3,070 research outputs found

    Microstructure and chemical composition of Roman orichalcum coins emitted after the monetary reform of Augustus (23 B.C.)

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    A collection of ancient Roman orichalcum coins, i.e., a copper-zinc alloy, minted under the reigns from Caesar to Domitianus, have been characterised using scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). We studied, for the first time, coins emitted by Romans after the reforms of Augustus (23 B.C.) and Nero (63-64 A.D). These coins, consisting of asses, sestertii, dupondii and semisses, were analysed using non- and invasive analyses, aiming to explore microstructure, corrosive process and to acquire quantitative chemical analysis. The results revealed that the coins are characterized by porous external layers, which are affected by dezincification and decuprification processes. As pictured by the X-ray maps, the elemental distribution of Cu and Zn shows patterns of depletion that in some cases penetrate in deep up to 1 mm. The composition of the un-corroded nucleus is a Cu-Zn alloy containing up to 30% of Zn, typical of coins produced via cementation process

    Pi3k/pten/akt signaling pathways in germ cell development and their involvement in germ cell tumors and ovarian dysfunctions

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    Several studies indicate that the PI3K/PTEN/AKT signaling pathways are critical regulators of ovarian function including the formation of the germ cell precursors, termed primordial germ cells, and the follicular pool maintenance. This article reviews the current state of knowledge of the functional role of the PI3K/PTEN/AKT pathways during primordial germ cell development and the dynamics of the ovarian primordial follicle reserve and how dysregulation of these signaling pathways may contribute to the development of some types of germ cell tumors and ovarian dysfunctions

    Effect of culture in simulated microgravity on the development of mouse embryonic testes

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    BACKGROUND All known organisms develop and evolve in the presence of gravitational force, and it is evident that gravity has a significant influence on organism physiology and development. Microgravity is known to affect gene expression, enzyme activity, cytoskeleton organization, mitotic proliferation and intracellular signaling. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to study some aspects of the development in vitro of mouse embryonic testes in simulated microgravity. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Testes from mouse embryos (12.5-16.5 days post coitum, d.p.c.) were cultured in simulated microgravity and standard static culture conditions. The microgravity condition was provided by a Rotary Cell Culture System (RWV) bioreactor, an apparatus designated for 3D tissue and small organ cultures. After 48 h of the culture in the RWV, testis morphology and size was evaluated. RESULTS: The first observation was that the culture in the RWV bioreactor had a beneficial effect on the testis growth and on the survival of germ cells in comparison to static 2D culture methods. Moreover, we found, that RWV culture caused disorganization the gonadal tissues, namely of the testis cords. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the maintenance of testis cord could be sensitive to microgravity. We hypothesize that while the effect on testis growth is due to a better nutrient and oxygen supply, the testis cord's disorganization might depend on the microgravity conditions simulated by the bioreactor. Considering the complexity of the processes involved in the formation of the testis cords and their dynamic changes during the embryo fetal period, further studies are needed to identify the causes of such effect

    Long and short term changes in abundance and distribution of butterflies: hints from the Lazio database

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    The DB on the occurrence data of the butterflies (Papilionoidea) of Lazio, at 14th February 2022 consisted of 36244 records including 154 species istributed throughout a total of 6719 sites. The data set included geoeferenced and chrono-referenced data collected from the literature, specialist-validated occurrences from websites (Forum Natura Mediterraneo, iNaturalist, Ornitho), as well as an important amount of original observations included in the database of the Lazio Biodiversity Observatory. All observations were used to create distribution maps. In order to evaluate any change in observations over time for the various species, all records were divided into three different periods: before 1980 (4425 records), 1980-2000 (6498 records) and post 2000 (25321 records). A finer subdivision was then examined within the post-2000 period: 2001-2007 (11888 records), 2008-2014 (4977 records), 2014-2021 (8456 records). Further analyses were carried out to highlight differences in the distribution of species as a function of altitude and / or changes in land use that have occurred in the last decades. The results show that qualitatively the species present in the region before 1980 are all still present today, however the abundance of related observations in several cases has changed considerably. Observations of an important portion of the species have significantly decreased in recent years. This trend is observed in the majority of mountain species and various habitat-specialist butterflies regardless of altitude. In some other species, often the most common or habitat-generalist butterflies, an increase was observed. The causes of these trends can be identified in the human land use and climate change, without excluding, however, the differences in data recording over time that could favor the most common species

    Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation Acts in the DNA Demethylation of Mouse Primordial Germ Cells Also with DNA Damage-Independent Roles

