689 research outputs found

    Comparación entre la publicidad televisiva y la publicidad en Internet de bebidas espirituosas

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    La publicidad de bebidas espirituosas ha sufrido a lo largo del tiempo diversas prohibiciones al tratarse de un producto que genera efectos nocivos para la salud. La televisión fue desde 1957 hasta 1994 el medio natural de las marcas de bebidas espirituosas para publicitarse. El artículo 5 de la Ley 34/1988, 11 de noviembre, General de Publicidad, prohíbe la publicidad en televisión de bebidas con graduación alcohólica superior a 20 grados. En la actualidad, las marcas del sector han encontrado otro medio de comunicación, internet, donde difunden spots con el mismo formato y contenido que los emitidos en televisión. De esta forma, han encontrado una vía diferente para alcanzar a un público en su mayoría adolescente. Se ha realizado una comparación que demuestra la similitud en la publicidad de las marcas de bebidas espirituosas en ambos medios de comunicación, quedando en evidencia la obsoleta regulación publicitaria que existe en internet con respecto a este tipo de producto

    Exploiting timescale separation in micro and nano flows

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    In this paper we describe how timescale separation in micro/nano flows can be exploited for computational acceleration. A modified version of the seamless heterogenous multiscale method (SHMM) is proposed: a multi-step SHMM. This maintains the main advantages of SHMM (e.g., re-initialisation of micro data is not required; temporal gearing (computational speed-up) is easily controlled; and it is applicable to full and intermediate degrees of timescale separation) while improving on accuracy and greatly reducing the number of macroscopic computations and micro/macro coupling instances required. The improved accuracy of the multi-step SHMM is demonstrated for two canonical one-dimensional transient flows (oscillatory Poiseuille and oscillatory Couette flow) and for rarefied-gas oscillatory Poiseuille flow

    Time-step coupling for hybrid simulations of multiscale flows

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    A new method is presented for the exploitation of time-scale separation in hybrid continuum-molecular models of multiscale flows. Our method is a generalisation of existing approaches, and is evaluated in terms of computational efficiency and physical/numerical error. Comparison with existing schemes demonstrates comparable, or much improved, physical accuracy, at comparable, or far greater, efficiency (in terms of the number of time-step operations required to cover the same physical time). A leapfrog coupling is proposed between the ‘macro’ and ‘micro’ components of the hybrid model and demonstrates potential for improved numerical accuracy over a standard simultaneous approach. A general algorithm for a coupled time step is presented. Three test cases are considered where the degree of time-scale separation naturally varies during the course of the simulation. First, the step response of a second-order system composed of two linearly-coupled ODEs. Second, a micro-jet actuator combining a kinetic treatment in a small flow region where rarefaction is important with a simple ODE enforcing mass conservation in a much larger spatial region. Finally, the transient start-up flow of a journal bearing with a cylindrical rarefied gas layer. Our new time-stepping method consistently demonstrates as good as or better performance than existing schemes. This superior overall performance is due to an adaptability inherent in the method, which allows the most-desirable aspects of existing schemes to be applied only in the appropriate conditions

    Low order modelling of flow-control techniques for turbulent skin-friction reduction

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    In the present thesis a linearized formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations is used to study two main subjects: the generation of near-wall streaks in turbulent boundary layers and the response of turbulent wall-bounded flows to streamwise-travelling waves of spanwise oscillations of the bounding walls. For the purposes of the present work, these oscillations of the wall have been considered as a flow control mechanism. A mathematical model, based on a velocity-vorticity formulation linearized around a turbulent mean base flow, is adopted to simulate the fluid flow equations. A hybrid spectral-finite differences solver has been employed to numerically implement the linearized system. A review on turbulent streak generation is presented and the concepts of exponential growth, algebraic growth and viscous dissipation of small-scale perturbations are linked to the concept of transient growth. Mechanisms of generation of near-wall streaks are explored using a large set of sources of excitation for the linearized Navier- Stokes equations (LNSE). Two types of sources, here labelled as Excitation Mechanisms (EM), are employed: a body-force source and an initial condition. The selection of parameters for the excitation mechanisms is performed based on the definition of a multi-step optimization problem. The different EMs studied consist of a restricted number of parameters, and therefore can be considered as a Low Order Model (LOM) for the generation of streaks. It is shown that both types of EM produce satisfactory results for the streak generation process evaluated in terms of experimentally expected optimal spanwise scales. Finally, a large set of numerical experiments are conducted to evaluate the response of the LNSE with optimised EM, to the flow control by a spanwise oscillating wall. By comparing the results between the response of the LNSE considered here to this type of flow control against a drag-reduction map obtained by DNS in other studies, it is possible to assess the correlation between streak evolution and disruption of the skin-friction drag. A good agreement between these two responses is found for the parameter space of the streamwise-travelling spanwise oscillation waves

    Construcción de máquina dosificadora de chocolate

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    Se realizó una visita a Maxticafé, microempresa del sector alimenticio, se observó que el proceso de dosificación de chocolate se desarrolla de manera artesanal, presentando lentitud en la producción y bajos estándares de calidad, impidiendo que sea un proceso eficiente. El proceso de fusión de las barras de chocolate, lo realizan en estufas tradicionales sin poder hacer lecturas reales de la temperatura y guiándose únicamente por la experiencia de los operarios, olvidando la importancia de este procedimiento en la calidad final del producto. Además del proceso de fusión, el llenado también se realiza manualmente ocasionando inevitablemente perdidas de la materia prima, lo que en muchos casos conlleva a que las microempresas no lleguen a ser competitivas y deban cerrar sus puertas. Otro aspecto que no se ha nombrado y es sumamente relevante es el de seguridad industrial, ya que al realizar movimientos repetitivos durante toda una jornada laboral, esto tiene serias implicaciones en la salud de dichas personas y como es de conocimiento, estas microempresas no tienen los recursos suficientes para invertir en un programa de seguridad industrial

    Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato (Ixodida: Ixodidae) attached to the ear canal and tympanic membrane of two children from Panama

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    In May 2022 and August 2022, two children, ten and 8-years old, respectively, were attended for foreign body sensation, pain, and discomfort in their ears. During the evaluation of the first case, a tick attached to his tympanic membrane was observed, whilst three ticks were evidenced in the ear canal and membrane tympanic of case 2. Ticks were identified as Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato. Both patients came from urban places in the Chiriqui province, and ticks were found in their dogs. Moreover, additional clinical considerations of these cases and the relative importance of R. sanguineus s.l. are addressed