34 research outputs found

    Dynamic expression of the pro-dopaminergic transcription factors Pax6 and Dlx2 during postnatal olfactory bulb neurogenesis

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    Olfactory bulb (OB) neurogenesis generates neurons that use GABA or dopamine as their neurotransmitters throughout life. Regionalized stem cell populations in the periventricular zone (PVZ) of the lateral ventricles (LVs) have been shown to be at the basis of neuronal diversity in the system. For example dopaminergic neurons arise predominantly from neural stem cells (NSCs) residing in the dorsal PVZ and depend on the expression of the transcription factors Pax6 and Dlx2 for their specification. In addition, Dlx2 is required for neurogenesis in general. Using targeted in vivo electroporation combined with immuno-fluorescence imaging and microarray analysis, we provide here detailed spatial and temporal expression data with cellular resolution in this system. We find that all along the neurogenic process Pax6 expression remains restricted to the dorsal PVZ, whereas nearly all neuroblasts express Dlx2, including those of the dorsal lineage, which are switched on for Dlx2 when they enter the rostral migratory stream (RMS). These data allow to explain and precise the functions of these two genes in postnatal OB neurogenesis

    MiR-200 family controls late steps of postnatal forebrain neurogenesis via Zeb2 inhibition

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    During neurogenesis, generation, migration and integration of the correct numbers of each neuron sub-Type depends on complex molecular interactions in space and time. MicroRNAs represent a key control level allowing the flexibility and stability needed f

    La neurogenèse bulbaire et son impact neurologique

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    International audienceContrary to the long-held dogma according to which the adult mammalian brain does not produce neurons anymore, neuronal turnover has been reported in two discrete areas of the adult brain: the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb. Adult-generated neurons are produced from neural stem cells located in the hippocampal subgranular zone and the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricles. Recently, number of genetic and epigenetic factors that modulate proliferation of stem cells, migration, differentiation and survival of newborn neurons have been characterized. We know that neurogenesis increases in the diseased brain, after stroke or after traumatic brain injury. Importantly, progenitors from the subventricular zone, but not from the subgranular zone, are incorporated at the sites of injury, where they replace some of the degenerated neurons. Thus, the central nervous system has the capacity to regenerate itself after injury and, today, researchers develop strategies aimed at promoting neurogenesis in diseased areas. This basic research is attracting a lot of attention because of the hope that it will lead to regeneration and reconstruction therapy for the damaged brain. In this review, we discuss major findings concerning the organization of the neurogenic niche located in the subventricular zone and examine both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that regulate adult neurogenesis. Then, we present evidences for the intrinsic capability of the adult brain for cell replacement, and shed light on recent works demonstrating that one can greatly enhance appropriate brain cell replacement by using molecular cues known to endogenously control proliferation, migration, differentiation and/or survival of subventricular zone progenitors. Finally, we review some of the advantages and limits of strategies aimed at using endogenous progenitors and their relevance to human clinics.La découverte de cellules souches au cœur du cerveau adulte bouleversa le dogme, central en neurobiologie, selon lequel le cerveau mature est une structure stable qui n'évolue plus. Depuis quelques années, les neurobiologistes constatent que, même parvenu au stade adulte, le cerveau reste encore capable de fabriquer des neurones qui s'intègrent aux réseaux existants. De façon constitutive, deux régions cérébrales (le bulbe olfactif et l'hippocampe) sont capables d'intégrer de nouveaux neurones et de tirer profit de cette jouvence neurale. Les nouveaux neurones sont issus de progéniteurs ayant des propriétés de cellules-souches neurales, et situés dans des régions particulières : la zone sous-ventriculaire pour les progéniteurs bulbaires, et la zone sous-granulaire pour les progéniteurs de l'hippocampe. Nombre de facteurs génétiques et épigénétiques régulant la prolifération des cellules souches, la migration, la différenciation et la survie des nouvelles cellules ont été identifiés et leurs mécanismes d'action élucidés. Cette capacité à produire de nouvelles cellules permet au cerveau adulte de s'adapter aux changements survenant dans son entourage ; en cas de lésion ou de maladie, notamment, elle lui offre une possibilité de pouvoir se réparer. Dans cette synthèse, nous décrirons les différentes étapes par lesquelles une cellule-souche neurale produit des neurones destinés au bulbe olfactif, en insistant sur la façon dont cette production peut être régulée. Cette exploration nous conduira à décrire les résultats récents qui témoignent du potentiel réparateur des progéniteurs endogènes du système olfactif. Ces découvertes ouvrent la voie à de nouvelles stratégies visant à détourner, depuis leur zone germinative, les neurones nouvellement formés dans un cerveau adulte

