1,140 research outputs found

    Hybrid Quarkonia with High Statistics from NRQCD

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    We have studied the O(mv^6) effects in NRQCD on the spectrum of heavy quarkonia and compare our results for different lattices (quenched and dynamical). We also report on an investigation into hybrid states within the framework of NRQCD. This suggests that the lowest lying hybrid is around the B^* \bar B threshold and 3 standard deviations above the B \bar B.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX2e, 4 figures, uses styles [espcrc2, epsf], talk presented at Lattice 9

    Radial Excited States for Heavy Quark Systems in NRQCD

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    Following the Non-Relativistic QCD approach we use a gauge invariant smearing method with factorization to measure the excitation energies for a heavy QQˉQ\bar{Q} system on a 243×4824^3\times 48 lattice at β=6.2\beta=6.2. The results come from averaging over an ensemble of 60 QCD configurations. In order to enhance the signal from each configuration we use wall sources for quark propagators. The quark Hamiltonian contains only the simplest non-relativistic kinetic energy term. The results are listed for a range of bare quark masses. The mass splittings are insensitive to this variable though there are a slight trends with increasing quark mass. For an appropriate choice of UV cut-off (a1=3.2a^{-1}=3.2Gev) the mass spectrum compares reasonably well with the experimental values for the spin-averaged energy gaps of the Υ\Upsilon system. We also present results for the DEDE and DTDT waves for the lowest bare quark mass. The results are consistent with degeneracy between the two types of DD wave. This encourages the idea that even with our simple quark Hamiltonian the departure from rotational invariance is not great.Comment: 12 page

    Non-Relativistic QCD for Heavy Quark Systems

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    We employ a nonrelativistic version of QCD (NRQCD) to study heavy quark-antiquark bound states in the lowest approximation without fine structure. We use gluon configurations on a 16^3 by 48 lattice at beta=6.2 from the UKQCD collaboration. For quark masses in the vicinity of the b we obtain bound state masses for S, P and both types of D wave. We also detect signals for two types of hybrids (quark,antiquark,gluon states). The results are sufficiently accurate to confirm that the values of the D wave mass from both lattice D waves coincide indicating that the cubical invariance of the lattice is restored to full rotational invariance at large distance. Our results also show that the S-P splitting is indeed insensitive to variations in the bare quark mass from Ma=1.0 to Ma=1.9.Comment: 13 pages, DAMTP-92-7

    Semileptonic B Decays from an NRQCD/D234 Action

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    Semileptonic B decays are studied on quenched anisotropic lattices using Symanzik improved glue, NRQCD heavy quark and D234 light quark actions. We employ constrained fits to extract ground state contributions to two- and three-point correlators. Results for the B --> pi, l nubar decay form factors are compared with previous lattice results. We find that our systematic errors (excluding quenching errors) are dominated by chiral extrapolation uncertainties.Comment: Lattice2002(Heavy quark physics

    Upsilon Spectrum from NRQCD with Improved Action

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    We explore the effect of higher order operators in the non-relativistic formulation of QCD (NRQCD). We calculated masses in the b \bar b spectrum using quenched gauge configurations at beta = 6.0 and two different NRQCD actions which have been corrected to order mv^4 and mv^6. The two-point functions are calculated in a gauge invariant fashion. We find the general structure of the spectrum to be the same in the two cases. Using the P - 3S1 splitting we determine the inverse lattice spacings to be 2.44(4) GeV and 2.44(5) GeV for the mv^4 and mv^6 actions, respectively. We do observe shifts in the spin splittings. The hyperfine splitting is reduced by approximately 4 MeV, while the fine splitting is down by up to 10 MeV, albeit with large statistical errors.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX2e , 4 figures, uses styles [11pt, a4wide, epsf]. A minor typo in figure 2 has been correcte