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    Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation regulates chromatin structure and transcription driving epigenetic events. In particular, Parp1 is able to directly influence DNA methylation patterns controlling transcription and activity of Dnmt1. Here, we show that ADP-ribose polymer levels and Parp1 expression are noticeably high in mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) when the bulk of DNA demethylation occurs during germline epigenetic reprogramming in the embryo. Notably, Parp1 activity is stimulated in PGCs even before its participation in the DNA damage response associated with active DNA demethylation. We demonstrate that PARP inhibition impairs both genome-wide and locus-specific DNA methylation erasure in PGCs. Moreover, we evidence that impairment of PARP activity causes a significant reduction of expression of the gene coding for Tet1 hydroxylases involved in active DNA demethylation. Taken together these results demonstrate new and adjuvant roles of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation during germline DNA demethylation and suggest its possible more general involvement in genome reprogramming

    To be or not to be a germ cell: The extragonadal germ cell tumor paradigm

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    In the human embryo, the genetic program that orchestrates germ cell specification in-volves the activation of epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms that make the germline a unique cell population continuously poised between germness and pluripotency. Germ cell tumors, neo-plasias originating from fetal or neonatal germ cells, maintain such dichotomy and can adopt either pluripotent features (embryonal carcinomas) or germness features (seminomas) with a wide range of phenotypes in between these histotypes. Here, we review the basic concepts of cell specification, migration and gonadal colonization of human primordial germ cells (hPGCs) highlighting the analogies of transcriptional/epigenetic programs between these two cell types

    Status of the Cylindical-GEM project for the KLOE-2 Inner Tracker

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    The status of the R&D on the Cylindrical-GEM (CGEM) detector foreseen as Inner Tracker for KLOE-2, the upgrade of the KLOE experiment at the DAFNE phi-factory, will be presented. The R&D includes several activities: i) the construction and complete characterization of the full-size CGEM prototype, equipped with 650 microns pitch 1-D longitudinal strips; ii) the study of the 2-D readout with XV patterned strips and operation in magnetic field (up to 1.5T), performed with small planar prototypes in a dedicated test at the H4-SPS beam facility; iii) the characterization of the single-mask GEM technology for the realization of large-area GEM foils.Comment: 4 pages, 10 figures, Presented at Vienna Conference on Instrumentation (Feb 15-20, 2010, Vienna, Austria). Submitted to the Proceeding

    High-resolution tracking in a GEM-Emulsion detector

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    SHiP (Search for Hidden Particles) is a beam dump experiment proposed at the CERN SPS aiming at the observation of long lived particles very weakly coupled with ordinary matter mostly produced in the decay of charmed hadrons. The beam dump facility of SHiP is also a copious factory of neutrinos of all three kinds and therefore a dedicated neutrino detector is foreseen in the SHiP apparatus. The neutrino detector exploits the Emulsion Cloud Chamber technique with a modular structure, alternating walls of target units and planes of electronic detectors providing the time stamp to the event. GEM detectors are one of the possible choices for this task. This paper reports the results of the first exposure to a muon beam at CERN of a new hybrid chamber, obtained by coupling a GEM chamber and an emulsion detector. Thanks to the micrometric accuracy of the emulsion detector, the position resolution of the GEM chamber as a function of the particle inclination was evaluated in two configurations, with and without the magnetic fiel

    Temporal response to harmonic driving in electroconvection

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    The temporal evolution of the spatially periodic electroconvection (EC) patterns has been studied within the period of the driving ac voltage by monitoring the light intensity diffracted from the pattern. Measurements have been carried out on a variety of nematic systems, including those with negative dielectric and positive conductivity anisotropy, exhibiting "standard EC" (s-EC), those with both anisotropies negative exhibiting "non-standard EC" (ns-EC), as well as those with the two anisotropies positive. Theoretical predictions have been confirmed for stationary s-EC and ns-EC patterns. Transitions with Hopf bifurcation have also been studied. While traveling had no effect on the temporal evolution of dielectric s-EC, traveling conductive s-EC and ns-EC patterns exhibited a substantially altered temporal behavior with a dependence on the Hopf frequency. It has also been shown that in nematics with both anisotropies positive, the pattern develops and decays within an interval much shorter than the period, even at relatively large driving frequencies.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    The micro-RWELL layouts for high particle rate

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    The μ\mu-RWELL is a single-amplification stage resistive Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector (MPGD). The detector amplification element is realized with a single copper-clad polyimide foil micro-patterned with a blind hole (well) matrix and embedded in the readout PCB through a thin Diamond-Like-Carbon (DLC) sputtered resistive film. The introduction of the resistive layer, suppressing the transition from streamer to spark, allows to achieve large gains (\geq104^4) with a single amplification stage, while partially reducing the capability to stand high particle fluxes. The simplest resistive layout, designed for low-rate applications, is based on a single-resistive layer with edge grounding. At high particle fluxes this layout suffers of a non-uniform response. In order to get rid of such a limitation different current evacuation geometries have been designed. In this work we report the study of the performance of several high rate resistive layouts tested at the CERN H8-SpS and PSI π\piM1 beam test facilities. These layouts fulfill the requirements for the detectors at the HL-LHC and for the experiments at the next generation colliders FCC-ee/hh and CepC