73 research outputs found

    Between Smartphones and Tablets: Improving Teacher Education Programmes through Mobile Devices

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    This research was conducted at the University of Genoa (Italy). The student teachers attended a course focused on the use of mobile devices at school. We tried to examine the impact of mobile learning on university activities for pre-service teachers, the changes in the organization of their studying, the changes in their learning strategies, and the changes in their interaction/cooperation levels. After the course, we administered a questionnaire with both closed-ended and open-ended questions, which highlighted important findings concerning the differences between smartphones and tablets in supporting these aspects of their learning. We found that both types of devices improved interaction and cooperation among students, and being able to search for information was useful for studying. However, changes in the organization of studying and the learning strategies were supported only by tablets and only for specific aspects of learning. This study suggests solutions to improve Italian teacher education programmes and the quality of university activitie

    Using smartphones and tablets in higher education contexts: an exploratory study within a teacher education programme

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    Abstract This study aimed to analyse and explore the potential opportunities offered by mobile devices to improve the higher education scenario. In particular, the study was conducted within a teacher education programme. The students attended a course called Educational Technology, which focussed on the use of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) inside and outside the classroom. We examined the impact of mobile learning on students’ university activities and the changes in the organisation of their studying activity, their learning strategies and their interaction/cooperation levels. After the course, we administered a questionnaire that highlighted some findings concerning the differences between smartphones and tablets in supporting these aspects. We found that both types of devices improved the interaction/collaboration among students and the search for information, which was useful for studying. However, the organisation of studying and the learning strategies were supported only by tablets and for specific aspects of learning. This exploratory research suggests, on the one hand, some possible solutions to improve the quality of university activities, and on the other, it underlines some difficulties that will be analysed more thoroughly in further studies.</jats:p

    Global competence and teacher education programmes. A European perspective

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    Global competence is an increasingly important disposition for today’s society. Prospective teachers will have to be able to teach effectively in multicultural classrooms as well as develop dispositions of global competence in their future students. This pilot study was aimed at investigating what aspects of global competence should be integrated into initial teacher education programmes. Twenty-four teacher educators from fifteen European countries were involved in a qualitative study to underscore the topics, the contexts, the actors and the methodologies that can support the integration of global competence into programmes for preservice teachers. The findings indicate that global competence is a multidimensional concept associated with aspects directly related with the teaching profession such as cooperation, inclusion, social engagement, multicultural dialogue. The results also identify the methods and the contexts for an educational pathway for preservice teachers where the idea of global competence can emerge more easily

    Introduction. Teacher Education in Central and Eastern Europe: Issues, Policies, Practices

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    Marta Kowalczuk-WalÄ™dziak - [email protected] Parmigiani - [email protected] Kowalczuk-WalÄ™dziak - Ph.D, Assistant Professor and Vice Dean for International Co-operation at the Faculty of Education, University of BiaÅ‚ystok, Poland; Visiting professor at Daugavpils University, LatviaDavide Parmigiani - Ph.D, Associate Professor at the Department of Education, University of Genoa, ItalyMarta Kowalczuk-WalÄ™dziak - University of Bialystok, Poland; Daugavpils University, LatviaDavide Parmigiani - University of Genoa, ItalyBen-Peretz, M., & Flores, M.A. (2018). Tensions and Paradoxes in Teaching: Implications for Teacher Education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(2), 202–213. https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2018.1431216.Chankseliani, M., & Silova, I. (Eds.) (2018). Comparing Post -Socialist Transformations. Purposes, Policies, and Practices in Education. Didcot: Symposium Books Ltd. https://doi.org/10.15730/books.104Desimone, L.M. (2009). Improving Impact Studies of Teachers’ Professional Development: Toward Better Conceptualizations and Measures. Educational Researcher, 38(3), 181–199. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X08331140.Gawlicz, K., & Starnawski, M. (2018). Educational Policies in Central and Eastern Europe: Legacies of State Socialism, Modernization Aspirations and Challenges of Semi -peripheral Contexts. Policy Futures in Education, 16(4), 385–397. https://doi.org/10.1177/1478210318777415.Valeeva, R.A., & Gafurov, I.R. (2017). Initial Teacher Education in Russia: Connecting Theory, Practice and Research. European Journal of Teacher Education, 40(3), 342–360. https://doi.or g/10.1080/02619768.2017.1326480.4171

    Photon number statistics uncover the fluctuations in non-equilibrium lattice dynamics

