20 research outputs found

    Пищевая безопасность и парадоксы снабжения на Чукотке

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    During the extensive fieldwork in Chukotka in 2017–2019, the authors investigated the problem of food supply in remote northern villages and in reindeer herder’s camps in tundra. The assortment in rural shops usually does not meet all the nutritional needs of the local people; the products are often expired and too expensive for the income of many of them. Local micro-networks of food distribution, experiments of independent production of scarce foods, and a variety of techniques for preserving, processing and obtaining itin the context of interaction with the environment become the response of the local community. However, in addition to these practices, the paper pays attention to the specificity of local supply models and the discourse about the fresh and spoiled food. In this text, on the one hand, the authors consider how expired and officially prohibited for sale food gets a second life in the Arctic villages and tundra. On the other hand, they investigate the ideas about quality of the products formed under the influence of local supply and food production systems. The authors argue that the expired food in Chukotka is the result of infrastructural inequality and, accordingly, dissimilar opportunities for organizing high-quality supplyОпираясь на полевые материалы, собранные в ходе четырех экспедиций на Чукотку в 2017–2022 гг., авторы исследуют проблему обеспечения продовольствием отдаленных северных поселков и оленеводческих стойбищ в тундре. Ассортимент сельских магазинов обычно не удовлетворяет всем пищевым потребностям местного населения; продукты часто просрочены и довольно дорого стоят для доходов многих из них. Ответом местного сообщества становятся локальные микросети распределения пищевых продуктов, эксперименты по самостоятельному производству дефицитных продуктов, а также разнообразные техники их сохранения, переработки и приобретения в контексте взаимодействия с окружающей средой. Однако помимо этих практик в статье уделяется внимание специфике локальных моделей снабжения и дискурсу о свежих и испорченных продуктах. В данной работе авторы, с одной стороны, рассматривают, как просроченные и официально запрещенные к продаже товары получают вторую жизнь в арктических поселках и тундре. С другой стороны, они исследуют представления о качестве продуктов, сформировавшиеся под влиянием местных систем снабжения и производства пищевых продуктов. Авторы утверждают, что просроченная еда на Чукотке – результат инфраструктурного неравенства и, соответственно, неодинаковых возможностей организации качественного снабжени

    Иммунопрофилактика инфекционных болезней у недоношенных детей

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    Premature infants are especially in need of timely and effective specific immunoprophylaxis due to their vulnerability to infectious diseases. The article describes the basic principles for vaccination of premature infants used in healthcare by the leading countries of the world. Based on the results of clinical trials, the peculiarities of the vaccination schedule for certain infections have been determined, the specific features of the course of the post-vaccinal period have been described. The operating procedures for active immunoprophylaxis of various types of infections have been explained in detail depending on the pathology and the therapy being performed. The article uses the key points of the recommended practices for prevention of the main controlled types of infections developed by the professional association of pediatricians ‘Union of Pediatricians of Russia’ and approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.Недоношенные младенцы вследствие уязвимости к инфекционным заболеваниям особо нуждаются в своевременной и эффективной специфической иммунопрофилактике. В статье приведены основополагающие принципы проведения вакцинации детей, рожденных раньше срока, применяемые в практике здравоохранения ведущих стран мира. На основании результатов клинических исследований определены особенности схемы вакцинации против отдельных инфекций, описаны характерные признаки течения поствакцинального периода. Подробно разъяснен алгоритм действий при проведении активной иммунопрофилактики различного вида инфекций в зависимости от имеющей место патологии и проводимой терапии. В публикации использованы ключевые позиции методических рекомендаций по вакцинопрофилактике основных управляемых видов инфекций, разработанных профессиональной ассоциацией детских врачей «Союз педиатров России» и утвержденных Министерством здравоохранения РФ

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG

    Пути к существованию: инфраструктура и стратегии пищевой безопасности на Чукотке

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    The problem of food supply is especially poignant in the remote and hard to reach Arctic settlements. Therefore, local people have to develop their own food distribution strategies. They actively employ the alternative ways of food acquisition and accumulation to maintain a sense of their food security via the use of local infrastructure, networks of relatives and friends and technologies for self-production, processing and storage of products. The article describes the recent trends in food circulation in the Iul’tinskii district of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The authors consider the existing model of food redistribution between the tundra camps, reindeer herding and coastal villages, as well as the district center. They analyze the impact that one of the largest Soviet projects in Chukotka – the Iul’tinskaia road had on food security practices of the local people. The emergence of new infrastructure has affected both their mobility and perception of food. The article demonstrates how a whole set of various state projects and commercial initiatives frame local nutritional needs, but at the same time can either hinder or contribute to their satisfaction. The relations between the infrastructural projects and the basic needs have both intersection points and “gaps” which require active regulation both by the members of the local community and the state. In this context, local people can be seen as the active agents who creatively use the existing in the region infrastructure in order to maintain their food securityДля отдаленных и труднодоступных арктических поселений чрезвычайно актуальной является проблема снабжения продуктами питания. Вследствие этого местные жители активно используют свои собственные стратегии распределения продовольствия. Они применяют альтернативные способы приобретения и сохранения продуктов питания в целях поддержания ощущения своей продовольственной безопасности посредством использования местной инфраструктуры, задействования сетей родственников и знакомых, а также применения технологий для самостоятельного производства, обработки и хранения продуктов. В статье описываются актуальные тенденции циркуляции пищевых ресурсов в Иультинском районе Чукотского автономного округа. Авторы рассматривают сложившуюся модель перераспределения продовольствия между окруженными тундрой и находящимися на побережье селами, оленеводческими стоянками, а также районным центром. Они анализируют влияние одного из крупнейших советских проектов на Чукотке – Иультинской трассы на практику обеспечения продовольственной безопасности местного населения. Появление новой инфраструктуры в регионе повлияло как на его мобильность, так и на восприятие пищи. В статье продемонстрировано, каким образом целый ряд различных государственных проектов и ком- мерческих инициатив влияют на формирование пищевых потребностей, но в то же время могут либо препятствовать, либо способствовать их удовлетворению. Отношения между инфраструктурными проектами и потребностями в продуктах питания имеют как точки пересечения, так и «разрывы», которые требуют активного регулирования со стороны членов местного сообщества и государства. В данном контексте местные жители являются активными агентами, креативно использующими имеющуюся в регионе инфраструктуру в целях поддержания своей пищевой безопасност

