84 research outputs found

    Associations of body mass index and waist circumference with: energy intake and percentage energy from macronutrients, in a cohort of australian children

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    Background: It is evident from previous research that the role of dietary composition in relation to the development of childhood obesity remains inconclusive. Several studies investigating the relationship between body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and/or skin fold measurements with energy intake have suggested that the macronutrient composition of the diet (protein, carbohydrate, fat) may play an important contributing role to obesity in childhood as it does in adults. This study investigated the possible relationship between BMI and WC with energy intake and percentage energy intake from macronutrients in Australian children and adolescents

    Rationale, design and methods for a randomised and controlled trial to investigate whether home access to electronic games decreases children's physical activity

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    Background. Many children are reported to have insufficient physical activity (PA) placing them at greater risk of poor health outcomes. Participating in sedentary activities such as playing electronic games is widely believed to contribute to less PA. However there is no experimental evidence that playing electronic games reduces PA. There is also no evidence regarding the effect of different types of electronic games (traditional sedentary electronic games versus new active input electronic games) on PA. Further, there is a poor understanding about how characteristics of children may moderate the impact of electronic game access on PA and about what leisure activities are displaced when children play electronic games. Given that many children play electronic games, a better understanding of the effect of electronic game use on PA is critical to inform child health policy and intervention. Methods. This randomised and controlled trial will examine whether PA is decreased by access to electronic games and whether any effect is dependent on the type of game input or the child's characteristics. Children aged 1012 years (N = 72, 36 females) will be recruited and randomised to a balanced ordering of 'no electronic games', 'traditional' electronic games and 'active' electronic games. Each child will participate in each condition for 8 weeks, and be assessed prior to participation and at the end of each condition. The primary outcome is PA, assessed by Actical accelerometers worn for 7 days on the wrist and hip. Energy expenditure will be assessed by the doubly labelled water technique and motor coordination, adiposity, self-confidence, attitudes to technology and PA and leisure activities will also be assessed. A sample of 72 will provide a power of > 0.9 for detecting a 15 mins difference in PA (sd = 30 mins). Discussion. This is the first such trial and will provide critical information to understand whether access to electronic games affects children's PA. Given the vital importance of adequate PA to a healthy start to life and establishing patterns which may track into adulthood, this project can inform interventions which could have a profound impact on the long term health of children. Trial registration. This trial is registered in the Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN 12609000279224)

    External validation of a prediction model for estimating fat mass in children and adolescents in 19 countries: individual participant data meta-analysis

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    Objective To evaluate the performance of a UK based prediction model for estimating fat-free mass (and indirectly fat mass) in children and adolescents in non-UK settings. Design Individual participant data meta-analysis. Setting 19 countries. Participants 5693 children and adolescents (49.7% boys) aged 4 to 15 years with complete data on the predictors included in the UK based model (weight, height, age, sex, and ethnicity) and on the independently assessed outcome measure (fat-free mass determined by deuterium dilution assessment). Main outcome measures The outcome of the UK based prediction model was natural log transformed fat-free mass (lnFFM). Predictive performance statistics of R2, calibration slope, calibration-in-the-large, and root mean square error were assessed in each of the 19 countries and then pooled through random effects meta-analysis. Calibration plots were also derived for each country, including flexible calibration curves. Results The model showed good predictive ability in non-UK populations of children and adolescents, providing R2 values of >75% in all countries and >90% in 11 of the 19 countries, and with good calibration (ie, agreement) of observed and predicted values. Root mean square error values (on fat-free mass scale) were <4 kg in 17 of the 19 settings. Pooled values (95% confidence intervals) of R2, calibration slope, and calibration-in-the-large were 88.7% (85.9% to 91.4%), 0.98 (0.97 to 1.00), and 0.01 (−0.02 to 0.04), respectively. Heterogeneity was evident in the R2 and calibration-in-the-large values across settings, but not in the calibration slope. Model performance did not vary markedly between boys and girls, age, ethnicity, and national income groups. To further improve the accuracy of the predictions, the model equation was recalibrated for the intercept in each setting so that country specific equations are available for future use. Conclusion The UK based prediction model, which is based on readily available measures, provides predictions of childhood fat-free mass, and hence fat mass, in a range of non-UK settings that explain a large proportion of the variability in observed fat-free mass, and exhibit good calibration performance, especially after recalibration of the intercept for each population. The model demonstrates good generalisability in both low-middle income and high income populations of healthy children and adolescents aged 4-15 years

