2,348 research outputs found

    A leitura do lugar nas aulas de geografia do 6º ano como possibilidade para compreensão da realidade / Reading the place in the 6th year geography classes as a possibility for understanding reality

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    O lugar é um dos conceitos básicos da Geografia e assume papel imprescindível, visto que através da análise do mesmo é possível entender como as sociedades se apropriam e interagem no espaço vivido. Assim, o presente artigo discute acerca da leitura do lugar como possibilidade para a compreensão da realidade. Isto por acreditar que um trabalho nessa perspectiva proporcionará ao aluno maior entendimento dos fenômenos que ocorrem nas escalas local, regional, nacional e global, além de contribuir para o desenvolvimento de reflexões que promovam a criticidade e maior autonomia na construção do saber geográfico. Para tanto, buscou-se analisar se o conceito de lugar está sendo trabalhado pelos professores que ministram aulas de Geografia no 6º ano e identificar como eles trabalham esse conceito. Além disso, analisar o entendimento dos mesmos acerca do conceito de lugar, bem como averiguar a percepção deles acerca do lugar enquanto espaço de vivência. A metodologia proposta baseou-se em pesquisa bibliográfica, desenvolvida com base em material já elaborado, constituído principalmente de livros, artigos científicos, PCN de Geografia, entrevista com professores e questionário aplicado aos alunos. Com base na análise dos dados, constatou-se que os professores negligenciam o conceito de lugar, visto que o trabalham de forma superficial e desarticulado das demais escalas, dificultando assim, o entendimento do aluno quanto a esse conceito

    “It won’t work here”: Lessons for just nature-based stream restoration in the context of urban informality

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    Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have been advocated for their potential to contribute to the making of sustainable and just cities. However, a growing body of research shows that NBS cannot inherently provide just outcomes and might instead (re)produce environmental injustices. This research explores NBS for stream/river restoration in ‘informal’ areas, showing how riparian margins have become spaces of conflict. It draws lessons from two linear parks integrated into neighbourhood regeneration strategies in São Paulo. Data were collected from household surveys and focus group discussions to examine local populations’ values towards stream restoration. They provide understandings of residents’ perceptions towards multiple health and safety risks and concerns over contested responsibilities, notably revealing that local preferences for stream burial have been shaped by persisting waste dumping issues. An environmental justice lens helps highlight the limited integration of plural social and cultural values into project plans. This further helps draw lessons on ways to address local conflicts and integrate multiple socio-environmental values into NBS planning, with support from policy tools that allow stronger community engagement. Findings also support the identification of justice pathways for NBS in informal settings. The analysis of material and interpretative human-environment relationships provides evidence of opportunities for NBS to be integrated into everyday uses of local space and pre-existing environmental caring practices. For this, communities need to have stronger influence over decisions affecting them. The research thereby demonstrates that NBS will only become a mechanism for ecological recovery with city-wide benefits if marginalised groups are better included in their planning

    The Socioeconomic Impact of Paralyzed Public Works: Analysis on the University City of the State of Amazonas

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    The presente research refers to the analysis of  the socioeconomic impacts caused by the stoppage of the University City of the State University of Amazonas in the Community Our Lady of Nazareth Lake Test with the objective of investigating the consequences of not observing the principle of efficiency in execution of the work of the University City by its managers, verifying the curret socioeconomic situation of this local population, and finally propose ways to mitigate problems and losses resulting from the stoppage, which is a matter of common interest as it covers all social classes. The research approach is quantitative because it intends to describe a phenomenon of a particular group or Society, its research instrument was the interview. To be eficiente during the execution of a work, it is necessary to have management during the process, so the Executive Branch has instituted laws fo the public Works to be managed efficiently, namely: the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), instituted by the Decree n° 6.025/2007; the DifferentialContracting Regime (RDC), launched by Law nº 12.462/2011; and the Bidding Law, introduced by Law n° 8.666/1993. These measures sought to reduce delas and stoppages in public Works and the social and economic impacts that might be generated

    Analyzing Accidents in Civil Construction for Safety Work at Height

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    In civil construction any and all services must be performed objectively and safely, especially the services at the height of the painter, where the employee is more exposed to the risk of falls and impacts of the user\u27s own objects on lower limbs. Both the employee and the employer are responsible for everything that happens at the construction site, the employer providing safety devices and plans to minimize the rich of accidents while performing the services and the employee must obey any and all safety orders and plans aimed at not only your physical integrity but that of your colleagues doing services around you. Therefore this work will address the NR-6 regulations dealing with single use equipment, NR-18 which work conditions and environment in the construction industry and NR-35 work at height, which regulate service at height with the main focus

    Irregular Occupations and Environmental Impacts Caused by Fire of the Neighborhood of Educandos in the City of Manaus - Amazonas

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    The paper describes the data of an exploratory research conducted after a fire that occurred in a favela space in the described Educandos neighborhood, located in the South Zone, peripheral area of ​​Manaus. Educandos was formed over 100 years ago, when the first families began housing construction. At first glance, walking through the main streets of the neighborhood, there is no evidence of the irregular situation of the place, because masonry structures cover the stilt houses, installed near the Rio Negro bed, an area affected by the fire. Assuming that irregular occupation contributed to the cause of the fire, the study aimed to carry out the impacts caused by the fire. Tracing a qualitative and quantitative diagnosis of these impacts, it was observed through the Interaction Matrix that the impacts were negative in nature, 85% directly, has as local scale, irreversible for impacts to vegetation and social problems, high magnitude during the action of fire

    Towards a competitive use of solar driers : a case study for the lumber industry

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the discussion of the methodology that leads to a better systematization of the knowledge on solar drying. Based on a case study for the lumber industry, the options and solutions adopted will be reported, along with their evaluation criteria and existing or developed tools. The kilns have 50 m3 interior capacity and proved the capability to dry maritime pine 27 mm thick, from green to 12% moisture content in about 33 days. The performance of the drying process has a significant seasonal and weather dependence, so an interactive control system is essential in order to profit as much as possible from the favorable exterior conditions

    JRC Ispra EMEP-GAW Regional Station for Atmospheric Research - 2007 Report

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    The aim of the JRC-Ispra station for atmospheric research (45°49'N, 8°38'E) is to monitor atmospheric parameters (pollutant concentrations and fluxes, atmospheric particle chemical composition, number size distribution and optical properties) to contribute in assessing the impact of European policies on air pollution and climate change. The station has been operated continuously since November 1985, with a gap in gas phase data due to a severe breakdown of the data acquisition system in 2003 though. The measurements performed in 2007 led to annual averages of ca. 32 µg m-3 O3, 0.8 µg m-3 SO2, 21 µg m-3 NO2 and 30 µg m-3 PM10. Carbonaceous species (organic matter plus elemental carbon) are the main constituents of PM2.5 (> 55 %) followed by NH4NO3 (20-30 %) and (NH4)2SO4 (10-20 %). The measurements confirmed the seasonal variations observed over the previous years, mainly driven by meteorology rather than by changes in emissions. Aerosol physical and optical properties were also measured in 2007. The average particle number (from 10 nm to 10 µm) was about 9200 cm-3 in 2007. The mean (close to dry) aerosol single scattering albedo (0.79) was low compared to the values generally observed in Europe, which means that the cooling effect of aerosols is reduced in our region compared to others. Long-term trends (over 20 years) show consistent decreases in sulfur concentrations and deposition, PM mass concentration (-0.9 µg m-3 yr-1) and in extreme ozone value occurrence frequency. The decreasing trends in oxidised and reduced nitrogen species are much less pronounced. However, historical minimum in NO3-, NH4+, (and SO42-) wet deposition, as well as in O3 pollution indicators (AOT40 and SOMO35) were observed in 2007.JRC.H.2-Climate chang

    JRC Ispra EMEP - GAW Regional Station for Atmospheric Research - 2006 Report

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    The aim of the JRC-Ispra station for atmospheric research (45°49'N, 8°38'E) is to monitor atmospheric parameters (pollutant concentrations and fluxes, atmospheric particle chemical composition, number size distribution and optical properties) to contribute in assessing the impact of European policies on air pollution and climate change. The station has been operated continuously since November 1985, with a gap in gas phase data due to a severe breakdown of the data acquisition system in 2003 though. The measurements performed in 2006 led to annual averages of ca. 41 µg m-3 O3, 1.1 µg m-3 SO2, 21 µg m-3 NO2 and 33 µg m-3 PM10. Carbonaceous species (organic matter plus elemental carbon) are the main constituents of PM2.5 (> 50 %) followed by (NH4)2SO4 (10-20 %) and NH4NO3 (20-30 %). The measurements confirmed the seasonal variations observed over the previous years, mainly driven by meteorology rather than by changes in emissions. Aerosol physical and optical properties were also measured in 2006. The average particle number (from 6 nm to 10 µm) was about 10000 cm-3 in 2006. The mean (close to dry) aerosol single scattering albedo (a key parameter for determining the aerosol direct radiative forcing) was 0.79. Long-term trends (over 20 years) show decreases in sulfur concentrations and deposition, and in extreme ozone value occurrence frequency, although the latter was higher in compared to the last two years The decreasing trends in nitrogen oxides, reduced nitrogen species, and PM concentrations are much less pronounced.JRC.H.2-Climate chang

    JRC Ispra EMEP - GAW Regional Station for Atmospheric Research 2008 Report

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    The aim of the JRC-Ispra station for atmospheric research (45°49'N, 8°38'E) is to monitor atmospheric parameters (pollutant concentrations and fluxes, atmospheric particle chemical composition, number size distribution and optical properties) to contribute in assessing the impact of European policies on air pollution and climate change. The station has been operated continuously since November 1985, with a gap in gas phase data due to a severe breakdown of the data acquisition system in 2003 though. The measurements performed in 2008 led to annual averages of ca. 34 µg m-3 O3, 0.7 µg m-3 SO2, 20 µg m-3 NO2 and 27 µg m-3 PM10. Carbonaceous species (organic matter plus elemental carbon) are the main constituents of PM2.5 (~57 %) followed by NH4NO3 (20-30 %) and (NH4)2SO4 (10-20 %). The data from 2008 confirmed the seasonal variations observed over the previous years, mainly driven by meteorology rather than by changes in emissions, as revealed by the lidar measurements. Aerosol physical and optical properties were also measured in 2008. The average particle number (from 10 nm to 10 µm) was about 8000 cm-3 in 2008. The mean (close to dry) aerosol single scattering albedo (0.75) was low compared to the values generally observed in Europe, which means that the cooling effect of aerosols is reduced in our region compared to others. Long-term trends (over 20 years) show consistent decreases in sulfur concentrations and deposition, PM mass concentration (-0.9 µg m-3 yr-1), and from 2003 in ozone concentrations too. The decreasing trends in oxidised and reduced nitrogen species are much less pronounced.JRC.H.2-Climate chang

    Surto de neuropatia tardia induzida por organofosforados em búfalos

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    Forty 1-2-y-old water buffaloes were simultaneously treated with trichlorfon and chlorpyrifos products in the recommended dose for cattle. After a week, 19 animals started presenting clinical signs characterized by apathy, diarrhea, aggressiveness, dehydration, and motor incoordination, followed by flaccid paralysis and permanent lateral recumbency. All affected buffaloes died after a clinical course of 1–4 days. Reduction of serum cholinesterase activity in three cases was indicative of significant exposure to organophosphorus compounds (OPs). Pathological examination of three buffaloes revealed no gross and histological lesions. By thin layer chromatography, chlorpyrifos residues and trace of trichlorfon residues were detected in fresh tissue samples. The epidemiological, clinical, pathological, and toxicological findings were highly compatible with OPs-induced delayed neurotoxicity, a neurological manifestation rarely described in domestic animals.Quarenta búfalos foram simultaneamente tratados com clorpirifós e triclorfom na dose recomendada para bovinos. Após uma semana, 19 animais apresentaram sinais clínicos caracterizados por apatia, diarreia, agressividade, desidratação e incoordenação motora, seguidos por paralisia flácida e decúbito lateral permanente. Todos os búfalos afetados morreram após um curso clínico de 1–4 dias. Redução da atividade da colinesterase sérica em três casos foi indicativa de exposição significativa a organofosforados (OPs). O exame patológico de três búfalos não revelou lesões macroscópicas e histológicas. Por cromatografia em camada delgada, resíduos de clorpirifós e traços de resíduos de triclorfon foram detectados em amostras de tecidos frescos. Os achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e toxicológicos foram compatíveis com neuropatia tardia induzida por OPs, uma manifestação neurológica raramente descrita em animais domésticos