4 research outputs found

    Globe-LFMC 2.0, an enhanced and updated dataset for live fuel moisture content research

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    Globe-LFMC 2.0, an updated version of Globe-LFMC, is a comprehensive dataset of over 280,000 Live Fuel Moisture Content (LFMC) measurements. These measurements were gathered through field campaigns conducted in 15 countries spanning 47 years. In contrast to its prior version, Globe-LFMC 2.0 incorporates over 120,000 additional data entries, introduces more than 800 new sampling sites, and comprises LFMC values obtained from samples collected until the calendar year 2023. Each entry within the dataset provides essential information, including date, geographical coordinates, plant species, functional type, and, where available, topographical details. Moreover, the dataset encompasses insights into the sampling and weighing procedures, as well as information about land cover type and meteorological conditions at the time and location of each sampling event. Globe-LFMC 2.0 can facilitate advanced LFMC research, supporting studies on wildfire behaviour, physiological traits, ecological dynamics, and land surface modelling, whether remote sensing-based or otherwise. This dataset represents a valuable resource for researchers exploring the diverse LFMC aspects, contributing to the broader field of environmental and ecological research

    The Ecological Importance Of The Germination Rate And The Comparison Of Various Germination Rate Estimation Methods

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    The geographical location of the Mediterranean basin, climate type and variability within itself, human impact, fire existing as a common factor and rich plant diversity makes the region an ideal area for plant ecology studies.In this thesis study, a database containing germination rate data was created by using the findings and data of the studies conducted in the Mediterranean basin. Using this database, how germination rate is affected by heat shock and smoke applications and the incubation temperature was examined. The effects of plant growth, resprouting ability and family on germination rate were also investigated.At the end of the study, it was found that growth form is an important determinant of germination rate in Mediterranean Basin plants and that annual plants germinate faster than perennial herb and woody species. When growth form investigated with resprouting ability, no effect of heat shock on germination rate was found, but different tendencies were observed in different families. In woody species and non-resprouter species, different germination rate values were obtained after different smoke concentrations and different incubation temperatures. As the incubation temperature changes, germination rate changed in some families. When germination rate estimates evaluated, it was found that MGT ( mean germination time) estimate gives higher mean values than T50 ( time to germination of half of the highest number of seeds germinated during the experiment) and that T50 explained better in the variance in data. This study is important because it contains the first germination rate database for the Mediterranean basin. The findings of the study revealed that the environmental factors shaping the germination rate in plants and the extent to which plant functional groups can explain the differences between species in the germination rate. In addition, as a result of the thesis, two different germination rate estimates were compared with the existing data set, which contributed to the literature on which could be more useful. This thesis study also showed that germination rate is an important component of post-fire germination dynamics in the Mediterranean basin.Akdeniz havzasının coğrafi konumu, iklim tipi ve kendi içindeki değişkenliği, insan etkisi, yangının yaygın bir etmen olması ve bitki çeşitliliği bölgeyi bitki ekolojisi çalışmaları için ideal bir alan yapmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında, Akdeniz havzasında yapılmış olan çalışmaların bulguları ve verileri kullanılarak çimlenme hızı verileri içeren bir veri tabanı oluşturulmuştur. Bu veri tabanı kullanılarak çimlenme hızının sıcaklık şoku ve duman uygulamaları ile inkübasyon sıcaklığından nasıl etkilendiği incelenmiştir. Bitkilerin büyüme şekli, sürgün verme yeteneği ve familyasının çimlenme hızı üzerindeki etkileri de çalışma kapsamında araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, büyüme şeklinin Akdeniz Havzası bitkilerinde çimlenme hızının önemli bir belirleyicisi olduğu ve tek yıllık bitkilerin çok yıllık otsu ve odunsu türlere göre daha hızlı çimlendiği bulunmuştur. Büyüme şekli ve sürgün verme yeteneği birlikte incelendiğinde sıcaklık şokunun çimlenme hızı üzerinde bir etkisi bulunmazken, farklı familyalarda farklı eğilimler gözlenmiştir. Odunsu türlerde ve sürgün vermeyen türlerde farklı duman derişimleri sonrasında ve farklı inkübasyon sıcaklıklarında farklı çimlenme hızı değerleri elde edilmiştir. İnkübasyon sıcaklığındaki değişiklikler, bazı familyalarda çimlenme hızında değişikliğe yol açmıştır. Çimlenme hızı hesapları incelendiğinde ise MGT (ortalama çimlenme zamanı) hesabının T50’ye (deney süresince çimlenen en yüksek tohum sayısının yarısının çimlenmesine kadar geçen süre) göre daha yüksek ortalama değerler sunduğu ve T50 hesaplamasının verideki değişkenliği daha iyi açıkladığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışma, Akdeniz havzası için ilk kez oluşturulmuş bir çimlenme hızı veri tabanı içermesi nedeniyle önemlidir. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, bitkilerde çimlenme hızının hangi çevresel faktörler tarafından şekillendirildiğini ve bitki fonksiyonel gruplarının çimlenme hızında görülen türler arası farklılıkları ne ölçüde açıklayabildiğini ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, tez sonucunda iki farklı çimlenme hızı hesabının karşılaştırılması mevcut veri seti ile yapılarak, hangisinin daha kullanışlı olabileceğine dair literatüre katkı sağlanmıştır. Bu tez çalışması, çimlenme hızının Akdeniz Havzasındaki yangın sonrası çimlenme dinamiklerinin de önemli bir bileşeni olduğunu göstermiştir

