4,044 research outputs found

    A Killing Disease Epidemic Among Displaced Sudanese Population Identified as Visceral Leishmaniasis.

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    A fatal disease epidemic affected the Bentiu area in southern Sudan and led to a mass migration of the Nuer tribe searching for treatment. The initially available information revealed a high mortality rate due to a possible occurrence of tuberculosis, malaria, enteric fever or visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Serological screening of 53 of the most severely affected patients in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or an improved direct agglutination test (DAT) revealed positivity for VL. In 39 of those patients, diagnosis was confirmed by identification of Leishmania donovani amastigotes in lymph node or bone-marrow aspirates. In a total of 2714 patients observed, 1195 (44.0%) had clinical symptoms suggesting VL: DAT positive titers (1:3200-greater than or equal to 1:12800) were obtained in 654 (24.1%), of whom 325 were confirmed parasitologically. Forty-two VL cases died before or during treatment, giving a mortality rate of 6.4%. Among the intercurrent infections diagnosed in the VL population (654), respiratory involvements (31.7%) and malaria (10.7%) were most prevalent. With the exception of four (0.6%), all other VL patients (509) responded readily to sodium stibogluconate. The factors initiating the outbreak are discussed. Malnutrition and nomadic movements to potential VL endemic areas appeared to be the most important. HIV infection as a possible predisposition seemed remote considering the clinical and epidemiological similarity to VL occurring in East Africa, adequate humoral response in DAT, and immediate positive response to specific anti-Leishmania chemotherapy

    Nitric oxide turnover in permeable river sediment

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    We measured nitric oxide (NO) microprofiles in relation to oxygen (O-2) and all major dissolved N-species (ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, and nitrous oxide [N2O]) in a permeable, freshwater sediment (River Weser, Germany). NO reaches peak concentrations of 0.13 mu mol L-1 in the oxic zone and is consumed in the oxic-anoxic transition zone. Apparently, NO is produced by ammonia oxidizers under oxic conditions and consumed by denitrification under microoxic conditions. Experimental percolation of sediment cores with aerated surface water resulted in an initial rate of NO production that was 12 times higher than the net NO production rate in steady state. This initial NO production rate is in the same range as the net ammonia oxidation rate, indicating that NO is transiently the main product of ammonia oxidizers. Stable isotope labeling experiments with the N-15-labeled chemical NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) (1) confirmed denitrification as the main NO consumption pathway, with N2O as its major product, (2) showed that denitrification combines one free NO molecule with one NO molecule formed from nitrite to produce N2O, and (3) suggested that NO inhibits N2O reduction

    In Situ Coral Reef Oxygen Metabolism: An Eddy Correlation Study

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    Quantitative studies of coral reefs are challenged by the three-dimensional hard structure of reefs and the high spatial variability and temporal dynamics of their metabolism. We used the non-invasive eddy correlation technique to examine respiration and photosynthesis rates, through O-2 fluxes, from reef crests and reef slopes in the Florida Keys, USA. We assessed how the photosynthesis and respiration of different reef habitats is controlled by light and hydrodynamics. Numerous fluxes (over a 0.25 h period) were as high as 4500 mmol O-2 m(-2) d(-1), which can only be explained by efficient light utilization by the phototrophic community and the complex canopy structure of the reef, having a many-fold larger surface area than its horizontal projection. Over diel cycles, the reef crest was net autotrophic, whereas on the reef slope oxygen production and respiration were balanced. The autotrophic nature of the shallow reef crests implies that the export of organics is an important source of primary production for the larger area. Net oxygen production on the reef crest was proportional to the light intensity, up to 1750 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) an d decreased thereafter as respiration was stimulated by high current velocities coincident with peak light levels. Nighttime respiration rates were also stimulated by the current velocity, through enhanced ventilation of the porous framework of the reef. Respiration rates were the highest directly after sunset, and then decreased during the night suggesting that highly labile photosynthates produced during the day fueled early-night respiration. The reef framework was also important to the acquisition of nutrients as the ambient nitrogen stock in the water had sufficient capacity to support these high production rates across the entire reef width. These direct measurements of complex reefs systems yielded high metabolic rates and dynamics that can only be determined through in situ, high temporal resolution measurements

