32 research outputs found


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    Formålet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke hvorvidt tilhørighet og/eller mediapåvirkning styrer studenters holdning til merkevarer av sportsbekledning. Grunnen til at dette er spennende å studere, er fordi sportsbekledning har fått en økende popularitet i Norge. Unge mennesker er mer opptatt enn noensinne av hvordan de fremstår, og det å kle seg i riktig treningstøy har blitt et statussymbol. Oppgaven gir også innsikt i hvorvidt studenters holdninger avhenger av deres aktivitetsnivå eller ikke. For å svare på dette ble det gjennomført uformelle samtaler med studenter som resulterte i en kvantitativ spørreundersøkelse med tverrsnittdesign. Undersøkelsen ble gjennomført våren 2015, gjennom utsendelse via internett og i forelesninger på Markeds høyskolen. Etter å ha samlet inn svarene fra undersøkelsene ble det gjennomført ulike analyser i programvaren SPSS. Resultatene fra undersøkelsen viser at tilhørighet og mediapåvirkning er med på å styre holdninger til merkevarer. Det foreligger altså en sammenheng. Funnene som er gjort er drøftet opp mot eksisterende teori og forskning som oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i. Det viser seg at tilhørighet påvirker i størst grad. Det vil si at de som har et sterkt behov for å være en del av fellesskapet, vil ha en positiv holdning til merkevarer av sportsbekledning. I undersøkelsen kom det frem at det foreligger andre ukjente faktorer som også virker inn på holdning til merkevarer. Dette var vi allerede klar over, men grunnet avgrensninger i oppgaven var det påvirkningsfaktorene tilhørighet og mediapåvirkning vi ønsket å fokusere på. Avslutningsvis gjorde vi et interessant funn i undersøkelsens resultater. Det viser seg at studenter har lik holdning til merkevarer, uavhengig av hvor mye de trener. Med dette kan vi si at den positive holdningen til merkevarer ikke nødvendigvis skyldes en aktiv livsstil

    Economics of mental well-being: a prospective study estimating associated health care costs and sickness benefit transfers in Denmark

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    Background: Previous literature has examined the societal costs of mental illness, but few studies have estimated the costs associated with mental well-being. In this study, a prospective analysis was conducted on Danish data to determine 1) the association between mental well-being (measured in 2016) and government expenditure in 2017, specifially healthcare costs and sickness benefit transfers. Methods: Data stem from a Danish population-based survey of 3,508 adults (aged 16 + years) in 2016, which was linked to Danish registry data. A validated scale (WEMWBS) was used for the assessment of mental well-being. Costs are expressed in USD PPP. A two-part model was applied to predict costs in 2017, adjusting for sociodemographics, health status (including psychiatric morbidity and health behaviour), as well as costs in the previous year (2016). Results: Each point increase in mental well-being (measured in 2016) was associated with lower healthcare costs (42.5,95− 42.5, 95% CI = − 78.7, 6.3)andlowercostsintermsofsicknessbenefittransfers(− 6.3) and lower costs in terms of sickness benefit transfers (− 23.1, 95% CI = 41.9,− 41.9, − 4.3) per person in 2017. Conclusions: Estimated reductions in costs related to mental well-being add to what is already known about potential savings related to the prevention of mental illness. It does so by illustrating the savings that could be made by moving from lower to higher levels of mental well-being both within and beyond the clinical range. Our estimates pertain to costs associated with those health-related outcomes that were included in the study, but excluding other social and economic outcomes and benefits. They cover immediate cost estimates (costs generated the year following mental well-being measurement) and not those that could follow improved mental well-being over the longer term. They may therefore be considered conservative from a societal perspective. Population approaches to mental health promotion are necessary, not only to potentiate disease prevention strategies, but also to reduce costs related to lower levels of mental well-being in the non-mental illness population. Our results suggest that useful reductions in both health care resource use and costs, as well as in costs due to sick leave from the workplace, could be achieved from investment in mental well-being promotion within a year

    Antibody Cross-Reactivity in Antivenom Research

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    Antivenom cross-reactivity has been investigated for decades to determine which antivenoms can be used to treat snakebite envenomings from different snake species. Traditionally, the methods used for analyzing cross-reactivity have been immunodiffusion, immunoblotting, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), enzymatic assays, and in vivo neutralization studies. In recent years, new methods for determination of cross-reactivity have emerged, including surface plasmon resonance, antivenomics, and high-density peptide microarray technology. Antivenomics involves a top-down assessment of the toxin-binding capacities of antivenoms, whereas high-density peptide microarray technology may be harnessed to provide in-depth knowledge on which toxin epitopes are recognized by antivenoms. This review provides an overview of both the classical and new methods used to investigate antivenom cross-reactivity, the advantages and disadvantages of each method, and examples of studies using the methods. A special focus is given to antivenomics and high-density peptide microarray technology as these high-throughput methods have recently been introduced in this field and may enable more detailed assessments of antivenom cross-reactivity

    Mental health groups in high school students and later school dropout:a latent class and register-based follow-up analysis of the Danish National Youth Study

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    Additional file 1. Table S1. School dropout rates among Danish high school students, by high school program and year. Table S2. Odds ratios for dropping out of high school by mental health groups among Danish high school students, adjusted by age, ethnicity, parents’ education and high school program