141 research outputs found

    Csanád vármegye képviselete az 1811/12. évi országgyűlésen

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    The last years of the 18th century and the first decade and a half of the 19th century were dominated by the war against the French in the Habsburg Empire (the Austrian Empire was founded in 1806), which had a great influence on Hungarian domestic politics. The Diets (1796, 1802, 1805, 1807, 1808, 1811/12) were mostly about offering taxes and soldiers, and there were no real attempts at reform. The Estates constantly asked for the work of the nine regular committees sent out under Article 67 of 1791 to be discussed and the grievances remedied, but the Emperor did not contribute. As a result of the protracted wars against the French, the Habsburg Empire was plunged into a financial crisis as paper money became increasingly worthless. In 1810, there were already 1,060 million silver forints worth of paper money in circulation, and gold and silver coins (the conventional forint) were increasingly leaking out of the Habsburg Empire. In 1810, the Empire had a total income of 120 million forints and an expenditure of 1500 million forints. The government therefore resorted to devaluation, following a proposal by the Minister of Finance, Josef Wallis, who issued a royal decree on 20 February 1811 reducing the value of paper money to 1/5 and introducing the new banknote (Einlösscheine). The Diet of 1811/12 was also convened by the Emperor to discuss the financial situation. Antal Muslay and János Marczibányi represented Csanád county at this Diet. The parliamentary deliberations were mostly about discussing the financial system, but the deliberations were unsuccessful because both the king and the Hungarian orders insisted on their rights and privileges

    Political trends and groups in Csanád county in the 1840s

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    In the context of the study of political trends and groups in the Hungarian reform era, it is necessary examining the political life in the counties. In the 1840s, the nobility in Csanád county became increasingly divided into parties. In my study, I will examine conflicts between the nobles of Csanád and how the formation of the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party affected the political situation in Csanád county. In the context of the Diets, the election of deputies and the drafting of instructions also caused exciting clashes between the nobles, which greatly shades the picture of political trends

    Szeged szabad királyi város képviselete az 1843/44. évi országgyűlésen - követutasítások és követjelentések a diétáról

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    In my essay, I examine the case of the free royal city through the example of Szeged. I examine based on the speeches of the ambassadors, the instructions of the ambassadors and the reports of the ambassadors. The ambassadorial instructions basically defined the functioning of the national assembly, as the ambassadors had to stick to their instructions, they could not deviate from it, if they did, they could call them back and send someone else in their place. As parliamentary deliberations progressed, more and more cases could arise, in which case the ambassadors do not free to decide for themselves, but had to wait for a replacement order from their municipality. Deciding the case of cities of the cities was important, as all the free royal cities had only one vote. Szeged was represented in this national assembly by Ferdinánd Aigner and Antal Szilber

    Csanád vármegye képviselete a reformkori országgyűléseken (1825–1848)

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    In my doctoral dissertation I will attempt to describe the role and participation of Csanád County in the reform era Diets between 1825 and 1848. Csanád county followed a traditional, grievance policy at the Diets of 1825/27 and 1830. Their main aim was to protect the ancient Hungarian constitution and the privileges of the nobility. From the Diets of 1832/36 onwards, Csanád county was one of the main supporters of reform. In my dissertation I present the deputy instructions of Csanád county, the deputies and the course of the Diet deliberations

    A reformkori országgyűlések működése

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    A reformkori országgyűlésekről kicsit másképp

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