1,164 research outputs found

    GO! geographical ontology

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    GO! (Geographical Ontology) ontology has been developed by Claudia Corcione, Paola De Caro and Silvia naro, with the collaboration of Diego Magro, Timothy Tambassi and Maurizio Lana for the research project \u201cGeolat \u2013 geography for Latin literature\u201d. It describes the geographical locations, with a particular attention to the description of the Ancient World, especially to give the opportunity of having a link between the places mentioned in the texts, especially ancient, and their identification and correspondence with contemporary ones. For classical scholars this correspondence of ancient / contemporary modelling is of undisputed interest, both for the study of the habits of the most ancient peoples, and for the most various themes of literary interest. Through ontologies you can build maps of the ancient world and compare them to contemporary ones, annotate historical, geographical, cultural details connected to the place, indicate in which ancient text the place is mentioned and as which author discloses the details. These are just some ideas for research that can be developed, but the scenario that opens through these connections will be much larger. The GO! modules contain numerous classes and relations and differ in the specific entities defined in them, and are connected by a Top Level ontology - GO TOP ( http://purl.org/geolit/GO-TOP ): \u2022 an ontology that describes the physical and natural places ( http://purl.org/geolit/GO-PHY ) \u2022 an anthropic ontology, in which are specified all administrative bodies and artifacts created by human activity ( http://purl.org/geolit/GO-HUM )an \u2022 an ontology for the ancient world, which describes the specific aspects ( http://purl.org/geolit/GO-FAR ), where FAR means For Ancient Resources. The GO! ontology serves as an information base for the platform of the project GeoLat. The GO! modelling choices took into account the needs which the ontology must meet, allowing to add a range of additional information about the geographical place, through the inclusion of ad hoc relationships, in particular it is possible to express: \u2022 the correspondence with the places listed by Pleiades (historical online gazetteer http://pleiades.stoa.org/) \u2022 the physical and cultural characteristics shown in the Barrington Atlas \u2022 the source where the ancient place is mentioned (with philological reference) \u2022 the geographical coordinates of corresponding contemporary sites \u2022 a description of historical events (wars, defeats ...) \u2022 the changes of the place (e.g. a village which becomes a city) \u2022 the hypotesized location of imaginary places (such as Hades) \u2022 the physical and geopolitical description of the place These are only some of the potentialities of the GO! ontology, which incorporates some standard ontologies (for example GeoSPARQL), so as to be more easily shared and reused, because the quality of the ontology and the project in its entirety resides in its widespread use, in order to become a benchmark for the projects that link to the geographical description

    Cost analysis in the management of moderate-to-severe psoriasis: comparison between conventional and biological systemic therapies

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    Background. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with an important socio-economic burden. Available therapies include conventional systemic drugs and biological drugs, such as Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-α inhibitors, that are characterized by high costs. Aim. Perform a cost-estimation analysis of conventional treatment vs therapy with biosimilar TNF-α inhibitor between January 2021 and January 2022, according to the Apulia regional cost list. Methods. The average annual expenditure per patient on conventional treatment (cyclosporine and methotrexate) vs therapy with biosimilar TNF-α inhibitor was compared. The 'cost per responder' was determined by analyzing the percentages of 'responders' (patients achieving PASI 75 and PASI 90) and 'non-responders' (PASI <75) after one year of treatment. Results. The annual per capita expenditure with cyclosporin was €3,515.35, with methotrexate was €1,048.87, while for treatment with TNF-α biosimilar inhibitor drug was €3,030.11. The "cost per responder" analysis showed a value of €8,573 for cyclosporine, €2,834 for methotrexate, and €3,564 for TNF-α biosimilar inhibitor. Conclusions. Conventional drugs have a greater impact on healthcare expenditure than TNF-α biosimilar inhibitors

    Revisión y análisis de los factores que deterioran los componentes ambientales y la infraestructura del parque Espíritu del Manglar en la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias D. T. y C. /

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    El presente proyecto surge de una invitación hecha por parte del Cuerpo de Guardia Ambientales Voluntarios de Cartagena (CGAVC), con el fin de revisar y analizar los factores que deterioran la infraestructura y los componentes ambientales del Parque Espíritu del Manglar en la ciudad Cartagena de Indias. Inicialmente se desarrollaron una serie de visitas, donde se evidenció la problemática ambiental y de infraestructura, en las que se determinó la importancia de aplicar métodos y análisis en la búsqueda de alternativas y soluciones para la recuperación del Parque. Para tener certeza sobre las condiciones reales del parque, se realizaron estudios de agua donde se midieron los niveles pH, DBO, Temperatura, ST (sólidos totales), Coliformes Totales, Nutrientes, se aplicaron procedimientos de caracterización de flora con el método Gentry, por último se hizo un recorrido, observando detenidamente el estado físico de cada uno de los elementos y estructuras, analizando efectos, como la corrosión a causa de la salinidad. El abandono en que se encuentra el Parque Espíritu del Manglar se evidencia en el deterioro parcial o completo de la infraestructura.Incluye bibliografí

    Protective Effect of Hydroxytyrosol Against Oxidative Stress Induced by the Ochratoxin in Kidney Cells: in vitro and in vivo Study

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    Ochratoxin-A (OTA) is a mycotoxin that is a common contaminant of food products for both humans and animals. This mycotoxin has several toxic effects. In particular, ochratoxin has significant nephrotoxic potential. In fact, OTA has been described as being responsible for naturally occurring animal and human kidney disorders. The toxicity of this mycotoxin involves the induction of the oxidative stress pathways. Therefore, in the present study, we wanted to evaluate the potential protective effects of hydroxytyrosol (HT), a phenolic constituent with potent antioxidant activity, of extra virgin olive oil in three different renal cell lines, the Madin-Darby canine kidney cell line (MDCK), a pig kidney cell line (LLC-PK1), and a rabbit kidney cell line (RK 13), and in rats. Our results clearly showed that renal cells respond to OTA exposure by reducing cell proliferation and the induction of oxidative stress. Pre-incubation of the cells with HT prevented the cellular cytotoxicity and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels induced by OTA. In addition, the antioxidative activity of HT was studied by measuring malondialdehyde (MDA) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels and nitrosative stress. Finally, we investigated the capability of HT (20 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) to act in vivo. In rats, HT reduced oxidative stress and collagen accumulation in the kidney and counteracted the augmentations in AST, ALT, and creatinine levels following OTA induction (250 μg/kg for 90 days orally). In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that HT is able to protect three renal cell lines from the damage induced by OTA and protect the kidneys of rats. Therefore, the use of this compound could be an important strategy for the treatment and prevention of this type of kidney dysfunction

    The indirect effect of cognitive reserve on the relationship between age and cognition in pathological ageing: A cross-sectional retrospective study in an unselected and consecutively enrolled sample

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    Cognitive reserve (CR) allows individuals to maintain cognitive functionality even in the presence of pathologies. The compensation hypothesis suggests that CR plays an indirect role between age and cognitive decline, contrasting the negative effect of ageing on cognition. We test this hypothesis in an unselected and consecutively enrolled sample of memory clinic attendees (n = 134) who completed the CR Index questionnaire and three neuropsychological tests assessing global cognition (MMSE, FAB, CDT). Participants were divided into two groups based on standard diagnostic criteria (DSM-5): those who were cognitively impaired (n = 92) and those who were preserved (n = 42). A principal component analysis was used to extract a composite measure of global cognitive functioning from the three neuropsychological tests, and mediation analysis was used to examine the relationship between CR, age and global cognitive functioning in the two groups. Results revealed that: (i) age had a significant direct negative effect on the global cognitive score in both groups; (ii) the three socio-behavioural proxies of CR together suppress the direct negative relationship between age and global cognitive score in cognitively impaired patients but not in cognitively preserved participants. This study confirms the association between CR, age and cognition and allows us to validate its role in a population with cognitive impairment and extend findings to a low-to-middle educated population. These results hold important implications for public health and wellness promotion, emphasising the beneficial role of maintaining healthy and active physical, cognitive and social lifestyles

    Transgenic chloroplasts are efficient sites for high-yield production of the vaccinia virus envelope protein A27L in plant cells.

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    Orthopoxviruses (OPVs) have recently received increasing attention because of their potential use in bioterrorism and the occurrence of zoonotic OPV outbreaks, highlighting the need for the development of safe and cost-effective vaccines against smallpox and related viruses. In this respect, the production of subunit protein-based vaccines in transgenic plants is an attractive approach. For this purpose, the A27L immunogenic protein of vaccinia virus was expressed in tobacco using stable transformation of the nuclear or plastid genome. The vaccinia virus protein was expressed in the stroma of transplastomic plants in soluble form and accumulated to about 18% of total soluble protein (equivalent to approximately 1.7 mg/g fresh weight). This level of A27L accumulation was 500-fold higher than that in nuclear transformed plants, and did not decline during leaf development. Transplastomic plants showed a partial reduction in growth and were chlorotic, but reached maturity and set fertile seeds. Analysis by immunofluorescence microscopy indicated altered chlorophyll distribution. Chloroplast-synthesized A27L formed oligomers, suggesting correct folding and quaternary structure, and was recognized by serum from a patient recently infected by a zoonotic OPV. Taken together, these results demonstrate that chloroplasts are an attractive production vehicle for the expression of OPV subunit vaccines

    Mathematical Modelling and Identification of a Quadrotor

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    Motivated by the important growth of VTOL vehicles research such as quadrotors and to a small extent autonomous flight, a quadrotor dynamical model is presented in this work. The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of its flight dynamics. It is an underactuated system. So, a simplified and clear model is needed to implement controllers on these kind of unmanned aerial systems. In addition, a computational tool is used for validation purposes. For future works embedded or intelligent control systems can be developed to control them. Gyroscopic and some aerodynamics effects are neglected

    Lavaggio delle mani: confronto tra comportamenti dei Professionisti e degli Studenti in un grande Ospedale universitario

