930 research outputs found

    Organizational Change for Sustainability: Implications for the Community College

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    We discuss the theoretical basis for organizational sustainability as well as an introduction to how community colleges might incorporate sustainability into planning and organizational renewal. We then describe drivers of change organized into three categories: dynamic natural environment, globalization, and multinational agreements. Implications for community college policy and practice are discussed. The second half of the paper presents a phase model of organizational change for sustainability

    State of Alaska Election Security Project Phase 2 Report

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    A laska’s election system is among the most secure in the country, and it has a number of safeguards other states are now adopting. But the technology Alaska uses to record and count votes could be improved— and the state’s huge size, limited road system, and scattered communities also create special challenges for insuring the integrity of the vote. In this second phase of an ongoing study of Alaska’s election security, we recommend ways of strengthening the system—not only the technology but also the election procedures. The lieutenant governor and the Division of Elections asked the University of Alaska Anchorage to do this evaluation, which began in September 2007.Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell. State of Alaska Division of Elections.List of Appendices / Glossary / Study Team / Acknowledgments / Introduction / Summary of Recommendations / Part 1 Defense in Depth / Part 2 Fortification of Systems / Part 3 Confidence in Outcomes / Conclusions / Proposed Statement of Work for Phase 3: Implementation / Reference

    How Do Welcome Statements Differ from Mission Statements?: The Salience of Genre

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    In this analysis, we sought to identify key linguistic properties of mission statements and to explain how these properties function toward managerial purposes. Data included a target corpus of 920 community college mission statements (47,943 words), a domain-specific corpus of 632 “welcome statements” published on websites by community college presidents (173,534 words), and a general reference corpus extracted from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (16.53 million words) (Davies, 2017). We used specialized corpus linguistics software to generate standardized word frequencies and to tag each corpus for parts of speech. We then identified the words and parts of speech that were statistically underrepresented and overrepresented in mission statements compared to each reference corpus. We then interpreted the findings using Fairclough’s (2003) framework for analysis of genre

    Joint replacement registries in the United States: a new paradigm

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    Defining an International Standard Set of Outcome Measures for Patients With Hip or Knee Osteoarthritis: Consensus of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Working Group

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    OBJECTIVE: To define a minimum Standard Set of outcome measures and case-mix factors for monitoring, comparing, and improving health care for patients with clinically diagnosed hip or knee osteoarthritis (OA), with a focus on defining the outcomes that matter most to patients. METHODS: An international working group of patients, arthroplasty register experts, orthopedic surgeons, primary care physicians, rheumatologists, and physiotherapists representing 10 countries was assembled to review existing literature and practices for assessing outcomes of pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic OA therapies, including surgery. A series of 8 teleconferences, incorporating a modified Delphi process, were held to reach consensus. RESULTS: The working group reached consensus on a concise set of outcome measures to evaluate patients\u27 joint pain, physical functioning, health-related quality of life, work status, mortality, reoperations, readmissions, and overall satisfaction with treatment result. To support analysis of these outcome measures, pertinent baseline characteristics and risk factor metrics were defined. Annual outcome measurement is recommended for all patients. CONCLUSION: We have defined a Standard Set of outcome measures for monitoring the care of people with clinically diagnosed hip or knee OA that is appropriate for use across all treatment and care settings. We believe this Standard Set provides meaningful, comparable, and easy to interpret measures ready to implement in clinics and/or registries globally. We view this set as an initial step that, when combined with cost data, will facilitate value-based health care improvements in the treatment of hip and knee OA

    Effective Pain Information Pre-operatively is Associated with Improved Functional Gain after Total Joint Replacement

