10,581 research outputs found
El móvil como herramienta de comunicación corporativa
En las últimas dos décadas, se ha producido un cambio en la forma de
comunicación con el consumidor, suscitado en gran medida por el agotamiento del modelo masivo. Entre los síntomas de este cansancio destacan la saturación publicitaria y la disminución de los presupuestos dedicados a medios de comunicación de masas. Estos problemas estructurales, unidos a las transformaciones sociales propias de las sociedades contemporáneas, han promovido un movimiento hacia un modelo más personal y humano de comunicación, que valora la relación con el cliente más allá de su estatus de consumidor. Éste es el modelo de comunicación no convencional ―también denominado como modelo de comunicación below the line―, que busca conseguir una relación de confianza mutua entre la marca y su público. Por un lado, las personas han pasado a ser consumidores más responsables e informados que exigen una comunicación personalizada que atienda a sus necesidades individuales sin renunciar a su privacidad. Y, por otro, las marcas, como entes vivos de comunicación, precisan nutrirse de la información proporcionada por sus
clientes. Por este motivo, se hace necesario el estudio y el análisis de una de las más recientes herramientas de comunicación: el móvil. El triunfo social del teléfono móvil como medio de comunicación interpersonal ha
motivado su uso comercial, convirtiéndose en una herramienta de comunicación no convencional al servicio de las empresas e instituciones. A través de este trabajo se examinará el fenómeno del móvil como símbolo personal y mediador social, así como se analizarán cada una de las características que comparte con el resto de herramientas below the line, centrándose en aquellas que potencia: personalización e interactividad. En este sentido, se hace necesario profundizar en su empleo como herramienta de comunicación corporativa que permite fomentar una relación personal con los consumidores. Esta profundización nos permitirá proponer una clasificación de sus diferentes usos comerciales, a través del estudio de casos de éxito donde el móvil se haya convertido en el principal portador del mensaje de la marca.During the last two decades, a change in the form of communication with clients has taken place, principally provoked by the depletion of massive model. Among the symptoms of this wear out, we find the advertising saturation and the decreasing of the budgets dedicated to mass media. These structural problems, joined to social transformations of contemporary societies, have promoted a movement towards a more personal and human model of communication, which values the relation with the client beyond his status of consumer. This one is the not conventional communication model ―also called below the line communication model―, which aspires to obtain a mutual confidence relation between the mark and its public. On the one hand, persons have become more responsible and informed consumers who demand a personalized communication which attends to their individual necessities without resigning their privacy. On the other hand, brands, as living entities of communication, need the information provided by their public. Consequently, we find necessary to study and analyse one of the most
recent communication tools: mobile phone. The social success of mobile phone as an interpersonal communication media has motivated its commercial use, turning into a not conventional communication tool for
companies and institutions. Across this article, we will examine mobile phenomeno
Influence of the boundary conditions on the natural frequencies of a Francis turbine
Natural frequencies estimation of Francis turbines is of paramount importance in the stage of design in order to avoid vibration and resonance problems especially during transient events. Francis turbine runners are submerged in water and confined with small axial and radial gaps which considerably decrease their natural frequencies in comparison to the same structure in the air. Acoustic-structural FSI simulations have been used to evaluate the influence of these gaps. This model considers an entire prototype of a Francis turbine, including generator, shaft,
runner and surrounding water. The radial gap between the runner and the static parts has been changed from the real configuration (about 0.04% the runner diameter) to 1% of the runner diameter to evaluate its influence on the machine natural frequencies. Mode-shapes and natural frequencies of the whole machine are discussed for all the boundary conditions testedPostprint (published version
Smart vest for respiratory rate monitoring of COPD patients based on non-contact capacitive sensing
In this paper, a first approach to the design of a portable device for non-contact monitoring
of respiratory rate by capacitive sensing is presented. The sensing system is integrated into a smart
vest for an untethered, low-cost and comfortable breathing monitoring of Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients during the rest period between respiratory rehabilitation
exercises at home. To provide an extensible solution to the remote monitoring using this sensor and
other devices, the design and preliminary development of an e-Health platform based on the Internet
of Medical Things (IoMT) paradigm is also presented. In order to validate the proposed solution,
two quasi-experimental studies have been developed, comparing the estimations with respect to the
golden standard. In a first study with healthy subjects, the mean value of the respiratory rate error,
the standard deviation of the error and the correlation coefficient were 0.01 breaths per minute (bpm),
0.97 bpm and 0.995 (p < 0.00001), respectively. In a second study with COPD patients, the values
were -0.14 bpm, 0.28 bpm and 0.9988 (p < 0.0000001), respectively. The results for the rest period
show the technical and functional feasibility of the prototype and serve as a preliminary validation of
the device for respiratory rate monitoring of patients with COPD.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PI15/00306Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DTS15/00195Junta de Andalucía PI-0010-2013Junta de Andalucía PI-0041-2014Junta de Andalucía PIN-0394-201
Numerical study on the influence of acoustic natural frequencies on the dynamic behaviour of submerged and confined disk-like structures
The dynamic response of disks has been deeply studied in the last years given that their dynamic characteristics present similarities with more complex disk-like structures used in real engineering applications, such as hydraulic turbine runners. Because of disk-like structures could present fatigue damage or critical failures as a result of resonance conditions, it is of paramount importance to determine their natural frequencies. The dynamic response of disk-like structures is heavily affected by the added mass effect when they are surrounded by a heavy fluid. This added mass is greatly affected by the proximity of walls. Furthermore, the surrounding fluid cavity has its own natural frequencies and mode shapes, called acoustic natural frequencies and acoustic mode-shapes. All studies of submerged and confined disks have been carried out considering that the acoustic natural frequencies of the surrounding fluid cavity are much higher than the natural frequencies of the disk, so they do not affect each other. However, in some cases the acoustic natural frequencies are close to the natural frequencies of the submerged structure, which can be affected considerably. This case has not been deeply discussed yet. In this paper, the influence of the acoustic natural frequencies of a cylindrical fluid cavity on the natural frequencies of a disk has been analysed numerically. First, the effect of the added mass of the fluid has been estimated when the acoustic natural frequencies of the fluid cavity are much higher than the natural frequencies of the disk. For this case, different geometrical and material parameters have been considered. Then, the parameters that affect the acoustical natural frequencies of the fluid cavity have been identified. Finally, the case with acoustic natural frequencies close to the structural natural frequencies is studied in detail and the affectation between both is discussed. All the results presented in this paper have been dimensionless in order to be used for a wide range of disk-like structures. Therefore, with this study it is possible to identify for which conditions the dynamic response of a generic disk-like structure will be affected by the acoustic natural frequencies of its surrounding fluid cylindrical cavity.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Effectiveness of an interdisciplinary program performed on obese people regarding nutritional habits and metabolic comorbidity: a randomized controlled clinical trial.
©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17010336Obesity is an important public health problem. The combined use of different therapies performed by an interdisciplinary group can improve the management of this health issue. The main goal of this research is to determine the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary program based on healthy eating, exercise, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and health education in improving metabolic comorbidity, Body Mass Index (BMI), and nutritional habits among obese adults, at short (12 months) and long term (24 months). A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted at a community care center between February 2014 and February 2016. A random sampling was done (299), total population (3262). A sample of 74 subjects diagnosed with obesity (experimental group, n = 37 and control group, n = 37) was conducted. Inclusion criteria: obese people (BMI: >30 kg/m2) with metabolic comorbidity and bad nutritional habits. Exclusion criteria: other comorbidities. A 12-month interdisciplinary program (with pre-test, 12 months and 24 months of follow-up) was applied. Intervention is based on healthy eating, exercise, and cognitive behavioral therapy. The intervention had a positive effect on
nutritional habits (F2;144 = 115.305; p < 0.001). The experimental group increased fruit and vegetable intake (F2;144 = 39.604, p < 0.001), as well as fortified foods (F2;144 = 10,076, p < 0.001) and reduced fats, oils, and sweets F2;144 = 24,086, p < 0.001). In the experimental group, a BMI reduction of 2.6 to 24 months was observed. At follow-up, no participant had inadequate nutritional habits, compared to 35.1% of the control group (χ22 = 33,398; p < 0.001). There was also a positive response of metabolic comorbidities in the intervention group. The interdisciplinary program improved all participants’ metabolic parameters, BMI, and nutritional habits while maintaining the long-term effects (24 months)
Elementos, recursos y capacidades de las unidades de producción agrícola: desde un enfoque analítico reflexivo
The article discusses the elements, resources and capacities of agricultural production units. Based on the reflexive analytical approach of classical and current theoretical benchmarks. A Subjective interpretation is proposed as a central point to provide tools that contribute to the identification and configuration of elements of a system, resources with what works and organizational capabilities, leading to competitive advantages and interdependence relationships of companies. The findings show that agricultural production units will need to implement strategies to achieve levels of growth that help overcome gaps and problems of hunger and poverty in the world.El artículo analiza los elementos, recursos y capacidades de las unidades de producción agrícola, partiendo del enfoque analítico reflexivo de referentes teóricos disciplinares clásicos y actuales. Se propone una interpretación subjetiva como punto central para brindar herramientas que contribuyan a la identificación y configuración de elementos de un sistema, recursos con los que funcionan y capacidades organizacionales, derivando en ventajas competitivas y relaciones de interdependencia de las empresas. Los hallazgos evidencian que las unidades de producción agrícola deberán implementar estrategias que permitan alcanzar niveles de crecimiento que coadyuven a superar brechas y problemas de hambre y pobreza en el mundo
La seguridad en los países que rodean a Colombia
En América Latina el tema de la seguridad nunca ha sido -hasta ahora- objeto de una atención y preocupación constante y sistemática por parte del foro académico en tanto dimensión específica de los problemas de las relaciones internacionales. A ello ha contribuido lo que algunos estudiosos han denominado la “relativa irrelevancia” de la región en materia de seguridad a nivel mundial, resultado de diversos factores dentro de los que pueden destacarse al menos los tres siguientes: el bajísimo nivel de conflictividad interestatal (a pesar de episodios esporádicos como la Guerra de las Malvinas y la escaramuza bélica entre Ecuador y Perú en la Cordillera del Cóndor), el hecho de ser un área relativamente libre de armas nucleares (el tratado de Tlatelolco, suscrito en 1967, es pionero en materia de control de armas y de no proliferación), y en los últimos años, el fin del conflicto centroamericano y con ello, la pacificación de la región, no obstante la persistencia del conflicto interno colombiano.
Esta marcada tendencia ha empezado a cambiar de curso bajo la influencia de los efectos que en la dinámica de las relaciones internacionales produjeron los sucesos del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en los Estados Unidos. En efecto, estos acontecimientos no sólo provocaron una creciente securitización de la agenda internacional (lo que implica que las políticas exteriores, o el análisis de las relaciones internacionales, tengan que ser pasados por el prisma de la seguridad, a la que todo se subordina, desde la economía -el libre mercado como herramienta para luchar contra el terrorismo- hasta los intercambios culturales -las restricciones al acceso de extranjeros a ciertos programas de educación superior). También obligaron a darle una nueva mirada a las zonas consideradas pacíficas, en la medida en que el terrorismo es una amenaza global que se viene enfrentando con una guerra igualmente global, que no se atiene a la clásica distinción geopolítica entre zonas bajo un orden de paz y zonas en estado de guerra.
En este contexto aparece el esfuerzo colectivo de los miembros de la línea sobre seguridad regional e internacional del Centro de Estudios Políticos e Internacionales (CEPI)(...), de las Facultades de Ciencia Política y Gobierno y de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad del Rosario, en torno al análisis de la construcción de la seguridad en América Latina, cuyo primer resultado es un afortunado y pertinente intento por delinear los perfiles de seguridad de los países que integran el “círculo de Colombia”: Brasil, Ecuador, Panamá, Perú y Venezuela(...) y al cual seguirán tres trabajos adicionales dedicados a la seguridad de los países del Cono Sur, de Centroamérica y el Caribe, y por último, de Colombia con una perspectiva comparada. Esos perfiles de seguridad se determinan a través de un análisis que se considera un espectro mucho más ensanchado de nuevas amenazas a la seguridad y en el que los factores de seguridad clásicos, principalmente geopolíticos y militares, se enlazan fluidamente con los económicos, sociales, ambientales y culturales, hasta ahora relegados a una posición relativamente secundaria
Smart Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Device for Body Composition Estimation
The purpose of this work is to describe a first approach to a smart bioimpedance
spectroscopy device for its application to the estimation of body composition. The proposed
device is capable of carrying out bioimpedance measurements in multiple configurable frequencies,
processing the data to obtain the modulus and the bioimpedance phase in each of the frequencies,
and transmitting the processed information wirelessly. Another novelty of this work is a new
algorithm for the identification of Cole model parameters, which is the basis of body composition
estimation through bioimpedance spectroscopy analysis. Against other proposals, the main
advantages of the proposed method are its robustness against parasitic effects by employing
an extended version of Cole model with phase delay and three dispersions, its simplicity and
low computational load. The results obtained in a validation study with respiratory patients
show the accuracy and feasibility of the proposed technology for bioimpedance measurements.
The precision and validity of the algorithm was also proven in a validation study with peritoneal
dialysis patients. The proposed method was the most accurate compared with other existing
algorithms. Moreover, in those cases affected by parasitic effects the proposed algorithm provided
better approximations to the bioimpedance values than a reference device.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) PI15/00306Junta de Andalucía PIN-0394-2017Unión Europea "FRAIL
Influence of climate change on the flowering of temperate fruit trees
It is well known that winter chilling is necessary for the flowering of temperate trees. The chilling requirement is a criterion for choosing a species or variety at a given location. Also chemistry products can be used for reducing the chilling-hours needs but make our production more expensive. This study first analysed the observed values of chilling hours for some representative agricultural locations in Spain for the last three decades and their projected changes under climate change scenarios. Usually the chilling is measured and calculated as chilling-hours, and different methods have been used to calculate them (e.g. Richarson et al., 1974 among others) according to the species considered. For our objective North Carolina method (Shaltout and Unrath, 1983) was applied for apples, Utah method (Richardson et al. 1974) for peach and grapevine and the approach used by De Melo-Abreu et al. (2004) for olive trees. The influence of climate change in temperate trees was studied by calculating projections of chilling-hours with climate data from Regional Climate Models (RCMs) at high resolution (25 km) from the European Project ENSEMBLES (http://www.ensembles-eu.org/). These projections will allow for analysing the modelled variations of chill-hours between 2nd half of 20C and 1st half of 21C at the study locations
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