1,124 research outputs found

    Computational chemistry of organometallic and inorganic species

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    This thesis presents computational investigations of problems related to redox processes and structural rearrangement in inorganic systems. Density functional theory has been used to gain insight into the origin and nature of such reactions. The work presented concerns two main topics: hydrogenase-like systems containing an Fe2 core and carbonphosphorus cluster compounds. In chapters II and III, we describe the impact of reduction, an important phenomenon in the H2 production catalytic cycle, on a hydrogenase-like model. In collaboration with Talarmin and co-workers who have conducted careful electrochemical studies, we have used DFT to identify structures of species observed in cyclic voltammetry. We have also studied the binding of a proton to similar systems and, through the calculation of chemical shifts and coupling constants, confirmed the structures of iron hydrides observed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. In chapter V we focus on carbon-phosphorus systems that can exist in 2 or more isomeric forms. We address first the case of a system of formula C6H4P3 which has the right valence configuration to exist either as a planar structure or as a 3-dimensional cluster (nido according to Wade’s rules). We then examine whether it is possible to control the preferred conformation by the addition of substituents on the phenyl ring. Finally, we look at the rearrangement of a planar diphosphene into a cage isomer and try to understand the mechanism and in particular the role of the protonation in the conversion from planar to 3-dimensional structure

    Intended status: Standards Track

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    draft-davin-eesst-00 A common format simplifies exchange of secondary school academic transcripts via electronic mail. Extant standards are applied to prevent unauthorized alteration of transcript content and to deliver transcripts directly and securely from each student to his or her chosen recipients. By eliminating third-party intervention and surveillance, the defined protocol better protects student privacy and independence than does current practice. Status of this Memo This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. This document may not be modified, and derivative works of it may not be created, except to format it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other than English. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-Drafts is at http://datatrac ker.ietf.org/drafts/current / 1. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as “work in progress”. This Internet-Draft will expire on July 4, 2014. Copyright Notice Copyright © 2013 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the document authors. All rights reserved. This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions Relating to IETF Document

    Pragmatism, Postmodernism, and Adult Education: Structure and Agency in the 21st Century

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    This paper develops a theory that interprets the philosophical schools of American Pragmatism and Continental Postmodernism as important, complementary resources for understanding the effects of structure and agency on the possibilities for learning and meaning-making. This type of theory building can provide for practitioners and scholars a useful framework for negotiating the limited battle between self-determination and structural determination

    Situating Practice in Schools and Communities: Case Studies of Teacher Candidates in Diverse Clinical Experiences with English Language Learners

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    With climbing percentages of linguistic diversity within the United States population, teachers must be prepared to work with English language learners in school and community settings. In this paper, we utilized a multiple-case study design to describe and explore the learning of four undergraduate teacher candidates enrolled in a university course on the assessment of English language learners. Working to fulfill the course and clinical requirements for the English as a Second Language endorsement, candidates engaged in fieldwork and conducted authentic language assessments to glean the unique sociocultural and linguistic backgrounds, abilities, and needs of students to inform subsequent instruction. Findings indicated that candidates benefited from diverse school and community field placements that matched their programs of study and cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Additionally, findings demonstrated the affordances of community sites where candidates had authentic and low-stakes opportunities to engage in professional practice, juxtaposed with high-stakes classroom settings where cooperating teachers often limited candidate involvement due to the focus on standardized testing. We close with implications and recommendations for field-based teacher preparation for English language learners

    Prioritizing Multilingualism in U.S. Schools: States’ Policy Journeys to Enact the Seal of Biliteracy

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    Fueled by immigration and globalization, the United States has evolved into a nation of linguistically diverse residents; however, English remains the dominant language in schools. A recent language policy initiative emergent in states across the nation, the Seal of Biliteracy challenges English monolingualism by promoting the development of students’ bilingualism and biliteracy by high school graduation. Using narrative inquiry, this study explores the policy journeys that states have taken to enact the Seal of Biliteracy, as educators and stakeholders come together to engage in grassroots policy work. Findings include the collective stories of these efforts to disrupt English-dominant ideologies in schools, as well as individual states’ journeys to develop students’ bilingualism. Implications serve educators, researchers, and other stakeholders interested in influencing practice through bottom-up policy movements, particularly at this crucial moment as states embrace more flexibility for educational decision making

    Nephrotic Syndrome in Children: From Bench to Treatment

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    Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) is the most frequent form of NS in children. INS is defined by the association of the clinical features of NS with renal biopsy findings of minimal changes, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), or mesangial proliferation (MP) on light microscopy and effacement of foot processes on electron microscopy. Actually the podocyte has become the favourite candidate for constituting the main part of the glomerular filtration barrier. Most cases are steroid sensitive (SSINS). Fifty percents of the latter recur frequently and necessitate a prevention of relapses by nonsteroid drugs. On the contrary to SSINS, steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRINS) leads often to end-stage renal failure. Thirty to forty percents of the latter are associated with mutations of genes coding for podocyte proteins. The rest is due to one or several different circulating factors. New strategies are in development to antagonize the effect of the latter

    Adult Learning and Pragmatic Identity Theory

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    The interaction between identity and learning has been under theorized. American Pragmatism offers important insights into identity and learning. With new educational experiences, adults take on new identities. Pragmatic Identity Theory will be an analytical lens allowing us to better understand the identity negotiation within learning experiences

    Profound Learning and Living: An Exploratory Delphi Study

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    This study, using Delphi methodology conceptualizes the qualities of profound learning, the profound learner, and profound living

    O Seal of Biliteracy: Considerando a equidade e o acesso para os alunos de inglĂȘs

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    The Seal of Biliteracy is a grass-roots language policy initiative that is sweeping across the United States. An award affixed to high school graduates’ transcripts and diplomas, the overarching purpose of the policy is to promote and foster students’ bilingualism and biliteracy in K-12 schools. Initiated in California in 2011, the policy has been modified significantly as stakeholders in 32 different states have drafted, passed, and enacted similar legislation in recent years. On its surface, the policy appears to hold promise in disrupting the monolingual norm prevalent in U.S. schools; however, with many states focusing efforts on world language education for English-dominant students, a critical analysis of the policy from the lens of the large and growing population of English learners is warranted. This paper considers the 32 state policies from this lens, first exploring the policy purpose and logistics and then making policy recommendations to enhance equity and access for English learners. The recommendations target stakeholders across the United States who seek to either initiate or revise Seal of Biliteracy policies within their unique state contexts.El Seal of Biliteracy es una polĂ­tica de lenguaje que estĂĄ ganando popularidad en todo Estados Unidos. Un premio fijado transcripciones y diplomas graduados de la secundaria, a propĂłsito de la polĂ­tica es promover y fomentar el bilingĂŒismo y biliteraciĂłn en las K-12 escuelas. Iniciada en California en 2011, la polĂ­tica fue modificada de forma significativa a medida que las partes interesadas en 32 estados diferentes elaboraron, aprobaron y promulgar una legislaciĂłn similar en los Ășltimos años. En su superficie, la polĂ­tica parece ser muy prometedora en interrumpir el monolingĂŒismo prevalente en los EE.UU. escuelas; sin embargo, con muchos estados interesados en la enseñanza de idiomas del mundo para los estudiantes inglĂ©s-dominantes, un anĂĄlisis crĂ­tico de la polĂ­tica a partir de la lente de la poblaciĂłn grande y creciente de los estudiantes inglĂ©s estĂĄ garantizado. Este artĂ­culo considera las 32 polĂ­ticas estatales a partir de esa lente, explorando primero la polĂ­tica y la logĂ­stica y, a continuaciĂłn, haciendo recomendaciones de polĂ­ticas para aumentar la equidad y el acceso para los alumnos de inglĂ©s. Las recomendaciones apuntan a las partes interesadas en los Estados Unidos que buscan iniciar o revisar las polĂ­ticas del Seal of Biliteracy dentro de sus contextos de estado Ășnicos.O Seal of BiliteracyĂ© uma polĂ­tica de linguagem que estĂĄ ganhando popularidade em todo o Estados Unidos. Um prĂȘmio afixada transcriçÔes e diplomas graduados do ensino mĂ©dio, a propĂłsito da polĂ­tica Ă© promover e fomentar o bilinguismo e biliteracy no K-12 escolas. Iniciada na CalifĂłrnia em 2011, a polĂ­tica foi modificada de forma significativa Ă  medida que as partes interessadas em 32 estados diferentes elaboraram, aprovaram e promulgaram legislação semelhante nos Ășltimos anos. Em sua superfĂ­cie, a polĂ­tica parece ser muito promissora em interromper o monolingualism prevalente em EUA escolas; no entanto, com muitos estados interessados no ensino de idiomas do mundo para estudantes inglĂ©s-dominantes, uma anĂĄlise crĂ­tica da polĂ­tica a partir da lente da população grande e crescente de alunos inglĂ©s estĂĄ garantido. Este artigo considera as 32 polĂ­ticas estaduais a partir dessa lente, explorando primeiro a polĂ­tica e a logĂ­stica e, em seguida, fazendo recomendaçÔes de polĂ­ticas para aumentar a equidade e o acesso para os alunos de inglĂȘs. As recomendaçÔes visam as partes interessadas nos Estados Unidos que buscam iniciar ou revisar as polĂ­ticas do Seal of Biliteracy dentro de seus contextos de estado Ășnicos

    The Seal of Biliteracy: Considering Equity and Access for English Learners

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    The Seal of Biliteracy is a grass-roots language policy initiative that is sweeping across the United States. An award affixed to high school graduates’ transcripts and diplomas, the overarching purpose of the policy is to promote and foster students’ bilingualism and biliteracy in K-12 schools. Initiated in California in 2011, the policy has been modified significantly as stakeholders in 32 different states have drafted, passed, and enacted similar legislation in recent years. On its surface, the policy appears to hold promise in disrupting the monolingual norm prevalent in U.S. schools; however, with many states focusing efforts on world language education for English-dominant students, a critical analysis of the policy from the lens of the large and growing population of English learners is warranted. This paper considers the 32 state policies from this lens, first exploring the policy purpose and logistics and then making policy recommendations to enhance equity and access for English learners. The recommendations target stakeholders across the United States who seek to either initiate or revise Seal of Biliteracy policies within their unique state contexts
