3,815 research outputs found

    Transfer to and Operation of The Cache Citizen by the Utah State University Department of Communication

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    On January 21, 1985, the USU Department of Communication assumed the responsibility of providing editorial content for The Cache Citizen, a weekly newspaper published in Preston, Idaho. The department plans to continue operation of the paper, to provide professional experience for undergraduate and graduate students. The thesis has a twofold purpose. First, it is an historical document, designed to preserve the details of the transfer and first year of operation by the department, for use by future journalism scholars and historians. Second, it analyzes the transfer, identifies problems encountered and steps taken to correct them, and makes recommendations for the future. This section should aid other institutions interested in developing a similar program. The main portion of the thesis is divided into four sections: Literature Review, Methodology, Chronology and Analysis. The Literature Review is designed to familiarize readers with dominant issues in journalism education applicable to The Cache Citizen project. The Methodology section justifies the use of a combination of historical and journalistic methods in gathering and interpreting data for the study, and the Chronology section lists the basic sequence of events and identifies topics for analysis. The Analysis is be based on readings in the literature, documents, interviews with participants, the author\u27s 13 years of professional experience in the field and one year as a Citizen editor

    Mars lander survey

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    The requirements, issues, and design options are reviewed for manned Mars landers. Issues such as high 1/d versus low 1/d shape, parking orbit, and use of a small Mars orbit transfer vehicle to move the lander from orbit to orbit are addressed. Plots of lander mass as a function of Isp, destination orbit, and cargo up and down, plots of initial stack mass in low Earth orbit as a function of lander mass and parking orbit, detailed weight statements, and delta V tables for a variety of options are included. Lander options include a range from minimum landers up to a single stage reusable design. Mission options include conjunction and Venus flyby trajectories using all-cryogenic, hybrid, NERVA, and Mars orbit aerobraking propulsion concepts

    Vertical Orientation in a New Gobioid Fish from New Britain

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    While visiting Rabaul, New Britain, during Cruise 6 of the Stanford University vessel "Te Vega" we observed and collected specimens of a small gobioid fish that swam and hovered vertically, with its head up, in midwater close to pockets in the wall of an underwater cliff at depths below 30 feet. Many kinds of fishes, for example scorpaenids and cottoids, are known to orient vertically in contact with a substrate. There are fewer examples of vertically oriented fishes in midwater; among the best known are the seahorses and centriscids. Observations have also been made on vertically oriented mesopelagic fishes. Barham (1966) has seen myctophids hovering vertically, as well as swimming upward and downward. Paralepidids are also known to be vertical swimmers (Peres, 1958; Bernard, 1958; Cohen, personal observations). We have found, however, no previous record of this habit in gobioid fishes and our observations are presented herewith. We have been unable to identify the fish with any known form, and we describe it as a ne


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    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is responsible for controlling grasshopper populations on public rangelands. Under current guidelines, control of grasshoppers on rangeland should occur if grasshopper densities are at least eight per square yard. This article evaluates the concept of an economic threshold relative to the value of forage saved from destruction during a grasshopper outbreak. It is shown that financial justification for treating grasshopper outbreaks depends upon grasshopper density, rangeland productivity, climate factors, livestock cost and return relationships, and the efficacy of treatment options.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use,

    FeH Absorption in the Near-Infrared Spectra of Late M and L Dwarfs

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    We present medium-resolution z-, J-, and H-band spectra of four late-type dwarfs with spectral types ranging from M8 to L7.5. In an attempt to determine the origin of numerous weak absorption features throughout their near-infrared spectra, and motivated by the recent tentative identification of the E 4\Pi- A ^4\Pi system of FeH near 1.6 microns in umbral and cool star spectra, we have compared the dwarf spectra to a laboratory FeH emission spectrum. We have identified nearly 100 FeH absorption features in the z-, J-, and H-band spectra of the dwarfs. In particular, we have identified 34 features which dominate the appearance of the H-band spectra of the dwarfs and which appear in the laboratory FeH spectrum. Finally, all of the features are either weaker or absent in the spectrum of the L7.5 dwarf which is consistent with the weakening of the known FeH bandheads in the spectra of the latest L dwarfs.Comment: accepted by Ap

    CD21-Positive Follicular Dendritic Cells A Possible Source of PrP\u3csup\u3eSc\u3c/sup\u3e in Lymph Node Macrophages of Scrapie-Infected Sheep

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    Natural sheep scrapie is a prion disease characterized by the accumulation of PrPSc in brain and lymphoid tissues. Previous studies suggested that lymph node macrophages and follicular dendritic cells (FDC) accumulate PrPSc. In this study, lymph nodes were analyzed for the presence of PrPSc and macrophage or FDC markers using dual immunohistochemistry. A monoclonal antibody (mAb) to the C-terminus of PrP reacted with CD172a+ macrophages and CD21+ FDC processes in secondary follicles. However, a PrP N-terminus- specific mAb reacted with CD21+ FDC processes but not CD172a+ macrophages in secondary follicles. Neither the PrP N-terminus nor C-terminus-specific mAb reacted with CD172a+ macrophages in the medulla. These results indicate that lymph node follicular macrophages acquire PrPSc by phagocytosis of CD21+ FDC processes. The results also suggest that follicular macrophages have proteases that process full-length PrPSc to N-terminally truncated PrPSc

    Recognition, Investigation, and Control of Communicable-Disease Outbreaks in Child Day-Care Settings

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    As increasing numbers of young children attend day-care centers in the US, the elevated risk of acquiring infectious diseases in this setting has emerged as an important public health issue.1 Outbreaks of infectious diseases occur frequently within the daycare setting,2 and enteric and respiratory pathogens may be readily transmitted to household members and others in the community.1,2 The economic burden of these outbreaks is considerable; for example, parents of children in day care miss an average of I to 4 weeks of work each year to care for their sick children.1 Investigations of communicable-disease outbreaks in day-care centers have provided a wealth of information useful in developing and implementing infection-control policies and guidelines. While documented experiences with outbreaks in day-care settings have been relatively recent, they have rapidly expanded our understanding of reservoirs of infectious agents, routes of transmission, clinical characteristics of illness, risk factors for infection, the effectiveness of interventions, and recognition of pathogens previously not reportable or thought to be unimportant. Outbreak investigations in day-care centers reported in the literature have focused primarily on the etiologic agents listed in the Table. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of methodologic issues pertinent to such investigations