1,255 research outputs found


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    The Old English temporal adverbs þa and þonne have been associated traditionally with diverse meanings (e.g. temporal, causative) and functions (main clause introducer, subordinate clause introducer); within the framework of generative studies, they have been associated with the pragmatic function of separating given from new material in the subordinate clause. This paper aims to explore the function of these adverbs also in the main clause and to determine their role in the pragmatic organization of the clause

    On the syntax of object pronouns in Old English and Early Middle English

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    The paper investigates the conditions that determine the distribution of object pronouns in the period before the latter become fixed to the post-verbal position. In the transition between Old English and Early Middle English (henceforth OE and EME), object pronouns surface to the left of T, to the left of V and to the right of V. It will be shown that the distribution in the pre-T and post-V positions in OE is due to information structural and prosodic interface conditions, whereas the position at the left of V is analysed as unmarked. In EME, the pre-T position continues to be linked to topicalization, whereas the pre-V position shows a progressively less frequent distribution. The post-verbal mapping of object pronouns can still be linked to prosodic1 and information structural (IS) mapping conditions, but the data show that the post-verbal position was on the way to being reanalysed as the unmarked position. The change will be attributed to two factors: a) the new option of de-accentuation in situ, leading pronouns to choose the non-finite verb as their phonological host, and b) the grammaticalization of the definite determiner that renders light (non-branching and left-branching) objects into right-branching, heavy objects at the end of the OE period. We will provide evidence that it is the latter factor that leads to the new option of de-accenting pronouns in situ (cf. Hinterhölzl 2017)

    O uso da materialização digital para a valorização das edificações de interesse histórico e cultural da cidade de Frederico Westphalen, RS, Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Florianópolis, 2016.A história e a cultura de um povo podem ser reconhecidas pelas edificações presentes na paisagem e entendidas como representações físicas da identidade da cidade e de seus habitantes. A cidade de Frederico Westphalen, na Região do Médio Alto Uruguai, no Rio Grande do Sul, foi utilizada para a aplicação deste estudo, por ser o exemplar que se destacava na última região do estado a ser colonizada. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi o de compreender como a materialização da forma, pela prototipagem digital, pode instigar a busca pelo conhecimento da história e, consequentemente, a conservação do patrimônio edificado pela população local. Transformar, com isso, o próprio modo de perceber o edifício antigo, motivando-se à conscientização e uma futura valorização para a preservação dos edifícios de interesse histórico e cultural. A pesquisa deu-se em quatro etapas: revisão bibliográfica da literatura local e internacional, questionário, seguida da materialização das edificações identificadas durante a etapa anterior e um workshop. A última etapa teve como foco a interação dos modelos prototipados com a população, a fim de se verificar a percepção a respeito dos edifícios de interesse histórico e cultural utilizados neste estudo, com o auxílio de diferentes técnicas digitais de materialização da forma. Os modelos fabricados, quando utilizados com a percepção de um grupo de pessoas, concretizaram-se como uma maneira de poder auxiliar a visualização e internalização das edificações de interesse histórico e cultural por uma população. A ferramenta digital auxilia o resgate da história, para informar essa população sobre a importância da valorização do patrimônio edificado, por meio da busca pelo conhecimento, numa forma de preservar a cidade de forma constante. É nesse aspecto que este estudo propõe a utilização da materialização da forma, para a população em contato diariamente com o bem histórico conhecer seu local de origem para valorizar e preservar.Abstract : People's history and the culture can be recognized by the buildings present in the landscape and understood as physical representations of the identity of the city and its inhabitants. The city of Frederico Westphalen, located in the region of Middle High Uruguay in the Rio Grande do Sul state, was used for the application of this study by being the specimen that stood out in the last region of the state to be colonized. The main goal of this study was to understand how the form materialization by digital prototyping can instigate the search for history knowledge and, consequently, conservation of the patrimony built by the local population. To transform, thereat, the very way of perceiving the antique building, motivating itself to the awareness and a future valorization for the preservation of the buildings of historical and cultural interest. The research was carried out in four stages: bibliographical review of the local and international literature, questionnaire, followed by the materialization of the buildings identified during the previous stage and a workshop. The last stage focused on the interaction of the prototyped models with the population to verify the perception about the buildings of historical and cultural interest used in this study, with the aid of different digital techniques of form materialization. The manufactured models, when used with the perception of a group of people, materialized as a way of being able to help the visualization and internalization of the buildings of historical and cultural interest by a population. The digital tool assists the rescue of history, to inform this people about the importance of valuing the built heritage, through the search for knowledge, in a way to preserve the city in a constant way. It is in this aspect that this study proposes the use of form materialization for the population in daily contact with the historical good to know its place of origin to valorize and preserve it

    Application of the Polynomial Chaos Expansion to the Uncertainty Propagation in Fault Transients in Nuclear Fusion Reactors: DTT TF Fast Current Discharge