    Effect of Workload History on Task Performance

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    Objective: This study investigated the effects of workload history (specifically, sudden shifts in workload) on performance. Background: In 1993 the National Research Council identified workload transition as an important concern for human factors researchers. The study of workload history suggests that what an individual has been doing prior to a point in time has an effect on subsequent performance. One trend emerging from workload history studies is that a general decrement in performance is most likely to occur following a decrease in task demand. Method: The 198 participants were randomly assigned to a high-to-low or low-to-high condition. Participants performed a version of the Bakan Vigilance Task while correct responses, response times, and total errors were recorded. Results: Results supported previous research suggesting a workload decrease results in a performance decrement. More importantly, this study reports that either a sudden increase or decrease could lead to a loss in accuracy and a slowing of response time in a longer time course. Conclusion: An explanation of the decrement is offered in terms of adaptation models. In addition, a follow-up study suggested that the decrement is a result of something inherent in the workload shift rather than an effect of fatigue. Application: Workload history (more specifically, a workload shift) has significant implications for many work environments. These implications are particularly salient in occupations where individuals are confronted with varying levels of workload demand, especially safety-sensitive occupations.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    The Isgur-Wise function in a relativistic model for qQˉq\bar Q system

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    We use the Dirac equation with a ``(asymptotically free) Coulomb + (Lorentz scalar) linear '' potential to estimate the light quark wavefunction for qQˉ q\bar Q mesons in the limit mQm_Q\to \infty. We use these wavefunctions to calculate the Isgur-Wise function ξ(v.v)\xi (v.v^\prime ) for orbital and radial ground states in the phenomenologically interesting range 1v.v41\leq v.v^ \prime \leq 4. We find a simple expression for the zero-recoil slope, ξ(1)=1/2ϵ2/3\xi^ \prime (1) =-1/2- \epsilon^2 /3, where ϵ\epsilon is the energy eigenvalue of the light quark, which can be identified with the Λˉ\bar\Lambda parameter of the Heavy Quark Effective Theory. This result implies an upper bound of 1/2-1/2 for the slope ξ(1)\xi^\prime (1). Also, because for a very light quark q(q=u,d)q (q=u, d) the size \sqrt {} of the meson is determined mainly by the ``confining'' term in the potential (γσr)(\gamma_\circ \sigma r), the shape of ξu,d(v.v)\xi_{u,d}(v.v^\prime ) is seen to be mostly sensitive to the dimensionless ratio Λˉu,d2/σ\bar \Lambda_{u,d}^2/\sigma. We present results for the ranges of parameters 150MeV<Λˉu,d<600MeV150 MeV <\bar \Lambda_{u,d} <600 MeV (ΛˉsΛˉu,d+100MeV)(\bar\Lambda_s \approx \bar\Lambda_{u,d}+100 MeV), 0.14GeV2σ0.25GeV20.14 {GeV}^2 \leq \sigma \leq 0.25 {GeV}^2 and light quark masses mu,md0,ms=175MeVm_u, m_d \approx 0, m_s=175 MeV and compare to existing experimental data and other theoretical estimates. Fits to the data give: Λˉu,d2/σ=4.8±1.7{\bar\Lambda_{u,d}}^2/\sigma =4.8\pm 1.7 , ξu,d(1)=2.4±0.7-\xi^\prime_{u,d}(1)=2.4\pm 0.7 and VcbτB1.48ps=0.050±0.008\vert V_{cb} \vert \sqrt {\frac {\tau_B}{1.48 ps}}=0.050\pm 0.008 [ARGUS '93]; Λˉu,d2/σ=3.4±1.8{\bar\Lambda_{u,d}}^2/\sigma = 3.4\pm 1.8, ξu,d(1)=1.8±0.7-\xi^\prime_{u,d}(1)=1.8\pm 0.7 and VcbτB1.48ps=0.043±0.008\vert V_{cb} \vert \sqrt { \frac {\tau_B}{1.48 ps}}=0.043\pm 0.008 [CLEO '93]; ${\bar\Lambda_{u,d}}^2/Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 4 figures (not included) available by fax or via email upon reques

    Collapse of ρxx\rho_{xx} ringlike structures in 2DEGs under tilted magnetic fields