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    Objective: We evaluated receipt of pre-operative pain management education in a national prospective cohort on post-operative pain and function. Methods: Preoperative, 2 week and 6 month postoperative data from a nationally representative cohort of 1404 primary unilateral TJR patients with a date of surgery between May 2011 and December 2014. Data included demographics, comorbid conditions, operative joint pain severity (HOOS/KOOS), musculoskeletal disease burden, physical function (SF36 PCS), and mental health (SF36 MCS). At 2 weeks post-op, patients were asked if they had received information prior to surgery about pain management options and if so, how helpful the information was. Additionally, patients were asked about use of non-medication methods to relieve operative joint pain. Descriptive statistics were performed. Results: One third reported not receiving information about pain management; an additional 11% did not find it helpful. There were no differences pre-operatively in demographics, comorbid conditions, operative joint pain severity, musculoskeletal disease burden, SF36 PCS and MCS between those who received information and those who did not. Patients who received information about pain management options were more likely to use non-medication methods to relieve operative joint pain (p\u3c 0.000). They reported less current pain (p = 0.02) and maximum pain (p = 0.03) in their operative joint at 2 weeks post-op. At 6 months post-op, patients who reported not receiving information about pain management had statistically lower physical function scores that those receiving information (p = 0.04). There was no difference in HOOS/KOOS pain scores 6 months post-op. Conclusion: More than 40% of TJR patients in this study reported that they did not receive or received unhelpful information regarding post-op pain management options, highlighting a need for more consistent patient education. In this study, the lack of pain management information appears to negatively impact 6 month post-operative function

    The Varus Knee Reveals Differential Expression Patterns of miRNAs in Spared vs. Non-spared Compartments

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    Introduction MicroRNAs (miRNAs) function by repressing cellular protein levels to provide a sophisticated level of gene regulation that coordinates a broad spectrum of biological processes. MiRNA inhibition of mRNA translation has emerged as an important regulator of chondrogenic and osteogenic development, osteoblast, osteoclast and chondrocyte cell growth and differentiation, and tissue homeostasis in the adult skeleton. MiRNAs control many layers of regulation in adult tissues connected to both normal biological and pathologic cellular activities. The study of miRNAs in skeletal disorders is in its infancy. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease that progresses from degeneration of the articular cartilage to remodeling of the underlying subchondral bone over many years. While miRNAs have been identified with the inflammatory pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), only a few studies have been performed on OA tissue (1,2) . Here we performed a systematic analysis of the articular cartilage from varus OA knee replacements, comparing multiple tissue samples from the lateral (spared) and medial (diseased) compartments. Before proceeding to a miRNA profiling, each sample was analyzed for expression of a small set of miRNAs that have been reported in association with RA, OA and cartilage formation. These preliminary findings have identified a spectrum of changes in surface cartilage between control and diseased tissue. Methods Human tissues: 6 individual articular cartilage samples were harvested from a total of 5 osteoarthritic varus human knees. Cartilage samples were exempt from IRB review as they are discarded materials. Samples were removed with a biopsy punch and were approximately 6 x 2mm (diameter x thickness). Cartilage specimens were harvested from the more normal-appearing lateral (‘spared’) compartments and from the more OA-affected, medial compartments of the knees. This sampling technique allows direct comparison of more significantly OA-affected cartilage samples with those of lower OA grade from the same set of individuals. Knee ages ranged from 53-74 years old and averaged 65 years old. RNA and miRNA Isolation: Each osteochondral specimen was placed in RNA Later (Sigma) immediately following surgical removal, in order to preserve the integrity of the total RNA. Specimens were transported to the lab where individual samples were removed carefully with RNase-treated tools and were transferred intofresh RNA Later solution and incubated overnight at 4C to allow penetration and maximal inhibition of RNase activity. Samples were then removed from RNA Later, blotted briefly and frozen in liquid N2, and then pulverized using a Bessman tissue pulverizer (Fisher). The pulverized samples were immediately placed into Trizol (InVitrogen) and homogenized using a polytron device. Total RNA was isolated to include small RNAs of \u3e17 nucleotides, according to the manufacturer’s protocol (InVitrogen). Purified RNA was obtained using precipitated total RNAs filtered through