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    Nuclear fusion reactors are composed of several complex components whose behavior may be not certain a priori. This uncertainty may have a significant impact on the evolution of fault transients in the machine, causing unexpected damage to its components. For this reason, a suitable method for the uncertainty propagation during those transients is required. The Monte Carlo method would be the reference option, but it is, in most of the cases, not applicable due to the large number of required, repeated simulations. In this context, the Polynomial Chaos Expansion has been considered as a valuable alternative. It allows us to create a surrogate model of the original one in terms of orthogonal polynomials. Then, the uncertainty quantification is performed repeatedly, relying on this much simpler and faster model. Using the fast current discharge in the Divertor Tokamak Test Toroidal Field (DTT TF) coils as a reference scenario, the following method has been applied: the uncertainty on the parameters of the Fast Discharge Unit (FDU) varistor disks is propagated to the simulated electrical and electromagnetic relevant effects. Eventually, two worst-case scenarios are analyzed from a thermal–hydraulic point of view with the 4C code, simulating a fast current discharge as a consequence of a coil quench. It has been demonstrated that the uncertainty on the inputs (varistor parameters) strongly propagates, leading to a wide range of possible scenarios in the case of accidental transients. This result underlines the necessity of taking into account and propagating all possible uncertainties in the design of a fusion reactor according to the Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty approach. The uncertainty propagation from input data to electrical, electromagnetic, and thermal hydraulic results, using surrogate models, is the first of its kind in the field of the modeling of superconducting magnets for nuclear fusion applications

    O inverso do universo : as dimensões do ser

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    A simetria é um conceito ilusivo. Não se trata do igual, da imagem perfeita refletida. Trata-se do outro lado do espelho. A figura em que o olhar busca a igualdade mas encontra um avesso. Este trabalho percorre diversos avessos, sendo sua própria estrutura uma reflexão do tema que abarca: uma divisão em quatro capítulos que formam duas metades aparentemente distintas, a primeira versando sobre universos e o trauma. A segunda buscando amparo na magia da linguagem. Um fio perpassa pelo todo: o infinito

    He then said..: Understudied deviations from V2 in Early Germanic

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    ABSTRACT This paper discusses a V3-pattern in Early Germanic that has so far not been considered independently. In this construction, a clause-initial XP is followed by the adverbial element OHG do/OE þa/OS tho (lit. ‘then’), which is directly followed by the finite verb. Based on a pilot study of the OHG translation of Tatian’s gospel harmony and the OE Blickling Homilies, it is shown that the pattern exhibits slightly different properties in OE and OHG. In OHG, the element preceding do is usually a pronominal shifting topic, while in OE, the clause-initial XP may also be a full DP that is either a shifting topic or a continuing topic. To account for these differences between OE and OHG, we argue that OE þa is first-merged as the head of a clause-medial projection that serves to mark the boundary between the topic and the focus domain. In contrast, OHG do (and OS tho) is a topic marker that is either part of the fronted shifting topic, or base-generated as a head in the left clausal periphery. As to its internal syntax, we propose a grammaticalization path for do/þa/tho in which a demonstrative adverb first turns into an adverbial discourse marker that may also serve expletive functions before it eventually grammaticalizes into the topic particle addressed in this paper

    Projeto de pavimentação do corredor de ônibus da Rua Nove de Março em Joinville-SC utilizando peças pré moldadas de concreto

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia de Infraestrutura.Os corredores de ônibus têm sido cada vez mais implantados em cidades que buscam ser referência no transporte coletivo. Para uma implantação duradoura é necessário planejamento e dimensionamento adequado. A escolha do tipo de pavimento é essencial na qualidade e durabilidade da via. Neste trabalho de conclusão de curso será apresentado um projeto de pavimentação com peças pré moldadas de concreto (pavimento intertravado) para o corredor de ônibus na Rua Nove de Março, na cidade de Joinville. Com o objetivo de oferecer uma estrutura adequada ao transporte coletivo, além de oferecer maior qualidade, conforto e segurança aos usuários. Neste contexto, o dimensionamento estrutural do pavimento será realizado com a análise de estudos geotécnicos, com verificação da capacidade de suporte do subleito e com elaboração de um estudo de tráfego na Rua Nove de Março, com a determinação do número de operações do eixo padrão. Além do dimensionamento, será elaborado um orçamento do projeto com base nos custos e índices da construção civil e no Sistema de Custos Rodoviários. Será elaborado um cronograma de obras para fins de planejar e estimar a duração das obras do corredor. Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho indicam que o uso de peças pré moldadas de concreto é uma alternativa viável e sua implantação promove uma requalificação viária e consequente melhoria do transporte coletivo ao usuário

    Prosody and Information Structure in Old English: Testing the Framework

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    This article focuses on the properties of Old English clause structure in order to test Hinterhölzl’s (2014) hypothesis, namely that constituents at the left and at the right side of the VP surface pre- or postverbally according to the interaction between information structure and prosody: it is predicted that the relevant constituents may be spelled out either pre-verbally (movement) or post-verbally (in-situ), their mapping being driven by information structural and prosodic interface conditions. In this respect, I show that variation arises in Old English texts: Earlier stages of Old English show information-structural mapping of constituents, while prosody counted mostly for particularly complex constituents. By the 12th century, the prosodic option gains ground, favoring light constituents in pre-verbal position. The variation is compounded by an asymmetry between main and subordinate clauses, the former favoring a prosodic mapping of constituents. Key words: Old English, information structure, prosody