862 research outputs found

    Footsteps in the Spanish provincial income convergence: Have there been changes on the foreign-born internal migration impact?

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    Treball Final de Grau en Economia. Codi: EC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020The aim of this work is to analyze the effects of foreign-born internal migration in the process of economic provincial convergence. For that purpose, we employ panel data for income per capita and migration flows from the Spanish provinces (NUTS-3) for 2002 to 2017. This allows us to consider the period before and after the recent Spanish economic recession. Data used is available in the INE and comes from the Spanish Regional Account (SRA), the Statistics of Residential Variation (SRV) and the Economically Active Population Survey (EAPS). Results show that the internal migratory flows of the foreign-born population weakly encouraged provincial convergence for the whole period analyzed. During the years before the economic recession (2002-2008), there is a clear β-convergence and the income distribution across provinces changes according this results. The estimates for the period after the financial crisis started (i.e. 2009-2017) reveal a rise on β-convergence, but the income distribution across provinces holds stable. Results seems to indicate that the weak contribution of the foreign-born internal over the Spanish provincial income convergence becomes weaker after the economic crisis started

    Marginalitats i hegemonies. La Unió General de Treballadors de Catalunya, 1922-1939

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    La Federació local de Sabadell durant la Guerra Civil

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    Creació d'aplicacions de Realitat Augmentada en l'àmbit tecnològic, un recurs interdisciplinari.

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    Aquest projecte es basa en l'elaboració i utilització d'aplicacions de realitat augmentada de manera transversal en els diferents nivells de l'educació secundària, també implicaria diferents àmbits però principalment orientat al tecnològic. L'objectiu és treure-li el major rendiment a les TIC i reduir la taxa d'alumnes de baix rendiment. Una proposta en què els alumnes dels primers cursos dissenyin objectes 3d amb un programa senzill, els de 3r i 4t confeccionin l'aplicació, per poder visualitzar-los en 3d i R.A. Tots els programes plantejats per a aquest projecte són lliures. Aquesta aplicació també l'aprofitarien en l'àmbit artístic, per visualitzar millor una figura i dibuixar-la en diferents vistes, o en el científic per a la visualització de diversos elements. En l'aspecte psico-pedagògic propicia el constructivisme, fent que l'alumne construeixi els seus propis objectes, li ajuda a visualitzar formes abstractes i també aquesta dinàmica pot ser útil per motivar l'alumnat així com per experimentar amb les noves tecnologies i no només actuar com a usuaris

    Nous enfocaments en salut mental

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    Analysing PolSAR data from vegetation by using the subaperture decomposition approach

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    A common assumption in radar remote sensing studies for vegetation is that radar returns originate from a target made up by a set of uniformly distributed isotropic scatterers. Nonetheless, several studies in the literature have noted that orientation effects and heterogeneities have a noticeable impact in backscattering signatures according to the specific vegetation type and sensor frequency. In this paper we have employed the subaperture decomposition technique (i.e. a time-frequency analysis) and the 3-D Barakat degree of polarisation to assess the variation of the volume backscatterig power as a function of the azimuth look angle. Three different datasets, i.e. multi-frequency indoor acquisitions over short vegetation samples, and P-band airborne data and L-band satellite data over boreal and tropical forest, respectively, have been employed in this study. We have argued that despite depolarising effects may be only sensed through a small portion of the synthetic aperture, they can lead to overestimated retrievals of the volume scattering for the full resolution image. This has direct implications in the existing model-based and model-free polarimetric SAR decompositions