32 research outputs found

    Understanding online political networks: The case of the far-right and far-left in Greece

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.This paper examines the connectivity among political networks on Twitter. We explore dynamics inside and between the far right and the far left, as well as the relation between the structure of the network and sentiment. The 2015 Greek political context offers a unique opportunity to investigate political communication in times of political intensity and crisis. We explore interactions inside and between political networks on Twitter in the run up to the elections of three different ballots: the parliamentary election of 25 January, the bailout referendum of 5 July, the snap election of 20 September; we, then, compare political action during campaigns with that during routinized politics.This work received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Programme (Horizon2020/2014–2020), under grant agreement 688380

    Effect of Photoperiod on the Germination and Seedling Development of Some (Acha) Digitaria Species

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    A glass house study was conducted at the Botanical garden, University of Jos, Jos Nigeria to study the effects of photoperiod on germination and seedling development of three Digitaria species (D. exilis, D. barbinodis, and D. iburua) using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD).The three species were subjected to photoperiods of 6, 8, 10, and 12hrs for 21 days. Results show that D. iburua had 30% germination while D. exilis and D. barbinodis had 80% germinatio

    Saliva cortisol and exposure to aircraft noise in six European countries

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    BACKGROUND: Several studies show an association between exposure to aircraft or road traffic noise and cardiovascular effects, which may be mediated by a noise-induced release of stress hormones. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to assess saliva cortisol concentration in relation to exposure to aircraft noise. METHOD: A multicenter cross-sectional study, HYENA (Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Airports), comprising 4,861 persons was carried out in six European countries. In a subgroup of 439 study participants, selected to enhance the contrast in exposure to aircraft noise, saliva cortisol was assessed three times (morning, lunch, and evening) during 1 day. RESULTS: We observed an elevation of 6.07 nmol/L [95% confidence interval (CI), 2.32-9.81 nmol/L] in morning saliva cortisol level in women exposed to aircraft noise at an average 24-hr sound level (L(Aeq,24h)) > 60 dB, compared with women exposed to L(Aeq,24h) < or = 50 dB, corresponding to an increase of 34%. Employment status appeared to modify the response. We found no association between noise exposure and saliva cortisol levels in men. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that exposure to aircraft noise increases morning saliva cortisol levels in women, which could be of relevance for noise-related cardiovascular effects

    Epidemiological and Entomological Evaluations after Six Years or More of Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in Nigeria

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    The current strategy for interrupting transmission of lymphatic filariasis (LF) is annual mass drug administration (MDA), at good coverage, for 6 or more years. We describe our programmatic experience delivering the MDA combination of ivermectin and albendazole in Plateau and Nasarawa states in central Nigeria, where LF is caused by anopheline transmitted Wuchereria bancrofti. Baseline LF mapping using rapid blood antigen detection tests showed mean local government area (LGA) prevalence of 23% (range 4–62%). MDA was launched in 2000 and by 2003 had been scaled up to full geographic coverage in all 30 LGAs in the two states; over 26 million cumulative directly observed treatments were provided by community drug distributors over the intervention period. Reported treatment coverage for each round was ≥85% of the treatment eligible population of 3.7 million, although a population-based coverage survey in 2003 showed lower coverage (72.2%; 95% CI 65.5–79.0%). To determine impact on transmission, we monitored three LF infection parameters (microfilaremia, antigenemia, and mosquito infection) in 10 sentinel villages (SVs) serially. The last monitoring was done in 2009, when SVs had been treated for 7–10 years. Microfilaremia in 2009 decreased by 83% from baseline (from 4.9% to 0.8%); antigenemia by 67% (from 21.6% to 7.2%); mosquito infection rate (all larval stages) by 86% (from 3.1% to 0.4%); and mosquito infectivity rate (L3 stages) by 76% (from 1.3% to 0.3%). All changes were statistically significant. Results suggest that LF transmission has been interrupted in 5 of the 10 SVs, based on 2009 finding of microfilaremia ≥1% and/or L3 stages in mosquitoes. Four of the five SVs where transmission persists had baseline antigenemia prevalence of >25%. Longer or additional interventions (e.g., more frequent MDA treatments, insecticidal bed nets) should be considered for ‘hot spots’ where transmission is ongoing

    Understanding reasons for non-compliance in motorcycle helmet use among adolescents in Greece