    Globe-LFMC 2.0, an enhanced and updated dataset for live fuel moisture content research

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    Globe-LFMC 2.0, an updated version of Globe-LFMC, is a comprehensive dataset of over 280,000 Live Fuel Moisture Content (LFMC) measurements. These measurements were gathered through field campaigns conducted in 15 countries spanning 47 years. In contrast to its prior version, Globe-LFMC 2.0 incorporates over 120,000 additional data entries, introduces more than 800 new sampling sites, and comprises LFMC values obtained from samples collected until the calendar year 2023. Each entry within the dataset provides essential information, including date, geographical coordinates, plant species, functional type, and, where available, topographical details. Moreover, the dataset encompasses insights into the sampling and weighing procedures, as well as information about land cover type and meteorological conditions at the time and location of each sampling event. Globe-LFMC 2.0 can facilitate advanced LFMC research, supporting studies on wildfire behaviour, physiological traits, ecological dynamics, and land surface modelling, whether remote sensing-based or otherwise. This dataset represents a valuable resource for researchers exploring the diverse LFMC aspects, contributing to the broader field of environmental and ecological research

    Globe-LFMC 2.0, an enhanced and updated dataset for live fuel moisture content research

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    Globe-LFMC 2.0, an updated version of Globe-LFMC, is a comprehensive dataset of over 280,000 Live Fuel Moisture Content (LFMC) measurements. These measurements were gathered through feld campaigns conducted in 15 countries spanning 47 years. In contrast to its prior version, Globe-LFMC 2.0 incorporates over 120,000 additional data entries, introduces more than 800 new sampling sites, and comprises LFMC values obtained from samples collected until the calendar year 2023. Each entry within the dataset provides essential information, including date, geographical coordinates, plant species, functional type, and, where available, topographical details. Moreover, the dataset encompasses insights into the sampling and weighing procedures, as well as information about land cover type and meteorological conditions at the time and location of each sampling event. GlobeLFMC 2.0 can facilitate advanced LFMC research, supporting studies on wildfre behaviour, physiological traits, ecological dynamics, and land surface modelling, whether remote sensing-based or otherwise. This dataset represents a valuable resource for researchers exploring the diverse LFMC aspects, contributing to the broader feld of environmental and ecological research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio