1,532 research outputs found

    Vertically resolved aerosol properties by multi-wavelength lidar measurements

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    An approach based on the graphical method of Gobbi and co-authors (2007) is introduced to estimate the dependence on altitude of the aerosol fine mode radius (<i>R</i><sub>f</sub>) and of the fine mode contribution (η) to the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) from three-wavelength lidar measurements. The graphical method of Gobbi and co-authors (2007) was applied to AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) spectral extinction observations and relies on the combined analysis of the Ångstrom exponent (<i>å</i>) and its spectral curvature Δ<i>å</i>. Lidar measurements at 355, 532 and 1064 nm were used in this study to retrieve the vertical profiles of <i>å</i> and Δ<i>å</i> and to estimate the dependence on altitude of <i>R</i><sub>f</sub> and η(532 nm) from the <i>å</i>–Δ<i>å</i> combined analysis. Lidar measurements were performed at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Universita' del Salento, in south-eastern Italy. Aerosol from continental Europe, the Atlantic, northern Africa, and the Mediterranean Sea are often advected over south-eastern Italy and as a consequence, mixed advection patterns leading to aerosol properties varying with altitude are dominant. The proposed approach was applied to ten measurement days to demonstrate its feasibility in different aerosol load conditions. The selected days were characterized by AOTs spanning the 0.26–0.67, 0.15–0.39, and 0.04–0.27 range at 355, 532, and 1064 nm, respectively. Mean lidar ratios varied within the 31–83, 32–84, and 11–47 sr range at 355, 532, and 1064 nm, respectively, for the high variability of the aerosol optical and microphysical properties. <i>å</i> values calculated from lidar extinction profiles at 355 and 1064 nm ranged between 0.1 and 2.5 with a mean value &pm; 1 standard deviation equal to 1.3 ± 0.7. Δ<i>å</i> varied within the −0.1–1 range with mean value equal to 0.25 ± 0.43. <i>R</i><sub>f</sub> and η(532 nm) values spanning the 0.05–0.3 μm and the 0.3–0.99 range, respectively, were associated with the <i>å</i>–&Delta;<i>å</i> data points. <i>R</i><sub>f</sub> and η values showed no dependence on the altitude. 60% of the data points were in the &Delta;<i>å</i>–<i>å</i> space delimited by the &eta; and <i>R</i><sub>f</sub> curves varying within 0.80–0.99 and 0.05–0.15 μm, respectively, for the dominance of fine-mode particles in driving the AOT over south-eastern Italy. Vertical profiles of the linear particle depolarization ratio retrieved from lidar measurements, aerosol products from AERONET sun photometer measurements collocated in space and time, analytical back trajectories, satellite true colour images, and dust concentrations from the BSC–DREAM (Barcelona Super Computing Center-Dust REgional Atmospheric Model) model were used to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed method

    Cultivares na dieta de macacos-prego barbados, Cebus libidinosus Spix (Primates: Cebidae), em fragmentos florestais no sudeste do Brasil

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    Capuchin monkeys occupy a wide range of habitats where they feed on fruits, arthropods, and vertebrates. Their large home ranges (80-900 ha) suggest that living in forest fragments may challenge their adaptability. We identified and quantified the main food items of Cebus libidinosus Spix, 1823 in forests fragments (100 ha) in southeastern Brazil. We recorded the feeding activities of two groups using scan sampling over a 13-month period. The diet was composed of fruits, crops, animal prey, seeds, plant matter and undetermined. Fruit was eaten more in the wet season than in the dry season, and maize and sugar cane consumption peaked in the early dry season. The proportion of fruit in the diet was positively correlated with fruiting intensity of zoochorous trees. The plant diet included 54 species, with maize, Rhamnidium elaeocarpus, Acrocomia aculeata, Guazuma ulmifolia and Cariniana, being most important. Although dietary composition and diversity were similar to capuchins in larger forest fragments, feeding on crops attained higher percentages at times when zoochorous fruit production was low in fragments.Macacos-prego ocupam uma vasta gama de ambientes onde alimentam-se de frutos, artrópodes e vertebrados. Suas grandes áreas de vida (80-900 ha) sugerem que viver em fragmentos florestais pode ser um desafio a sua adaptabilidade. Foram identificados e quantificados os principais itens alimentares de Cebus libidinosus Spix, 1823 em fragmentos florestais (100 ha) no sudeste do Brasil. Registraram-se as atividades alimentares de dois grupos usando a varredura instantânea durante um período de 13 meses. A dieta compôs-se de frutos, presas animais, cultivares, sementes, material vegetal e indeterminado. Os frutos foram consumidos mais na estação chuvosa do que na estação seca e o consumo de milho e cana atingiu um pico no início da estação seca. A proporção de frutos na dieta foi positivamente correlacionada com a intensidade de frutificação das árvores zoocóricas. A dieta vegetal incluiu 54 espécies, com milho, Rhamnidium elaeocarpus, Acrocomia aculeata, Guazuma ulmifolia e Cariniana, sendo os mais importantes. Embora a composição da dieta e a diversidade tenham sido similares a grupos de macacos-prego em grandes fragmentos florestais, o uso de cultivares atingiu altas porcentagens em épocas quando a produção de frutos zoocóricos foi baixa nos fragmentos.3239Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children: state of the art

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    The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) represents only part of a large group of pathologies of variable entity called respiratory sleep disorders (RSD) which include simple snoring and increased upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS). Although the etiopathogenesis of adult OSAS is well known, many aspects of this syndrome in children are still debated. Its prevalence is about 2% in children from 2 to 8 years of age, mostly related to the size of the upper airways adenoid tissue. Several risk factors linked to the development of OSAS are typical of the pediatric age. The object of this paper is to analyze the state of the art on this specific topic, discussing its implications in terms of diagnosis and management

    Management of idiopathic epistaxis in adults: what's new? [Il trattamento dell’epistassi idiopatica nell’adulto: cosa c’è di nuovo?]

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    L’epistassi è uno dei disturbi più comuni per il quale il paziente si rivolge spesso al pronto soccorso. Questa revisione della letteratura sipropone di valutare sistematicamente e criticamente gli studi scientifici riguardo il trattamento dell’epistassi idiopatica al fine di ottenere utili spunti per la pratica clinica. La ricerca è stata eseguita nei database elettronici: PubMed, Embase, Cochrane e Central. I criteri di inclusione sono stati: studi clinici controllati retrospettivi o prospettici o randomizzati o studi su modelli animali che includevano i risultati nella gestione dell’epistassi idiopatica. Sono stati individuati 23 articoli che soddisfano i criteri di inclusione. Il tamponamento nasale rappresenta ancora l’approccio di prima linea all’epistassi, anche se è evidente dalla letteratura che sia il meno efficace ma il più associato a ricoveri ospedalieri di maggior durata rispetto alla chirurgia endoscopica basata sull’elettrocoagulazione. In conclusione appare sempre più evidente che la cauterizzazione dovrebbe essere l’approccio di prima linea per l’alto tasso di costo-efficacia e il basso rischio di complicanze. Tuttavia, ulteriori ricerche urgenti sono necessarie per validare l’efficacia dei nuovi biomateriali nel trattamento dell’epistassi.Epistaxis is one of the most common complaints presenting to emergency departments. The aim of this study is to systematically review and critically evaluate the evidence relating to treatment of idiopathic epistaxis for guiding best practice. A comprehensive review of the English language literature was performed using PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library and Central electronic databases. The inclusion criteria were: retrospective or prospective or randomised controlled clinical trials which included outcomes in the management of idiopathic epistaxis. Twentythree articles met inclusion criteria and were reviewed. Nasal packing still represents the first-line approach to epistaxis, although, at present, it appears that there is clear evidence in the literature to suggest that it is less effective and associated with more admissions and longer hospital stays than endoscopic electrocoagulation-based management of epistaxis. In conclusion, cauterisation should be the first-line approach for its high cost-effectiveness rate and low risk of complications. Further research is urgently needed to assess the efficacy of new biomaterials

    Avaliação da utilização de Nim Indiano em associação com silício e potássio no manejo da Mosca Branca na cultura da soja.

