4,051 research outputs found

    A Magnetic and Moessbauer Spectral Study of Core/Shell Structured Fe/Au Nanoparticles

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    Fe/Au nanoparticles have been chemically synthesized through a reverse micelle reaction and investigated by both conventional and synchrotron based x-ray diffraction and by magnetic and Moessbauer spectral studies. The powder x-ray diffraction patterns reveal both the presence of crystalline alpha-iron and gold and the absence of any crystalline iron oxides or other crystalline products. First-order reversal curves, along with the major hysteresis loops of the Fe/Au nanoparticles have been measured as a function of time in order to investigate the evolution of their magnetic properties. The iron-57 Moessbauer spectra of both uncoated iron nanoparticles and the Fe/Au nanoparticles have been measured at 78 and 295 K and indicate that two major iron containing components are present, namely the expected alpha-iron and the unexpected amorphous Fe1-xBx alloy; several poorly crystallized ordered iron(III) oxide components as well as paramagnetic iron(II) and iron(III) components are also observed. These results indicate that the Fe-core/Au-shell nanoparticles synthesized through reverse micelles are far more complex that had been believed.Comment: 31 pages, 1 table, 8 figures, to appear in Chemistry of Material

    The Approximating Hamiltonian Method for the Imperfect Boson Gas

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    The pressure for the Imperfect (Mean Field) Boson gas can be derived in several ways. The aim of the present note is to provide a new method based on the Approximating Hamiltonian argument which is extremely simple and very general.Comment: 7 page

    Does enforcement deter cartels? A tale of two tails

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    This paper investigates the deterrent impact of anti-cartel enforcement. It is shown theoretically that if enforcement is effective in deterring and constraining cartels then there will be fewer cartels with low overcharges and fewer with high overcharges. This prediction provides an indirect method for testing whether the enforcement of competition law is effective. Using historical data on legal cartels to generate the counterfactual, we find significantly less mass in the tails of the overcharge distribution, compared to illegal cartels. This result is robust to controlling for confounding factors, and we interpret this as the first tentative confirmation of effective deterrence

    Possible Contamination of the Intergalactic Medium Damping Wing in ULAS J1342+0928 by Proximate Damped Lyα\alpha Absorption

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    The red damping wing from neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium is a smoking-gun signal of ongoing reionization. One potential contaminant of the intergalactic damping wing signal is dense gas associated with foreground galaxies, which can give rise to proximate damped Lyα\alpha absorbers. The Lyα\alpha imprint of such absorbers on background quasars is indistinguishable from the intergalactic medium within the uncertainty of the intrinsic quasar continuum, and their abundance at z7z\gtrsim7 is unknown. Here we show that the complex of low-ionization metal absorption systems recently discovered by deep JWST/NIRSpec observations in the foreground of the z=7.54z=7.54 quasar ULAS~J1342++0928 can potentially reproduce the quasar's spectral profile close to rest-frame Lyα\alpha without invoking a substantial contribution from the intergalactic medium, but only if the absorbing gas is extremely metal-poor ([O/H]3.5[{\rm O}/{\rm H}]\sim-3.5). Such a low oxygen abundance has never been observed in a damped Lyα\alpha absorber at any redshift, but this possibility still complicates the interpretation of the spectrum. Our analysis highlights the need for deep spectroscopy of high-redshift quasars with JWST or ELT to "purify" damping wing quasar samples, an exercise which is impossible for much fainter objects like galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Heterotrophy mitigates the response of the temperate coral

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    Anthropogenic increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration have caused global average sea surface temperature (SST) to increase by approximately 0.11°C per decade between 1971 and 2010 - a trend that is projected to continue through the 21st century. A multitude of research studies have demonstrated that increased SSTs compromise the coral holobiont (cnidarian host and its symbiotic algae) by reducing both host calcification and symbiont density, among other variables. However, we still do not fully understand the role of heterotrophy in the response of the coral holobiont to elevated temperature, particularly for temperate corals. Here, we conducted a pair of independent experiments to investigate the influence of heterotrophy on the response of the temperate scleractinian coral Oculina arbuscula to thermal stress. Colonies of O. arbuscula from Radio Island, North Carolina, were exposed to four feeding treatments (zero, low, moderate, and high concentrations of newly hatched Artemia sp. nauplii) across two independent temperature experiments (average annual SST (20°C) and average summer temperature (28°C) for the interval 2005-2012) to quantify the effects of heterotrophy on coral skeletal growth and symbiont density. Results suggest that heterotrophy mitigated both reduced skeletal growth and decreased symbiont density observed for unfed corals reared at 28°C. This study highlights the importance of heterotrophy in maintaining coral holobiont fitness under thermal stress and has important implications for the interpretation of coral response to climate change

