17,283 research outputs found

    Dynamics simulation of human box delivering task

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2018The dynamic optimization of a box delivery motion is a complex task. The key component is to achieve an optimized motion associated with the box weight, delivering speed, and location. This thesis addresses one solution for determining the optimal delivery of a box. The delivering task is divided into five subtasks: lifting, transition step, carrying, transition step, and unloading. Each task is simulated independently with appropriate boundary conditions so that they can be stitched together to render a complete delivering task. Each task is formulated as an optimization problem. The design variables are joint angle profiles. For lifting and carrying task, the objective function is the dynamic effort. The unloading task is a byproduct of the lifting task, but done in reverse, starting with holding the box and ending with it at its final position. In contrast, for transition task, the objective function is the combination of dynamic effort and joint discomfort. The various joint parameters are analyzed consisting of joint torque, joint angles, and ground reactive forces. A viable optimization motion is generated from the simulation results. It is also empirically validated. This research holds significance for professions containing heavy box lifting and delivering tasks and would like to reduce the chance of injury.Chapter 1 Introduction -- Chapter 2 Skeletal Human Modeling -- Chapter 3 Kinematics and Dynamics -- Chapter 4 Lifting Simulation -- Chapter 5 Carrying Simulation -- Chapter 6 Delivering Simulation -- Chapter 7 Conclusion and Future Research -- Reference

    WormBase - Nematode Biology and Genomes

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    WormBase is the major public online database resource for the _Caenorhabditis_ research community. The database was developed primarily for the nematode _C. elegans_ but expanded to host genomes and biological data from other closely related nematode species including _C. briggsae_, _C. remanei_, _C. brenneri_, _C. japonica_ and _Pristionchus pacificus_. WormBase has developed tools to mine the data held within the database and compare the hosted species. Over the years we have developed a variety of curation pipelines which often begin in a "first-pass" literature curation step. This involves a brief overview of the literature before directing it to specialised data curators who extract all relevant information. Curators focus on particular data types or experimental techniques such as gene structure changes (see the Sequence curation poster), variations, phenotypes or RNAi and their expertise in these fields make curation efficient. WormBase works with many other groups and consortiums to validate, process and integrate both large and small scale data resources. WormBase also provides data that will be of interest to the wider biomedical and bioinformatics communities allowing researchers to utilise the information and techniques offered by nematodes to study wider aspects including medicine and disease.

    New Proposal to Iran: Will It Be Enough to Defuse the Nuclear Crisis?

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    This BASIC Note assesses the progress of transatlantic diplomacy toward Iran on nuclear issues. On June 6, Iran was presented with a revised package of incentives to persuade it to curb its uranium enrichment program. The authors argued previously that the earlier E3/EU proposal was vague on incentives and heavy on demands. (See BASIC Note, August 11, 2005 at http://www.basicint.org/pubs/Notes/BN050811-IranEU.htm). In this article, the authors suggest that if the June 6 proposal had been offered a year ago (or better still two years ago), much of the recent damage to diplomatic relations between Iran and the West could have been avoided

    The Role of Repression in the Incidence of Ironic Errors

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    The role of repression in the incidence of ironic errors was investigated on a golf task. Coping styles of novice golfers were determined using measures of cognitive anxiety and physiological arousal. Following baseline putts, participants (n = 58) performed a competition putt with the opportunity to win UK£50 (approx. US$100). Before completing the competition putt participants were instructed to “land the ball on the target, but be particularly careful not to over-shoot the target.” The distance the ball traveled past the hole formed the measure of ironic effects. Probing of the coping style × condition interaction, F(2, 41) = 6.53, p < .005, revealed that only the repressors incurred a significant increase in ironic error for the competition putt. This suggests that the act of repressing anxiety has a detrimental performance effect

    Specification goals for a Mars seismic network

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    A seismic network on Mars should have enough stations (e.g., 24) to characterize the seismicity of the planet for comparison with a diversity of structural features; be comprised of low noise stations, preferably underground, 3 to 4 orders of magnitude more sensitive than those used on Viking; record over a sufficient band-width (DC-30 Hz) to detect micro-earthquakes to normal modes; and record for a sufficient duration (10 years) and data rate (10(exp 8) Mb/day/station) to obtain a data set comparable to that from the Apollo mission to the Moon so that locations of major internal boundaries can be inferred, such as those in the Earth, i.e., crust - lithosphere - asthenosphere - upper - lower phase transitions - outer - inner core. The proposed Mars Global Network Mission provides an opportunity to sense the dynamics and probe the interior of the planet. The seismic objectives, the availability of the instrumentation and trade-offs to meet them are discussed

    Short research report : a comparison of emotional intelligence levels between students in experiential and didactic college programs

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    Short Research Report: A Comparison of Emotional Intelligence Levels between Students in Experiential and Didactic College Programspeer-reviewe

    Occupation-Level Income Shocks and Asset Returns: Their Covariance and Implications for Portfolio Choice

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    This paper develops and applies a simple graphical approach to portfolio selection that accounts for covariance between asset returns and an investor's labor income. Our graphical approach easily handles income shocks that are partly hedgable, multiple risky assets, many periods and life cycle considerations. We apply the approach to occupation-level components of individual income innovations estimated from repeated cross sections of the Current Population Survey. We characterize several properties of these innovations, including their covariance with aggregate equity returns, long-term bond returns and returns on several other assets. Aggregate equity returns are uncorrelated with the occupation-level income innovations, but a portfolio formed on firm size is significantly correlated with income innovations for several occupations, and so are selected industry-level equity portfolios. An application of the theory to the empirical results shows (a) large predicted levels of risky asset holdings compared to observed levels, (b) considerable variation in optimal portfolio allocations over the life cycle, and (c) large departures from the two-fund separation principle.

    Gender, Networks and Mexico-U.S. Migration

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    In this paper, we examine whether the causes and patterns of Mexican rural female migration differ significantly from rural male migration. A number of hypotheses are discussed to explain why female migration may differ from male migration, with a particular emphasis on the role of migrant networks. Using data from a national survey of rural Mexican households in the ejido sector, significant differences between the determinants of male and female migration are found. While evidence suggests that networks play an important role in female migration, we find that, contrary to case study evidence, female networks are not more influential than male networks in female migration. In fact, female and male networks are found to be substitutes, suggesting they serve similar functions in female migration. Although female migrant networks do not play a special role in the female migration decision, the destination of female migrants is strongly influenced by the location of female network migrants.migration, networks, gender, Mexico, Labor and Human Capital,

    Moral reasoning in sport:validation of the Portuguese version of the RSBH value-judgement inventory in adolescents

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the Rudd Stoll Beller Hahm Value-judgement Inventory (RSBHVI) in a sample of adolescents. The RSBHVI, which measures moral and social reasoning, was translated using a back translation method. A sample of 238 10th to 12th grade high school students (age mean value 16.93 years, s = 1.34) completed the Portuguese versions of RSBH, and the Task and Ego-orientation Questionnaire. Partial support for the original structure of the moral reasoning scale, but not the social reasoning scale, was found. Females, and non-athletes and individual sport athletes scored significantly higher than males and team sport athletes in moral reasoning, respectively. Moral reasoning was negatively correlated with ego-orientation (r = −30; p &lt;. 001) and uncorrelated with task-orientation (r = .10, p &gt; .05). Participants who were low-ego scored higher in moral reasoning than those who were high-ego. It is suggested that decreasing levels of ego-orientation may be necessary to improve athletes’ moral reasoning