5 research outputs found

    Birds orient their heads appropriately in response to functionally referential alarm calls of heterospecifics

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    Vertebrate alarm calls signal danger and often encode graded or categorical information about predatorproximity or type. In addition to allowing communication with conspecifics, alarm calls are a valuablesource of information for eavesdropping heterospecifics. However, although eavesdropping has beenexperimentally demonstrated in over 70 species, we know little about exactly what informationeavesdroppers gain from heterospecific alarm calls. Here, we investigated whether Australian magpies,Cracticus tibicen, extract relevant information about the type of threat from functionally referential alarmcalls given by noisy miners, Manorina melanocephala. Miner aerial alarm calls signal a predator in flight,whereas mobbing calls signal a terrestrial or perched predator. We therefore tested whether magpiesgain information on the elevation of expected danger. We first confirmed, by measuring bill angles onvideo, that magpie head orientation changes appropriately with differences in the elevation of a con-spicuous moving object. We then conducted a field experiment that measured magpie bill angle inresponse to playback of miner aerial and mobbing alarm calls. The maximum and mean bill angles werehigher in response to aerial than to mobbing calls, sug gesting that magpies use information from mineralarms to search visually at appropriate elevations for the specific type of danger. Magpies were alsovigilant for longer af ter aerial alarm calls that followed mobbing calls, implying perception of an esca-lating threat level. Our work shows that individuals can gain information on the type or location of danger from heterospecific alarm calls, which is likely to increase the effectiveness of antipredator responses.The work was funded by the Research School of Biology and an Australian Research Council Discovery grant (DP150102632) awarded to R.D.M., A.N.R. and E.F.J

    Fine‐scale genetic structure reflects limited and coordinated dispersal in the colonial monk parakeet, Myiopsitta monachus

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    The genetic structure of animal populations has considerable behavioural, ecological and evolutionary implications and may arise from various demographic traits. Here, we use observational field data and molecular genetics to determine the genetic structure of an invasive population of monk parakeets, Myiopsitta monachus, at a range of spatial scales, and investigate the demographic processes that generate the observed structure. Monk parakeets construct large nests that can house several pairs occupying separate chambers; these nests are often aggregated within nesting trees. We determined patterns of relatedness within compound nests, within nesting trees and between trees. Spatial autocorrelation analyses of pairwise genetic relatedness revealed fine‐scale genetic structure with relatives of both sexes spatially clustered within, but not beyond, nesting trees. In addition, males were more related to males sharing their compound nests than to other males occupying the same nesting tree. By contrast, males and females within compound nests were not significantly more closely related than elsewhere in the same tree, and we found no evidence for inbreeding. Adults showed high breeding site fidelity between years despite considerable disturbance of nest sites. Natal dispersal was female‐biased, but dispersal distances were relatively short with some natal philopatry observed in both sexes. Sibling coalitions, typically of males, were observed amongst both philopatric and dispersing birds. Our results show significant clustering of kin within compound nests and nesting trees resulting from limited and coordinated natal dispersal, with subsequent breeding site fidelity. The resulting genetic structure has implications for social behaviour in this unusual parrot species

    Fine‐scale genetic structure reflects limited and coordinated dispersal in the colonial monk parakeet, Myiopsitta monachus

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    The genetic structure of animal populations has considerable behavioural, ecological and evolutionary implications and may arise from various demographic traits. Here, we use observational field data and molecular genetics to determine the genetic structure of an invasive population of monk parakeets, Myiopsitta monachus, at a range of spatial scales, and investigate the demographic processes that generate the observed structure. Monk parakeets construct large nests that can house several pairs occupying separate chambers; these nests are often aggregated within nesting trees. We determined patterns of relatedness within compound nests, within nesting trees and between trees. Spatial autocorrelation analyses of pairwise genetic relatedness revealed fine-scale genetic structure with relatives of both sexes spatially clustered within, but not beyond, nesting trees. In addition, males were more related to males sharing their compound nests than to other males occupying the same nesting tree. By contrast, males and females within compound nests were not significantly more closely related than elsewhere in the same tree, and we found no evidence for inbreeding. Adults showed high breeding site fidelity between years despite considerable disturbance of nest sites. Natal dispersal was female-biased, but dispersal distances were relatively short with some natal philopatry observed in both sexes. Sibling coalitions, typically of males, were observed amongst both philopatric and dispersing birds. Our results show significant clustering of kin within compound nests and nesting trees resulting from limited and coordinated natal dispersal, with subsequent breeding site fidelity. The resulting genetic structure has implications for social behaviour in this unusual parrot species

    Microsatellite characterisation and sex-typing in two invasive parakeet species, the monk parakeet Myiopsitta monachus and ring-necked parakeet Psittacula krameri