    miRNAs in Mammalian Adult Olfactory Neurogenesis

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    International audienc

    Régulation de la neurogenèse bulbaire adulte (implication pour la thérapie cellulaire)

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Dendritic Spine Plasticity: Function and Mechanisms

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    International audienceDendritic spines are small protrusions studding neuronal dendrites, first described in 1888 by Ramón y Cajal using his famous Golgi stainings. Around 50 years later the advance of electron microscopy (EM) confirmed Cajal's intuition that spines constitute the postsynaptic site of most excitatory synapses in the mammalian brain. The finding that spine density decreases between young and adult ages in fixed tissues suggested that spines are dynamic. It is only a decade ago that two-photon microscopy (TPM) has unambiguously proven the dynamic nature of spines, through the repeated imaging of single spines in live animals. Spine dynamics comprise formation, disappearance, and stabilization of spines and are modulated by neuronal activity and developmental age. Here, we review several emerging concepts in the field that start to answer the following key questions: What are the external signals triggering spine dynamics and the molecular mechanisms involved? What is, in return, the role of spine dynamics in circuit-rewiring, learning, and neuropsychiatric disorders

    Disorders of neurogenesis and cortical development

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    International audienceThe development of the cerebral cortex requires complex sequential processes that have to be precisely or chestrated. The localization and timing of neuronal progenitor proliferation and of neuronal migration define the identity, laminar positioning, and specific connectivity of each single cortical neuron. Alterations at any step of this organized series of events – due to genetic mutations or environmental factors – lead to defined brain pathologies collectively known as malformations of cortical development (MCDs), which are now recognized as a leading cause of drug-resistant epilepsy and intellectual disability. In this heterogeneous group of disorders, macroscopic alterations of brain structure (eg, heterotopic nodules, small or absent gyri, double cortex) can be recognized and probably subtend a general reorganization of neuronal circuits. In this review, we provide an overview of the molecular mechanisms that are implicated in the generation of genetic MCDs associated with aberrations at various steps of neurogenesis and cortical development

    Local neurons play key roles in the mammalian olfactory bulb

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    Over the past few decades, research exploring how the brain perceives, discriminates, and recognizes odorant molecules has received a growing interest. Today, olfaction is no longer considered a matter of poetry. Chemical senses entered the biological era when an increasing number of scientists started to elucidate the early stages of the olfactory pathway. A combination of genetic, biochemical, cellular, electrophysiological and behavioral methods has provided a picture of how odor information is processed in the olfactory system as it moves from the periphery to higher areas of the brain. Our group is exploring the physiology of the main olfactory bulb, the first processing relay in the mammalian brain. From different electrophysiological approaches, we are attempting to understand the cellular rules that contribute to the synaptic transmission and plasticity at this central relay. How olfactory sensory inputs, originating from the olfactory epithelium located in the nasal cavity, are encoded in the main olfactory bulb remains a crucial question for understanding odor processing. More importantly, the persistence of a high level of neurogenesis continuously supplying the adult olfactory bulb with newborn local neurons provides an attractive model to investigate how basic olfactory functions are maintained when a large proportion of local neurons are continuously renewed. For this purpose, we summarize the current ideas concerning the molecular mechanisms and organizational strategies used by the olfactory system to encode and process information in the main olfactory bulb. We discuss the degree of sensitivity of the bulbar neuronal network activity to the persistence of this high level of neurogenesis that is modulated by sensory experience. Finally, it is worth mentioning that analyzing the molecular mechanisms and organizational strategies used by the olfactory system to transduce, encode, and process odorant information in the olfactory bulb should aid in understanding the general neural mechanisms involved in both sensory perception and memory. Due to space constraints, this review focuses exclusively on the olfactory systems of vertebrates and primarily those of mammals