1,070 research outputs found

    Dust Emissivity in the Far-Infrared

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    We have derived the dust emissivity in the Far-Infrared (FIR) using data available in the literature. We use two wavelength dependences derived from spectra of Galactic FIR emission (Reach et al. 1995). A value for the emissivity, normalised to the extinction efficiency in the V band, has been retrieved from maps of Galactic FIR emission, dust temperature and extinction (Schlegel et al. 1998). Our results are similar to other measurements in the Galaxy but only marginally consistent with the widely quoted values of Hildebrand (1983) derived on one reflection nebula. The discrepancy with measurements on other reflection nebulae (Casey 1991) is higher and suggests a different grain composition in these environments with respect to the diffuse interstellar medium. We measure dust masses for a sample of six spiral galaxies with FIR observations and obtain gas-to-dust ratios close to the Galactic value.Comment: 5 pages, 1 ps file, A&A letter accepte

    ISO observations of spirals: modelling the FIR emission

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    ISO observations at 200 micron have modified our view of the dust component in spiral galaxies. For a sample of seven resolved spirals we have retrieved a mean temperature of 20K, about 10K lower than previous estimates based on IRAS data at shorter wavelengths. Because of the steep dependence of far-infrared emission on the dust temperature, the dust masses inferred from ISO fluxes are a factor of 10 higher than those derived from IRAS data only, leading to gas-to-dust ratios close to the value observed in the Galaxy. The scale-length of the 200 micron emission is larger than for the IRAS 100 micron emission, with colder dust at larger distances from the galactic centre, as expected if the interstellar radiation field is the main source of dust heating. The 200 micron scale-length is also larger than the optical, for all the galaxies in the sample. This suggests that the dust distribution is more extended than that of the stars.A model of the dust heating is needed to derive the parameters of the dust distribution from the FIR emission. Therefore, we have adapted an existing radiative transfer code to deal with dust emission. Simulated maps of the temperature distribution within the dust disk and of the dust emission at any wavelength can be produced. The stellar spectral energy distribution is derived from observations in the ultraviolet, optical and near infrared. The parameters of the dust distribution (scale-lengths and optical depth) are chosen to reproduce the observed characteristics of the FIR emission, i.e. the shape of the spectrum, the flux and the spatial distribution. We describe the application of the model to one of the galaxies in the sample, NGC 6946.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the workshop "ISO Beyond Point Sources" held at VILSPA 14-17 September 199

    Facilitating Personal and Corporate Evangelism at Malvern Uniting Church, Adelaide, Australia

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    Conscious of the decline in the Australian Church, this project seeks to help members of Malvern Uniting Church to be a faith sharing community through a strategy of: group mentoring in evangelism and a weekend community festival designed as an opportunity to share faith. Malvern Uniting Church is located in a wealthy suburb of Adelaide. Church members relate to a variety of non-believers, yet feel unprepared to share faith. For this project, contextual evangelism is twofold: first, faith sharing for individuals in their everyday location and, secondly, corporate faith sharing for the church community also in its location. Part One of this paper examines the suburb of Malvern. It highlights history and demographics, the people, their work and social lives, their children and financial priorities. It gives consideration to the negative aspects of the community and perceived unimportance of faith. Turning attention towards the church, this paper examines its history and denominational particulars, its values and stated vision, its focus of ministry and struggle to be relevant in an affluent suburb. Part Two engages with literature pertinent to that of the Church and evangelism. Both biblical and theological information are considered. This aspect of the paper develops a relevant ecclesiology and draws a discussion of contextual evangelism and its place in the life of the church. This section ends by developing a theology of contextual evangelism that sees a progression from individual to community evangelism as modeled by Jesus and continued by the Spirit. Part Three focuses on developing contextual evangelism in light of theological reflection, community needs, and location of church members. Careful consideration is given to people, resources, and logistics. It is hoped this would develop contextual evangelism as a way of life for Malvern Church. The goals and direction for future efforts emerge from this trial. Theological Mentor: Kurt Fredrickson, Ph

    Automated detectionof very low surface brightness galaxiesin the Virgo cluster

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    We report the automatic detection of a new sample of very low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies, likely members of the Virgo cluster. We introduce our new software, {\tt DeepScan}, that has been designed specifically to detect extended LSB features automatically using the DBSCAN algorithm. We demonstrate the technique by applying it over a 5 degree2^2 portion of the Next-Generation Virgo Survey (NGVS) data to reveal 53 low surface brightness galaxies that are candidate cluster members based on their sizes and colours. 30 of these sources are new detections despite the region being searched specifically for LSB galaxies previously. Our final sample contains galaxies with 26.0≀⟚Όe⟩≀28.526.0\leq\langle \mu_{e}\rangle\leq28.5 and 19≀mg≀2119\leq m_{g}\leq21, making them some of the faintest known in Virgo. The majority of them have colours consistent with the red sequence, and have a mean stellar mass of 106.3±0.5M⊙10^{6.3\pm0.5} M_{\odot} assuming cluster membership. After using {\tt ProFit} to fit S\'ersic profiles to our detections, none of the new sources have effective radii larger than 1.5 Kpc and do not meet the criteria for ultra-diffuse galaxy (UDG) classification, so we classify them as ultra-faint dwarfs.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS 201

    Galaxies as Fluctuations in the Ionizing Background Radiation at Low Redshift

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    Some Lyman continuum photons are likely to escape from most galaxies, and these can play an important role in ionizing gas around and between galaxies, including gas that gives rise to Lyman alpha absorption. Thus the gas surrounding galaxies and in the intergalactic medium will be exposed to varying amounts of ionizing radiation depending upon the distances, orientations, and luminosities of any nearby galaxies. The ionizing background can be recalculated at any point within a simulation by adding the flux from the galaxies to a uniform quasar contribution. Normal galaxies are found to almost always make some contribution to the ionizing background radiation at redshift zero, as seen by absorbers and at random points in space. Assuming that about 2 percent of ionizing photons escape from a galaxy like the Milky Way, we find that normal galaxies make a contribution of at least 30 to 40 percent of the assumed quasar background. Lyman alpha absorbers with a wide range of neutral column densities are found to be exposed to a wide range of ionization rates, although the distribution of photoionization rates for absorbers is found to be strongly peaked. On average, less highly ionized absorbers are found to arise farther from luminous galaxies, while local fluctuations in the ionization rate are seen around galaxies having a wide range of properties.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, references added, clarified explanation of first two equation

    Governance: Mature Paradigm or Chicken Soup for European Public Management?

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    Sþrensen and Torfing assert that “governance” has become a highly influential paradigm, able to influence the conduct of governing and thus contribute to improving our economies and societies. In responding, we take issue with this pivotal claim, arguing that governance is rather a parochial and decaying paradigm, which failed to improve the way societies and economies were governed

    The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey: The Number of Unresolved Compact Galaxies

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    We describe a sample of thirteen bright (18.5<Bj<20.1) compact galaxies at low redshift (0.05<z<0.21) behind the Fornax Cluster. These galaxies are unresolved on UK Schmidt sky survey plates, so would be missing from most galaxy catalogs compiled from this material. The objects were found during initial observations of The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey. This project is using the Two-degree Field spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14000 objects, stellar and non-stellar, with 16.5<Bj<19.7, in a 12 square degree area centered on the Fornax cluster of galaxies. The surface density of compact galaxies with magnitudes 16.5<Bj<19.7 is 7+/-3 /sq.deg., representing 2.8+/-1.6% of all local (z<0.2) galaxies to this limit. There are 12+/-3 /sq.deg. with 16.5<Bj<20.2. They are luminous (-21.5<Mb<-18.0, for H0=50 km/s/mpc) and most have strong emission lines (H alpha equivalent widths of 40-200 A) and small sizes typical of luminous HII galaxies and compact narrow emission line galaxies. Four out of thirteen have red colors and early-type spectra, so are unlikely to have been detected in any previous surveys.Comment: LaTeX source; 5 pages including 3 figures; uses emulateapj.st

    Radiative transfer in disc galaxies -- III. The observed kinematics of dusty disc galaxies

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    We present SKIRT (Stellar Kinematics Including Radiative Transfer), a new Monte Carlo radiative transfer code that allows the calculation of the observed stellar kinematics of a dusty galaxy. The code incorporates the effects of both absorption and scattering by interstellar dust grains, and calculates the Doppler shift of the emerging radiation exactly by taking into account the velocities of the emitting stars and the individual scattering dust grains. The code supports arbitrary distributions of dust through a cellular approach, whereby the integration through the dust is optimized by means of a novel efficient trilinear interpolation technique. We apply our modelling technique to calculate the observed kinematics of realistic models for dusty disc galaxies. We find that the effects of dust on the mean projected velocity and projected velocity dispersion are severe for edge-on galaxies. For galaxies which deviate more than a few degrees from exactly edge-on, the effects are already strongly reduced. As a consequence, dust attenuation cannot serve as a possible way to reconcile the discrepancy between the observed shallow slopes of the inner rotation curves of LSB galaxies and the predictions of CDM cosmological models. For face-on galaxies, the velocity dispersion increases with increasing dust mass due to scattering, but the effects are limited, even for extended dust distributions. Finally, we show that serious errors can be made when the individual velocities of the dust grains are neglected in the calculations.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    An EvoDevo Study of Salmonid Visual Opsin Dynamics and Photopigment Spectral Sensitivity

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    Salmonids are ideal models as many species follow a distinct developmental program from demersal eggs and a large yolk sac to hatching at an advanced developmental stage. Further, these economically important teleosts inhabit both marine- and freshwaters and experience diverse light environments during their life histories. At a genome level, salmonids have undergone a salmonid-specific fourth whole genome duplication event (Ss4R) compared to other teleosts that are already more genetically diverse compared to many non-teleost vertebrates. Thus, salmonids display phenotypically plastic visual systems that appear to be closely related to their anadromous migration patterns. This is most likely due to a complex interplay between their larger, more gene-rich genomes and broad spectrally enriched habitats; however, the molecular basis and functional consequences for such diversity is not fully understood. This study used advances in genome sequencing to identify the repertoire and genome organization of visual opsin genes (those primarily expressed in retinal photoreceptors) from six different salmonids [Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brown trout (Salmo trutta), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytcha), coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)] compared to the northern pike (Esox lucius), a closely related non-salmonid species. Results identified multiple orthologues for all five visual opsin classes, except for presence of a single short-wavelength-sensitive-2 opsin gene. Several visual opsin genes were not retained after the Ss4R duplication event, which is consistent with the concept of salmonid rediploidization. Developmentally, transcriptomic analyzes of Atlantic salmon revealed differential expression within each opsin class, with two of the long-wavelength-sensitive opsins not being expressed before first feeding. Also, early opsin expression in the retina was located centrally, expanding dorsally and ventrally as eye development progressed, with rod opsin being the dominant visual opsin post-hatching. Modeling by spectral tuning analysis and atomistic molecular simulation, predicted the greatest variation in the spectral peak of absorbance to be within the Rh2 class, with a ∌40 nm difference in λmax values between the four medium-wavelength-sensitive photopigments. Overall, it appears that opsin duplication and expression, and their respective spectral tuning profiles, evolved to maximize specialist color vision throughout an anadromous lifecycle, with some visual opsin genes being lost to tailor marine-based vision.publishedVersio