    Metabolic changes in the lungs after ischaemia

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    CITATION: Engelbrecht, F. M., Edwards, I. J. & De Beer, D. P. 1980. Metabolic changes in the lungs after ischaemia. South African Medical Journal, 58:409-413.The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.zaThe effects of variable periods of ischaemia on the isolated lungs of rats and rabbits, stored for up to 6 hours at 4°C, 21°C and 37°C under standardized conditions, were investigated in vitro in terms of oxygen consumption, the rate of 1-14C-leucine incorporation into soluble proteins, and 1-14C-palmitate incorporation into total phospholipids and lipid fractions. The endogenous oxygen uptake of rat lung slices in an air phase, from tissues stored at 4°C and 21°C under ischaemic conditions for 6 hours and at 37°C for 4 hours, was significantly different from the control values. The oxygen uptake of lungs from animals anaesthetized with pentobarbitone prior to exsanguination and stored for only 2 hours at 37°C differed significantly from control values. Judged by the rate of incorporation of radiolabelled leucine into soluble proteins and that of palmitate into total lipids and phospholipids of lungs after storage for increasing periods at 4°C and 37°C, significant differences were already found after 1 1/2 hours. From this observation it would appear that these parameters are very sensitive indicators for assessing irreversible lung damage due to ischaemia.Publisher’s versio

    The erosion of the Polder model

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    Conspicuous Smooth and White Egg-Shaped Sulfur Structures on a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Formed by Sulfide-Oxidizing Bacteria

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    Conspicuous egg-shaped, white, and smooth structures were observed at a hydrothermal vent site in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California. The gelatinous structures decomposed within hours after sampling. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy showed that the structure consisted of filaments of less than 0.1 mm thickness, similar to those observed for "Candidatus Arcobacter sulfidicus." SEM-energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) showed that the filaments were sulfur rich. According to 16S rRNA gene amplicon and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses, Arcobacter, a sulfide oxidizer that is known to produce filamentous elemental sulfur, was among the dominant species in the structure and was likely responsible for its formation. Arcobacter normally produces woolly snowflake like structures in opposed gradients of sulfide and oxygen. In the laboratory, we observed sulfide consumption in the anoxic zone of the structure, suggesting an anaerobic conversion. The sulfide oxidation and decomposition of the structure in the laboratory may be explained by dissolution of the sulfur filaments by reaction with sulfide under formation of polysulfides. IMPORTANCE At the deep-sea Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vent system, sulfide-rich hydrothermal fluids mix with oxygenated seawater, thereby providing a habitat for microbial sulfur oxidation. Microbial sulfur oxidation in the deep sea involves a variety of organisms and processes and can result in the excretion of elemental sulfur. Here, we report on conspicuous white and smooth gelatinous structures found on hot vents. These strange egg-shaped structures were often observed on previous occasions in the Guaymas Basin, but their composition and formation process were unknown. Our data suggest that the notable and highly ephemeral structure was likely formed by the well-known sulfide-oxidizing Arcobacter. While normally Arcobacter produces loose flocs or woolly layers, here smooth gel-like structures were found

    Direct neutron capture cross sections of 62Ni in the s-process energy range

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    Direct neutron capture on 62Ni is calculated in the DWBA and the cross sections in the energy range relevant for s-process nucleosynthesis are given. It is confirmed that the thermal value of the capture cross section contains a subthreshold resonance contribution. Contrary to previous investigations it is found that the capture at higher energies is dominated by p-waves, thus leading to a considerably increased cross section at s-process energies and a modified energy dependence.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, corrected typos in Eq. 6 and subsequent paragrap

    Naar een centrale afspraak voor de brede doelgroep Participatiewet? Advies aan SBCM

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    Op 5 juli overhandigde Huib van OIden, voorzitter van SBCM, A&O fonds voor de sociale werkvoorziening, het advies ‘Naar een centrale afspraak voor de brede doelgroep Participatiewet?’ aan staatssecretaris Jetta Klijnsma van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid. Het advies is opgesteld door AIAS-codirecteur Paul de Beer in samenwerking met Maisha van Pinxteren. Door de invoering van de Participatiewet zijn verschillende doelgroepen aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt samengebracht onder één regeling (oud-WSW’ers, Wajongers en bijstandontvangers), maar is nog niet voorzien in een dekkend aanbod aan voorzieningen voor deze brede doelgroep. In het advies wordt aangedrongen op het maken van een centrale afspraak over de aanspraken die kansarme werkzoekenden en werkenden aan de onderkant van de arbeidsmarkt maken op scholing en begeleiding bij het zoeken en behouden van een plek op de arbeidsmarkt
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