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    Invasive species can have wide-ranging negative impacts, and an understanding of the process and success of invasions can be vital to determine management strategies, mitigate impacts and predict range expansions of such species. Monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) and ring-necked parakeets (Psittacula krameri) are both widespread invasive species, but there has been little research into the genetic and social structure of these two species despite the potential links with invasion success. The aim of this study was to isolate novel microsatellite loci from the monk parakeet and characterise them in both monk and ring-necked parakeets in order to facilitate future investigations into their behaviour and population ecology. Sex-typing markers were also tested in both species. Of the 20 microsatellite loci assessed in 24 unrelated monk parakeets, 16 successfully amplified and were polymorphic displaying between 2 and 14 alleles (mean = 8.06). Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.43 to 0.93 and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.23 to 0.96. Nine of the 20 loci also successfully amplified and were polymorphic in the ring-necked parakeet, displaying between 2 and 10 alleles. Suitable markers to sex both species and a Z-linked microsatellite locus were identified. A multiplex marker set was validated for monk parakeets. These novel microsatellite loci will facilitate fine and broad-scale population genetic analyses of these two widespread invasive species.Invasive species can have wide-ranging negative impacts, and an understanding of the process and success of invasions can be vital to determine management strategies, mitigate impacts and predict range expansions of such species. Monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) and ring-necked parakeets (Psittacula krameri) are both widespread invasive species, but there has been little research into the genetic and social structure of these two species despite the potential links with invasion success. The aim of this study was to isolate novel microsatellite loci from the monk parakeet and characterise them in both monk and ring-necked parakeets in order to facilitate future investigations into their behaviour and population ecology. Sex-typing markers were also tested in both species. Of the 20 microsatellite loci assessed in 24 unrelated monk parakeets, 16 successfully amplified and were polymorphic displaying between 2 and 14 alleles (mean = 8.06). Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.43 to 0.93 and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.23 to 0.96. Nine of the 20 loci also successfully amplified and were polymorphic in the ring-necked parakeet, displaying between 2 and 10 alleles. Suitable markers to sex both species and a Z-linked microsatellite locus were identified. A multiplex marker set was validated for monk parakeets. These novel microsatellite loci will facilitate fine and broad-scale population genetic analyses of these two widespread invasive species.Invasive species can have wide-ranging negative impacts, and an understanding of the process and success of invasions can be vital to determine management strategies, mitigate impacts and predict range expansions of such species. Monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) and ring-necked parakeets (Psittacula krameri) are both widespread invasive species, but there has been little research into the genetic and social structure of these two species despite the potential links with invasion success. The aim of this study was to isolate novel microsatellite loci from the monk parakeet and characterise them in both monk and ring-necked parakeets in order to facilitate future investigations into their behaviour and population ecology. Sex-typing markers were also tested in both species. Of the 20 microsatellite loci assessed in 24 unrelated monk parakeets, 16 successfully amplified and were polymorphic displaying between 2 and 14 alleles (mean = 8.06). Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.43 to 0.93 and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.23 to 0.96. Nine of the 20 loci also successfully amplified and were polymorphic in the ring-necked parakeet, displaying between 2 and 10 alleles. Suitable markers to sex both species and a Z-linked microsatellite locus were identified. A multiplex marker set was validated for monk parakeets. These novel microsatellite loci will facilitate fine and broad-scale population genetic analyses of these two widespread invasive species

    Dispersal behaviour and settlement in an invasive bird: dispersers prefer their natal habitat

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    Habitat selection has profound consequences for individual fitness, but how do animals decide where to settle? The natal habitat preference induction (NHPI) hypothesis proposes that individuals choose habitats that exhibit similar environmental cues to those experienced in early life. In this study, we first examined juvenile movements and dispersal and then tested the NHPI hypothesis in the monk parakeet, Myiopsitta monachus, an invasive species that nests primarily in pine or palm trees in our study site. Juveniles were observed ranging extensively, but we found no relationship between ranging distances prior to dispersal and subsequent natal dispersal behaviour. As predicted by NHPI, we found that dispersed individuals displayed a significant preference for nesting in their natal tree type in their first year, irrespective of tree availability. The probability of changing tree type was not influenced by individual dispersal distance, the proportion of the natal tree type available or natal tree type.We found that adult birds undertaking breeding dispersal also showed a preference for the same tree type they dispersed from when making nest site selections, demonstrating that preferences can be maintained by adults during breeding dispersal movements. Finally, conspecific breeding success did not differ between palm and pine tree nests, and so did not provide a useful source of public information regarding the suitability of the two nesting substrates. These results contribute to our understanding of the drivers of habitat selection in both adults and juveniles and have implications for our understanding of dispersal patterns and range expansion in this worldwide invasive species