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    RIASSUNTO L'obiettivo principale dello studio è valutare le conoscenze, le opinioni e il rispetto delle procedure di operatori sanitari (medici, infermieri, studenti di medici e di infermieristica) sull'igiene delle mani (HH). Numerose ricerche indicano una minor accuratezza nel rispetto delle procedure di igiene della mani comparata agli infermieri mentre poche ricerche indagano l'atteggiamento durante gli studi. Un questionario è stato somministrato ad un campione di 756 partecipanti: 252 medici, 268 infermieri, 117 studenti infermieristica, 119 studenti di medicina in un grande Ospedale universitario (Roma), per determinare la conoscenza, la conformití  e le procedure rispetto all'igiene delle mani. Per l'analisi delle risposte dei questionari è stato utilizzato SPSS 17.0. La conoscenza e l'aderenza alle procedure dei futuri medici è inferiore a quella dei futuri infermieri. Sia nell'HBS (opinioni sull'igiene della mani) che nell'HHPI (procedure nell'igiene delle mani), gli studenti infermieri hanno punteggi più elevati rispetto agli infermieri, ai medici e agli studenti di medicina. Le domande sull'uso di detergenti a base di alcool sono state quelle in cui vi è il più basso numero di risposte corrette, in tutte le professioni. I medici hanno una minore aderenza alla pratica dell'igiene delle mani, rispetto gli infermieri. Future ricerche dovrebbe chiarire quali siano le differenze nella costruzione dello studio sulla pratica dell'igiene delle mani, quali sono le barriere che impediscono l' aderenza dei sanitari alla stessa e le migliori metodiche per trasmettere l'abitudine all'igiene della mani. I professionisti dovrebbero inoltre essere maggiormente coinvolti nella lotta contro le infezioni nosocomiali (ICA). Parole chiave: igiene delle mani, infezioni associate all'assistenza ICA, student di medicina, studenti infermieri, studenti delle professioni sanitarie, compliance nell'igiene delle mani, procedure per l'igiene delle mani ABSTRACT The main objective of the study is assessing knowledge, opinions and compliance with the procedures of health professionals (physician, nurses, medical and nursing students) about Hand Hygiene (HH). There is a number of research which indicates that physicians respect less than nurses Hand Hygiene, there are a smaller number which investigates the differences in the attitude of the aforementioned subjects during their studies. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 756 participants (252 doctors, 268 nurses, 117 nursing students and 119 students of medicine) at a large University Hospital in Rome, to determine their knowledge, compliance and procedures with Hand Hygiene. Knowledge of medical students is lower than that of nursing students, as well as they have lower values in adherence to practice. In both HH Beliefs Scale (HBS) and HH Practicies Inventory (HHPI) questionnaires, nursing students have higher scores than nurses, doctors and medical students. The questions on the use of alcohol-based cleaners have been those where there was the lowest number of correct responses, across all professions. Physicians compared to nurses have a lower adherence to Hand Hygiene. Future research should clarify what the differences are in the construction of the study on the practice of washing hands, what are the barriers to health professionals and best methods for teaching habits, namely the effectiveness of hand washing. Professionals should be more involved in the fight against Healthcare-associated infections. Key words: hand hygiene, health care associated infection, medical students. Nursing students, health care professionals, hand hygiene compliance, hand hygiene procedure

    Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Engages Toll Like Receptor 2 to Recruit Macrophages During Infection of Enteric Neurons

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    Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a widespread neurotropic pathogen responsible for a range of clinical manifestations. Inflammatory cell infiltrate is a common feature of HSV-1 infections and has been implicated in neurodegeneration. Therefore, viral recognition by innate immune receptors (i.e., TLR2) and the subsequent inflammatory response are now deemed key players in HSV-1 pathogenesis. In this study we infected with HSV-1 the enteric nervous system (ENS) of wild-type (WT) and TLR2 knock-out (TLR2ko) mice to investigate whether and how TLR2 participates in HSV-1 induced neuromuscular dysfunction. Our findings demonstrated viral specific transcripts suggestive of abortive replication in the ENS of both WT and TLR2ko mice. Moreover, HSV-1 triggered TLR2-MyD88 depend signaling in myenteric neurons and induced structural and functional alterations of the ENS. Gastrointestinal dysmotility was, however, less pronounced in TLR2ko as compared with WT mice. Interesting, HSV-1 caused up-regulation of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (CCL2) and recruitment of CD11b+ macrophages in the myenteric ganglia of WT but not TLR2ko mice. At the opposite, the myenteric plexuses of TLR2ko mice were surrounded by a dense infiltration of HSV-1 reactive CD3+CD8+INFγ+ lymphocytes. Indeed, depletion CD3+CD8+ cells by means of administration of anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody reduced neuromuscular dysfunction in TLR2ko mice infected with HSV-1. During HSV-1 infection, the engagement of TLR2 mediates production of CCL2 in infected neurons and coordinates macrophage recruitment. Bearing in mind these observations, blockage of TLR2 signaling could provide novel therapeutic strategies to support protective and specific T-cell responses and to improve neuromuscular dysfunction in pathogen-mediated alterations of the ENS
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