glass columns according to the manufacturer’s protocol (Zymo Research). RNAs were reverse-transcribed into DNA using 900ng of each purified RNA sample using the TaqMan microRNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Applied Biosystems). TaqMan qPCR analysis for small RNAs was performed using the following human primer-probe sets from Applied Biosystems: hsa-miRs-: 9, 22, 27a, 29a and 34a. Human U6 was used to normalize all qPCR data and data was plotted as normalized relative values. Normalized relative values were averaged for each of the complement of medial vs. lateral samples. Results MiRs were found to be either up- or down-regulated in a manner that suggests a mechanism of de-repression of pro-inflammatory cytokine signaling and repression of pro-inflammatory events in medial vs. lateral varus knee OA cartilage samples, respectively. MiRs 9, 27a, and 29a were found to up-regulated in lateral varus knee cartilage samples vs. medial varus knee cartilage samples (Fig.1. A,C,E,F). Conversely, miRs 22 and 34a were found to upregulated in medial vs. lateral cartilage samples (Fig1, B, D). Discussion The functional characterization of global gene expression patterns through miRNAs in OA is lacking. Particularly, the roles of miRs in OA disease development, as biomarkers, and in disease outcomes are at question. A few large-scale microarray approaches have previously identified expression signatures of potential OA-involved miRNAs (2). By comparing cartilage samples that derive from more advanced (medial) vs. less advanced (lateral) OA stages in varus human knees, we seek to combine miRNA expression analysis with clinicopathologic features. MiRs -9, -22 and -34a are known to be involved in regulating pro-inflammatory events in OA. Higher levels of miRs, -9, -27a & -140 in less-affected lateral compartment cartilage are consistent with previous reports of reduced TNFa, MMP-13 & ADAMTS-5 expression events, respectively (Fig.1, F, E & A) (3,4,5). MiRs -22 and -34a have been shown to be associated with promoting tissue catabolism by their presence and are here shown to be increased in more affected medial compartment cartilage (Fig.1, B, D) (4). In addition, miR-34a deficiency has been previously shown to inhibit chondrocyte apoptosis, consistent with the lower expression level found in lateral cartilage (Fig.1, D) (6). MiR-29a was found in a previous microarray analysis to be the highest-fold down-regulated miRNA in OA vs. normal cartilage, consistent with our finding of under-expression in medial cartilage samples (Fig.1, C) (1). The goal of these studies is to begin to understand how miRNAs can both contribute to and protect against OA. Here we show that the comparison of cartilage-derived miRNAs in medial and lateral compartment pairs from the same knee may facilitate validation of candidate OA miRNAs. Significance The aims of this project are to provide an internally-controlled platform of study for the miRNAs of OA using the natural disease differences inherent in spared vs. non-spared cartilage compartments from a varus OA knee. Such efforts may provide an alternative methodology when compared to the significant barrier of obtaining age-matched, non-OA control knee cartilage. References 1.) Iliopoulus D. PLoS One. 2008;3(11):e3740. Epub 2008 Nov 17. 2.) Goldring MB. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2011 Jul 22. [Epub]. 3.) Yu C. J Int Med Res. 2011;39(1):1-9. 4.) Alcaraz MJ. Biochem Pharmacol. 2010 Jul 1;80(1):13-21. 5.) Miyaki S. Genes Dev. 2010 Jun 1;24(11):1173-85. 6.) Abouheif MM. Rheumatology. 2010 Nov;49(11):2054-60

    A review of the species status of the Angayukaksurak charr (Salvelinus anaktuvukensis) of northern Alaska: perspectives from molecular and morphological data

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2010"The Arctic, known for its dynamic past, is a significant place to examine drivers of and spatial variation in diversity of life history strategies in fishes. Diversity in heritable life history traits can lead to speciation, as may be the case for the putative Angayukaksurak chair (Salvelinus anaktuvukensis). The goal of this study was to determine the species status of this fish, the only described freshwater species endemic to Alaska. I examined and compared the morphology and genetics of Angayukaksurak charr and its most closely related species, the Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma). Meristic characters divided the specimens into three forms by major river drainage. Morphological analysis divided the specimens into two forms along nominal species lines based on differences that could also be attributed to differences between life history forms. Sequences from a 550 bp section of mitochondrial d-loop failed to segregate the putative Angayukaksurak charr into a separate lineage, rather placing specimens into two previously resolved lineages of holarctic Arctic chair. In addition, analysis of microsatellite loci showed no clear differentiation between species. Based on these results, I concluded that the Angayukaksurak charr is not a separate species, but rather a resident life history form of the Dolly Varden"--Leaf iiiU.S. National Park Service Arctic Network, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at the University of Alaska Fairbank