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    RESUMO: Avaliou-se o uso do produto comercial Organic Neem® e sua associação com o fertilizante à base de silício e potássio Sili-k®, no manejo de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biótipo B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), em casa de vegetação. Realizou-se a aplicação dos tratamentos nas plantas de soja, cultivadas em vasos plásticos, antes e após a infestação artificial pelos adultos da mosca-branca. Os tratamentos foram: Organic Neem® 1L ha-1, Sili-k® 1L ha-1, Organic Neem® 1L ha-1 + Sili-k® 1L ha-1 e testemunha (água). Os resultados mostraram que nenhum dos tratamentos tem ação satisfatória na redução da população da mosca-branca na cultura da soja. ABSTRACT: In this work, the use of the commercial product Organic Neem® and its association with the fertilizer Sili-k® containing silicon and potassium was evaluated in the management of the withefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) under greenhouse conditions. The application of the treatments in soybean plants grown in plastic vases was performed before and after artificial infestation of whitefly adults. The treatments were: Organic Neem® 1L ha-1, Sili-k® 1L ha-1, Organic Neem® 1L ha-1 + Sili-k® 1L ha-1 and control (water). The results showed that none of the tested treatments had satisfactory action in reducing the withefly population in soybean

    Erosão hídrica em campo nativo sob diversos manejos: perdas de água e solo e de fósforo, potássio e amônio na água de enxurrada.

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    Os campos nativos do sul do Brasil são utilizados para o pastejo de bovinos e ovinos. Após o verão, no início da estação fria, a fitomassa excedente do pastejo seca, sendo comum sua queima para facilitar o rebrote da pastagem na primavera. No entanto, a queima da fitomassa mineraliza nutrientes e deixa o solo descoberto, potencializando a erosão hídrica. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de quantificar as perdas totais de água e solo e os teores de P, K e NH4 + na água da enxurrada, em campo nativo sobre um Latossolo Bruno aluminoférrico típico. Foram estudados os tratamentos: campo nativo sem queima e sem adubo; campo nativo sem queima e com superfosfato triplo; campo nativo com queima e sem adubo; e campo nativo com queima e com superfosfato triplo. Sobre as parcelas, com 11 m de comprimento, na direção do declive, e 3,5 m de largura, aplicou-se uma chuva simulada com intensidade de 75 mm h-1 e duração de 3 h. A queima influenciou a erosão hídrica e as perdas de nutrientes. A queima da fitomassa do campo nativo diminuiu os tempos de início e pico da enxurrada e a infiltração de água no solo, bem como aumentou a taxa máxima de enxurrada, as perdas de água e solo por erosão hídrica e os teores e as perdas totais de P, K e NH4 + na água de enxurrada, em relação à ausência da queima. A concentração de sedimentos na enxurrada foi maior no tratamento com queima da fitomassa do que no sem queima. O maior e o menor valor da concentração de sedimentos ocorreram em menor tempo de duração do escoamento superficial no tratamento com queima do que no tratamento sem queima, contribuindo para que a perda total de solo fosse 8,9 vezes maior com a queima do que sem a queima do campo. O teor e a perda total de P na água da enxurrada foram maiores no tratamento com adubo fosfatado do que no tratamento sem adubo, tanto no tratamento com queima da fitomassa quanto no sem queima. Para o K e o NH4 +, os teores e as perdas totais foram maiores no tratamento com queima do que no sem queima. O modelo exponencial do tipo y = ae-bx ajustou-se aos teores de P, K e NH4 + na água da enxurrada, em relação ao tempo de ocorrência do escoamento superficial (p < 0,01)

    Efeitos dos inseticidas utilizados no controle de Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biótipo B e sua seletividade aos inimigos naturais na cultura da soja.

