13 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: to present up-to-date data on molecular genetic studies aimed to identify the risks of developing prostate cancer in representatives of various ethnic groups. Material and Methods. Literary sources were searched in databases such as PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar. We had analyzed 60 sources on the risks of developing prostate cancer. The epidemiological data on the prostate cancer incidence and risk factors depending on age characteristics, hormonal status and hereditary predisposition were shown. Results. The pathogenetic features of prostate cancer depending on ethnicity were described. The paper presents data from both European and Asian ethnic groups. In a number of studies, significant genetic differences in single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with the development of prostate cancer were identified. Conclusion. Research in the field of determining the risks of developing prostate cancer becomes more and more relevant due to the emergence of new molecular genetic markers, as well as the influence of various ethnic characteristics. Nevertheless, many questions of modern diagnosis of prostate cancer are still open, therefore, research in this area remains promising. Цель исследования – представить современные данные молекулярно-генетических исследований, посвященных выявлению рисков развития рака предстательной железы у представителей различных этнических групп.Материал и методы. Выполнен поиск литературных источников, доступных в базах данных PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar. Нами было проанализировано 52 источника, посвященных рискам развития рака предстательной железы. Приведены эпидемиологические данные по распространенности изучаемой патологии в мире, а также детально продемонстрированы факторы риска в зависимости от возрастных особенностей, гормонального статуса и наследственной предрасположенности.Результаты. Освещены патогенетические особенности рака предстательной железы в зависимости от этнической принадлежности. В работе представлены данные как европейской, так и азиатской этнических групп. В ряде исследований описаны существенные генетические различия в однонуклеотидных полиморфизмах, ассоциированных с развитием рака предстательной железы.Заключение. Исследования в области определения рисков развития рака предстательной железы с каждым годом становятся все перспективнее благодаря появлению новых молекулярно-генетических маркеров, а также изучению различных этнических особенностей. Тем не менее остаются открытыми многие вопросы современной диагностики рака предстательной железы, поэтому исследования в данной области являются актуальными.

    Isolation of a lipase inhibitor from the fungus Rhizopus microsporus

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    Polyethylene is one of the most widespread plastics in the world and its recycling has become a global problem. Although various methods of plastic degradation are used, the safest method is biodegradation. The article contains several strains of microorganisms involved in the decomposition of polyethylene isolated from the intestinal microflora of Galleria mellonella larvae. It has also been reported that several candidate genes and enzymes that break down beeswax and polyethylene were detected by transcriptome analysis using Galleria mellonella

    Co-inoculation of rhizobacteria and biochar application improves growth and nutrientsin soybean and enriches soil nutrients and enzymes

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    Gradual depletion in soil nutrients has affected soil fertility, soil nutrients, and the activities of soil enzymes. The applications of multifarious rhizobacteria can help to overcome these issues, however, the effect of co-inoculation of plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and biochar on growth andnutrient levelsin soybean and on the level of soil nutrients and enzymes needs in-depth study. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of co-inoculation of multifarious Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 and Pseudomonas putida TSAU1 and different levels (1 and 3%) of biochar on growth parameters and nutrient levelsin soybean and on the level of soil nutrients and enzymes. Effect of co-inoculation of rhizobacteria and biochar (1 and 3%) on the plant growth parameters and soil biochemicals were studied in pot assay experiments under greenhouse conditions. Both produced good amounts of indole-acetic acid; (22 and 16 μ g mL-1), siderophores (79 and 87%SU), and phosphate solubilization (0.89 and 1.02 99 g mL-1). Co-inoculation of B. japonicum with P. putida and 3% biochar significantly improved the growth and nutrient content ofsoybean and the level of nutrients and enzymes in the soil, thus making the soil more fertile to support crop yield. The results of this research provide the basis of sustainable and chemical-free farming for improved yields and nutrients in soybean and improvement in soil biochemical properties

    Isolation of lipase producing fungi from palm oil Mill effluent (POME) dump sites at Nsukka

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    In this study, twelve fungal lipase producing strains belonging to Aspergillus, Penicillium, Trichoderma and Mucor genera were isolated from palm oil mill effluent composts. The Aspergillus spp. were more frequent (42%) and was present in all the samples assayed. Mucor sp. was the least encountered (8.3%).The lipase producing profile showed that Trichoderma (8.07-8.24 u/mL) and Aspergillus (6.25 -7.54 u/mL) spp. were the highest lipase producers while Mucor (5.72 u/mL) was the least