1,005 research outputs found

    Generally Covariant Actions for Multiple D-branes

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    We develop a formalism that allows us to write actions for multiple D-branes with manifest general covariance. While the matrix coordinates of the D-branes have a complicated transformation law under coordinate transformations, we find that these may be promoted to (redundant) matrix fields on the transverse space with a simple covariant transformation law. Using these fields, we define a covariant distribution function (a matrix generalization of the delta function which describes the location of a single brane). The final actions take the form of an integral over the curved space of a scalar single-trace action built from the covariant matrix fields, tensors involving the metric, and the covariant distribution function. For diagonal matrices, the integral localizes to the positions of the individual branes, giving N copies of the single-brane action.Comment: 34 pages, LaTeX. v2: comments and refs adde

    !mpulse to find out. An encounter with innovating teachers, utopia and ideology

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    Морфологічне дослідження впливу мелатоніну на стан слизової оболонки шлунка щурів в умовах експериментальної гастральної виразки

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    Введение серотонина вызывает в слизистой оболочке желудка животных острые деструктивные изменения преимущественно в виде эрозий и язв различного размера и численности, которые сопровождаются уменьшением содержания нейтральных мукополисахаридов в цитоплазме клеток поверхностно-ямочного эпителия. Введение мелатонина при гастральной язве уменьшает деструктивные изменения в слизистой оболочке желудка и восстанавливает состояние защитного слизистого барьера.Введение серотонина вызывает в слизистой оболочке желудка животных острые деструктивные изменения преимущественно в виде эрозий и язв различного размера и численности, которые сопровождаются уменьшением содержания нейтральных мукополисахаридов в цитоплазме клеток поверхностно-ямочного эпителия. Введение мелатонина при гастральной язве уменьшает деструктивные изменения в слизистой оболочке желудка и восстанавливает состояние защитного слизистого барьера.The introduction of serotonin is in the gastric mucosa of animals’ acute destructive changes mainly in the form of erosions and ulcers of various sizes and numbers, which are accompanied by a decrease in the amount of neutral mucopolysaccharides in the cytoplasm of the cell surface patching of the epithelium. The administration of melatonin in the gastric ulcer reduces the destructive changes in the gastric mucosa and restores the state of the protective mucus barrier

    Permeable conformal walls and holography

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    We study conformal field theories in two dimensions separated by domain walls, which preserve at least one Virasoro algebra. We develop tools to study such domain walls, extending and clarifying the concept of `folding' discussed in the condensed-matter literature. We analyze the conditions for unbroken supersymmetry, and discuss the holographic duals in AdS3 when they exist. One of the interesting observables is the Casimir energy between a wall and an anti-wall. When these separate free scalar field theories with different target-space radii, the Casimir energy is given by the dilogarithm function of the reflection probability. The walls with holographic duals in AdS3 separate two sigma models, whose target spaces are moduli spaces of Yang-Mills instantons on T4 or K3. In the supergravity limit, the Casimir energy is computable as classical energy of a brane that connects the walls through AdS3. We compare this result with expectations from the sigma-model point of view.Comment: Latex file, 34 pages, 8 figures, uses JHEP3.cls. Typos corrected and references adde

    Conformal Current Algebra in Two Dimensions

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    We construct a non-chiral current algebra in two dimensions consistent with conformal invariance. We show that the conformal current algebra is realized in non-linear sigma-models on supergroup manifolds with vanishing dual Coxeter number, with or without a Wess-Zumino term. The current algebra is computed using two distinct methods. First we exploit special algebraic properties of supergroups to compute the exact two- and three-point functions of the currents and from them we infer the current algebra. The algebra is also calculated by using conformal perturbation theory about the Wess-Zumino-Witten point and resumming the perturbation series. We also prove that these models realize a non-chiral Kac-Moody algebra and construct an infinite set of commuting operators that is closed under the action of the Kac-Moody generators. The supergroup models that we consider include models with applications to statistical mechanics, condensed matter and string theory. In particular, our results may help to systematically solve and clarify the quantum integrability of PSU(n|n) models and their cosets, which appear prominently in string worldsheet models on anti-deSitter spaces.Comment: 33 pages, minor correction

    The chiral ring of AdS3/CFT2 and the attractor mechanism

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    We study the moduli dependence of the chiral ring in N = (4,4) superconformal field theories, with special emphasis on those CFTs that are dual to type IIB string theory on AdS3xS3xX4. The chiral primary operators are sections of vector bundles, whose connection describes the operator mixing under motion on the moduli space. This connection can be exactly computed using the constraints from N = (4,4) supersymmetry. Its curvature can be determined using the tt* equations, for which we give a derivation in the physical theory which does not rely on the topological twisting. We show that for N = (4,4) theories the chiral ring is covariantly constant over the moduli space, a fact which can be seen as a non-renormalization theorem for the three-point functions of chiral primaries in AdS3/CFT2. From the spacetime point of view our analysis has the following applications. First, in the case of a D1/D5 black string, we can see the matching of the attractor flow in supergravity to RG-flow in the boundary field theory perturbed by irrelevant operators, to first order away from the fixed point. Second, under spectral flow the chiral primaries become the Ramond ground states of the CFT. These ground states represent the microstates of a small black hole in five dimensions consisting of a D1/D5 bound state. The connection that we compute can be considered as an example of Berry's phase for the internal microstates of a supersymmetric black hole.Comment: 72 pages (60 + appendices

    Phased-array wavelength demultiplexer with flattened wavelength response

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    A four-channel phased-array wavelength demultiplexer with a flattened wavelength response has been realised for the first time in InP/InGaAsP at 1.54 mu m by employing multimode output waveguides. The device has 2 nm channel spacing and a flat response (within 1 dB) of 17 n

    Effectiveness of an intervention to enhance occupational physicians’ guideline adherence on sickness absence duration in workers with common mental disorders:A cluster-randomized controlled trial

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    Purpose Evidence-based guidelines in occupational health care improve the quality of care and may reduce sickness absence duration. Notwithstanding that, guideline adherence of occupational physicians (OPs) is limited. Based on the literature on guideline implementation, an intervention was developed that was shown to effectively improve self-reported adherence in OPs. The aim of present study was to evaluate whether this intervention leads to earlier return to work (RTW) in workers with common mental disorders (CMD). Methods In a two-armed cluster randomized controlled trial, 66 OPs were randomized. The trial included 3379 workers, with 1493 in the intervention group and 1886 in the control group. The outcome measures were: time to full RTW, time to first RTW, and total hours of sickness absence. Cox regression analyses and generalized linear mixed model analyses were used for the evaluations. Results The median time to RTW was 154 days among the 3228 workers with CMD. No significant differences occurred in (time to) full RTW between intervention and control group HR 0.96 (95% CI 0.81–1.15) nor for first RTW HR 0.96 (95% CI 0.80–1.15). The mean total hours of sickness absence was 478 h in the intervention group and 483 h in the control group. Conclusions The intervention to enhance OPs’ guideline adherence did not lead to earlier RTW in workers with CMD guided by the OPs. Possible explanations are the remaining external barriers for guideline use, and that perceived guideline adherence might not represent actual guideline adherence and improved care