913 research outputs found

    Ein Beitrag zur effizienten und frühzeitigen Prognose des Einflusses von Subsystemen des Antriebs und des Fahrwerks auf das Außengeräusch von Fahrzeugen

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    Durch die Urbanisierung und die stetig steigende Anzahl der Fahrzeuge auf den Straßen weltweit wird der Verkehrslärm zu einem immer größeren Problem für die moderne Gesellschaft. Er ist dabei nicht nur eine Belästigung, sondern in dauerhafter Form eine Belastung der Einwohner. So kann Verkehrslärm zu einer physischen Beeinträchtigung führen und stellt damit ein Gesundheitsrisiko dar (Kloepfer et al., 2006). Aus diesem Grund sind Gesetzgeber bestrebt den Verkehrslärm durch Vorgaben von immer strenger werdenden Grenzwerten zu reduzieren (Verordnung (EU) Nr. 540/2014, 2014). Diese Grenzwerte stellen die Fahrzeugentwickler vor immer neue Herausforderungen. Daher nimmt der Bedarf an neuen Methoden, welche eine effiziente Erfassung und Optimierung der akustischen Eigenschaften der Subsysteme des Fahrzeugs sowie deren Einfluss auf das Gesamtsystem ermöglichen, stetig zu. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden daher Methoden für eine effiziente akustische Quantifizierung von Subsystemen unabhängig von den Umgebungsbedingungen, sowie eine Übertragbarkeit auf Gesamtsystemebene entwickelt. Hierfür wird in einem ersten Schritt eine Methode unter Anwendung von generischen Schallquellen mit einfach zu definierendem Anregungssignal entwickelt und anhand genormter Verfahren verifiziert. In einem nächsten Schritt wird diese auf Komponenten- sowie Gesamtfahrzeugprüfständen angewendet und weiterentwickelt. Dabei gilt es vor allem die hohe Komplexität der möglichen Betriebszustände auf die relevanten Anwendungsfälle zu reduzieren. Darauf folgend wird die Vorhersage des Außengeräuschs von Fahrzeugen auf Basis der entwickelten Methode untersucht. Grundlage hierfür stellt die experimentelle Transferpfadanalyse dar. Weiterhin werden Möglichkeiten für eine Simulation des außenakustischen Übertragungsverhaltens von Fahrzeugen erforscht, welche im Idealfall einen Verzicht auf physische Gesamtfahrzeug-Prototypen im Fahrzeugentwicklungsprozess ermöglichen sollen. Abschließend werden die Methoden im Kontext der PGE – Produktgenerationsentwicklung dargestellt

    The Death of French Socialism: Abd al Malik’s 'Occupy Wall Street' Poetical Rap

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    TAbd al Malik is an important public figure in contemporary France whose multifaceted art as a rapper, poet, novelist and filmmaker keeps urging the French nation to be more cohesive in the face of current challenges such as integration and terrorism. This article takes stock of the unequal distribution of wealth between different socio-geographical groups as a fundamental cause of postcolonial discontent and examines the polymorphic treatment of money as a topic in Abd al Malik’s poetry, rap lyrics, as well as in connection with other genres such as autobiography and film. In a particular sociopolitical climate marked by an association between crime and immigration in Front National rhetoric, I analyse how Abd al Malik strives to de-essentialise the immigrant through a complete exposure of his own personal life, recounting in full detail his religious journey from superficial Christianity to radical Islam to Sufism—and his concomitantly evolving relationships with money. Additionally, this article aims at scrutinising the interesting paradox that, on the one hand, Abd al Malik’s writings draw upon anti-capitalist thinkers and movements such as Alain Badiou and les indignés/OccupyWall Street, while on the other hand, he advocates in favour of adapting into the French context a form of philanthropy usually akin to a North American, capitalist model of society. I show how at the heart of this paradox lies the centrality of religion added to a firm belief in reconceptualised French values, which has led Abd al Malik to actively promote a form of spiritualité laïque [secular spirituality] à la française