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    RESUMO:Nas últimas safras a mosca-branca, Bemisia tabaci biótipo B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) tornou-se praga de importância econômica para a cultura da soja devido à ocorrência de altas infestações e à dificuldade de controle desta praga. Sendo assim, é importante buscar alternativas de manejo com base em um programa de manejo integrado de pragas. Assim, avaliaram-se neste trabalho a eficiência de diferentes inseticidas no controle da mosca-branca em casa-de-vegetação e a seletividade destes aos parasitoides Encarsia formosa, Trichogramma pretiosum e Telenomus remus. Buprofezina 150 g i.a. ha-1 + óleo mineral 0,2% v/v e piriproxifem 100 g. i.a. ha-1 foram consideradas as melhores opções para uso no manejo da mosca-branca devido à boa eficiência de controle da praga associada com a maior seletividade aos parasitoides estudados à exceção de Encarsia formosa para o qual nenhum dos tratamentos avaliados foi classificado como seletivo. Beta-ciflutrina 9,375 +imidacloprido 75 g. i.a. ha-1 foi eficiente no controle de ninfas, mas não foi seletivo aos inimigos naturais avaliados. Em geral, os tratamentos contendo piretróides na sua composição (beta-ciflutrina 9,375 + imidacloprido 75 + espiromesifeno 60 g. i.a. ha-1; beta-ciflutrina 9,375 + imidacloprido 75 g. i.a. ha-1 e lambda-cialotrina 26,5 + tiametoxam 35,25 g i.a. ha-1) foram os mais nocivos aos parasitoides avaliados, portanto seu uso deve ser evitado sempre que possível. ABSTRACT: Effects of insecticides used in Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B control and their selectivity to natural enemies in soybean crop in recent crop seasons, the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B has become a serious pest in soybean crops due to high infestations and its control difficulties. Therefore, it is important to search control alternatives in the integrated pest management approach. Thus, it was evaluated in this study the efficacy of the whitefly control using different insecticides in greenhouse conditions and their selectivity to the parasitoids Encarsia formosa, Trichogramma pretiosum and Telenomus remus. Buprofezin 150 g. a.i.ha-1 + mineral oil 0.2% v/v and pyriproxyfen 100 g. a.i.ha-1 were considered the best options for the whitefly management due to combine good pest control efficacy with higher selectivity to the parasitoids except Encarsia formosa for which no treatment was classified as harmless. Betacyflutrin 9.375 + imidacloprid 75 g. i.a. ha-1 was efficient on controlling whiteflies nymphs but was not harmless to the studied natural enemies. In general, the treatments including pyretroids compounds (betacyflutrin 9.375 + imidacloprid 75 + spiromesifen 60, betacyflutrin 9.375 + imidacloprid 75 and lambda-cyhalothrin 26.5 + thiametoxan 35.25 g. a.i. ha-1) were the most harmful to the evaluated parasitoids and therefore it use should be avoid whenever possible

    Backward extrapolation technique: analysis of different criteria after supramaximal exercise in cycling

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    Background: Backward extrapolation technique (BE) was used to estimate V̇O2 from postexercise measuring, eliminating oronasal mask (OM) during the efforts. Despite its advantage, literature presents discrepancy in applied methods. Thus, the first aim of this study was to compare different mathematical criteria to estimate values of V̇O2 during a supramaximal effort (V̇O2PEAK), while the second aim was to verify the effects of OM on cycling performance. Methods: Twenty-four male cyclists (35±6 years, 81.3±8.9 kg, 180±6 cm) performed three days of tests, with at least 24 h of interval between each test. Firstly, a graded exercise test was applied to determine V̇O2max and your correspondent intensity (MAP). The second and the third day were destined to supramaximal efforts at 120% of MAP, performed with (Supramask) and without (Suprabe) oronasal mask (OM) in a randomized order. After Suprabe, OM was coupled, and BE was applied. Sixty-six values of V̇O2 were obtained based on a linear regression fitting. Results: V̇O2peak can be estimated using different curve lengths. However, only curves between 20 and 60 s with extrapolation to 3 s or lesser shows at least one consistent criterion. The 60 s curve extrapoled to -3 s was the most accurate criteria (P=0.723; ES=-0.055; r=0.824; Bias=-0.36 and LoA=7.72 mL.kg.min-1). Performance was not impaired with OM and was similar in both condition (P=0.84, ES=0.04). Conclusions: We conclude that it was possible to accurately estimate V̇O2 values of a supramaximal effort without any respiratory apparatus with a time-efficient analysis. Therefore, we recommended the use of a 60 seconds V̇O2 curve analysis with a negative extrapolation for 3 seconds