3,465 research outputs found

    GP Reimbursement and Visiting Behaviour in Ireland

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    In Ireland, approximately 30 per cent of the population (“medical cardholders”) receive free GP services while the remainder (“non-medical cardholders”) must pay for each visit. In 1989, the manner in which GPs were reimbursed by the State for their medical cardholder patients was changed from fee-for-service to capitation while other patients continued to pay on a fee-for-service basis. Concerns about supplier-induced demand were in part responsible for this policy change. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which the utilisation of GP services is influenced by the reimbursement system facing GPs, by comparing visiting rates for the two groups before and after this change. Using a difference-in-differences approach on pooled micro-data from 1987, 1995 and 2000, we find that medical card eligibility exerts a consistently positive and significant effect on the utilisation of GP services. However, the differential in visiting rates between medical cardholders and others did not narrow between 1987 and 1995 or 2000, as might have been anticipated if supplier-induced demand played a major role prior to the change in reimbursement system.GP Utilisation; Reimbursement; Supplier-Induced Demand; Difference-in-Differences

    Evolution of Subjective Hurricane Risk Perceptions: A Bayesian Approach

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    This paper studies how individuals update subjective risk perceptions in response to hurricane track forecast information, using a unique data set from an event market, the Hurricane Futures Market (HFM). We derive a theoretical Bayesian framework which predicts how traders update their perceptions of the probability of a hurricane making landfall in a certain range of coastline. Our results suggest that traders behave in a way consistent with Bayesian updating but this behavior is based on the perceived quality of the information received.risk perceptions, learning, Bayesian learning, event markets, prediction markets, favorite-longshot bias, hurricanes

    GP Reimbursement And Visiting Behaviour In Ireland. ESRI Working Paper No. 9, 2005

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    In Ireland, approximately 30 per cent of the population (“medical cardholders”) receive free GP services while the remainder (“non-medical cardholders”) must pay for each visit. In 1989, the manner in which GPs were reimbursed by the State for their medical cardholder patients was changed from fee-for-service to capitation while other patients continued to pay on a fee-for-service basis. Concerns about supplier-induced demand were in part responsible for this policy change. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which the utilisation of GP services is influenced by the reimbursement system facing GPs, by comparing visiting rates for the two groups before and after this change. Using a difference-in-differences approach on pooled micro-data from 1987, 1995 and 2000, we find that medical card eligibility exerts a consistently positive and significant effect on the utilisation of GP services. However, the differential in visiting rates between medical cardholders and others did not narrow between 1987 and 1995 or 2000, as might have been anticipated if supplier-induced demand played a major role prior to the change in reimbursement system

    Historical Grassland Turboveg Database Project. 2067 Relevés recorded by Dr Austin O’ Sullivan 1962 – 1982

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    User Guide and CD of Database are availableEnd of project reportThe more common grassland types occupy about 70% of the Irish landscape (O’Sullivan, 1982), but information on these vegetation types is rare. Generally, Irish grasslands are distinguished based on the intensity of their management (improved or semi-natural grasslands), and the drainage conditions and acidity of the soil (dry or wet, calcareous or acidic grassland types) (Fossitt, 2000). However, little is known about their floristic composition and the changes in floristic composition over time. The current knowledge on grassland vegetation is mostly based on a survey of Irish grasslands by Dr. Austin O’Sullivan completed in the 1960’s and 1970’s (O’Sullivan, 1982). In this survey O’Sullivan identified Irish grassland types in accordance with the classification of continental European grasslands based on the principles of the School of Phytosociology. O’Sullivan distinguished five main grassland types introducing agricultural criteria as well as floristic criteria into grassland classification (O’Sullivan, 1982). In 1978, O’Sullivan made an attempt at mapping Ireland’s vegetation types including the five grassland types distinguished in his later publication as well as two types of peatland vegetation (Figures 1 and 2). This map was completed using 1960’s soils maps (National Soil Survey, Teagasc, Johnstown Castle) and a subsample of the dataset on the composition of Irish grasslands. Phytosociological classification of vegetation is based on the full floristic composition of the vegetation as determined by assessing the abundance and spatial structure of the plant species in a given area. The actual area of the survey (or relevé) is determined according to strict criteria, which include how representative the sample area is for the wider vegetation (i.e. how many of the species found in the wider area are also present in the survey area).National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dublin, Ireland

    Transformations among Pure Multipartite Entangled States via Local Operations Are Almost Never Possible

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    Local operations assisted by classical communication (LOCC) constitute the free operations in entanglement theory. Hence, the determination of LOCC transformations is crucial for the understanding of entanglement. We characterize here almost all LOCC transformations among pure multipartite multilevel states. Combined with the analogous results for qubit states shown by Gour \emph{et al.} [J. Math. Phys. 58, 092204 (2017)], this gives a characterization of almost all local transformations among multipartite pure states. We show that nontrivial LOCC transformations among generic, fully entangled, pure states are almost never possible. Thus, almost all multipartite states are isolated. They can neither be deterministically obtained from local-unitary-inequivalent (LU-inequivalent) states via local operations, nor can they be deterministically transformed to pure, fully entangled LU-inequivalent states. In order to derive this result, we prove a more general statement, namely, that, generically, a state possesses no nontrivial local symmetry. We discuss further consequences of this result for the characterization of optimal, probabilistic single copy and probabilistic multi-copy LOCC transformations and the characterization of LU-equivalence classes of multipartite pure states.Comment: 13 pages main text + 10 pages appendix, 1 figure; close to published versio

    Tropical cyclone rainbands can trigger meteotsunamis

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Shi, L., Olabarrieta, M., Nolan, D. S., & Warner, J. C. Tropical cyclone rainbands can trigger meteotsunamis. Nature Communications, 11(1), (2020): 678, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-14423-9.Tropical cyclones are one of the most destructive natural hazards and much of the damage and casualties they cause are flood-related. Accurate characterization and prediction of total water levels during extreme storms is necessary to minimize coastal impacts. While meteotsunamis are known to influence water levels and to produce severe consequences, their impacts during tropical cyclones are underappreciated. This study demonstrates that meteotsunami waves commonly occur during tropical cyclones, and that they can contribute significantly to total water levels. We use an idealized coupled ocean–atmosphere–wave numerical model to analyze tropical cyclone-induced meteotsunami generation and propagation mechanisms. We show that the most extreme meteotsunami events are triggered by inherent features of the structure of tropical cyclones: inner and outer spiral rainbands. While outer distant spiral rainbands produce single-peak meteotsunami waves, inner spiral rainbands trigger longer lasting wave trains on the front side of the tropical cyclones.We thank all the developers of COAWST, ROMS, WRF, and SWAN models. D.N. was supported by NSF grant AGS-1654831. We would like to thank Dr. K. Bagamian for her editorial and writing suggestions. We would like to thank Dr. A. Aretxabaleta for the internal US Geological Survey internal revision and suggestions

    A catalogue of Locus Algorithm pointings for optimal differential photometry for 23 779 quasars

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a catalogue of optimized pointings for differential photometry of 23 779 quasars extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Catalogue and a Score for each indicating the quality of the Field of View (FoV) associated with that pointing. Observation of millimagnitude variability on a time-scale of minutes typically requires differential observations with reference to an ensemble of reference stars. For optimal performance, these reference stars should have similar colour and magnitude to the target quasar. In addition, the greatest quantity and quality of suitable reference stars may be found by using a telescope pointing which offsets the target object from the centre of the FoV. By comparing each quasar with the stars which appear close to it on the sky in the SDSS Catalogue, an optimum pointing can be calculated, and a figure of merit, referred to as the ‘Score’ is calculated for that pointing. Highly flexible software has been developed to enable this process to be automated and implemented in a distributed computing paradigm, which enables the creation of catalogues of pointings given a set of input targets. Applying this technique to a sample of 40 000 targets from the fourth SDSS quasar catalogue resulted in the production of pointings and Scores for 23 779 quasars based on their magnitudes in the SDSS r-band. This catalogue is a useful resource for observers planning differential photometry studies and surveys of quasars to select those which have many suitable celestial neighbours for differential photometry