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    What are the available means of attention in a given situation? This dissertation offers a hermeneutic for everyday life that capacitates people to answer this question. The field of communication has long recognized how new technologies challenge our assumptions about how attention operates and how they urge us to reformulate the language we use to think about attention. Rather than provide one attention vocabulary suited to one media environment, this project takes a generative approach that aims to continually refresh our notions about attention at the rate of technological change. To this end, I propose a way of talking about attention as a situational process that must be described pluralistically through a rotation of vocabularies. I offer the “attention situation” as a guiding framework for how interdisciplinary discourses can coherently converge upon any given situation. Then, I illustrate the attention situation framework through a distinctly rhetorical approach to theorizing attention. Paralleling the idea that rhetoric is an architectonic art, attention too is the architecting of material, symbolic, and intentional processes. I illustrate this through many examples from paradigmatic thinkers in media and rhetorical theory. The works of Marshall McLuhan and Kenneth Burke help exemplify how the attention situation can be used to highlight the communication-sourced aspects of attention. From these attention concepts, I formulate “dramatic ecology” as a paradigm of ways that attention is formed within larger socio-technological dialectics, which provides a finer language to assess communicative situations than that of science’s mechanistic behaviorisms. The attention situation, dramatic ecology, and the material-symbolic-intentional dimensions of attention together demonstrate how attention’s cross-disciplinary discourses can be adapted into situational praxis. This rhetorical approach to attention offers a generative toolkit for continually re-theorizing attention through the changes ahead in technology, society, and culture

    Why Europe and the West? Why Not China

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    The use of nearest neighbors and spatial models (SPAT) to analyze field trial data has become commonplace in recent years. These two types of analyses improve precision compared to ANOVA when trials are poorly blocked, but results are less clear in well-blocked trials. We examined data from wheat trials containing 60 cultivars, conducted at five locations, where each location was set up as an alpha lattice design. We compared the relative efficiency of detecting cultivar differences for spatial models and nearest neighbors analyses (NNA) to ANOVA, fit of the models, and correlations of ranked cultivars. Though the SPAT and NNA generally outperformed the ANOVA, the selection of desirable cultivars remained relatively unchanged when using a well-blocked design analyzed with an ANOVA

    Fourth International Bagpipe Conference

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    The International Bagpipe Organisation organised the Fourth International Bagpipe Conference to mark International Bagpipe Day 2018 (10 March), a celebration of the world’s diverse bagpipes and bagpiping traditions. Following the success of previous conferences, the upcoming event spread over three days, starting on Friday evening with an opening concert and ending on Sunday afternoon. The conference was held in Palma, Mallorca, where there is a rich and unbroken piping tradition. The conferences are a productive and welcoming platform for all people interested in the study of bagpipes: musicologists, ethnomusicologists, music experts, instrument makers, musicians, composers, dancers and music lovers. This event is an exciting interdisciplinary opportunity to discuss various questions relating to the study of bagpipes both today and historically. All three days are open to the general public and bagpipe enthusiasts are encouraged to attend. As the conference will be held in Catalan speaking territory, papers were welcomed in English, Spanish and Catalan. Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish and Spanish to English was provide

    Lower Rio Grande Water Quality Monitoring Feasibility Assessment

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    Report on the feasibility of a water quality monitoring program on the lower Rio Grande River

    Tackling challenges of global health electives: Resident experiences of a structured and supervised medicine elective within an existing global health partnership

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    Background: The Toronto-Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration in Emergency Medicine (TAAAC-EM) deploys teaching teams of Canadian EM faculty to Addis Ababa to deliver a longitudinal residency curriculum. Canadian trainees participate in these teams as a formally structured and supervised elective in global health (GH) and EM, which has been designed to enhance the strength of GH electives and address key challenges highlighted in the literature.Methods: The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify, describe, and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of this elective in relation to its purposeful structure. Residents who completed the elective were invited to participate in face-to-face interviews to discuss their experiences.Results: The findings show that the residents both chose this elective because of its purposefully designed features, and that these same features increased their enjoyment and the educational benefit of the elective. Supervised bedside teaching, relationships shared with Ethiopian residents, and the positive impact the experience had on their clinical practice in Canada were identified as the primary strengthsConclusion: Purposeful and thoughtful design of global health electives can enhance the resident learning experience and mitigate challenges for trainees seeking global health training opportunities
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