309 research outputs found

    Reinventing D\u27Jillong : current regeneration initiatives challenging the identity and place of Geelong

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    Australian regional city regeneration in Australia is increasingly becoming an important topic as they attempt to position themselves mid-way between larger discourses about capital cities and peri-urban landscapes. Historically these cities, like Newcastle, Wollongong and Geelong, have been marginalised in infrastructure and planning support systems, yet subject to erratic Commonwealth and State funded initiatives that have divested major specific-purpose complexes into their cities. Such has been as a consequence of of \u27decentralisation\u27 and \u27regionalisation\u27 political platforms, but also to address employment and voting needs. As an example, Geelong embraced contemporary industrialism, particularly automotive, and built on its port and wool export capacities. Politics, intransigence and lack of economic investment compounded the failure to create quality urban fabric and enable innovative planning. With this legacy, this regional city finds itself at the cusp of heavy industry disintegration, education and health sectorial growth, population increases aided by regional escapism, and a lethargic city centre. In attempting to redress these trends, Geelong is consciously attempting to re-image itself, regenerate key sections of its urban fabric, but also manage the regional escapism (sea change / tree change) phenomena. This paper critiques the larger context, and then uses three examples - "Vision 2" in the city centre, the Mega Port proposal, Fyansford Green and the Moolap salt marsh - as foils to reflect whether these initiatives are and can assist the facilitation of city structural change, economic renewal and enhanced urban design and place-making outcomes

    Pedagogy of oppressed community engagement : socially inclusive visioning of urban change

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    It is generally accepted that good practice in policy making and urban change initiatives requires community engagement, where community-based approaches are emphasised as a means of socially inclusive visioning. Communities expect greater transparency, accountability and engagement. This expectation is not always met, with many studies focusing on the perceived tickbox effect - where engagement is a process that has to be undertaken rather than being welcomed and embraced as an integral part of planning for urban change. This paper explores multi-disciplinary concepts and looks at ways these can be linked to community engagement in planning, particularly in larger urban Councils. In this brief glimpse at the wide variety of disciplines that could be drawn on, the paper uses information systems, teaching models, organisational theory and public policy to highlight the potential for altering concepts of community engagement. It concludes that, from these particular examples: the use of double-loop learning could help to empower the community (from organisational theory), collaboration and participation necessitate the co-ordination and exchange of information and knowledge within and between organisations (information systems), the preconception that the authority holds all the knowledge ready to be handed out to the community (teaching models) needs to be challenged, and partnerships are important in empowering people (public policy)

    Spectroscopically Peculiar Type Ia Supernovae and Implications for Progenitors

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    In a recent paper Li et al. (2000) reported that 36 percent of 45 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) discovered since 1997 in two volume-limited supernova searches were spectroscopically peculiar, and they suggested that because this peculiarity rate is higher than that reported for an earlier observational sample by Branch et al. (1993), it is now more likely that SNe Ia are produced by more than one kind of progenitor. In this paper I discuss and clarify the differences between the results of Li et al. and Branch et al. and I suggest that multiple progenitor systems are now less likely than they were before.Comment: 11 pages; accepted by PASP; several minor changes, 2 references added, main conclusions unchange

    Forest fragmentation and the distribution, abundance and conservation of the Tana river red colobus ( Procolobus rufomitratus)

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    Evidence suggests that habitat heterogeneity, disturbance, disease, predation and food resources influence primate population abundance. However, few studies have focused on what habitat factors determine the probability that a primate species will occur in a habitat fragment. We analysed forest habitat and colobus population attributes to determine factors that influenced occurrence and abundance of the critically endangered Tana River red colobus. The probability of colobus inhabiting forests was positively related to the relative amount of habitat edge and canopy tree species composition. Most of the variance in the density of colobus monkeys was explained by basal area of food trees (per ha), basal area per food tree, density of food trees, and basal area per tree for all trees. We conclude that effective conservation of primates in fragmented habitats may require strategies that consider factors that influence both the occurrence of a species and its relative abundance

    On the High--Velocity Ejecta of the Type Ia Supernova 1994D

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    Synthetic spectra generated with the parameterized supernova synthetic-spectrum code SYNOW are compared to spectra of the Type Ia SN 1994D that were obtained before the time of maximum brightness. Evidence is found for the presence of two-component Fe II and Ca II features, forming in high velocity (≥20,000\ge 20,000 \kms) and lower velocity (≤16,000\le 16,000 \kms) matter. Possible interpretations of these spectral splits, and implications for using early--time spectra of SNe Ia to probe the metallicity of the progenitor white dwarf and the nature of the nuclear burning front in the outer layers of the explosion, are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    On the Spectroscopic Diversity of Type Ia Supernovae

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    A comparison of the ratio of the depths of two absorption features in the spectra of TypeIa supernovae (SNe Ia) near the time of maximum brightness with the blueshift of the deep red Si II absorption feature 10 days after maximum shows that the spectroscopic diversity of SNe Ia is multi-dimensional. There is a substantial range of blueshifts at a given value of the depth ratio. We also find that the spectra of a sample of SNe Ia obtained a week before maximum brightness can be arranged in a ``blueshift sequence'' that mimics the time evolution of the pre-maximum-light spectra of an individual SN Ia, the well observed SN 1994D. Within the context of current SN Ia explosion models, we suggest that some of the SNe Ia in our sample were delayed-detonations while others were plain deflagrations.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ

    Evolution for Everyone: How to Increase Acceptance of, Interest in, and Knowledge about Evolution

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    A success story about teaching evolution: when presented as unthreatening, explanatory, and useful, evolution can be easily appreciated by most people, regardless of their religious and political beliefs or prior knowledge of evolution

    Krishna\u27s form in nature: sacred landscapes and the Govardhan Parvat in India

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    Disruption of beta cell acetyl-CoA carboxylase-1 in mice impairs insulin secretion and beta cell mass

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    Aims/hypothesis: Pancreatic beta cells secrete insulin to maintain glucose homeostasis, and beta cell failure is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes. Glucose triggers insulin secretion in beta cells via oxidative mitochondrial pathways. However, it also feeds mitochondrial anaplerotic pathways, driving citrate export and cytosolic malonyl-CoA production by the acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1) enzyme. This pathway has been proposed as an alternative glucose-sensing mechanism, supported mainly by in vitro data. Here, we sought to address the role of the beta cell ACC1-coupled pathway in insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis in vivo. Methods: Acaca, encoding ACC1 (the principal ACC isoform in islets), was deleted in beta cells of mice using the Cre/loxP system. Acaca floxed mice were crossed with Ins2cre mice (βACC1KO; life-long beta cell gene deletion) or Pdx1creER mice (tmx-βACC1KO; inducible gene deletion in adult beta cells). Beta cell function was assessed using in vivo metabolic physiology and ex vivo islet experiments. Beta cell mass was analysed using histological techniques. Results: βACC1KO and tmx-βACC1KO mice were glucose intolerant and had defective insulin secretion in vivo. Isolated islet studies identified impaired insulin secretion from beta cells, independent of changes in the abundance of neutral lipids previously implicated as amplification signals. Pancreatic morphometry unexpectedly revealed reduced beta cell size in βACC1KO mice but not in tmx-βACC1KO mice, with decreased levels of proteins involved in the mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase (mTOR)-dependent protein translation pathway underpinning this effect. Conclusions/interpretation: Our study demonstrates that the beta cell ACC1-coupled pathway is critical for insulin secretion in vivo and ex vivo and that it is indispensable for glucose homeostasis. We further reveal a role for ACC1 in controlling beta cell growth prior to adulthood.</p
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