3,045 research outputs found

    Performance of prognostic models in critically ill cancer patients – a review

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    INTRODUCTION: Prognostic models, such as the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II or III, the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II, and the Mortality Probability Models (MPM) II were developed to quantify the severity of illness and the likelihood of hospital survival for a general intensive care unit (ICU) population. Little is known about the performance of these models in specific populations, such as patients with cancer. Recently, specific prognostic models have been developed to predict mortality for cancer patients who are admitted to the ICU. The present analysis reviews the performance of general prognostic models and specific models for cancer patients to predict in-hospital mortality after ICU admission. METHODS: Studies were identified by searching the Medline databases from 1994 to 2004. We included studies evaluating the performance of mortality prediction models in critically ill cancer patients. RESULTS: Ten studies were identified that evaluated prognostic models in cancer patients. Discrimination between survivors and non-survivors was fair to good, but calibration was insufficient in most studies. General prognostic models uniformly underestimate the likelihood of hospital mortality in oncological patients. Two versions of a specific oncological scoring systems (Intensive Care Mortality Model (ICMM)) were evaluated in five studies and showed better discrimination and calibration than the general prognostic models. CONCLUSION: General prognostic models generally underestimate the risk of mortality in critically ill cancer patients. Both general prognostic models and specific oncology models may reliably identify subgroups of patients with a very high risk of mortality

    Tight glycemic control and computerized decision-support systems: a systematic review

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    Objective: To identify and summarize characteristics of computerized decision-support systems (CDSS) for tight glycemic control (TGC) and to review their effects on the quality of the TGC process in critically ill patients. Methods: We searched Medline (1950-2008) and included studies on critically ill adult patients that reported original data from a clinical trial or observational study with a main objective of evaluating a given TGC protocol with a CDSS. Results: Seventeen articles met the inclusion criteria. Eleven out of seventeen studies evaluated the effect of a new TGC protocol that was introduced simultaneously with a CDSS implementation. Most of the reported CDSSs were stand-alone, were not integrated in any other clinical information systems and used the "passive'' mode requiring the clinician to ask for advice. Different implementation sites, target users, and time of advice were used, depending on local circumstances. All controlled studies reported on at least one quality indicator of the blood glucose regulatory process that was improved by introducing the CDSS. Nine out of ten controlled studies either did not report on the number of hypoglycemia events (one study), or reported on no change (six studies) or even a reduction in this number (two studies). Conclusions: While most studies evaluating the effect of CDSS on the quality of the TGC process found improvement when evaluated on the basis of the quality indicators used, it is impossible to define the exact success factors, because of simultaneous implementation of the CDSS with a new or modified TGC protocol and the hybrid solutions used to integrate the CDSS into the clinical workflo

    Construction of an Interface Terminology on SNOMED CT Generic Approach and Its Application in Intensive...

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    Objective: To provide a generic approach for developing a domain-specific interface terminology on SNOMED CT and to apply this approach to the domain of intensive care. Methods:The process of developing an interface terminology on SNOMED CT can be regarded as six sequential phases: domain analysis, mapping from the domain con - cepts to SNOMED CT concepts, creating the SNOMED CT subset guided by the mapping, extending the subset with non-covered concepts, constraining the subset by removing irrelevant content, and deploying the subset in a terminology server. Results:The APACHE IV classification, a standard in the intensive care with 445 diagnostic categories, served as the starting point for designing the interface terminology. The majority (89.2%) of the diagnostic categories from APACHE IV could be mapped to SNOMED CT concepts and for the remaining concepts a partial match was identified. The resulting initial set of mapped concepts consisted of 404 SNOMED CT concepts. This set could be extended to 83,125 concepts if all taxonomic children of these concepts were included. Also including all concepts that are referred to in the definition of other concepts lead to a subset of 233,782 concepts. An evaluation of the interface terminology should reveal what level of detail in the subset is suitable for the intensive care domain and whether parts need further constraining. In the final phase, the interface terminology is implemented in the intensive care in a locally developed terminology server to collect the reasons for intensive care admission. Conclusions: We provide a structure for the process of identifying a domain-specific interface terminology on SNOMED CT. We use this approach to design an interface terminology on SNOMED CT for the intensive care domain. This work is of value for other researchers who intend to build a domain-specific interface terminology on SNOMED CT

    Childhood abuse and neglect and profiles of adult emotion dynamics

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    Childhood maltreatment (CM) is experienced by ~40% of all children at major personal and societal costs. Studies show adverse consequences of CM on emotional functioning and regulation. This article focuses on differential imprint of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and/or neglect exteriences during childhood on emotional functionin later in life To study this, we calculated how intense, variable, unstable, inert, and diverse the daily emotions were of 290 Dutch adults (aged 19-73, measured thrice daily during 30 days (90 measurements per person, for five emotion dynamic indices). Participants described abuse/neglect retrospectively using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). In our structural equation model (SEM), only physical abuse was unrelated to all five emotion dynamic indices. Abuse and neglect showed specific patterns, e.g., emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and physical neglect associated mostly with negative emotions, and emotional neglect predominantly with positive emotion dynamics. CM types were associated differentialy with low versus high arousal emotion dynamics (i.e sexual abuse associated with increased and emotional neglect with reduced emotion dynamics). Dissecting CM effects on adult emotion dynamics may inform theories on the ontogenesis and functioning of emotions, theories on abuse and neglect and the prevention of their developmental sequalia, and help to identify and understand well-adjusted and (dys-)functional emotional development


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