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    Fluctuations of the atomic positions are at the core of a large class of unusual material properties ranging from quantum para-electricity to high temperature superconductivity. Their measurement in solids is the subject of an intense scientific debate focused on seeking a methodology capable of establishing a direct link between the variance of the atomic displacements and experimentally measurable observables. Here we address this issue by means of non-equilibrium optical experiments performed in shot-noise limited regime. The variance of the time dependent atomic positions and momenta is directly mapped into the quantum fluctuations of the photon number of the scattered probing light. A fully quantum description of the non-linear interaction between photonic and phononic fields is benchmarked by unveiling the squeezing of thermal phonons in α\alpha-quartz.Comment: 7 pages (main text), 5 figures, 11 pages (supplementary information

    Le strategie didattiche e valutative per lo sviluppo delle competenze. Una ricerca nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado

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    La nozione di competenza è stata studiata negli ultimi decenni e, parallelamente, le università e le scuole hanno implementato modalità di progettazioni per competenze. Questa ricerca ha evidenziato se le strategie didattiche e valutative, indicate come quelle più funzionali per lo sviluppo delle competenze, vengono utilizzate nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado della Liguria. È stato sottoposto un questionario a un campione rappresentativo dei docenti e degli studenti liguri, per evidenziare l’accordo e l’uso effettivo in classe delle strategie indicate. I risultati indicano che gli insegnanti apprezzano tali strategie, ma incontrano difficoltà nella loro attuazione. Gli alunni, in alcuni casi, confermano i dati dei docenti, in altri, percepiscono le azioni dei loro insegnantidifferentemente. Questa ricerca può orientare la formazione degli insegnanti, in quanto permette di focalizzare le difficoltà specifiche nell’attuazione delle strategie didattiche e valutative specifiche per lo sviluppo delle competenze

    Raccontare la valutazione sommativa. Strategie per rendere formativo il voto

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    The summative assessment is known, mainly in the upper secondaryschool, as the grade that the teachers give after an oral, written or practicalexamination. Sometimes, the teachers talk and debate with the pupils,sometimes the pupils are only informed without underlining any formativeaspects. If the teachers tell and discuss the summative assessment with thepupils, they can activate several formative values which can remain latentand hidden. This situation can rise misunderstandings and the assessmentcannot trigger metacognitive and self-reflective processes. This experimentalstudy was aimed at verifying that the organization of modalities ofgrade’s communication among teachers, pupils and parents can foster andenhance a better comprehension of the assessment and start meaningfulformative processes.La valutazione sommativa è meglio conosciuta, soprattutto nella scuola secondariadi II grado, come il voto che viene assegnato dopo una verificaorale, scritta o pratica. Talvolta gli insegnanti accompagnano la comunicazionedel voto con dialoghi o discussioni con gli studenti talora, invece, ilvoto viene comunicato in maniera asciutta senza la valorizzazione degli aspettiformativi. A seconda di come viene raccontata e dialogata la valutazionesommativa, possono essere attivate quelle valenze formative che ilvoto porta con sé ma che possono rimanere latenti e nascoste. Ciò può farnascere incomprensioni e la valutazione rischia di non innescare processiautoriflessivi e metacognitivi. Questo studio sperimentale ha avuto l’obiettivodi verificare che la strutturazione di modalità di esplicazione del votofra insegnanti, studenti e famiglie favorisce una migliore comprensione dellavalutazione e origina processi formativi significativi

    Ultrafast all-optical manipulation of the charge-density wave in VTe2

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    The charge-density-wave (CDW) phase in the layered transition-metal dichalcogenide VTe2 is strongly coupled to the band inversion involving vanadium and tellurium orbitals. In particular, this coupling leads to a selective disappearance of the Dirac-type states that characterize the normal phase, when the CDW phase sets in. Here, we investigate the broadband time-resolved reflectivity variations caused by collective and single-particle excitations in the CDW ground state of VTe2. With the aid of density functional perturbation theory simulations we unveil the presence of two collective amplitude modes of the CDW ground state. By applying a double-pulse excitation scheme, we show the possibility to manipulate these modes, gaining insights into the coupling between these two collective excitations and demonstrating a more efficient way to perturb the CDW phase in VTe2

    Formative assessment in higher education: an exploratory study within programs for professionals in education

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    This study explores how prospective professionals in higher education can learn about and apply formative assessment methods relevant to their future educational workplaces. In the academic year 2022–23, 156 pre-service teachers, social workers, and heads of social services took part in a three-stage mixed-method study on university learning experiences involving formative assessment practices. They were exposed to self-, peer-, and group-assessment strategies. Data collected after each stage revealed participants’ perspectives on each method. Findings show that students who engaged in formative assessment comprehended assessment complexity and were motivated to use diverse assessment forms. Formative assessment proves effective for both evaluation and development, supporting higher education students in honing assessment competencies for future professional roles in educational and social sectors
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