    Adjusting for fat-free mass in metabolic studies

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    in a recent publication, Eriksson et al. [1] explored the relationship between size at birth and resting metabolic rate and body composition in adulthood in a cohort of over 300 men and women. They reported an unexpected finding that people of both sexes who had a low birth weight also had a higher metabolic activity per unit muscle tissue. This conclusion was drawn from an analysis where resting metabolic rate (expressed as kcal/kg fat-free mass) in adulthood was examined relative to the birth weight of the subject. One explanation that they suggested was that the apparent increased activity of muscle tissue resulted from an increased sympathetic drive associated with low birth weight. There may be a less physiological reason for the findings of Eriksson et al. Whilst the data are not given specifically in the text, it can be seen clearly from Fig. 1 in the paper that the mean fat-free mass measured in adulthood increased, in both sexes, from the lightest birth weight group to the heaviest birth weight group when the cohort were divided into tertiles based on birth weight. The crux of the issue is that in many - indeed most - cases, expressing resting energy expenditure as kcal/kg fat-free mass does not totally adjust for fat-free mass [2 - 5], and a bias is introduced so that those who have a higher fat-free mass will tend to have a lower resting energy expenditure when expressed per kg fat-free mass. This bias found when expressing many physiological parameters relative to body size, body weight or body composition has long been known [6], and should be carefully considered by appropriate adjustment and hence analysis

    Diet composition and body mass index in pre-school children

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    Total Energy Expenditure and Body Composition Changes Following Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation and Participation in an Exercise Programme

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    The purpose of this investigation was to assess changes in total energy expenditure (TEE), body weight (BW) and body composition following a peripheral blood stem cell transplant and following participation in a 3-month duration, moderate-intensity, mixed-type exercise programme. The doubly labelled and singly labelled water methods were used to measure TEE and total body water (TBW). Body weight and TBW were then used to calculate percentage body fat (%BF), and fat and fat-free mass (FFM). TEE and body composition measures were assessed pretransplant (PI), immediately post-transplant (PII) and 3 months post-PII (PIII). Following PII, 12 patients were divided equally into a control group (CG) or exercise intervention group (EG). While there was no change in TEE between pre- and post-transplant, BW (P<0.01) and FFM (P<0.05) significantly decreased during the same period. Participation in the exercise programme led to increases in TEE to levels that were both higher than pre- and post-transplant measures (P<0.01). By PIII, the exercising patients also showed gains in FFM (P<0.01) in association with a reduction in %BF (P<0.05). Exercise has a functionally important role in preserving and increasing skeletal mass in the rehabilitation phase of cancer patients

    Body composition in Prader-Willi syndrome: assessment and effects of growth hormone administration

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    Children and adults with Prader-Willi syndrome are usually overweight, if not obese. Nevertheless, it is now thought that the body composition exhibited by such individuals is markedly dissimilar to that found in simple obesity. In fact, the body composition typical of Prader-Willi syndrome is actually more characteristic of that found in individuals with growth hormone (GH) deficiency, namely an increased level of adiposity in the limbs in comparison with the trunk and an overall reduction in fat-free mass. This variation in body composition may impact upon the assumptions inherent in many techniques used to measure body size and body composition, such as the use of body mass index and skinfolds. Therefore, it is important that the potential error in body composition assessment is understood by professionals evaluating patients with Prader-Willi syndrome. Accurate assessment of body composition is critical in Prader-Willi syndrome, as a number of recent studies have revealed extremely similar findings relating to the effect of exogenous GH on the body composition of patients with this syndrome. Other notable findings of these studies include significant increases in muscle strength and exercise capacity, which probably result from the changes in body composition. The routine use of exogenous GH to treat this extremely debilitating syndrome should now be considered
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