13,970 research outputs found

    US National Security and Foreign Direct Investment

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    Although a vital part of the US economy, foreign direct investment (FDI) in the United States periodically raises public and congressional alarms--as witnessed during Dubai Ports World's recent bid to acquire US port operations and Chinese firm CNOOC's attempt to buy US energy firm Unocal. Drawing fire from Congress are the Exon-Florio provisions of US law, which enable the president to block a foreign acquisition that threatens national security. This important new book finds that many proposed reforms risk harming the US economy without enhancing national security. The authors propose ways to strengthen the current interagency review of deals, including an improved process for reporting to Congress.

    A Statistical Analysis of the Solar Phenomena Associated with Global EUV Waves

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    Solar eruptions are the most spectacular events in our solar system and are associated with many different signatures of energy release including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, global waves, radio emission and accelerated particles. Here, we apply the Coronal Pulse Identification and Tracking Algorithm (CorPITA) to the high cadence synoptic data provided by the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) to identify and track global waves observed by SDO. 164 of the 362 solar flare events studied (45%) are found to have associated global waves with no waves found for the remaining 198 (55%). A clear linear relationship was found between the median initial velocity and the acceleration of the waves, with faster waves exhibiting a stronger deceleration (consistent with previous results). No clear relationship was found between global waves and type II radio bursts, electrons or protons detected in-situ near Earth. While no relationship was found between the wave properties and the associated flare size (with waves produced by flares from B to X-class), more than a quarter of the active regions studied were found to produce more than one wave event. These results suggest that the presence of a global wave in a solar eruption is most likely determined by the structure and connectivity of the erupting active region and the surrounding quiet solar corona rather than by the amount of free energy available within the active region.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    The transition from a coherent optical vortex to a Rankine vortex: beam contrast dependence on topological charge

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    Spatially coherent helically phased light beams carry orbital angular momentum (OAM) and contain phase singularities at their centre. Destructive interference at the position of the phase singularity means the intensity at this point is necessarily zero, which results in a high contrast between the centre and the surrounding annular intensity distribution. Beams of reduced spatial coherence yet still carrying OAM have previously been referred to as Rankine vortices. Such beams no longer possess zero intensity at their centre, exhibiting a contrast that decreases as their spatial coherence is reduced. In this work, we study the contrast of a vortex beam as a function of its spatial coherence and topological charge. We show that beams carrying higher values of topological charge display a radial intensity contrast that is more resilient to a reduction in spatial coherence of the source

    Time-resolved fluorescence observation of di-tyrosine formation in horseradish peroxidase upon ultrasound treatment leading to enzyme inactivation

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    The application of ultrasound to a solution can induce cavitional phenomena and generate high localised temperatures and pressures. These are dependent of the frequency used and have enabled ultrasound application in areas such as synthetic, green and food chemistry. High frequency (100 kHz to 1 MHz) in particular is promising in food chemistry as a means to inactivate enzymes, replacing the need to use periods of high temperature. A plant enzyme, horseradish peroxidase, was studied using time-resolved fluorescence techniques as a means to assess the effect of high frequency (378 kHz and 583 kHz) ultrasound treatment at equivalent acoustic powers. This uncovered the fluorescence emission from a newly formed species, attributed to the formation of di-tyrosine within the horseradish peroxidase structure caused by auto-oxidation, and linked to enzyme inactivation

    Mechanotransduction and nuclear function

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    Many signaling pathways converge on the nucleus to regulate critical nuclear events such as transcription, DNA replication and cell cycle progression. While the vast majority of research in this area has focused on signals generated in response to hormones or other soluble factors, the nucleus also responds to mechanical forces. During the past decade or so, much has been learned about how mechanical force can affect transcription, as well as the growth and differentiation of cells. Much has also been learned about how force is transmitted via the cytoskeleton to the nucleus and then across the nuclear envelope to the nuclear lamina and chromatin. In this brief review, we focus on some of the key proteins that transmit mechanical signals across the nuclear envelope

    New Perspective on Passively Quenched Single Photon Avalanche Diodes: Effect of Feedback on Impact Ionization

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    Single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) are primary devices in photon counting systems used in quantum cryptography, time resolved spectroscopy and photon counting optical communication. SPADs convert each photo-generated electron hole pair to a measurable current via an avalanche of impact ionizations. In this paper, a stochastically self-regulating avalanche model for passively quenched SPADs is presented. The model predicts, in qualitative agreement with experiments, three important phenomena that traditional models are unable to predict. These are: (1) an oscillatory behavior of the persistent avalanche current; (2) an exponential (memoryless) decay of the probability density function of the stochastic quenching time of the persistent avalanche current; and (3) a fast collapse of the avalanche current, under strong feedback conditions, preventing the development of a persistent avalanche current. The model specifically captures the effect of the load’s feedback on the stochastic avalanche multiplication, an effect believed to be key in breaking today’s counting rate barrier in the 1.55–μm detection window

    A zinc transporter gene required for development of the nervous system.

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    The essentiality of zinc for normal brain development is well established. It has been suggested that primary and secondary zinc deficiencies can contribute to the occurrence of numerous human birth defects, including many involving the central nervous system. In a recent study, we searched for zinc transporter genes that were critical for neurodevelopment. We confirmed that ZIP12 is a zinc transporter encoded by the gene slc39a12 that is highly expressed in the central nervous systems of human, mouse, and frog (Xenopus tropicalis).Using loss-of-function methods, we determined that ZIP12 is required for neuronal differentiation and neurite outgrowth and necessary for neurulation and embryonic viability. These results highlight an essential need for zinc regulation during embryogenesis and nervous system development. We suggest that slc39a12 is a candidate gene for inherited neurodevelopmental defects in humans
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