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    In the quantum Hall regime, the longitudinal resistivity ρxx\rho_{xx} plotted as a density--magnetic-field (n2DBn_{2D}-B) diagram displays ringlike structures due to the crossings of two sets of spin split Landau levels from different subbands [e.g., Zhang \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{95}, 216801 (2005)]. For tilted magnetic fields, some of these ringlike structures "shrink" as the tilt angle is increased and fully collapse at θc6\theta_c \approx 6^\circ. Here we theoretically investigate the topology of these structures via a non-interacting model for the 2DEG. We account for the inter Landau-level coupling induced by the tilted magnetic field via perturbation theory. This coupling results in anti-crossings of Landau levels with parallel spins. With the new energy spectrum, we calculate the corresponding n2DBn_{2D}-B diagram of the density of states (DOS) near the Fermi level. We argue that the DOS displays the same topology as ρxx\rho_{xx} in the n2DBn_{2D}-B diagram. For the ring with filling factor ν=4\nu=4, we find that the anti-crossings make it shrink for increasing tilt angles and collapse at a large enough angle. Using effective parameters to fit the θ=0\theta = 0^\circ data, we find a collapsing angle θc3.6\theta_c \approx 3.6^\circ. Despite this factor-of-two discrepancy with the experimental data, our model captures the essential mechanism underlying the ring collapse.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures; Proceedings of the PASPS V Conference Held in August 2008 in Foz do Igua\c{c}u, Brazi

    Comparing the efficacy, safety, and utility of intensive insulin algorithms for a primary care practice

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    Diabetes management is firmly based within the primary care community. Landmark randomized, controlled trials have demonstrated that even modest reductions in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) can yield improvements in economic and medical end-points. Diabetes is a chronic, progressive disease associated with loss of pancreatic β-cell function. Therefore, most patients will eventually require insulin therapies in order to achieve their individualized targeted HbA1c as their β-cell function and mass wanes. Although clinicians understand the importance of early insulin initiation, there is little agreement as to when to introduce insulin as a therapeutic option. Once initiated, questions remain as to whether to allow the patients to self-titrate their dose or whether the dosing should be tightly regulated by the clinician. Physicians have many evidence-based basal insulin protocols from which to choose, all of which have been shown to drive HbA1c levels to the American Diabetes Association target of ≤7%. This article will discuss ways by which insulin therapies can be effectively introduced to patients within busy primary care practices. Published evidence-based basal insulin protocols will be evaluated for safety and efficacy

    Life path analysis: scaling indicates priming effects of social and habitat factors on dispersal distances

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    1. Movements of many animals along a life-path can be separated into repetitive ones within home ranges and transitions between home ranges. We sought relationships of social and environmental factors with initiation and distance of transition movements in 114 buzzards Buteo buteo that were marked as nestlings with long-life radio tags. 2. Ex-natal dispersal movements of 51 buzzards in autumn were longer than for 30 later in their first year and than 35 extra-natal movements between home ranges after leaving nest areas. In the second and third springs, distances moved from winter focal points by birds that paired were the same or less than for unpaired birds. No post-nuptial movement exceeded 2 km. 3. Initiation of early ex-natal dispersal was enhanced by presence of many sibs, but also by lack of worm-rich loam soils. Distances travelled were greatest for birds from small broods and with relatively little short grass-feeding habitat near the nest. Later movements were generally enhanced by the absence of loam soils and short grassland, especially with abundance of other buzzards and probable poor feeding habitats (heathland, long grass). 4. Buzzards tended to persist in their first autumn where arable land was abundant, but subsequently showed a strong tendency to move from this habitat. 5. Factors that acted most strongly in ½-km buffers round nests, or round subsequent focal points, usually promoted movement compared with factors acting at a larger scale. Strong relationships between movement distances and environmental characteristics in ½-km buffers, especially during early ex-natal dispersal, suggested that buzzards became primed by these factors to travel far. 6. Movements were also farthest for buzzards that had already moved far from their natal nests, perhaps reflecting genetic predisposition, long-term priming or poor habitat beyond the study area