3,887 research outputs found

    Rurban landscapes: tension between rural practices and urban values in the morphogenesis of public spaces of seats of rural municipalities. A case study

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    O presente artigo interessa-se pelo esmaecimento das fronteiras entre o rural e o urbano na sede de pequenos municípios rurais. A partir de um estudo de caso - um município de menos de 3 mil habitantes - , postula-se que a inadequação da denominação destas sedes pequenos municípios rurais como "cidade" não seja inócua; esta seria capaz de engendrar profundas modificações no espaço distrital e em suas representações, possibilitando, através da inscrição no território de valores urbanos e de práticas rurais, a configuração de uma paisagem rurbana.This article is interested in the deterioration of limits between rural and urban spaces in seats of small rural municipalities. Based in a case study - a city of less than 3 thousand inhabitants - this article postulates that the inadequate nomination of the seat of smaller rural municipalities as a "city" could to generate profound changes in townscape and in theirs representations, which by the inscription of urban values and rural practices in its territory allows the configuration of a rurban landscape

    École interactionnelle de fibromyalgie un traitement multidisciplinaire pour une population hétérogène

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    La douleur est une perception subjective, sensorielle et émotive associée à une lésion tissulaire réelle ou potentielle. Dans certaines conditions pathologiques, la douleur peut se manifester en absence de lésion, comme dans les douleurs chroniques. Le syndrome de la fibromyalgie fait partie de cette dernière catégorie. D'étiologie incertaine, ce syndrome est prédominant chez les femmes adultes (6 femme :10 homme) et se caractérise par la présence de douleur chronique diffuse et d'une sensibilité douloureuse souvent accompangée des symptômes suivants: fatigue, raideur, sommeil non réparateur ou trouble de l'humeur. On utilise de plus en plus des approches multidisciplinaires pour le traitement de la fibromyalgie, malgré une importante variabilité inter sujet au plan de l'amélioration des patients et l'absence de preuve de leur efficacité à long terme. Nos études antérieures démontrent qu'un programme multidisciplinaire structuré (École Interactionnelle du Dos), basé sur les principes de la thérapie brève et stratégique, produit des changements durables (jusqu'à six mois après la fin de l'intervention) chez les patients souffrant de lombalgie chronique. Cette étude vise à élaborer et à évaluer un programme multidisciplinaire pour traiter la fibromyalgie basé sur les mêmes fondements que ceux de l'École Interactionnelle du Dos. Ce programme, appelé l'École Interactonnelle de Fibromyalgie (ÉIF), se déroule en neuf rencontres hebdomadaires de groupe. Son but: augmenter la capacité de gérer les symptômes de la fibromyalgie. Les participantes sélectionnées ont été randomisées en deux groupes: le groupe expérimental qui suit l'ÉIF et le groupe contrôle en liste d'attente. Les patientes sont suivies jusqu'à un an après la fin de l'ÉIF. Les résultats démontrent que l'ÉIF entraîne des changements durables (un an après la fin de l'intervention) et considérables tant au plan des données expérimentales (réduction de l'allodynie mécanique, augmentation du seuil de douleur aux points de sensibilité) qu'au plan des données cliniques (réduction de l'impact de la fibromyalgie et de la douleur clinique). Ces résultats sont remarquables à plusieurs égards. Non seulement l'amélioration est significative mais elle persiste après le traitement alors que le taux d'abandon du programme a été d'à peine 3 %. En outre, des analyses de classification (cluster analysis) révèlent la présence de deux sous groupes qui se distinguent essentiellement à partir de deux caractéristiques psychologiques, soit l'anxiété et la dépression. Cette distinction peut expliquer en grande partie l'hétérogénéité de la manifestation clinique de la fibromyalgie. Enfin, cette étude propose une méthode simple pour identifier les sous-groupes de patients fibromyalgiques.Abstract: Pain is a sensory, emotional, and subjective perception associated with a real or potential tissue lesion. In some pathological conditions, pain can occur without a lesion, as in the case of chronic pain. The fibromyalgia (FM) syndrome is an example of this. Of unclear etiology and predominantly found in women (6 [symbole féminin] :1 [symbole masculin] ), FM is characterized by widespread pain and muscle tenderness often accompanied by fatigue, stiffness, non-restorative sleep, mood disturbance, and a lack of concentration and memory. Multidisciplinary approaches are used more and more to treat FM, despite a lack of proof of their long-term efficacy and despite the large inter-subject variability regarding improvement. In the treatment of chronic low-back pain, our prior studies have demonstrated a durable reduction in pain (up to 6 months) with a multidisciplinary structured program (Interactional School for Low-back Pain) based on the principal of brief and strategic therapy. The present study aimed to create and evaluate a multidisciplinary structured program based on the same principals as those of the Interactional School for Low-back Pain. This program, called the Interactional School of Fibromyalgia (ISF) consists of nine weekly group meetings. The goal is to increase the capacity to self-manage FM symptoms. The participants were randomly placed into one of 2 groups: the experimental group which followed the ISF and the control group which remained on the waiting list. These participants were followed up until one year after the end of the treatment (ISF). The results demonstrated that the ISF produced changes that were durable (one year after) and considerable both for the experimental measures (reduction in mechanical allodynia and increased pain threshold at the FM sensitive points) and for clinical measures (reduced impact of FM and reduced clinical pain). The results are important for several reasons. Not only is the improvement significant but it is also persistent after treatment and the abandon rate was only 3%. In addition, cluster analysis of the results led to the identification of two sub-groups of FM patients distinguishable by two psychological characteristics: anxiety and depression. This distinction could explain in large part the heterogeneity of the clinical manifestations of FM. Thus, this study provides a new and simple method to identify the sub-groups of FM patents. In conclusion, we attribute the positive results to the following characteristics of the ISF : the inclusion of original themes such as breathing techniques and nutrition; the application of interactional principles such as maximising the therapeutic relationship (same 2 facilitators, here physiotherapist and nurse, during the entire ISF); the use of a flexible and personalized program pertinent to a heterogeneous group (which could include both depressed and non depressed, working and unemployed patients)

