21,406 research outputs found

    A Heuristic Neural Network Structure Relying on Fuzzy Logic for Images Scoring

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    Traditional deep learning methods are sub-optimal in classifying ambiguity features, which often arise in noisy and hard to predict categories, especially, to distinguish semantic scoring. Semantic scoring, depending on semantic logic to implement evaluation, inevitably contains fuzzy description and misses some concepts, for example, the ambiguous relationship between normal and probably normal always presents unclear boundaries (normal − more likely normal - probably normal). Thus, human error is common when annotating images. Differing from existing methods that focus on modifying kernel structure of neural networks, this study proposes a dominant fuzzy fully connected layer (FFCL) for Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) scoring and validates the universality of this proposed structure. This proposed model aims to develop complementary properties of scoring for semantic paradigms, while constructing fuzzy rules based on analyzing human thought patterns, and to particularly reduce the influence of semantic conglutination. Specifically, this semantic-sensitive defuzzier layer projects features occupied by relative categories into semantic space, and a fuzzy decoder modifies probabilities of the last output layer referring to the global trend. Moreover, the ambiguous semantic space between two relative categories shrinks during the learning phases, as the positive and negative growth trends of one category appearing among its relatives were considered. We first used the Euclidean Distance (ED) to zoom in the distance between the real scores and the predicted scores, and then employed two sample t test method to evidence the advantage of the FFCL architecture. Extensive experimental results performed on the CBIS-DDSM dataset show that our FFCL structure can achieve superior performances for both triple and multiclass classification in BI-RADS scoring, outperforming the state-of-the-art methods

    UrbanFM: Inferring Fine-Grained Urban Flows

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    Urban flow monitoring systems play important roles in smart city efforts around the world. However, the ubiquitous deployment of monitoring devices, such as CCTVs, induces a long-lasting and enormous cost for maintenance and operation. This suggests the need for a technology that can reduce the number of deployed devices, while preventing the degeneration of data accuracy and granularity. In this paper, we aim to infer the real-time and fine-grained crowd flows throughout a city based on coarse-grained observations. This task is challenging due to two reasons: the spatial correlations between coarse- and fine-grained urban flows, and the complexities of external impacts. To tackle these issues, we develop a method entitled UrbanFM based on deep neural networks. Our model consists of two major parts: 1) an inference network to generate fine-grained flow distributions from coarse-grained inputs by using a feature extraction module and a novel distributional upsampling module; 2) a general fusion subnet to further boost the performance by considering the influences of different external factors. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets, namely TaxiBJ and HappyValley, validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method compared to seven baselines, demonstrating the state-of-the-art performance of our approach on the fine-grained urban flow inference problem

    Operation of a superconducting nanowire quantum interference device with mesoscopic leads

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    A theory describing the operation of a superconducting nanowire quantum interference device (NQUID) is presented. The device consists of a pair of thin-film superconducting leads connected by a pair of topologically parallel ultra-narrow superconducting wires. It exhibits intrinsic electrical resistance, due to thermally-activated dissipative fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter. Attention is given to the dependence of this resistance on the strength of an externally applied magnetic field aligned perpendicular to the leads, for lead dimensions such that there is essentially complete and uniform penetration of the leads by the magnetic field. This regime, in which at least one of the lead dimensions lies between the superconducting coherence and penetration lengths, is referred to as the mesoscopic regime. The magnetic field causes a pronounced oscillation of the device resistance, with a period not dominated by the Aharonov-Bohm effect through the area enclosed by the wires and the film edges but, rather, in terms of the geometry of the leads, in contrast to the well-known Little-Parks resistance of thin-walled superconducting cylinders. A theory, encompassing this phenomenology, is developed through extensions, to the setting of parallel superconducting wires, of the Ivanchenko-Zil'berman-Ambegaokar-Halperin theory for the case of short wires and the Langer-Ambegaokar-McCumber-Halperin theory for the case of longer wires. It is demonstrated that the NQUID acts as a probe of spatial variations in the superconducting order parameter.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figure

    A Variational Approach to Nonlocal Exciton-Phonon Coupling

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    In this paper we apply variational energy band theory to a form of the Holstein Hamiltonian in which the influence of lattice vibrations (optical phonons) on both local site energies (local coupling) and transfers of electronic excitations between neighboring sites (nonlocal coupling) is taken into account. A flexible spanning set of orthonormal eigenfunctions of the joint exciton-phonon crystal momentum is used to arrive at a variational estimate (bound) of the ground state energy for every value of the joint crystal momentum, yielding a variational estimate of the lowest polaron energy band across the entire Brillouin zone, as well as the complete set of polaron Bloch functions associated with this band. The variation is implemented numerically, avoiding restrictive assumptions that have limited the scope of previous assaults on the same and similar problems. Polaron energy bands and the structure of the associated Bloch states are studied at general points in the three-dimensional parameter space of the model Hamiltonian (electronic tunneling, local coupling, nonlocal coupling), though our principal emphasis lay in under-studied area of nonlocal coupling and its interplay with electronic tunneling; a phase diagram summarizing the latter is presented. The common notion of a "self-trapping transition" is addressed and generalized.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figure

    Strong decays of heavy baryons in Bethe-Salpeter formalism

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    In this paper we study the properties of diquarks (composed of uu and/or dd quarks) in the Bethe-Salpeter formalism under the covariant instantaneous approximation. We calculate their BS wave functions and study their effective interaction with the pion. Using the effective coupling constant among the diquarks and the pion, in the heavy quark limit mQ→∞m_Q\to\infty, we calculate the decay widths of ΣQ(∗)\Sigma_Q^{(*)} (Q=c,bQ=c,b) in the BS formalism under the covariant instantaneous approximation and then give predictions of the decay widths Γ(Σb(∗)→Λb+π)\Gamma(\Sigma_b^{(*)}\to\Lambda_b+\pi).Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure, LaTex2e, typos correcte

    Goal-conflict detection based on temporal satisfiability checking

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    Goal-oriented requirements engineering approaches propose capturing how a system should behave through the speci ca- tion of high-level goals, from which requirements can then be systematically derived. Goals may however admit subtle situations that make them diverge, i.e., not be satis able as a whole under speci c circumstances feasible within the domain, called boundary conditions . While previous work al- lows one to identify boundary conditions for con icting goals written in LTL, it does so through a pattern-based approach, that supports a limited set of patterns, and only produces pre-determined formulations of boundary conditions. We present a novel automated approach to compute bound- ary conditions for general classes of con icting goals expressed in LTL, using a tableaux-based LTL satis ability procedure. A tableau for an LTL formula is a nite representation of all its satisfying models, which we process to produce boundary conditions that violate the formula, indicating divergence situations. We show that our technique can automatically produce boundary conditions that are more general than those obtainable through existing previous pattern-based approaches, and can also generate boundary conditions for goals that are not captured by these patterns
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