/CFT_1 correspondence. Using the dimensionally reduced action, the central charge is computed. Finally, we also present generalizations of superconformal mechanics which are invariant under N=1{\cal N} =1 and N=2{\cal N} =2 superextensions of w∞w_{\infty}.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, minor errors corrected, references added; final version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra