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    Objective: To explore attitudes towards two-wheel motorized vehicle (TWMV) helmet use among adolescents in a country with poor legal compliance. Design: Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 523 high school students to define the sample of a qualitative study; thereafter, the Health Belief Model (HBM) was applied in 12 focus groups comprising 70 students. Setting: Three randomly selected public secondary schools in middle-income areas of Athens, Greece. Results: Students reporting frequent helmet use were characterized by a high perceived threat of a TWMV-related injury, which seemed to be associated with both prior experience of an injury and receiving information on helmet wearing from “significant others.” Students reporting helmet non-use were characterized by a low threat perception, possibly attributable to adolescent egocentrism and accompanying feelings of invulnerability or to lack of knowledge and experience in risk identification. A sharp contrast was noted regarding the most important perceived benefit of helmet use, expressed among users as “protection in the case of a road crash” and among non-users as “avoiding tickets from traffic police”. Main barriers to helmet use, as identified by non-users, included: low perceived efficacy of helmets; peer pressure; lack of appropriate information on helmet use; high helmet cost; lack of convenience; vision and hearing disturbance; and style reasons. Conclusions: When social norms of low compliance to safety laws prevail, qualitative research can assist in developing tailored educational interventions targeting behavior modification among adolescents

    Understanding reasons for non-compliance in motorcycle helmet use among adolescents in Greece

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    Objective: To explore attitudes towards two-wheel motorized vehicle (TWMV) helmet use among adolescents in a country with poor legal compliance. Design: Self-administered questionnaires were completed by 523 high school students to define the sample of a qualitative study; thereafter, the Health Belief Model (HBM) was applied in 12 focus groups comprising 70 students. Setting: Three randomly selected public secondary schools in middle-income areas of Athens, Greece. Results: Students reporting frequent helmet use were characterized by a high perceived threat of a TWMV-related injury, which seemed to be associated with both prior experience of an injury and receiving information on helmet wearing from &quot;significant others.&quot; Students reporting helmet non-use were characterized by a low threat perception, possibly attributable to adolescent egocentrism and accompanying feelings of invulnerability or to lack of knowledge and experience in risk identification. A sharp contrast was noted regarding the most important perceived benefit of helmet use, expressed among users as &quot;protection in the case of a road crash&quot; and among non-users as &quot;avoiding tickets from traffic police&quot;. Main barriers to helmet use, as identified by non-users, included: low perceived efficacy of helmets; peer pressure; lack of appropriate information on helmet use; high helmet cost; lack of convenience; vision and hearing disturbance; and style reasons. Conclusions: When social norms of low compliance to safety laws prevail, qualitative research can assist in developing tailored educational interventions targeting behavior modification among adolescents

    Polyneuropathies in the elderly: A clinico pathological study of 74 cases

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    In elderly patients, peripheral neuropathies are common and may lead to disability. In order to investigate the relative incidence of different polyneuropathies in the elderly focusing on the contribution of nerve biopsy to their diagnosis, the authors studied 74 patients over 65 years of age with clinical, laboratory, electrophysiological, and sural nerve biopsy findings of different types of polyneuropathy. Vasculitic polyneuropathy seemed to be the most common cause of disabling neuropathy in the elderly, followed by paraneoplasia and diabetes. The possible diagnosis of idiopathic axonal neuropathy in the nine cases with neuropathy of unknown origin is discussed. Copyright © 2006 Taylor &amp; Francis Group LLC

    Polyneuropathies in teenagers: A clinicopathological study of 45 cases

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the causes of polyneuropathy in teenagers and to describe some characteristic clinical, laboratory, electrophysiological and pathological features. Forty-five patients with peripheral nervous disorders aged 13-19 were studied. Hereditary polyneuropathy of different types was diagnosed in 28 patients (62%); nine showed chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) and two showed vasculitic neuropathy. In two more cases polyneuropathy was attributed to toxic agents, while among the rest, one was diagnosed as metachromatic leucodystrophy (juvenile type), one as adrenoleucodystrophy, one as porphyric neuropathy and one as Fabry disease. The high incidence of hereditary neuropathies in teenagers differs from that in adults, but is similar to that encountered in children. In our study, CIDP appears to be a frequent cause of neuropathy in teenagers, while the other causes are broadly similar to those found in studies concerning children rather than adults. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Evaluating the impact of a school-based helmet promotion program on eligible adolescent drivers: Different audiences, different needs?

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    The school environment has been often identified as a prosperous venue for public health improvement. This study is a cluster randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of a school-based helmet promotion program on knowledge, attitudes and practices of eligible adolescent drivers. Four public, four private and four vocational high schools situated in Attica, Greece, were sorted by type and randomly assigned to receive a 1-month intervention, based on the concepts of the Health Belief Model, or serve as controls. Self-report data were collected at baseline from 741 second grade students (∼16 years) and immediately after program completion. Linear mixed models with random student effects were used to estimate mean changes in scores for each treatment group and corresponding between groups differences of changes. Likelihood-based analysis showed that the intervention yielded a significant improvement in knowledge about helmet use. Yet, its impact on attitudes and practices appeared to vary across different school types. With current research offering ambiguous results on the appropriate timing of injury prevention efforts, this study suggests that educational programs targeting road safety can lead to positive changes if tailored to the needs of specific population groups and implemented during critical life periods, such as the transition to driving status. © The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved