9,305 research outputs found

    A Sea Change in Eta Carinae

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    Major stellar-wind emission features in the spectrum of Eta Car have recently decreased by factors of order 2 relative to the continuum. This is unprecedented in the modern observational record. The simplest, but unproven, explanation is a rapid decrease in the wind density.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Bose Einstein condensation of the classical axion field in cosmology?

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    The axion is a motivated cold dark matter candidate, which it would be interesting to distinguish from weakly interacting massive particles. Sikivie has suggested that axions could behave differently during non-linear galaxy evolution, if they form a Bose-Einstein condensate, and argues that ``gravitational thermalisation'' drives them to a Bose-Einstein condensate during the radiation dominated era. Using classical equations of motion during linear structure formation, we explore whether the gravitational interactions of axions can generate entropy. At linear order in Newton's constant, we interpret that the principle activities of gravity are to expand the Universe and grow density fluctuations. To quantify the rate of entropy creation we use the anisotropic stress to estimate a short dissipation scale for axions, which does not confirm previous estimates of their gravitational thermalisation rate.Comment: version accepted for publication, modified intro to Bose Einstein condensatio

    Mid-Cycle Changes in Eta Carinae

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    In late 2006, ground-based photometry of η\eta Car plus the Homunculus showed an unexpected decrease in its integrated apparent brightness, an apparent reversal of its long-term brightening. Subsequent HST/WFPC2 photometry of the central star in the near-UV showed that this was not a simple reversal. This multi-wavelength photometry did not support increased extinction by dust as the explanation for the decrease in brightness. A spectrum obtained with GMOS on the Gemini-South telescope, revealed subtle changes mid-way in η\eta Car's 5.5 yr spectroscopic cycle 0when compared with HST/STIS spectra at the same phase in the cycle. At mid-cycle the secondary star is 20--30 AU from the primary. We suggest that the spectroscopic changes are consistent with fluctuations in the density and velocity of the primary star's wind, unrelated to the 5.5 yr cycle but possibly related to its latitude-dependent morphology. We also discuss subtle effects that must be taken into account when comparing ground-based and HST/STIS spectra.Comment: 34 pages, 9 Figure

    Secular Changes in Eta Carinae's Wind 1998-2011

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    Stellar wind-emission features in the spectrum of eta Carinae have decreased by factors of 1.5-3 relative to the continuum within the last 10 years. We investigate a large data set from several instruments (STIS, GMOS, UVES) obtained between 1998 and 2011 and we analyze the progression of spectral changes in the direct view of the star, in the reflected polar-on spectra at FOS4, and at the Weigelt knots. We find that the spectral changes occurred gradually on a time scale of about 10 years and that they are dependent on the viewing angle. The line strengths declined most in our direct view of the star. About a decade ago, broad stellar wind-emission features were much stronger in our line-of-sight view of the star than at FOS4. After the 2009 event, the wind-emission line strengths are now very similar at both locations. High-excitation He I and N II absorption lines in direct view of the star strengthened gradually. The terminal velocity of Balmer P Cyg absorption lines now appears to be less latitude-dependent and the absorption strength may have weakened at FOS4. Latitude-dependent alterations in the mass-loss rate and the ionization structure of eta Carinae's wind are likely explanations for the observed spectral changes.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Critical Differences and Clues in Eta Car's 2009 Event

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    We monitored Eta Carinae with HST WFPC2 and Gemini GMOS throughout the 2009 spectroscopic event, which was expected to differ from its predecessor in 2003 (Davidson et al. 2005). Here we report major observed differences between events, and their implications. Some of these results were quite unexpected. (1) The UV brightness minimum was much deeper in 2009. This suggests that physical conditions in the early stages of an event depend on different parameters than the "normal" inter-event wind. Extra mass ejection from the primary star is one possible cause. (2) The expected He II 4687 brightness maximum was followed several weeks later by another. We explain why this fact, and the timing of the 4687 maxima, strongly support a "shock breakup" hypothesis for X-ray and 4687 behavior as proposed 5-10 years ago. (3) We observed a polar view of the star via light reflected by dust in the Homunculus nebula. Surprisingly, at that location the variations of emission-line brightness and Doppler velocities closely resembled a direct view of the star; which should not have been true for any phenomena related to the orbit. This result casts very serious doubt on all the proposed velocity interpretations that depend on the secondary star's orbital motion. (4) Latitude-dependent variations of H I, He I and Fe II features reveal aspects of wind behavior during the event. In addition, we discuss implications of the observations for several crucial unsolved problems.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap

    A simulation study of the flight dynamics of elastic aircraft. Volume 1: Experiment, results and analysis

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    The simulation experiment described addresses the effects of structural flexibility on the dynamic characteristics of a generic family of aircraft. The simulation was performed using the NASA Langley VMS simulation facility. The vehicle models were obtained as part of this research. The simulation results include complete response data and subjective pilot ratings and comments and so allow a variety of analyses. The subjective ratings and analysis of the time histories indicate that increased flexibility can lead to increased tracking errors, degraded handling qualities, and changes in the frequency content of the pilot inputs. These results, furthermore, are significantly affected by the visual cues available to the pilot

    A simulation study of the flight dynamics of elastic aircraft. Volume 2: Data

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    The simulation experiment described addresses the effects of structural flexibility on the dynamic characteristics of a generic family of aircraft. The simulation was performed using the NASA Langley VMS simulation facility. The vehicle models were obtained as part of this research project. The simulation results include complete response data and subjective pilot ratings and comments and so allow a variety of analyses. The subjective ratings and analysis of the time histories indicate that increased flexibility can lead to increased tracking errors, degraded handling qualities, and changes in the frequency content of the pilot inputs. These results, furthermore, are significantly affected by the visual cues available to the pilot

    N II 5668-5712, a New Class of Spectral Features in Eta Carinae

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    We report on the N II 5668-5712 emission and absorption lines in the spectrum of Eta Carinae. Spectral lines of the stellar wind regions can be classified into four physically distinct categories: 1) low-excitation emission such as H I and Fe II, 2) higher excitation He I features, 3) the N II lines discussed in this paper, and 4) He II emission. These categories have different combinations of radial velocity behavior, excitation processes, and dependences on the secondary star. The N II lines are the only known features that originate in "normal" undisturbed zones of the primary wind but depend primarily on the location of the hot secondary star. N II probably excludes some proposed models, such as those where He I lines originate in the secondary star's wind or in an accretion disk.Comment: 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Prediction for the He I 10830A Absorption Wing in the Coming Event of Eta Carinae

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    We propose an explanation to the puzzling appearance of a wide blue absorption wing in the He I 10830A P-Cygni profile of the massive binary star Eta Carinae several months before periastron passage. Our basic assumption is that the colliding winds region is responsible for the blue wing absorption. By fitting observations, we find that the maximum outflow velocity of this absorbing material is ~2300 km/s. We also assume that the secondary star is toward the observer at periastron passage. With a toy-model we achieve two significant results. (1) We show that the semimajor axis orientation we use can account for the appearance and evolution of the wide blue wing under our basic assumption. (2) We predict that the Doppler shift (the edge of the absorption profile) will reach a maximum 0-3 weeks before periastron passage, and not necessarily exactly at periastron passage or after periastron passage.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA
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