17 research outputs found

    Novel roles for the transcriptional repressor E4BP4 in both cardiac physiology and pathophysiology

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    Circadian clocks temporally orchestrate biological processes critical for cellular/organ function. For example, the cardiomyocyte circadian clock modulates cardiac metabolism, signaling, and electrophysiology over the course of the day, such that, disruption of the clock leads to age-onset cardiomyopathy (through unknown mechanisms). Here, we report that genetic disruption of the cardiomyocyte clock results in chronic induction of the transcriptional repressor E4BP4. Importantly, E4BP4 deletion prevents age-onset cardiomyopathy following clock disruption. These studies also indicate that E4BP4 regulates both cardiac metabolism (eg, fatty acid oxidation) and electrophysiology (eg, QT interval). Collectively, these studies reveal that E4BP4 is a novel regulator of both cardiac physiology and pathophysiology

    Platelets mediate lymphovenous hemostasis to maintain blood-lymphatic separation throughout life

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    Mammals transport blood through a high-pressure, closed vascular network and lymph through a low-pressure, open vascular network. These vascular networks connect at the lymphovenous (LV) junction, where lymph drains into blood and an LV valve (LVV) prevents backflow of blood into lymphatic vessels. Here we describe an essential role for platelets in preventing blood from entering the lymphatic system at the LV junction. Loss of CLEC2, a receptor that activates platelets in response to lymphatic endothelial cells, resulted in backfilling of the lymphatic network with blood from the thoracic duct (TD) in both neonatal and mature mice. Fibrin-containing platelet thrombi were observed at the LVV and in the terminal TD in wild-type mice, but not Clec2-deficient mice. Analysis of mice lacking LVVs or lymphatic valves revealed that platelet-mediated thrombus formation limits LV backflow under conditions of impaired valve function. Examination of mice lacking integrin-mediated platelet aggregation indicated that platelet aggregation stabilizes thrombi that form in the lymphatic vascular environment to prevent retrograde blood flow. Collectively, these studies unveil a newly recognized form of hemostasis that functions with the LVV to safeguard the lymphatic vascular network throughout life

    TRAF2, an innate immune sensor, reciprocally regulates mitophagy and inflammation to maintain cardiac myocyte homeostasis

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    Mitochondria are essential for cardiac myocyte function, but damaged mitochondria trigger cardiac myocyte death. Although mitophagy, a lysosomal degradative pathway to remove damaged mitochondria, is robustly active in cardiac myocytes in the unstressed heart, its mechanisms and physiological role remain poorly defined. We discovered a critical role for TRAF2, an innate immunity effector protein with E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, in facilitating physiological cardiac myocyte mitophagy in the adult heart, to prevent inflammation and cell death, and maintain myocardial homeostasis

    Apolipoprotein M attenuates anthracycline cardiotoxicity and lysosomal injury

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    Apolipoprotein M (ApoM) binds sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) and is inversely associated with mortality in human heart failure (HF). Here, we show that anthracyclines such as doxorubicin (Dox) reduce circulating ApoM in mice and humans, that ApoM is inversely associated with mortality in patients with anthracycline-induced heart failure, and ApoM heterozygosity in mice increases Dox-induced mortality. In the setting of Dox stress, our studies suggest ApoM can help sustain myocardial autophagic flux in a post-transcriptional manner, attenuate Dox cardiotoxicity, and prevent lysosomal injury

    Peripheral monocyte-derived cells counter amyloid plaque pathogenesis in a mouse model of Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    Microglia, the parenchymal tissue macrophages in the brain, surround amyloid plaques in brains of individuals with Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) but are ineffective at clearing amyloid to mitigate disease progression. Recent studies in mice indicate that microglia are derived exclusively from primitive yolk sac hematopoiesis and self-renew without contribution from ontogenically distinct monocytes/macrophages of definitive adult hematopoietic origin. Using a genetic fate-mapping approach to label cells of definitive hematopoietic origin throughout life span, we discovered that circulating monocytes contribute 6% of plaque-associated macrophages in aged AD mice. Moreover, peripheral monocytes contributed to a higher fraction of macrophages in the choroid plexus, meninges, and perivascular spaces of aged AD mice versus WT control mice, indicating enrichment at potential sites for entry into the brain parenchyma. Splenectomy, which markedly reduced circulating Ly6Chi monocytes, also reduced abundance of plaque-associated macrophages of definitive hematopoietic origin, resulting in increased amyloid plaque load. Together, these results indicate that peripherally derived monocytes invade the brain parenchyma, targeting amyloid plaques to reduce plaque load

    Nkx2.5+ Cardiomyoblasts Contribute to Cardiomyogenesis in the Neonatal Heart

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    During normal lifespan, the mammalian heart undergoes limited renewal of cardiomyocytes. While the exact mechanism for this renewal remains unclear, two possibilities have been proposed: differentiated myocyte replication and progenitor/immature cell differentiation. This study aimed to characterize a population of cardiomyocyte precursors in the neonatal heart and to determine their requirement for cardiac development. By tracking the expression of an embryonic Nkx2.5 cardiac enhancer, we identified cardiomyoblasts capable of differentiation into striated cardiomyocytes in vitro. Genome-wide expression profile of neonatal Nkx2.5+ cardiomyoblasts showed the absence of sarcomeric gene and the presence of cardiac transcription factors. To determine the lineage contribution of the Nkx2.5+ cardiomyoblasts, we generated a doxycycline suppressible Cre transgenic mouse under the regulation of the Nkx2.5 enhancer and showed that neonatal Nkx2.5+ cardiomyoblasts mature into cardiomyocytes in vivo. Ablation of neonatal cardiomyoblasts resulted in ventricular hypertrophy and dilation, supporting a functional requirement of the Nkx2.5+ cardiomyoblasts. This study provides direct lineage tracing evidence that a cardiomyoblast population contributes to cardiogenesis in the neonatal heart. The cell population identified here may serve as a promising therapeutic for pediatric cardiac regeneration