1,469 research outputs found

    Non-covalent (iso)guanosine-based ionophores for alkali(ne earth) cations

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    Different (iso)guanosine-based self-assembled ionophores give distinctly different results in extraction experiments with alkali(ne earth) cations. A lipophilic guanosine derivative gives good extraction results for K+, Rb+, Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2+ and in competition experiments it clearly favors the divalent Sr2+ (and Ba2+) cations. 1,3-Alternate calix[4]arene tetraguanosine hardly shows any improvement in the extraction percentages compared to its reference compound 1,3-alternate calix[4]arene tetraamide. This indicates that one G-quartet does not provide efficient cation complexation under these conditions. In the case of the lipophilic isoguanosine derivative there is a cation size dependent affinity for the monovalent cations (Cs+ Rb+ K+), but not for the divalent cations (Ca2+ > Ba2+ > Sr2+ > Mg2+). In competition experiments the isoguanosine derivative, unlike guanosine, does not discriminate between monovalent and divalent cations, giving an almost equal extraction of Cs+ and Ba2+.\ud \u

    Gavestinel does not improve outcome after acute intracerebral hemorrhage: an analysis from the GAIN International and GAIN Americas studies

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    <p><b>Background and Purpose:</b> Glycine Antagonist in Neuroprotection (GAIN) International and GAIN Americas trials were prospectively designed, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of gavestinel, a glycine-site antagonist and putative neuroprotectant drug administered within 6 hours of suspected ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Both trials reported that gavestinel was ineffective in ischemic stroke. This analysis reports the results in those with primary intracerebral hemorrhage.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> The primary hypothesis was that gavestinel treatment did not alter outcome, measured at 3 months by the Barthel Index (BI), from acute intracerebral hemorrhage, based on pooled results from both trials. The BI scores were divided into 3 groups: 95 to 100 (independent), 60 to 90 (assisted independence), and 0 to 55 (dependent) or dead.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> In total, 3450 patients were randomized in GAIN International (N=1804) and GAIN Americas (N=1646). Of these, 571 were ultimately identified to have spontaneous intracerebral hematoma on baseline head computerized tomography scan. The difference in distribution of trichotomized BI scores at 3 months between gavestinel and placebo was not statistically significant (P=0.09). Serious adverse events were reported at similar rates in the 2 treatment groups.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> These observations from the combined GAIN International and GAIN Americas trials suggest that gavestinel is not of substantial benefit or harm to patients with primary intracerebral hemorrhage. These findings are similar to results previously reported in patients with ischemic stroke.</p&gt

    The inverse moment problem for convex polytopes

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    The goal of this paper is to present a general and novel approach for the reconstruction of any convex d-dimensional polytope P, from knowledge of its moments. In particular, we show that the vertices of an N-vertex polytope in R^d can be reconstructed from the knowledge of O(DN) axial moments (w.r.t. to an unknown polynomial measure od degree D) in d+1 distinct generic directions. Our approach is based on the collection of moment formulas due to Brion, Lawrence, Khovanskii-Pukhikov, and Barvinok that arise in the discrete geometry of polytopes, and what variously known as Prony's method, or Vandermonde factorization of finite rank Hankel matrices.Comment: LaTeX2e, 24 pages including 1 appendi

    Imaging Synapse Formation during Thymocyte Selection Inability of CD3ζ to Form a Stable Central Accumulation during Negative Selection

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    AbstractTCR signaling can result in cell fates ranging from activation to tolerance to apoptosis. Organization of molecules in an “immunological synapse” between mature T cells and APCs correlates with the strength of TCR signaling. To investigate synapse formation during thymic selection, we have established a reaggregate system in which molecular recruitment of GFP fusion proteins to thymocyte:stromal cell interfaces can be visualized in real time. We demonstrate that negative selection is associated with efficient conjugate formation and rapid recruitment of p56lck and CD3ζ to an immunological synapse. Interestingly, CD3ζ-GFP does not accumulate at the center of the synapse, as in mature T cells, but at the periphery across a wide range of ligand densities. This implicates differences in synapse geometry in initiation of alternate signals downstream of the TCR

    The UNC-Wisconsin rhesus macaque neurodevelopment database: A structural MRI and DTI database of early postnatal development

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    Rhesus macaques are commonly used as a translational animal model in neuroimaging and neurodevelopmental research. In this report, we present longitudinal data from both structural and diffusion MRI images generated on a cohort of 34 typically developing monkeys from 2 weeks to 36 months of age. All images have been manually skull stripped and are being made freely available via an online repository for use by the research community

    Reconciling dark matter and solar neutrinos

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    We present a simple model for neutrino dark matter in which neutrino masses arise radiatively and the solar neutrino data are explained via the MSW effect. The dark matter scale arises at the one-loop level with the MSW scale arises only in two loops. The model is compatible with all observational facts and allows observable ÎœeΜτ or ΜΌΜτ oscillation rates in the laboratory if the limits from primordial big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) are taken conservatively. In addition, it can be probed by searching for muon number violating processes such as Ό→ e+ Îł, and Ό→3 e. These rates can well lie within the sensitivities of present experiments. Finally, if we ignore BBN limits we can have also a common explanation for the atmospheric neutrino deficit via ΜΌ oscillations to a sterile neutrino Îœs with maximal mixing and 10 -2-10 -3 eV 2

    Dynamics of vortex tangle without mutual friction in superfluid 4^4He

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    A recent experiment has shown that a tangle of quantized vortices in superfluid 4^4He decayed even at mK temperatures where the normal fluid was negligible and no mutual friction worked. Motivated by this experiment, this work studies numerically the dynamics of the vortex tangle without the mutual friction, thus showing that a self-similar cascade process, whereby large vortex loops break up to smaller ones, proceeds in the vortex tangle and is closely related with its free decay. This cascade process which may be covered with the mutual friction at higher temperatures is just the one at zero temperature Feynman proposed long ago. The full Biot-Savart calculation is made for dilute vortices, while the localized induction approximation is used for a dense tangle. The former finds the elementary scenario: the reconnection of the vortices excites vortex waves along them and makes them kinked, which could be suppressed if the mutual friction worked. The kinked parts reconnect with the vortex they belong to, dividing into small loops. The latter simulation under the localized induction approximation shows that such cascade process actually proceeds self-similarly in a dense tangle and continues to make small vortices. Considering that the vortices of the interatomic size no longer keep the picture of vortex, the cascade process leads to the decay of the vortex line density. The presence of the cascade process is supported also by investigating the classification of the reconnection type and the size distribution of vortices. The decay of the vortex line density is consistent with the solution of the Vinen's equation which was originally derived on the basis of the idea of homogeneous turbulence with the cascade process. The obtained result is compared with the recent Vinen's theory.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, submitted to PR

    Generalised Israel Junction Conditions for a Gauss-Bonnet Brane World

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    In spacetimes of dimension greater than four it is natural to consider higher order (in R) corrections to the Einstein equations. In this letter generalized Israel junction conditions for a membrane in such a theory are derived. This is achieved by generalising the Gibbons-Hawking boundary term. The junction conditions are applied to simple brane world models, and are compared to the many contradictory results in the literature.Comment: 4 page

    Field Theoretical Quantum Effects on the Kerr Geometry

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    We study quantum aspects of the Einstein gravity with one time-like and one space-like Killing vector commuting with each other. The theory is formulated as a \coset nonlinear σ\sigma-model coupled to gravity. The quantum analysis of the nonlinear σ\sigma-model part, which includes all the dynamical degrees of freedom, can be carried out in a parallel way to ordinary nonlinear σ\sigma-models in spite of the existence of an unusual coupling. This means that we can investigate consistently the quantum properties of the Einstein gravity, though we are limited to the fluctuations depending only on two coordinates. We find the forms of the beta functions to all orders up to numerical coefficients. Finally we consider the quantum effects of the renormalization on the Kerr black hole as an example. It turns out that the asymptotically flat region remains intact and stable, while, in a certain approximation, it is shown that the inner geometry changes considerably however small the quantum effects may be.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX. The hep-th number added on the cover, and minor typos correcte
