416 research outputs found

    Towards a social robot as interface for tourism recommendations

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    The popularity of social robots is steadily increasing, mainly due to the interesting impact they have in several application domains. In this paper, we propose the use of Pepper Robot as an interface of a recommender system for tourism. In particular, we used the robot to interact with the users and to provide them with personalized recommendations about hotels, restaurants, and points of interest in the area. The personalization mechanism encoded in the social robot relies on soft biometrics traits automatically recognized by the robot, as age and gender, user interests and personal facets. All these data are used to feed a neural network that returns as output the most suitable recommendations for the target user. To evaluate the effectiveness of the interaction driven by a social robot, we carried out a user study whose goal was to evaluate: (1) how the robot affects the perceived accuracy of the recommendations; (2) how the user experience and the engagement vary by interacting with a social robot instead of a classic web application. Even if there is a large room for improvement, mainly due to the poor speech recognizer integrated in the Pepper, the results showed that the robot can strongly attract people, thanks to its presence and interaction capabilities. These findings encouraged us in performing a larger field study to test the approach in the wild and to understand whether it can increase the acceptance of recommendations in real environments

    Social robots in cognitive interventions. Advances, problems and perspectives

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    Social Assistive Robots are being used in therapeutic interventions for elderly people affected by cognitive impairments. The present paper reports our research lines aiming at investigating the role of a social robot in aiding therapists during cognitive stimulation sessions for elders with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Dementia. We review our studies whose results show that social robots have been positively accepted by the seniors in different experiments. Participants were very attentive and involved in the sessions’ tasks and their experience was mainly positive. Our data suggest that this technology can be a valid tool to support psychotherapists in cognitive stimulation interventions emphasizing the need of multidisciplinary approaches combining assessment of behavior and robotics

    Potential Use of MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometry for Rapid Detection of Antifungal Resistance in the Human Pathogen Candida glabrata.

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    The echinocandins are relatively new antifungal drugs that represent, together with the older azoles, the recommended and/or preferred agents to treat candidaemia and other forms of invasive candidiasis in human patients. If "time is of the essence" to reduce the mortality for these infections, the administration of appropriate antifungal therapy could be accelerated by the timely reporting of laboratory test results. In this study, we attempted to validate a MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry-based assay for the antifungal susceptibility testing (AFST) of the potentially multidrug-resistant pathogen Candida glabrata against anidulafungin and fluconazole. The practical applicability of the assay, reported here as MS-AFST, was assessed with a panel of clinical isolates that were selected to represent phenotypically and genotypically/molecularly susceptible or resistant strains. The data show the potential of our assay for rapid detection of antifungal resistance, although the MS-AFST assay performed at 3 h of the in vitro antifungal exposure failed to detect C. glabrata isolates with echinocandin resistance-associated FKS2 mutations. However, cell growth kinetics in the presence of anidulafungin revealed important cues about the in vitro fitness of C. glabrata isolates, which may lead to genotypic or phenotypic antifungal testing in clinical practice

    INTERFACE Toolkit: A New Tool for Building IVAs

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    BIOF\u2013HILO assay: A new MALDI\u2013TOF mass spectrometry based method for discriminating between high-and low-biofilm-producing candida parapsilosis isolates

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    Candida parapsilosis is the most frequent cause of catheter-related candidemia among non-Candida albicans species. This may be related to intrinsic capabilities as adhering and forming a biofilm on abiotic surfaces such as on medical devices. As previously demonstrated, patients infected with high biofilm-producing C. parapsilosis isolates had a greater mortality risk compared to patients infected with low biofilm-producing C. parapsilosis isolates. We developed the BIOF\u2013HILO assay, a MALDI\u2013TOF mass spectrometry (MS)-based assay, which compares mass spectra obtained from attached and suspended isolate cells during the early (i.e., 3-h) adhesion phase of in vitro biofilm formation. The composite correlation index (CCI) analysis was used to discriminate between mass spectra differences of the two cell types, classifying all 50 C. parapsilosis clinical isolates, included in the study, after only 3-h of testing, in high or low biofilm producers. All high (n = 25) or low (n = 25) biofilm producers had, according to CCI mass spectra comparison values, higher or lower than one CCI ratios, which were obtained by dividing the CCIsuspendedcells by the CCIattachedcells . In conclusion, the BIOF\u2013HILO assay allows a rapid categorization of C. parapsilosis clinical isolates in high or low biofilm producers. This information, if timely provided to physicians, may improve treatment outcomes in patients with C. parapsilosis candidemia

    Different detection capabilities by mycological media for Candida isolates from mono- or dual-species cultures

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    The aim of this study was to compare the Candida bromcresol green (BCG) medium with the chromogenic (CHROM) Brilliance Candida agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) media in regard to their capability of detecting Candida isolates from mono- or dual-species cultures. We prepared Candida isolates' suspensions to obtain mono-species (n = 18) or dual-species (n = 153) culture plates per each medium, and three readers independently observed 513 plates at 24-h, 48-h and 72-h incubation time. We scored reading results as correct, over or under detection compared to the expected species number(s). BCG showed significantly higher correct-detection and lower under-detection rates for all Candida species when observed by at least one reader. At 24-h reading, 12 mono-species cultures had correct (or over) detections in all media, whereas 106, 60 and 78 dual-species cultures had correct (or over) detections in BCG, CHROM or SDA, respectively. BCG provides the basis for an accurate laboratory diagnosis of Candida infections

    SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence Study in Pediatric Patients and Health Care Workers Using Multiplex Antibody Immunoassays

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection has become a global health problem specially exacerbated with the continuous appearance of new variants. Healthcare workers (HCW) have been one of the most affected sectors. Children have also been affected, and although infection generally presents as a mild disease, some have developed the Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome Temporally Associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS). We recruited 190 adults (HCW and cohabitants, April to June 2020) and 57 children (April 2020 to September 2021), of whom 12 developed PIMS-TS, in a hospital-based study in Spain. Using an in-house Luminex assay previously validated, antibody levels were measured against different spike and nucleocapsid SARS-CoV-2 proteins, including the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants of concern (VoC). Seropositivity rates obtained from children and adults, respectively, were: 49.1% and 11% for IgG, 45.6% and 5.8% for IgA, and 35.1% and 7.3% for IgM. Higher antibody levels were detected in children who developed PIMS-TS compared to those who did not. Using the COVID-19 IgM/IgA ELISA (Vircell, S.L.) kit, widely implemented in Spanish hospitals, a high number of false positives and lower seroprevalences compared with the Luminex estimates were found, indicating a significantly lower specificity and sensitivity. Comparison of antibody levels against RBD-Wuhan versus RBD-VoCs indicated that the strongest positive correlations for all three isotypes were with RBD-Alpha, while the lowest correlations were with RBD-Delta for IgG, RBD-Gamma for IgM, and RBD-Beta for IgA. This study highlights the differences in antibody levels between groups with different demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as reporting the IgG, IgM, and IgA response to RBD VoC circulating at the study period

    Prevalence and Clonal Distribution of Azole-Resistant Candida parapsilosis Isolates Causing Bloodstream Infections in a Large Italian Hospital

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    The most prevalent cause of nosocomial bloodstream infection (BSI) among non-C. albicans Candida species, Candida parapsilosis, may not only be resistant to azole antifungal agents but also disseminate to vulnerable patients. In this survey of BSIs occurring at a large Italian hospital between May 2014 and May 2019, C. parapsilosis accounted for 28.5% (241/844) of all Candida isolates causing BSI episodes. The majority of episodes (151/844) occurred in medical wards. Across the 5 yearly periods, the rates of azole non-susceptibility were 11.8% (4/34), 17.8% (8/45), 28.6% (12/42), 32.8% (19/58), and 17.7% (11/62), respectively, using the Sensititre YeastOne\uae method. Among azole non-susceptible isolates (54/241; 22.4%), 49 were available for further investigation. Using the CLSI reference method, all 49 isolates were resistant to fluconazole and, except one (susceptible dose-dependent), to voriconazole. Forty (81.6%) isolates harbored the Erg11p Y132F substitution and nine (18.4%) isolates the Y132F in combination with the Erg11p R398I substitution. According to their genotypes, as defined using a microsatellite analysis based on six short tandem repeat markers, 87.7% of isolates (43/49) grouped in two major clusters (II and III), whereas 4.1% of isolates (2/49) belonged to a separate cluster (I). Interestingly, all the isolates from cluster II harbored the Y132F substitution, and those from cluster III harbored both Y132F and R398I substitutions. Of 56 non-Italian isolates included as controls, two Indian isolates with the Y132F substitution had a genotype clearly differing from that of the isolates from clusters II and I. In conclusion, these findings show the dominance of clonal Y132F isolates in our hospital and suggest detection of the Y132F substitution as helpful tool to prevent transmission among hospitalized patients at risk of BSI