61 research outputs found

    Labor Reform in Brazil, Politics, and Sindicatos: Notes on the General Strikes of 2017

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    On July 2017, Brazil’s Senate approved the country’s most extensive labor reform since the emergent 1943’s Consolidation of Labor Law (Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas, CLT). The aforementioned reform provoked heated debates and its approval faced resistance. Unions, for instance, convened two general strikes: the first, on April 2017, garnered a significant amount of participation, while the latter, on June, ended with participation falling significantly below expectations. Despite the widespread rejection of Temer’s mandate and the content of the law, on June, unions were surprisingly unable to agree on a common strategy regarding a proposal on labor reform. The present research aims to explore this paradox. A survey-based analysis, along with a series of unstructured interviews with union leaders and protesters, establishes a solid empirical base from which to draw hypotheses about the Brazilian state corporatist union model and its evolution

    Labor reform in Brazil, politics, and sindicatos : notes on the general strikes of 2017

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    On July 2017, Brazil’s Senate approved the country’s most extensive labor reform since the emergent 1943’s Consolidation of Labor Law (Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas, CLT). The aforementioned reform provoked heated debates and its approval faced resistance. Unions, for instance, convened two general strikes: the first, on April 2017, garnered a significant amount of participation, while the latter, on June, ended with participation falling significantly below expectations. Despite the widespread rejection of Temer’s mandate and the content of the law, on June, unions were surprisingly unable to agree on a common strategy regarding a proposal on labor reform. The present research aims to explore this paradox. A survey-based analysis, along with a series of unstructured interviews with union leaders and protesters, establishes a solid empirical base from which to draw hypotheses about the Brazilian state corporatist union model and its evolution.Em julho de 2017, o Senado brasileiro aprovou a reforma trabalhista mais ampla no país, desde o surgimento da Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas de 1943 (CLT). A reforma provocou acalorados debates e sua aprovação enfrentou resistências. Os sindicatos, por exemplo, convocaram duas greves gerais: a primeira, em abril de 2017, obteve uma quantidade significativa em termos de participação, enquanto a segunda, em junho, terminou com a participação caindo significativamente abaixo das expectativas. Apesar da rejeição generalizada do governo Temer, a própria a lei de reforma, em junho, os sindicatos foram surpreendentemente incapazes de chegar a uma estratégia comum para contrastar a aprovação da reforma. A presente pesquisa visa explorar este paradoxo por meio de uma survey e uma série de entrevistas não estruturadas, com líderes sindicais e manifestantes; as informações permitem estabelecer uma sólida base empírica para traçar hipóteses sobre o modelo sindical brasileiro e sua evolução

    Board interlocking network in the Brazilian stock market : a hypothesis on the conflicting manager

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    Brazilian law establishes a set of provisions regarding the defense of competition, usually with a dissuasive effect on the conflicting performance of the multi-company manager. However, research highlights that practices such as interlocking directorates (i.e., interconnected directorates with board members operating in multiple companies) are widespread, especially in the stock market. The present article explores this paradox by analyzing a social network of 347 Brazilian listed companies. An E-I (externalinternal) index and a permutation test are used to verify the occurrence of direct and indirect intermediation within and among economic sectors. The paper advances towards a hypothesis on the effectiveness of the Brazilian antitrust legislation

    Interlocking directorates as a thrust substitute: The case of the Italian non-life insurance industry

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    This paper investigates the market structure of the insurance business by analyzing the (interlock) linkages among companies created by their directors. We focus on the non-life business since this is a sector relatively closed with respect to the competition with other financial activities; an absence of industry competition cannot thus be compensated by other agents. We apply the graph theory to describe the network and the principal component analysis to summarize information and verify the correlation between direct interlocking and companies’ market shares.Non-life insurance; antitrust; competition; interlocking directorates; network economics

    Stratificazione e mobilità sociale: L’“immagine” del lavoro subordinato

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    A partire dai risultati dell’indagine “L’Italia del lavoro” – diretta e coordinate dall’IRES-CGIL – si è qui inteso osservare alcuni tratti descrittivi del modello di stratificazione e mobilità inter-generazionale riferito al sistema del lavoro dipendente in Italia (lavoratori impiegati con contratti a tempo indeterminato nonché con contratti di lavoro “non-standard”, compresi nel dataset “L’Italia del lavoro”). A tal fine, si è inteso osservare eventuali associazioni tra l’“imagine” della posizione sociale – in uno spazio definito su di una scala a cinque classi – ed il gruppo professionale, la ripartizione statistica territoriale, il tipo di contratto (standard/“nonstandard”). Si è inteso quindi osservare tanto le statistiche descrittive dell’“imagine” della mobilità sociale quanto le associazioni con altre statistiche ascritte ora all’individuo, ora al sistema delle appartenenze per gruppo professionale.

    Integration and ethnic-racial relations. an exercise of social networks analysis

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    O artigo examina as relações de amizade entre alunos de duas turmas de ensino médio e se propõe a destacar eventuais elementos críticos na integração entre grupos étnicos. A pesquisa utiliza algumas técnicas de análise de redes sociais: além das estatísticas de centralidade e betweeness, o texto apresenta um índice de homofilia-eterofilia, para indicar a propensão de cada aluno (Ego) a se relacionar com Alters do mesmo ou de diferente grupo étnico. Ao final, a análise aponta para algumas criticidades na integração entre grupos. Além de apresentar a pesquisa e os resultados deste exercício, o artigo introduz o leitor nos principais conceitos utilizados na análise de redes sociais, também como proposta metodológica na área de educação.El artículo examina las relaciones de amistad entre los estudiantes de dos aulas de curso secundario y tiene como objetivo tornar evidentes algunos elementos críticos en la integración de grupos étnicos. La investigación aborda algunas técnicas de análisis de redes sociales: además de las estadísticas de centralidade y betweeness, el texto presenta un índice de homofilia-heterofilia para indicar la propensión de cada estudiante (Ego) para relacionarse con Alters de el mismo o de grupo étnico distinto. Por último, el análisis apunta a una cierta criticidad en la integración entre los grupos. Además de presentar los resultados de este ejercicio, el artículo introduce al lector a los principales conceptos utilizados en el análisis de redes sociales, así como una propuesta de investigación en el campo de la educación.The paper examines friendship relations among students of two classes of middle school, and also puts in evidence some critical elements in the inter-ethnic integration process. The exercise uses social network analysis techniques: in addition to the degree and betweeness statistics, this paper presents an I-E index, to show the propensity of each student (Ego) to relate to Alters of the same or different ethnic group. Finally, the analysis points out some critical elements of integration between groups. Over and above, in addition to main results, the paper introduces some key concepts, adopted in social network analysis

    Las perspectivas de la democracia sindical en Italia: el referéndum de los trabajadores

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    The state participatory budgeting in Rio Grande do Sul

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    The article presents the main results of a survey on voting behavior at the State Participatory Budgeting of Rio Grande do Sul (also known as Consulta popular). The research is based on a sample of 389 respondents, all residents in San Borja, city in the western border of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). The article aims to address participation and vote in Consulta popular, considered its role of social inclusion and promotion of political participation. After a brief descriptive analysis, in order to get a better synthetic overview of the data, we submitted the considered characters to two different multidimensional analyses, in search of possible relations among them. The analyses performed were an exploratory one (a Multiple Correspondence Analysis, MCA) and a Generalized Linear Model by hypothesizing a Binomial distribution for the nominal data

    What is a Workers’ Referendum for? Evidence from Italy

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    In July 2007, the Prodi government and representatives of the three main Italian trade union confederations signed a landmark agreement on welfare and economic development. In October, in order to ratify or reject the agreement, the Italian labor movement organized a referendum, i.e. the Workers’ Referendum of 2007, inviting workers, pensioners and the unemployed to assess the agreement. Based on a comprehensive sampling (1,574 interviewees), these research notes provide an analysis of the Workers’ Referendum with regard to both key societal voting features and attitudes toward unions

    As liberdades no capitalismo de laços

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    O artigo relaciona dois tipos de liberdade econômica, a partir de uma análise de redes sociais dos principais capitalismos europeus. A definição destas liberdades surge de um uso ad hoc, no campo econômico, do próprio conceito de liberdade de Isaiah Berlin: enquanto o primeiro tipo de liberdade econômica (liberdade negativa) depende de fatores externos ao sistema empresarial (por exemplo, os vínculos à empresa impostos por lei), o segundo tipo (liberdade positiva) refere-se a fatores propriamente internos, especificamente à liberdade da empresa de atuar no mercado de forma livre e independente de outras empresas. Este segundo tipo de liberdade depende do uso e da difusão dos interlocking directorates (i.e., os membros de um conselho de administração em comum entre duas empresas) e das redes por estes criadas.
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