    Towards DNA sensing polymers: interaction between acrylamide/3-(N,N-dimethylaminopropyl)-acrylamide and DNA phage λ at various N/P ratios

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    The present study strongly relates to ongoing research on the development of cationic polymers which are of great interest due to their enormous potential for biomedical applications, especially as non-viral vectors for gene therapy, antimicrobial agents and active components in DNA sensing devices. The current paper demonstrates that a functional group approach can be successfully realized in a free-radical copolymerization process to prepare cationic copolymers with a desired composition of amine groups, which can be protonated in water thus, providing electrostatic interactions between a polycation and DNA. Three replicas of the cationic copolymer, acrylamide/3-(N,N-dimethylaminopropyl)-acrylamide (AADMAPA), were synthesized using this strategy. The values of average molecular mass and polydispersity index, are similar for the replicas, averaged to 24 000 2000 g mol1 and 1.5 0.1, respectively. The copolymer composition according to 1 H-NMR (D2O), was corresponded to the molar ratio of initial monomers. The dynamic light scattering studies and zeta potential measurements confirmed that in water positively charged AADMAPA/DNA polyplexes are formed at N/P > 2.2: the formed particles have bimodal distributions with the average diameters of 70 and 700 nm. Zeta potential measurements indicated that the point of zero charge (isoelectric point) is close to N/P y 2.2. According to the atomic force microscopy positively charged AADMAPA/DNA polyplexes have axially symmetric shapes.The authors are grateful to Prof. Babushkina T. A., Mrs Klimova T. P. for helpful discussion and NMR spectral data. The authors also acknowledge Mrs Klemenkova Z. S. for IR spectral data. E. Laukhina acknowledges the support from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, through “Acciones CIBER”. The Networking Research Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010.Peer reviewe

    Profound purification of tellurium, zinc and cadmium for electronic applications

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    A combined method of profound purification of Cd, Zn and Te developed by the Authors and allowing one to produce high-purity materials in a vertical reactor unit has been considered. The method includes the following processes: filtration refinement of metal alloy with the possibility of its vacuum degassing and additional purification through an oxide layer; first distillation with the possibility to use gettering additions in the melt and gettering filters; melt degassing with the removal of highly volatile impurities to the condenser in rough vacuum; second distillation and metal casting for weighed quantities. The Authors have developed and produced a test model of the unit for the experimental profound purification of metals using the method developed herein. Physical experiments have been conducted for obtaining 99,9999 wt.% purity Cd, Zn and Te for 30 residual impurities with a product yield of at least 55%

    Digitalization in the field of music education: assessment of prospects

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    Preconditions of the research: in the course of implementation of federal program of digitalization of all areas of life, the digital format has been applied for education of musicians in higher schools. In this regard, the research objective is assessment of digitalization results of modern departments of music in Moscow universities (RSSU, MPGU), determination of prospects and issues of this process. The research was based on common methods of analysis: system analysis, instrumental and functional approaches, dialectic and comparative analysis, as well as sociological and statistic methods. Results: it is possible to conclude that in Russia digitalization of higher music education leads to improvement of its quality in total; provides higher level of mastering programs by students, expansion of range of acquired competences and opportunities to obtain high-quality education by broader range of people. Herewith, digitalization does not deprive art education of its inherently individualistic and practice-oriented approaches (individual lessons, independent creative work, rehearsals, etc.). The novelty of the work is comprised of substantiation of efficiency of digital educational environment in universities and departments of music, which is a promising approach promoting development of higher education in Russia and allowing to achieve qualitatively new level of music pedagogics. The practical significance of the work is in disclosure of problems of music education digitalization

    Adaptation of Mycoplasmas to Antimicrobial Agents: Acholeplasma laidlawii Extracellular Vesicles Mediate the Export of Ciprofloxacin and a Mutant Gene Related to the Antibiotic Target

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    This study demonstrated that extracellular membrane vesicles are involved with the development of resistance to fluoroquinolones by mycoplasmas (class Mollicutes). This study assessed the differences in susceptibility to ciprofloxacin among strains of Acholeplasma laidlawii PG8. The mechanisms of mycoplasma resistance to antibiotics may be associated with a mutation in a gene related to the target of quinolones, which could modulate the vesiculation level. A. laidlawii extracellular vesicles mediated the export of the nucleotide sequences of the antibiotic target gene as well as the traffic of ciprofloxacin. These results may facilitate the development of effective approaches to control mycoplasma infections, as well as the contamination of cell cultures and vaccine preparations

    Immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases in premature infants

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    Premature infants are especially in need of timely and effective specific immunoprophylaxis due to their vulnerability to infectious diseases. The article describes the basic principles for vaccination of premature infants used in healthcare by the leading countries of the world. Based on the results of clinical trials, the peculiarities of the vaccination schedule for certain infections have been determined, the specific features of the course of the post-vaccinal period have been described. The operating procedures for active immunoprophylaxis of various types of infections have been explained in detail depending on the pathology and the therapy being performed. The article uses the key points of the recommended practices for prevention of the main controlled types of infections developed by the professional association of pediatricians ‘Union of Pediatricians of Russia’ and approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation