62 research outputs found

    Dating the Cryptococcus gattii Dispersal to the North American Pacific Northwest.

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    The emergence of Cryptococcus gattii, previously regarded as a predominantly tropical pathogen, in the temperate climate of the North American Pacific Northwest (PNW) in 1999 prompted several questions. The most prevalent among these was the timing of the introduction of this pathogen to this novel environment. Here, we infer tip-dated timing estimates for the three clonal C. gattii populations observed in the PNW, VGIIa, VGIIb, and VGIIc, based on whole-genome sequencing of 134 C. gattii isolates and using Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees (BEAST). We estimated the nucleotide substitution rate for each lineage (1.59 Ă— 10-8, 1.59 Ă— 10-8, and 2.70 Ă— 10-8, respectively) to be an order of magnitude higher than common neutral fungal mutation rates (2.0 Ă— 10-9), indicating a microevolutionary rate (e.g., successive clonal generations in a laboratory) in comparison to a species' slower, macroevolutionary rate (e.g., when using fossil records). The clonal nature of the PNW C. gattii emergence over a narrow number of years would therefore possibly explain our higher mutation rates. Our results suggest that the mean time to most recent common ancestor for all three sublineages occurred within the last 60 to 100 years. While the cause of C. gattii dispersal to the PNW is still unclear, our research estimates that the arrival is neither ancient nor very recent (i.e., <25 years ago), making a strong case for an anthropogenic introduction. IMPORTANCE The recent emergence of the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus gattii in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) resulted in numerous investigations into the epidemiological and enzootic impacts, as well as multiple genomic explorations of the three primary molecular subtypes of the fungus that were discovered. These studies lead to the general conclusion that the subtypes identified likely emerged out of Brazil. Here, we conducted genomic dating analyses to determine the ages of the various lineages seen in the PNW and propose hypothetical causes for the dispersal events. Bayesian evolutionary analysis strongly suggests that these independent fungal populations in the PNW are all 60 to 100 years old, providing a timing that is subsequent to the opening of the Panama Canal, which allowed for more direct shipping between Brazil and the western North American coastline, a possible driving event for these fungal translocation events

    Discovery of a New Natural Product and a Deactivation of a Quorum Sensing System by Culturing a “Producer” Bacterium With a Heat-Killed “Inducer” Culture

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    Herein we describe a modified bacterial culture methodology as a tool to discover new natural products via supplementing actinomycete fermentation media with autoclaved cultures of “inducer” microbes. Using seven actinomycetes and four inducer microbes, we detected 28 metabolites that were induced in UHPLC-HRESIMS-based analysis of bacterial fermentations. Metabolomic analysis indicated that each inducer elicited a unique response from the actinomycetes and that some chemical responses were specific to each inducer-producer combination. Among these 28 metabolites, hydrazidomycin D, a new hydrazide-containing natural product was isolated from the pair Streptomyces sp. RKBH-B178 and Mycobacterium smegmatis. This result validated the effectiveness of the strategy in discovering new natural products. From the same set of induced metabolites, an in-depth investigation of a fermentation of Streptomyces sp. RKBH-B178 and autoclaved Pseudomonas aeruginosa led to the discovery of a glucuronidated analog of the pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS). We demonstrated that RKBH-B178 is able to biotransform the P. aeruginosa quorum sensing molecules, 2-heptyl-4-quinolone (HHQ), and PQS to form PQS-GlcA. Further, PQS-GlcA was shown to have poor binding affinity to PqsR, the innate receptor of HHQ and PQS

    Transcriptomic and Exometabolomic Profiling Reveals Antagonistic and Defensive Modes of Clonostachys rosea Action Against Fusarium graminearum

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    The mycoparasite Clonostachys rosea ACM941 is under development as a biocontrol organism against Fusarium graminearum, the causative agent of Fusarium head blight in cereals. To identify molecular factors associated with this interaction, the transcriptomic and exometabolomic profiles of C. rosea and F. graminearum GZ3639 were compared during coculture. Prior to physical contact, the antagonistic activity of C. rosea correlated with a response heavily dominated by upregulation of polyketide synthase gene clusters, consistent with the detected accumulation of corresponding secondary metabolite products. Similarly, prior to contact, trichothecene gene clusters were upregulated in F. graminearum, while those responsible for fusarielin and fusarin biosynthesis were downregulated, correlating with an accumulation of trichothecene products in the interaction zone over time. A concomitant increase in 15-acetyl deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside in the interaction zone was also detected, with C. rosea established as the source of this detoxified mycotoxin. After hyphal contact, C. rosea was found to predominantly transcribe genes encoding cell wall–degradation enzymes, major facilitator superfamily sugar transporters, anion:cation symporters, as well as alternative carbon source utilization pathways, together indicative of a transition to necrotropism at this stage. F. graminearum notably activated the transcription of phosphate starvation pathway signature genes at this time. Overall, a number of signature molecular mechanisms likely contributing to antagonistic activity by C. rosea against F. graminearum, as well as its mycotoxin tolerance, are identified in this report, yielding several new testable hypotheses toward understanding the basis of C. rosea as a biocontrol agent for continued agronomic development and application

    Evidence for multiple rhythmic skills

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    Rhythms, or patterns in time, play a vital role in both speech and music. Proficiency in a number of rhythm skills has been linked to language ability, suggesting that certain rhythmic processes in music and language rely on overlapping resources. However, a lack of understanding about how rhythm skills relate to each other has impeded progress in understanding how language relies on rhythm processing. In particular, it is unknown whether all rhythm skills are linked together, forming a single broad rhythmic competence, or whether there are multiple dissociable rhythm skills. We hypothesized that beat tapping and rhythm memory/sequencing form two separate clusters of rhythm skills. This hypothesis was tested with a battery of two beat tapping and two rhythm memory tests. Here we show that tapping to a metronome and the ability to adjust to a changing tempo while tapping to a metronome are related skills. The ability to remember rhythms and to drum along to repeating rhythmic sequences are also related. However, we found no relationship between beat tapping skills and rhythm memory skills. Thus, beat tapping and rhythm memory are dissociable rhythmic aptitudes. This discovery may inform future research disambiguating how distinct rhythm competencies track with specific language functions

    The role of war in deep transitions: exploring mechanisms, imprints and rules in sociotechnical systems

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    This paper explores in what ways the two world wars influenced the development of sociotechnical systems underpinning the culmination of the first deep transition. The role of war is an underexplored aspect in both the Techno-Economic Paradigms (TEP) approach and the Multi-level perspective (MLP) which form the two key conceptual building blocks of the Deep Transitions (DT) framework. Thus, we develop a conceptual approach tailored to this particular topic which integrates accounts of total war and mechanisms of war from historical studies and imprinting from organisational studies with the DT framework’s attention towards rules and meta-rules. We explore in what ways the three sociotechnical systems of energy, food, and transport were affected by the emergence of new demand pressures and logistical challenges during conditions of total war; how war impacted the directionality of sociotechnical systems; the extent to which new national and international policy capacities emerged during wartime in the energy, food, and transport systems; and the extent to which these systems were influenced by cooperation and shared sacrifice under wartime conditions. We then explore what lasting changes were influenced by the two wars in the energy, food, and transport systems across the transatlantic zone. This paper seeks to open up a hitherto neglected area in analysis on sociotechnical transitions and we discuss the importance of further research that is attentive towards entanglements of warfare and the military particularly in the field of sustainability transitions

    Predicting interpretability of metabolome models based on behavior, putative identity, and biological relevance of explanatory signals

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    Powerful algorithms are required to deal with the dimensionality of metabolomics data. Although many achieve high classification accuracy, the models they generate have limited value unless it can be demonstrated that they are reproducible and statistically relevant to the biological problem under investigation. Random forest (RF) generates models, without any requirement for dimensionality reduction or feature selection, in which individual variables are ranked for significance and displayed in an explicit manner. In metabolome fingerprinting by mass spectrometry, each metabolite can be represented by signals at several m/z. Exploiting a prior understanding of expected biochemical differences between sample classes, we aimed to develop meaningful metrics relevant to the significance both of the overall RF model and individual, potentially explanatory, signals. Pair-wise comparison of related plant genotypes with strong phenotypic differences demonstrated that robust models are not only reproducible but also logically structured, highlighting correlated m/z derived from just a small number of explanatory metabolites reflecting the biological differences between sample classes. RF models were also generated by using groupings of samples known to be increasingly phenotypically similar. Although classification accuracy was often reasonable, we demonstrated reproducibly in both Arabidopsis and potato a performance threshold based on margin statistics beyond which such models showed little structure indicative of either generalizibility or further biological interpretability. In a multiclass problem using 25 Arabidopsis genotypes, despite the complicating effects of ecotype background and secondary metabolome perturbations common to several mutations, the ranking of metabolome signals by RF provided scope for deeper interpretability
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