    Santiagos Ponientes ou formas de conceber um projeto urbano

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    O presente artigo pretende contribuir para a compreensão dos limites semânticos do que se entende por projeto urbano por meio da análise comparada de duas propostas para o bairro Santiago Poniente em Santiago do Chile – uma de 1977 e outra de 1991. Ainda que a segunda tenha sido proposta como resgate e reafirmação da primeira e que ambas tenham tido o envolvimento dos mesmos autores em sua concepção – que objetivava a preservação e a valorização dos padrões tipo-morfológicos encontrados naquele bairro –, os projetos diferem significativamente. A hipótese que se pretende demonstrar é que a passagem temporal revela as vicissitudes das ideias: o primeiro olhar sobre o bairro era especulativo e provocativo; o segundo era pragmático e conciliatório, buscava viabilizar sua execução. Em ambos, no entanto, revela-se o aspecto do projeto como forma de investigação e de produção de conhecimento sobre um determinado território.This article aims to contribute to establish the semantic boundaries of what is meant by urban project in Latin America through the comparative analysis of two proposals for Santiago Poniente neighborhood in Santiago, Chile: one developed in1977 and the other in 1991. Although the fact that the latter was proposed as rescue and reassurance of the first one – which aimed the preservation and development of typo-morphological standards found in that neighborhood – and that the same authors designed both; the two projects differ significantly. The hypothesis that we seek to demonstrate is that the temporal passage reveals the vicissitudes of ideas: the first look at the neighborhood was speculative and provocative; the second was pragmatic and conciliatory, seeking to enable its implementation. In both, however, remains the aspect of the project understood as a way to research and to product new knowledge on a given territory

    N. C. RODRIGUES (Editor). Extraterritoriality of EU Economic Law: The Application of EU Economic Law Outside the Territory of the EU

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    Este artículo reseña: N. C. Rodrigues (Editor). Extraterritoriality of EU Economic Law: The Application of EU Economic Law Outside the Territory of the EU. Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 2021, 385 pp. ISBN 978-3-030-82290-

    The Blood Ontology: An ontology in the domain of hematology

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    Despite the importance of human blood to clinical practice and research, hematology and blood transfusion data remain scattered throughout a range of disparate sources. This lack of systematization concerning the use and definition of terms poses problems for physicians and biomedical professionals. We are introducing here the Blood Ontology, an ongoing initiative designed to serve as a controlled vocabulary for use in organizing information about blood. The paper describes the scope of the Blood Ontology, its stage of development and some of its anticipated uses

    American structural power within International Financial Governance: from Bretton Woods to globalization

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    From the 1950s to the 1990s, the international monetary and financial system underwent deep changes with profound consequences, including the breakdown of Bretton Woods and the emergence of the globalized financial system. This paper aims to understand how American domestic political and economic challenges and responses in the 1970s reframed the superpowers’ foreign policy goals with respect to global financial governance. Drawing on the international political economy theory of structural power, this article analyzes U.S. domestic and foreign economic policy and examines international governance outcomes from a historical perspective. It argues that U.S. replies to domestic and international political and economic constraints prompted significant structural changes to the international monetary and financial system. The paper concludes that it is American domestic decision-making that determines the structure of the international financial system due to American structural power to underwrite and rewrite the norms and rules of the international financial governance.     Recebido em: fevereiro/2018 Aprovado em: abril/2018From the 1950s to the 1990s, the international monetary and financial system underwent deep changes with profound consequences, including the breakdown of Bretton Woods and the emergence of the globalized financial system. This paper aims to understand how American domestic political and economic challenges and responses in the 1970s reframed the superpowers’ foreign policy goals with respect to global financial governance. Drawing on the international political economy theory of structural power, this article analyzes U.S. domestic and foreign economic policy and examines international governance outcomes from a historical perspective. It argues that U.S. replies to domestic and international political and economic constraints prompted significant structural changes to the international monetary and financial system. The paper concludes that it is American domestic decision-making that determines the structure of the international financial system due to American structural power to underwrite and rewrite the norms and rules of the international financial governance

    Science teacher's discourse about reading

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    In this research we start from the assumption that teachers act as mediators of reading practices in school and problematise their practices, meanings and representations of reading. We have investigated meanings constructed by a group of teachers of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, working at a federal technical school. Having French discourse analysis as our theoretical-methodological framework, we considered that meanings, concepts and conceptions of reading are built historically through discourses, which produce meanings that determine ideological practices. Our results show that, for that group of teachers, there were no opportunities during either initial training or on-going education for reflecting upon the role of reading in science teaching and learning. Moreover, there seems to be an association between the type of discourse and modes of reading, so that unique meanings are attributed to scientific texts and their reading are linked to search and assimilation of information

    Expanded Science

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    Initially, in this article, we present the foundation on which current science stands. Next, we explain the main stream of modern science, the “Popperian Falsificationism”, and show why the current criticism to the system is flawed. Later, we will prove that the “falsificationism” is logically inconsistent and we will propose a new concept of science, unifying it with philosophy