    Anisotropy Dependence of Irreversible Switching in Fe/SmCo and FeNi/FePt Exchange Spring Magnet Films

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    Magnetization reversal in exchange-spring magnet films has been investigated by a First Order Reversal Curve (FORC) technique and vector magnetometry. In Fe/epitaxial-SmCo films, the reversal proceeds by a reversible rotation of the Fe soft layer, followed by an irreversible switching of the SmCo hard layer. The switching fields are clearly manifested by separate steps in both longitudinal and transverse hysteresis loops, as well as sharp boundaries in the FORC distribution. In FeNi/polycrystalline-FePt films, particularly with thin FeNi, the switching fields are masked by the smooth and step-free major loop. However, the FORC diagram still displays a distinct onset of irreversible switching and transverse hysteresis loops exhibit a pair of peaks, whose amplitude is larger than the maximum possible contribution from the FeNi layer alone. This suggests that the FeNi and FePt layers reverse in a continuous process via a vertical spiral. The successive vs. continuous rotation of the soft/hard layer system is primarily due to the different crystal structure of the hard layer, which results in different anisotropies.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, APL in pres

    Technology use by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to support employment activities: A single-subject design meta analysis

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2006 IOS PressObjectives: Technology has the potential to improve employment and rehabilitation related outcomes for persons with disabilities. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of technology use on employment-related outcomes for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Study design: A comprehensive search of the literature pertaining to technology use by people with intellectual disabilities was conducted, and a single-subject design meta analysis was conducted for a subset of those studies, which focused on employment and rehabilitation related outcomes. Results: The use of technology to promote outcomes in this area was shown to be generally effective, in particular when universal design features were addressed. Conclusions: Technology has the potential to enable people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to achieve more positive employment and rehabilitation outcomes. It is important to focus on universal design features important to persons with cognitive disabilities, and there is a need for more research in this area

    Reconstructing phase-resolved hysteresis loops from first-order reversal curves

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    The first order reversal curve (FORC) method is a magnetometry based technique used to capture nanoscale magnetic phase separation and interactions with macroscopic measurements using minor hysteresis loop analysis. This makes the FORC technique a powerful tool in the analysis of complex systems which cannot be effectively probed using localized techniques. However, recovering quantitative details about the identified phases which can be compared to traditionally measured metrics remains an enigmatic challenge. We demonstrate a technique to reconstruct phase-resolved magnetic hysteresis loops by selectively integrating the measured FORC distribution. From these minor loops, the traditional metrics - including the coercivity and saturation field, and the remanent and saturation magnetization - can be determined. In order to perform this analysis, special consideration must be paid to the accurate quantitative management of the so-called reversible features. This technique is demonstrated on three representative materials systems, high anisotropy FeCuPt thin-films, Fe nanodots, and SmCo/Fe exchange spring magnet films, and shows excellent agreement with the direct measured major loop, as well as the phase separated loops

    Magnetization Reversal and Nanoscopic Magnetic Phase Separation in Doped La1-xSrxCoO3

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    The doped perovskite cobaltite La1-xSrxCoO3 (LSCO) has been advanced as a model system for studying intrinsic magnetic phase separation. We have employed a first-order reversal curve (FORC) method to probe the amount of irreversible switching in bulk polycrystalline LSCO as a function of Sr doping, field cooling procedure, and temperature. The value of the FORC distribution, rho, is used as a measure of the extent of irreversible switching. For x < 0.18, the small values of rho and its ridge-like distribution along local coercivity (Hc) and zero bias (Hb), are characteristic of non-interacting single domain particles. This is consistent with the formation of an array of isolated nanoscopic ferromagnetic clusters, as observed in previous work. For x >= 0.18, the much larger values of rho, the tilting of its distribution towards negative bias field, and the emergence of regions with negative rho, are consistent with increased long-range ferromagnetic ordering. The FORC distributions display little dependence on the cooling procedure. With increasing temperature, the fraction of irreversible switching determined from the FORC distribution follows closely the ferromagnetic phase fraction measured by La nuclear magnetic resonance. Our results furthermore demonstrate that the FORC method is a valuable first-pass characterization tool for magnetic phase separation.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, to appear in PR