9 research outputs found

    Utjecaj prirodne smole divljeg drva pistacije (same i u kombinaciji s bornom kiselinom) na fizička svojstva i trajnost bukovine

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    This study was carried out to investigate the physical properties and decay resistance of beech wood treated with natural pistachio resin (PR) from Iranian wild pistachio trees (Pistacia atlantica), alone and in combination with boric acid (BA). Wood samples were impregnated with different concentration of PR dissolved in ethanol (3 to 20 %) with vacuum-pressure technology. The combination of PR (20 %) and BA (2 %) was also conducted to evaluate any interaction or synergistic effects. The water absorption, volumetric swelling, and decay resistance against Trametes versicolor fungi, before and after a leaching test (EN 84), were measured on treated and untreated samples. The chemical compositions of PR were also identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques. The chemicals analysis identified more than 20 different compounds in the PR, monoterpenoids being the predominant fraction and α-pinene the major component. The samples treated with a higher concentration of PR showed much higher weight gain percentage (WG%). The results showed that the increase in WG% reduced the average values of water absorption and volumetric swelling of treated samples even after long terms of soaking in water. The decay resistance of the treated samples increased against white rotting fungi as the values of WG% increased. Efficient protection was seen when a combined treatment of PR and BA was used. Even after the leaching process, the weight loss of the treated samples was less than 3 percent. The samples treated with BA alone largely lost their effectiveness against fungal attack after the leaching. The use of PR along with an environmental friendly co-biocide can also be recommended for wood preservation in places that require minimal toxicity.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti fizička svojstva i otpornost na propadanje bukovine tretirane prirodnom smolom pistacije (PR) dobivene iz divljeg drva pistacije koja uspijeva u Iranu (Pistacia atlantica) te kombinacijom smole pistacije i borne kiseline (BA). Uzorci drva vakuumsko-tlačnim su postupkom impregnirani različitim koncentracijama PR-a otopljenoga u etanolu (3 do 20 %). Provedena je i impregnacija uzorka kombinacijom PR-a (20 %) i BA-a (2 %) kako bi se procijenili svi interakcijski i sinergijski učinci. Za tretirane i netretirane uzorke mjerena je upojnost vode, volumetrijsko bubrenje i otpornost na djelovanje gljive Trametes versicolor prije i nakon ispiranja (EN 84). Ujedno je uz pomoć plinske kromatografije s masenom spektrometrijom (GC-MS) utvrđen i kemijski sastav smole (PR). Kemijskom analizom u PR-u je identificirano više od 20 različitih spojeva; momoterpeni su bili dominantna frakcija, a alfa-pinen glavna komponenta. Uzorci tretirani većom koncentracijom PR-a rezultirali su većim dobitkom mase (WG%). Rezultati su pokazali da se s porastom WG% smanjuje prosječna vrijednost upojnosti vode i volumetrijsko bubrenje tretiranih uzoraka, čak i nakon dugotrajnog potapanja u vodi. Otpornost tretiranih uzoraka na djelovanje gljiva bijele truleži povećala se s povećanjem WG%. Učinkovita zaštita primijećena je pri primjeni kombiniranog tretmana PR-om i BA-om; čak je i nakon postupka ispiranja gubitak mase tretiranih uzoraka bio manji od 3 %. Uzorci tretirani samo BA-om nakon ispiranja su uglavnom izgubili otpornost na napad gljiva. Moguće je zaključiti da se za zaštitu drva na mjestima koja zahtijevaju minimalnu otrovnost može preporučiti upotreba PR-a zajedno s ekološki prihvatljivim biocidom

    Protection à faible impact environnemental des contreplaqués avec des associations tannins-bore

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    Une étude expérimentale a été menée afin de protéger des attaques biologiques des contreplaqués faits d'essences non durables (hêtre et peuplier), et ce, avec un faible impact environnemental. Des produits de protection à base de tannins et de bore, nouvellement développés afin de réduire le lessivage du bore, ont été sélectionnés pour ce but. Ce système a été utilisé pour protéger les contreplaqués selon deux approches : (1) au niveau de la colle pour remplacer les adhésives à base de formaldéhyde et coller les plis, (2) en traitement des plis avec des formulations plus diluées, les plis étant collés avec des adhésifs mélamine-urée-formaldéhyde. Les données expérimentales de cette thèse peuvent être classées en trois grands groupes : essais chimiques et thermomécaniques des colles tannin-bore, mesure des propriétés physiques et mécaniques, de la résistance biologique avant et après vieillissement des différents panneaux. Les essais chimiques sur les colles tannin/hexamine ont montré que l'addition de bore sous forme d'acide borique peut contribuer à plus de liaisons inter-flavonoids et à ouvrir les cycles pyranes ce qui accélère les réactions de polymérisation. Des analyses thermomécaniques sur les colles contenant des tannins de mimosa et de quebracho ont confirmé que l'addition d'acide borique (1) abaissait le temps et la température de prise, et (2) augmentait les valeurs du module d'élasticité de la colle. L'addition d'une quantité optimale d'acide borique dans la colle à base de tannin augmente les propriétés physiques et la résistance au cisaillement. Une charge excessive d'acide borique (10%) dans la colle est la cause de pertes de propriétés mécaniques et physiques. Bien qu'en faible quantité, l'introduction de l'acide borique dans la colle de tannin amène une protection efficace contre l'attaque fongique, même après un lessivage selon l'EN 1250-2. Les résultats des essais termites montrent que l'acide borique contenu dans la colle cause le plus faible taux de survie des insectes et de perte de masse, mais présentent un fort degré d'attaque selon une cotation visuelle. Aucune amélioration n'a été obtenue lors d'un essai de choix après lessivage. Les contreplaqués faits de plis traités par des solutions tannin-bore ont montré des résistances au cisaillement plus faibles, mais toujours dans les gammes requises pour des applications en atmosphère humide. Des résultats satisfaisants ont été obtenus par les réseaux polymères de tannins, même après une lessivage sévère, vis-à-vis de l'attaque fongique. Les contreplaqués faits de plis traités à l'acide borique seul ont présenté une sensibilité importante à l'attaque biologique après un lessivage. Les résultats des essais termites ont montré un faible taux de survie des insectes et de perte de masse, même après un lessivage sévère, pour les contreplaqués avec des plis traités par des systèmes tannin-bore. Les résultats d'un essai de choix a montré que les termites préféraient se nourrir des témoins quand l'alternative proposée était des échantillons traités avec des systèmes tannin-bore.An experimental investigation was conducted to protect plywood panels made of perishable wood species (beech and poplar) against biological attacks with low environmental impact. The newly developed tannin-boron preservative which was proposed to reduce the leaching of borates was selected for this purpose. This system was used to protect plywood with two approaches: (1) in the glue line to replace formaldehyde based adhesives and gluing wood veneers, (2) pretreatment of wood veneers with the diluted formulations and bonded with melamine-urea-formaldehyde resin The research data in this thesis were obtained from three main groups of experiments: chemicals and thermomechanical testing on the tannin-boron resin, measuring physical and mechanical properties, and different biological tests before and after leaching processes. The chemicals testing on the tannin/hexamine adhesive showed that the addition ofboron, in the form of boric acid, can contribute more inter-flavonoid linkages and the opening of pyran rings which leads to the acceleration of polymerization reactions. Thermomechanical analysis on the adhesives of mimosa and quebracheo tannins confirmed that the addition of boric acid (1) lowered time and temperature of hardening, (2) and increased modulus of elasticity values of the adhesive. The addition of optimal boric acid into the tannin adhesive upgraded physical properties and tensile shear strength. An excess loading of boric acid (10%) in the glue line caused imperfect physical and mechanical features. Despite the low uptake of boric acid but its addition into the tannin glue provided effective resistance against fungal attack even after mild leaching test according to the EN 1250-2. The results of termites test showed that increase in the boric acid content of the adhesive caused the lower survival rate and the weight loss but samples underwent the high level of attack. No improvement against termite attack was obtained after leaching by a choice feeding test. The plywoods made of pretreated veneers by tannin-boron solutions showed partially lower tensile shear strength but still in the range of standards requirements for the humid applications. The satisfactory results were obtained even after severe leaching test against fungal attack with a strong polymeric network of tannin. The control plywoods made of pretreated veneers with boric acid alone solutions presented significant sensitivity against biological attack after leaching test. The results of termite tests showed the lower survival rate and the weight loss even after severe leaching test for the plywoods made of pretreated veneers with tannin-boron systems. The results of choice feeding test showed that termites preferred feeding from the controls when alternative samples were treated with the tannin-boron system. In general the evidence from this study suggests that tannin-boron system can significantly slow down the leaching of boron and it rendered high potential to preserve plywood